import { BrowserWindow, dialog, ipcMain, Notification } from 'electron' import fs from 'fs-extra' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import { DBStore } from '@picgo/store' import { getWindowId, getSettingWindowId } from '@core/bus/apis' import db, { GalleryDB } from '@core/datastore' import { dbPathChecker, defaultConfigPath, getGalleryDBPath } from '@core/datastore/dbChecker' import uploader from 'apis/app/uploader' import { T } from '~/i18n' import { handleCopyUrl } from '~/utils/common' import pasteTemplate from '~/utils/pasteTemplate' import { SHOW_INPUT_BOX } from '#/events/constants' import { IPasteStyle } from '#/types/enum' import { configPaths } from '#/utils/configPaths' // Cross-process support may be required in the future class GuiApi implements IGuiApi { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define private static instance: GuiApi private windowId: number = -1 private settingWindowId: number = -1 private constructor () { console.log('init guiapi') } static getInstance (): GuiApi { if (!GuiApi.instance) { GuiApi.instance = new GuiApi() } return GuiApi.instance } private async showSettingWindow () { this.settingWindowId = await getSettingWindowId() const settingWindow = BrowserWindow.fromId(this.settingWindowId) if (settingWindow?.isVisible()) { return true } settingWindow?.show() return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve() }, 1000) // TODO: a better way to wait page loaded. }) } private getWebcontentsByWindowId (id: number) { return BrowserWindow.fromId(id)?.webContents } async showInputBox (options: IShowInputBoxOption = { title: '', placeholder: '' }) { await this.showSettingWindow() this.getWebcontentsByWindowId(this.settingWindowId)?.send(SHOW_INPUT_BOX, options) return new Promise((resolve) => { ipcMain.once(SHOW_INPUT_BOX, (event: Event, value: string) => { resolve(value) }) }) } async showFileExplorer (options: IShowFileExplorerOption = {}) { this.windowId = await getWindowId() const res = await dialog.showOpenDialog(BrowserWindow.fromId(this.windowId)!, options) return res.filePaths || [] } async upload (input: IUploadOption) { this.windowId = await getWindowId() const webContents = this.getWebcontentsByWindowId(this.windowId) const rawInput = cloneDeep(input) const imgs = await uploader.setWebContents(webContents!).upload(input) if (imgs !== false) { const pasteStyle = db.get(configPaths.settings.pasteStyle) || IPasteStyle.MARKDOWN const deleteLocalFile = db.get(configPaths.settings.deleteLocalFile) || false const pasteText: string[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (deleteLocalFile) { await fs.remove(rawInput[i]) } pasteText.push(await (pasteTemplate(pasteStyle, imgs[i], db.get(configPaths.settings.customLink)))) const isShowResultNotification = db.get(configPaths.settings.uploadResultNotification) === undefined ? true : !!db.get(configPaths.settings.uploadResultNotification) if (isShowResultNotification) { const notification = new Notification({ title: T('UPLOAD_SUCCEED'), body: imgs[i].imgUrl as string // icon: imgs[i].imgUrl }) setTimeout(() => { }, i * 100) } await GalleryDB.getInstance().insert(imgs[i]) } handleCopyUrl(pasteText.join('\n')) webContents?.send('uploadFiles', imgs) webContents?.send('updateGallery') return imgs } return [] } showNotification (options: IShowNotificationOption = { title: '', body: '' }) { const notification = new Notification({ title: options.title, body: options.body }) } showMessageBox (options: IShowMessageBoxOption = { title: '', message: '', type: 'info', buttons: ['Yes', 'No'] }) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { this.windowId = await getWindowId() dialog.showMessageBox( BrowserWindow.fromId(this.windowId)!, options ).then((res) => { resolve({ result: res.response, checkboxChecked: res.checkboxChecked }) }) }) } /** * get picgo config/data path */ async getConfigPath () { const currentConfigPath = dbPathChecker() const galleryDBPath = getGalleryDBPath().dbPath return { defaultConfigPath, currentConfigPath, galleryDBPath } } get galleryDB (): DBStore { return new Proxy(GalleryDB.getInstance(), { get (target, prop: keyof DBStore) { if (prop === 'overwrite') { return new Proxy(GalleryDB.getInstance().overwrite, { apply (target, ctx, args) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const guiApi = GuiApi.getInstance() guiApi.showMessageBox({ title: T('TIPS_WARNING'), message: T('TIPS_PLUGIN_REMOVE_GALLERY_ITEM'), type: 'info', buttons: ['Yes', 'No'] }).then(res => { if (res.result === 0) { resolve(Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)) } else { resolve(undefined) } }) }) } }) } if (prop === 'removeById') { return new Proxy(GalleryDB.getInstance().removeById, { apply (target, ctx, args) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const guiApi = GuiApi.getInstance() guiApi.showMessageBox({ title: T('TIPS_WARNING'), message: T('TIPS_PLUGIN_REMOVE_GALLERY_ITEM'), type: 'info', buttons: ['Yes', 'No'] }).then(res => { if (res.result === 0) { resolve(Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)) } else { resolve(undefined) } }) }) } }) } return Reflect.get(target, prop) } }) } } export default GuiApi