-- From https://github.com/mushanshitiancai/vscode-paste-image
property fileTypes : {{«class PNGf», ".png"}}

on run argv
	if argv is {} then
		return ""
	end if
	if ((clipboard info) as string) contains "«class furl»" then
		return POSIX path of (the clipboard as «class furl»)
		set imagePath to (item 1 of argv)
		set theType to getType()
		if theType is not missing value then
				set myFile to (open for access imagePath with write permission)
				set eof myFile to 0
				write (the clipboard as (first item of theType)) to myFile
				close access myFile
				return (POSIX path of imagePath)
			on error
					close access myFile
				end try
				return ""
			end try
			return "no image"
		end if
	end if
end run

on getType()
	repeat with aType in fileTypes
		repeat with theInfo in (clipboard info)
			if (first item of theInfo) is equal to (first item of aType) then return aType
		end repeat
	end repeat
	return missing value
end getType