diff --git a/currentVersion.md b/currentVersion.md index ef60d1a..6ea379e 100644 --- a/currentVersion.md +++ b/currentVersion.md @@ -1,14 +1,22 @@ ✨ Features -- 现在浏览器访问36677端口会显示API文档(支持`/`和`/upload`路径) -- 现在`heartbeat`接口支持`GET`请求 +- 图床功能优化 + - 优化了github等图床路径设置为`/`时的处理 + - 现在会自动对上传路径开始和结尾的`/`进行处理,大部分图床不再强制要求路径以`/`结尾 + - 优化了对自定义网站的处理,现在会自动去除最后多余的`/` +- 上传服务器 + - 现在来自本机的上传请求不再进行鉴权 + - 现在浏览器访问36677端口会显示API文档(支持`/`和`/upload`路径) + - 现在`heartbeat`接口支持`GET`请求 - 新增内置web服务支持,默认在37777端口开启一个简易web服务器,类似`EasyWebSvr` - 现在不再对`svg`图片进行水印处理 - 现在内置高级重命名中`{md5}`使用文件内容而非文件名字符串计算 +- 现在相册URL修改功能的正则匹配增加了`u`修饰符 - 现在设置界面的弹出窗口支持拖拽调整位置 - 现在图片处理过程会记录错误日志 🐛 Bug Fixes +- 修复了设置了服务器鉴权密钥后,Typora上传失败的问题 - 修复了未设置水印文字时,图片水印功能无法生效的bug - 修复了server端口被占用时,端口探测功能没有正常发挥作用的问题 diff --git a/currentVersion_en.md b/currentVersion_en.md index 0e892b4..0f2b858 100644 --- a/currentVersion_en.md +++ b/currentVersion_en.md @@ -1,14 +1,22 @@ ✨ Features -- Now the browser will display the API document when accessing port 36677 (support `/` and `/upload` paths) -- Now the `heartbeat` interface supports `GET` requests +- Picture bed function optimization + - Optimized the processing of the path set to `/` for github and other picture beds + - Now it will automatically process the `/` at the beginning and end of the upload path, and most picture beds no longer require the path to end with `/` + - Optimized the processing of custom websites, now it will automatically remove the extra `/` at the end +- Upload server + - Now the upload requests from the local machine no longer require authentication + - Now browsing port 36677 will display the API document (support `/` and `/upload` paths) + - Now the `heartbeat` interface supports `GET` requests - Added built-in web service support, a simple web server is opened by default on port 37777, similar to `EasyWebSvr` - Now no longer watermark `svg` images -- Now in the advanced renaming, `{md5}` uses the file content instead of the file name string calculation -- Now the pop-up window of the setting interface supports dragging to adjust the position +- Now the `{md5}` in the advanced rename uses the file content instead of the file name string for calculation +- The regular expression matching of the album URL modification function now adds the `u` modifier +- Now the pop-up window in the settings interface supports dragging to adjust the position - Now the image processing process will record error logs 🐛 Bug Fixes -- Fixed the bug that the image watermark function cannot take effect when the watermark text is not set -- Fixed the problem that the port detection function did not work properly when the server port was occupied +- Fix the problem of Typora upload failure after setting the server authentication key +- Fixed the bug that the image watermark function does not take effect when the watermark text is not set +- Fixed the problem that the port detection function does not work properly when the server port is occupied diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 115c74e..6fe7734 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "multer": "^1.4.5-lts.1", "node-ssh-no-cpu-features": "^1.0.1", "nodejs-file-downloader": "^4.12.1", - "piclist": "^1.8.2", + "piclist": "^1.8.3", "pinia": "^2.1.7", "pinia-plugin-persistedstate": "^3.2.0", "proxy-agent": "^5.0.0", diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 9927545..40af689 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -12397,10 +12397,10 @@ performance-now@^2.1.0: resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/performance-now/-/performance-now-2.1.0.tgz#6309f4e0e5fa913ec1c69307ae364b4b377c9e7b" integrity sha512-7EAHlyLHI56VEIdK57uwHdHKIaAGbnXPiw0yWbarQZOKaKpvUIgW0jWRVLiatnM+XXlSwsanIBH/hzGMJulMow== -piclist@^1.8.2: - version "1.8.2" - resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/piclist/-/piclist-1.8.2.tgz#d63dfc45d83c9801a905227a1729a84016b18ea8" - integrity sha512-GwhzM1+t01o6BP2VOmwZlOg5oylsPHQ7V+eezVvmll0I7dAtq9xvoalpQ+pFvvnkDmZALjEyPsElR+JLbV5Rwg== +piclist@^1.8.3: + version "1.8.3" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/piclist/-/piclist-1.8.3.tgz#611cab63cdd65f3549a7c11cdfe809357f81b474" + integrity sha512-Gi7J/trUrGDy6ARL8N76eToFWvOxWRLPUl7c6Bf4xJBVGVt6nG7TMIjPh9qzlpT2y2Z9qTmjQ+UOQBsSN5qONg== dependencies: "@aws-sdk/client-s3" "3.421.0" "@aws-sdk/lib-storage" "3.421.0"