import http from 'http' import routers from './routerManager' import { handleResponse, ensureHTTPLink } from './utils' import picgo from '@core/picgo' import logger from '@core/picgo/logger' import axios from 'axios' import multer from 'multer' import { app } from 'electron' import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs-extra' const appPath = app.getPath('userData') const serverTempDir = path.join(appPath, 'serverTemp') fs.ensureDirSync(serverTempDir) const multerStorage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (_req: any, _file: any, cb: (arg0: null, arg1: any) => void) { fs.ensureDirSync(serverTempDir) cb(null, serverTempDir) }, filename: function (_req: any, file: { originalname: any }, cb: (arg0: null, arg1: any) => void) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex if (!/[^\u0000-\u00ff]/.test(file.originalname)) { file.originalname = Buffer.from(file.originalname, 'latin1').toString( 'utf8' ) } cb(null, file.originalname) } }) const uploadMulter = multer({ storage: multerStorage }) class Server { private httpServer: http.Server private config: IServerConfig constructor () { let config = picgo.getConfig('settings.server') const result = this.checkIfConfigIsValid(config) if (result) { this.config = config if ( === '') { = '' } } else { config = { port: 36677, host: '', enable: true } this.config = config picgo.saveConfig({ 'settings.server': config }) } this.httpServer = http.createServer(this.handleRequest) } private checkIfConfigIsValid (config: IObj | undefined) { return config && config.port && && (config.enable !== undefined) } private handleRequest = (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => { if (request.method === 'OPTIONS') { handleResponse({ response }) return } if (request.method === 'POST') { const [url, query] = request.url!.split('?') if (!routers.getHandler(url!)) { logger.warn(`[PicList Server] don't support [${url}] url`) handleResponse({ response, statusCode: 404, body: { success: false } }) } else { if (request.headers['content-type'] && request.headers['content-type'].startsWith('multipart/form-data')) { // @ts-ignore uploadMulter.any()(request, response, (err: any) => { if (err) {'[PicList Server]', err) return handleResponse({ response, body: { success: false, message: 'Error processing formData' } }) } // @ts-ignore const list = => file.path)'[PicList Server] get a formData request') const handler = routers.getHandler(url)?.handler if (handler) { handler({ list, response, urlparams: query ? new URLSearchParams(query) : undefined }) } }) } else { let body: string = '' let postObj: IObj request.on('data', chunk => { body += chunk }) request.on('end', () => { try { postObj = (body === '') ? {} : JSON.parse(body) } catch (err: any) { logger.error('[PicList Server]', err) return handleResponse({ response, body: { success: false, message: 'Not sending data in JSON format' } }) }'[PicList Server] get the request', body) const handler = routers.getHandler(url!)?.handler handler!({ ...postObj, response, urlparams: query ? new URLSearchParams(query) : undefined }) }) } } } else { logger.warn(`[PicList Server] don't support [${request.method}] method`) response.statusCode = 404 response.end() } } // port as string is a bug private listen = (port: number | string) => {`[PicList Server] is listening at ${port} of ${}`) if (typeof port === 'string') { port = parseInt(port, 10) } this.httpServer.listen(port,'error', async (err: ErrnoException) => { if (err.errno === 'EADDRINUSE') { try { // make sure the system has a PicGo Server instance await`${}:${port}/heartbeat`)) this.shutdown(true) } catch (e) { logger.warn(`[PicList Server] ${port} is busy, trying with port ${(port as number) + 1}`) // fix a bug: not write an increase number to config file // to solve the auto number problem this.listen((port as number) + 1) } } }) } startup () { console.log('startup', this.config.enable) if (this.config.enable) { this.listen(this.config.port) } } shutdown (hasStarted?: boolean) { this.httpServer.close() if (!hasStarted) {'[PicList Server] shutdown') } } restart () { this.config = picgo.getConfig('settings.server') if ( === '') { = '' } this.shutdown() this.startup() } } export default new Server()