# main.yml # Workflow's name name: Win Build # Workflow's trigger on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - release # Workflow's jobs jobs: # job's id release: # job's name name: build and release electron app # the type of machine to run the job on runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # create a build matrix for jobs strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: [windows-latest] # create steps steps: # step1: check out repository - name: Check out git repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 # step2: install node env - name: Install Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: '16.x' # step3: yarn - name: Yarn install run: | yarn yarn global add xvfb-maybe - name: Build run: | yarn build yarn upload-dist env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }} R2_SECRET_ID: ${{ secrets.R2_SECRET_ID }} R2_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.R2_SECRET_KEY }} R2_ACCOUNT_ID: ${{ secrets.R2_ACCOUNT_ID }}