import { app, Notification, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, WebContents } from 'electron' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import picgo from '~/main/utils/picgo' import db from '#/datastore' const renameURL = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? `${(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL as string)}#rename-page` : `picgo://./index.html#rename-page` const createRenameWindow = (currentWindow: BrowserWindow) => { let options: IBrowserWindowOptions = { height: 175, width: 300, show: true, fullscreenable: false, resizable: false, vibrancy: 'ultra-dark', webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, backgroundThrottling: false } } if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { = true options.backgroundColor = '#3f3c37' options.autoHideMenuBar = true options.transparent = false } const window = new BrowserWindow(options) window.loadURL(renameURL) // check if this window is visible if (currentWindow && currentWindow.isVisible()) { // bounds: { x: 821, y: 75, width: 800, height: 450 } const bounds = currentWindow.getBounds() const positionX = bounds.x + bounds.width / 2 - 150 let positionY // if is the settingWindow if (bounds.height > 400) { positionY = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 - 88 } else { // if is the miniWindow positionY = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 } window.setPosition(positionX, positionY, false) } return window } const waitForShow = (webcontent: WebContents) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { webcontent.on('did-finish-load', () => { resolve() }) }) } const waitForRename = (window: BrowserWindow, id: number): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcMain.once(`rename${id}`, (evt: Event, newName: string) => { resolve(newName) window.close() }) window.on('close', () => { resolve(null) ipcMain.removeAllListeners(`rename${id}`) }) }) } class Uploader { private webContents: WebContents | null = null private currentWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null constructor () { this.init() } init () { picgo.on('notification', message => { const notification = new Notification(message) }) picgo.on('uploadProgress', progress => { this.webContents!.send('uploadProgress', progress) }) picgo.on('beforeTransform', ctx => { if (db.get('settings.uploadNotification')) { const notification = new Notification({ title: '上传进度', body: '正在上传' }) } }) picgo.helper.beforeUploadPlugins.register('renameFn', { handle: async ctx => { const rename = db.get('settings.rename') const autoRename = db.get('settings.autoRename') await Promise.all( (item, index) => { let name: undefined | string | null let fileName: string | undefined if (autoRename) { fileName = dayjs().add(index, 'second').format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss') + item.extname } else { fileName = item.fileName } if (rename) { const window = createRenameWindow(this.currentWindow!) await waitForShow(window.webContents) window.webContents.send('rename', fileName, name = await waitForRename(window, } item.fileName = name || fileName })) } }) } setWebContents (webContents: WebContents) { this.webContents = webContents return this } upload (img?: IUploadOption): Promise { this.currentWindow = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(this.webContents!) picgo.upload(img) return new Promise((resolve) => { picgo.once('finished', ctx => { if (ctx.output.every((item: ImgInfo) => item.imgUrl)) { resolve(ctx.output) } else { resolve(false) } picgo.removeAllListeners('failed') }) picgo.once('failed', ctx => { setTimeout(() => { const notification = new Notification({ title: '上传失败', body: '请检查配置和上传的文件是否符合要求' }) }, 500) picgo.removeAllListeners('finished') resolve(false) }) }) } } export default new Uploader()