import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { managePathChecker } from './datastore/dbChecker' import { ManageApiType, ManageConfigType, ManageError, PicBedMangeConfig } from '~/universal/types/manage' import ManageDB from './datastore/db' import { ManageLogger } from './utils/logger' import { get, set, unset } from 'lodash' import { homedir } from 'os' import { isInputConfigValid, formatError } from './utils/common' import API from './apis/api' import windowManager from 'apis/app/window/windowManager' import { IWindowList } from '#/types/enum' import { ipcMain } from 'electron' import { cancelDownloadLoadingFileList, refreshDownloadFileTransferList } from '@/manage/utils/static' export class ManageApi extends EventEmitter implements ManageApiType { private _config!: Partial private db!: ManageDB currentPicBed: string configPath: string baseDir!: string logger: ManageLogger currentPicBedConfig: PicBedMangeConfig constructor (currentPicBed: string = '') { super() this.currentPicBed = currentPicBed || (this.getConfig('currentPicBed') ?? 'placeholder') this.configPath = managePathChecker() this.initConfigPath() this.logger = new ManageLogger(this) this.initconfig() this.currentPicBedConfig = this.getPicBedConfig(this.currentPicBed) } getMsgParam (method: string) { return { class: 'ManageApi', method, picbedName: this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName } } errorMsg (err: any, param: IStringKeyMap) { this.logger.error(formatError(err, param)) } createClient () { const name = this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName switch (name) { case 'tcyun': return new API.TcyunApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.secretId, this.currentPicBedConfig.secretKey, this.logger) case 'aliyun': return new API.AliyunApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.accessKeyId, this.currentPicBedConfig.accessKeySecret, this.logger) case 'qiniu': return new API.QiniuApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.accessKey, this.currentPicBedConfig.secretKey, this.logger) case 'upyun': return new API.UpyunApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.bucketName, this.currentPicBedConfig.operator, this.currentPicBedConfig.password, this.logger) case 'smms': return new API.SmmsApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.token, this.logger) case 'github': return new API.GithubApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.token, this.currentPicBedConfig.githubUsername, this.currentPicBedConfig.proxy, this.logger) case 'imgur': return new API.ImgurApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.imgurUserName, this.currentPicBedConfig.accessToken, this.currentPicBedConfig.proxy, this.logger) case 's3plist': return new API.S3plistApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.accessKeyId, this.currentPicBedConfig.secretAccessKey, this.currentPicBedConfig.endpoint, this.currentPicBedConfig.sslEnabled, this.currentPicBedConfig.s3ForcePathStyle, this.currentPicBedConfig.proxy, this.logger) case 'webdavplist': return new API.WebdavplistApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.endpoint, this.currentPicBedConfig.username, this.currentPicBedConfig.password, this.currentPicBedConfig.sslEnabled, this.currentPicBedConfig.proxy, this.logger) default: return {} as any } } private getPicBedConfig (picBedName: string): PicBedMangeConfig { return this.getConfig(`picBed.${picBedName}`) } private initConfigPath (): void { if (this.configPath === '') { this.configPath = `${homedir()}/.piclist/manage.json` } if (path.extname(this.configPath).toUpperCase() !== '.JSON') { this.configPath = '' throw Error('The configuration file only supports JSON format.') } this.baseDir = path.dirname(this.configPath) const exist = fs.pathExistsSync(this.configPath) if (!exist) { fs.ensureFileSync(this.configPath) } } private initconfig (): void { this.db = new ManageDB(this) this._config = as ManageConfigType } getConfig (name?: string): T { if (!name) { return this._config as unknown as T } return get(this._config, name) } saveConfig (config: IStringKeyMap): void { if (!isInputConfigValid(config)) { this.logger.warn( 'the format of config is invalid, please provide object' ) return } this.setConfig(config) this.db.saveConfig(config) } removeConfig (key: string, propName: string): void { if (!key || !propName) { return } this.unsetConfig(key, propName) this.db.unset(key, propName) } setConfig (config: IStringKeyMap): void { if (!isInputConfigValid(config)) { this.logger.warn( 'the format of config is invalid, please provide object' ) return } Object.keys(config).forEach((name: string) => { set(this._config, name, config[name]) }) } unsetConfig (key: string, propName: string): void { if (!key || !propName) return unset(this.getConfig(key), propName) } async getBucketList ( param?: IStringKeyMap | undefined ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': try { client = this.createClient() return await client.getBucketList() } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getBucketList')) return [] } case 'upyun': return [{ Name: this.currentPicBedConfig.bucketName, Location: 'upyun', CreationDate: new Date().toISOString() }] case 'smms': return [{ Name: 'smms', Location: 'smms', CreationDate: new Date().toISOString() }] case 'webdavplist': return [{ Name: 'webdav', Location: 'webdav', CreationDate: new Date().toISOString() }] default: console.log(param) return [] } } async getBucketInfo ( param?: IStringKeyMap | undefined ): Promise { console.log(param) return {} } async getBucketDomain ( param: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'github': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.getBucketDomain(param) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getBucketDomain')) return [] } case 'upyun': return [this.currentPicBedConfig.customUrl] case 'smms': return [''] case 'imgur': return [''] default: return [] } } async createBucket ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.createBucket(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('createBucket')) return false } default: return false } } async deleteBucket ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return false } async getOperatorList ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return [] } async addOperator ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return false } async deleteOperator ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return false } async getBucketAclPolicy ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return {} } async setBucketAclPolicy ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'qiniu': try { client = new API.QiniuApi(this.currentPicBedConfig.accessKey, this.currentPicBedConfig.secretKey, this.logger) return await client.setBucketAclPolicy(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('setBucketAclPolicy')) return false } default: return false } } async getBucketListRecursively ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client let window const defaultResult = { fullList: [], success: false, finished: true } switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.getBucketListRecursively(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getBucketListRecursively')) window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)! window.webContents.send(refreshDownloadFileTransferList, defaultResult) ipcMain.removeAllListeners(cancelDownloadLoadingFileList) return {} } default: window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)! window.webContents.send(refreshDownloadFileTransferList, defaultResult) ipcMain.removeAllListeners(cancelDownloadLoadingFileList) return {} } } /** * 后台更新bucket文件列表 * @param param * @returns */ async getBucketListBackstage ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client let window const defaultResult = { fullList: [], success: false, finished: true } switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.getBucketListBackstage(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getBucketListBackstage')) window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)! window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', defaultResult) ipcMain.removeAllListeners('cancelLoadingFileList') return {} } default: window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)! window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', defaultResult) ipcMain.removeAllListeners('cancelLoadingFileList') return {} } } /** * 获取文件夹列表 * 结果统一进行格式化 文件夹提取到最前 * key: 完整路径 * fileName: 文件名 * formatedTime: 格式化时间 * isDir: 是否是文件夹 * fileSize: 文件大小 **/ async getBucketFileList ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { const defaultResponse = { fullList: [], isTruncated: false, nextMarker: '', success: false } let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 's3plist': try { client = this.createClient() return await client.getBucketFileList(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getBucketFileList')) return defaultResponse } default: return defaultResponse } } async deleteBucketFile ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any const res = await client.deleteBucketFile(param!) return res } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('deleteBucketFile')) return false } default: return false } } async deleteBucketFolder ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'github': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.deleteBucketFolder(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('deleteBucketFolder')) return false } default: return false } } async renameBucketFile ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.renameBucketFile(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('renameBucketFile')) return false } default: return false } } async downloadBucketFile ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any const res = await client.downloadBucketFile(param!) return res } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('downloadBucketFile')) return false } default: return false } } async copyMoveBucketFile ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { console.log(param) return false } async createBucketFolder ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'github': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.createBucketFolder(param!) } catch (error) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('createBucketFolder')) return false } default: return false } } async uploadBucketFile ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'upyun': case 'smms': case 'github': case 'imgur': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.uploadBucketFile(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('uploadBucketFile')) return false } default: return false } } async getPreSignedUrl ( param?: IStringKeyMap ): Promise { let client switch (this.currentPicBedConfig.picBedName) { case 'tcyun': case 'aliyun': case 'qiniu': case 'github': case 's3plist': case 'webdavplist': try { client = this.createClient() as any return await client.getPreSignedUrl(param!) } catch (error: any) { this.errorMsg(error, this.getMsgParam('getPreSignedUrl')) return 'error' } default: return 'error' } } }