import { Notification, WebContents } from 'electron' import windowManager from 'apis/app/window/windowManager' import { IWindowList } from '#/types/enum' import uploader from '.' import pasteTemplate from '~/main/utils/pasteTemplate' import db, { GalleryDB } from '~/main/apis/core/datastore' import { handleCopyUrl } from '~/main/utils/common' import { handleUrlEncode } from '#/utils/common' import { T } from '~/main/i18n/index' import ALLApi from '@/apis/allApi' import picgo from '@core/picgo' import GuiApi from '../../gui' import fs from 'fs-extra' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' const handleClipboardUploading = async (): Promise => { const useBuiltinClipboard = db.get('settings.useBuiltinClipboard') === undefined ? true : !!db.get('settings.useBuiltinClipboard') const win = windowManager.getAvailableWindow() if (useBuiltinClipboard) { return await uploader.setWebContents(win!.webContents).uploadWithBuildInClipboard() } return await uploader.setWebContents(win!.webContents).upload() } export const uploadClipboardFiles = async (): Promise => { const img = await handleClipboardUploading() console.log(img) if (img !== false) { if (img.length > 0) { const trayWindow = windowManager.get(IWindowList.TRAY_WINDOW) const pasteStyle = db.get('settings.pasteStyle') || 'markdown' handleCopyUrl(await (pasteTemplate(pasteStyle, img[0], db.get('settings.customLink')))) const notification = new Notification({ title: T('UPLOAD_SUCCEED'), body: img[0].imgUrl! // icon: img[0].imgUrl }) setTimeout(() => { }, 100) await GalleryDB.getInstance().insert(img[0]) // trayWindow just be created in mac/windows, not in linux trayWindow?.webContents?.send('clipboardFiles', []) trayWindow?.webContents?.send('uploadFiles', img) if (windowManager.has(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)) { windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!.webContents?.send('updateGallery') } return { url: handleUrlEncode(img[0].imgUrl as string), fullResult: img[0] } } else { const notification = new Notification({ title: T('UPLOAD_FAILED'), body: T('TIPS_UPLOAD_NOT_PICTURES') }) return { url: '', fullResult: {} } } } else { return { url: '', fullResult: {} } } } export const uploadChoosedFiles = async (webContents: WebContents, files: IFileWithPath[]): Promise => { const input = => item.path) const rawInput = cloneDeep(input) const imgs = await uploader.setWebContents(webContents).upload(input) const result = [] if (imgs !== false) { const pasteStyle = db.get('settings.pasteStyle') || 'markdown' const deleteLocalFile = db.get('settings.deleteLocalFile') || false const pasteText: string[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (deleteLocalFile) { fs.remove(rawInput[i]).then(() => {`delete local file: ${rawInput[i]}`) }).catch((err: Error) => { picgo.log.error(err) }) } pasteText.push(await (pasteTemplate(pasteStyle, imgs[i], db.get('settings.customLink')))) const notification = new Notification({ title: T('UPLOAD_SUCCEED'), body: imgs[i].imgUrl! // icon: files[i].path }) setTimeout(() => { }, i * 100) await GalleryDB.getInstance().insert(imgs[i]) result.push({ url: handleUrlEncode(imgs[i].imgUrl!), fullResult: imgs[i] }) } handleCopyUrl(pasteText.join('\n')) // trayWindow just be created in mac/windows, not in linux windowManager.get(IWindowList.TRAY_WINDOW)?.webContents?.send('uploadFiles', imgs) if (windowManager.has(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)) { windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!.webContents?.send('updateGallery') } return result } else { return [] } } export const deleteChoosedFiles = async (list: ImgInfo[]): Promise => { const result = [] const picBedsCanbeDeleted = ['smms', 'github', 'imgur', 'tcyun', 'aliyun', 'qiniu', 'upyun', 'aws-s3', 'webdavplist'] for (const item of list) { if ( { try { const dbStore = GalleryDB.getInstance() const file = await dbStore.removeById( if (await picgo.getConfig('settings.deleteCloudFile')) { if (item.type !== undefined && picBedsCanbeDeleted.includes(item.type)) { setTimeout(() => { ALLApi.delete(item).then((value: boolean) => { if (value) { const notification = new Notification({ title: T('MANAGE_BUCKET_BATCH_DELETE_ERROR_MSG_MSG2'), body: T('GALLERY_SYNC_DELETE_NOTICE_SUCCEED') }) } else { const notification = new Notification({ title: T('MANAGE_BUCKET_BATCH_DELETE_ERROR_MSG_MSG2'), body: T('GALLERY_SYNC_DELETE_NOTICE_FAILED') }) } }) }, 0) } } setTimeout(() => { picgo.emit('remove', [file], GuiApi.getInstance()) }, 500) result.push(true) } catch (e) { result.push(false) } } } if (windowManager.has(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)) { windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!.webContents?.send('updateGallery') } return result }