import { app } from 'electron' import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import axios from 'axios' import db from '~/main/apis/core/datastore' import { HttpsProxyAgent } from 'hpagent' import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest' import logger from 'apis/core/picgo/logger' interface SyncConfig { type: string file?: string username: string repo: string branch: string token: string proxy?: string, interval?: number } const STORE_PATH = app.getPath('userData') const configFileNames = [ 'data.json', 'data.bak.json', 'manage.json', 'manage.bak.json' ] function getOctokit (syncConfig: SyncConfig) { const { token, proxy } = syncConfig return new Octokit({ auth: token, request: { agent: proxy ? new HttpsProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 1000, rejectUnauthorized: false, proxy: proxy.replace('', 'localhost'), scheduling: 'lifo' }) : undefined } }) } function getSyncConfig () { return db.get('settings.sync') || { type: 'github', username: '', repo: '', branch: '', token: '', proxy: '' } } function syncConfigValidator (syncConfig: SyncConfig) { const { type, username, repo, branch, token } = syncConfig return type && username && repo && branch && token } async function uploadLocalToRemote (syncConfig: SyncConfig, fileName: string) { const localFilePath = path.join(STORE_PATH, fileName) if (!fs.existsSync(localFilePath)) { return false } const { username, repo, branch, token, type } = syncConfig if (type === 'gitee') { try { const url = `${username}/${repo}/contents/${fileName}` const res = await, { access_token: token, branch, content: fs.readFileSync(localFilePath, { encoding: 'base64' }), message: `upload ${fileName} from PicList` }) return res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300 } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error) return false } } else { const octokit = getOctokit(syncConfig) try { const res = await{ owner: username, repo, path: fileName, message: `upload ${fileName} from PicList`, content: fs.readFileSync(localFilePath, { encoding: 'base64' }), branch }) return res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300 } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error) return false } } } async function updateLocalToRemote (syncConfig: SyncConfig, fileName: string) { const localFilePath = path.join(STORE_PATH, fileName) if (!fs.existsSync(localFilePath)) { return false } const { username, repo, branch, token, type } = syncConfig if (type === 'gitee') { const url = `${username}/${repo}/contents/${fileName}` const shaRes = await axios.get(url, { params: { access_token: token, ref: branch } }) if (shaRes.status < 200 || shaRes.status > 300) { return false } const sha = const res = await axios.put(url, { owner: username, repo, path: fileName, message: `update ${fileName} from PicList`, content: fs.readFileSync(localFilePath, { encoding: 'base64' }), branch, sha, access_token: token }) if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) { return true } return false } else { const octokit = getOctokit(syncConfig) const shaRes = await{ owner: username, repo, path: fileName, ref: branch }) if (shaRes.status !== 200) { throw new Error('get sha failed') } const data = as any const sha = data.sha const res = await{ owner: username, repo, path: fileName, message: `update ${fileName} from PicList`, content: fs.readFileSync(localFilePath, { encoding: 'base64' }), branch, sha }) return res.status === 200 } } async function downloadRemoteToLocal (syncConfig: SyncConfig, fileName: string) { const localFilePath = path.join(STORE_PATH, fileName) const { username, repo, branch, token, proxy, type } = syncConfig if (type === 'gitee') { const url = `${username}/${repo}/contents/${fileName}` const res = await axios.get(url, { params: { access_token: token, ref: branch } }) if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) { const content = await fs.writeFile(localFilePath, Buffer.from(content, 'base64')) return true } return false } else { const octokit = getOctokit(syncConfig) try { const res = await{ owner: username, repo, path: fileName, ref: branch }) if (res.status === 200) { const data = as any const downloadUrl = data.download_url const downloadRes = await axios.get(downloadUrl, { httpsAgent: proxy ? new HttpsProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 1000, rejectUnauthorized: false, proxy: proxy.replace('', 'localhost'), scheduling: 'lifo' }) : undefined }) if (downloadRes.status >= 200 && downloadRes.status < 300) { await fs.writeFile(localFilePath, JSON.stringify(, null, 2)) return true } } return false } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error) return false } } } async function uploadFile (fileName: string, all = false) { const syncConfig = getSyncConfig() if (!syncConfigValidator(syncConfig)) { logger.error('sync config is invalid') return 0 } let successCount = 0 if (all) { for (const file of configFileNames) { const result = await uploadFunc(syncConfig, file) if (result) { successCount++ } }`upload all files at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`) return successCount } else { const ressult = await uploadFunc(syncConfig, fileName) return ressult ? 1 : 0 } } async function uploadFunc (syncConfig: SyncConfig, fileName: string) { let result = false try { result = await updateLocalToRemote(syncConfig, fileName) } catch (error: any) { result = await uploadLocalToRemote(syncConfig, fileName) } if (!result) { logger.error(`upload ${fileName} failed`) return false } else {`upload ${fileName} success`) return true } } async function downloadFile (fileName: string, all = false) { const syncConfig = getSyncConfig() if (!syncConfigValidator(syncConfig)) { logger.error('sync config is invalid') return 0 } if (all) { let successCount = 0 for (const file of configFileNames) { const result = await downloadFunc(syncConfig, file) if (result) { successCount++ } }`download all files at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`) return successCount } else { const result = await downloadFunc(syncConfig, fileName) return result ? 1 : 0 } } async function downloadFunc (syncConfig: SyncConfig, fileName: string) { const result = await downloadRemoteToLocal(syncConfig, fileName) if (!result) { logger.error(`download ${fileName} failed`) return false } else {`download ${fileName} success`) return true } } export { uploadFile, downloadFile }