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synced 2025-03-14 08:48:13 -04:00
655 lines
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655 lines
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import axios from 'axios'
import { hmacSha1Base64, getFileMimeType, gotDownload, formatError } from '../utils/common'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import qiniu from 'qiniu/index'
import path from 'path'
import { isImage } from '~/renderer/manage/utils/common'
import windowManager from 'apis/app/window/windowManager'
import { IWindowList } from '#/types/enum'
import { ipcMain, IpcMainEvent } from 'electron'
import UpDownTaskQueue,
} from '../datastore/upDownTaskQueue'
import { ManageLogger } from '../utils/logger'
class QiniuApi {
mac: qiniu.auth.digest.Mac
accessKey: string
secretKey: string
commonType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
host = 'uc.qiniuapi.com'
logger: ManageLogger
timeout = 30000
hostList = {
getBucketList: 'https://uc.qiniuapi.com/buckets',
getBucketDomain: 'https://uc.qiniuapi.com/v2/domains'
constructor (accessKey: string, secretKey: string, logger: ManageLogger) {
this.mac = new qiniu.auth.digest.Mac(accessKey, secretKey)
this.accessKey = accessKey
this.secretKey = secretKey
this.logger = logger
formatFolder (item: string, slicedPrefix: string) {
return {
Key: item,
key: item,
fileSize: 0,
fileName: item.replace(slicedPrefix, '').replace('/', ''),
isDir: true,
checked: false,
isImage: false,
match: false
formatFile (item: any, slicedPrefix: string, urlPrefix: string) {
return {
fileName: item.key.replace(slicedPrefix, ''),
url: `${urlPrefix}/${item.key}`,
fileSize: item.fsize,
formatedTime: new Date(parseInt(item.putTime.toString().slice(0, -4), 10)).toLocaleString(),
isDir: false,
checked: false,
match: false,
isImage: isImage(item.key.replace(slicedPrefix, ''))
authorization (
method: string,
urlPath: string,
host: string,
body: string,
query: string,
contentType: string,
xQiniuHeaders?: IStringKeyMap
) {
let signStr = `${method.toUpperCase()} ${urlPath}`
query && (signStr += `?${query}`)
signStr += `\nHost: ${host}`
contentType && (signStr += `\nContent-Type: ${contentType}`)
let xQiniuHeaderStr = ''
if (xQiniuHeaders) {
const xQiniuHeaderKeys = Object.keys(xQiniuHeaders).sort()
xQiniuHeaderKeys.forEach((key) => {
xQiniuHeaderStr += `\n${key}:${xQiniuHeaders[key]}`
signStr += xQiniuHeaderStr
signStr += '\n\n'
if (contentType !== 'application/octet-stream' && body) {
signStr += body
return `Qiniu ${this.accessKey}:${hmacSha1Base64(this.secretKey, signStr).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')}`
* 获取存储桶列表
async getBucketList (): Promise<any> {
const host = this.hostList.getBucketList
const authorization = qiniu.util.generateAccessToken(this.mac, host, undefined)
const res = await axios.get(host, {
headers: {
Authorization: authorization,
'Content-Type': this.commonType
timeout: this.timeout
if (res && res.status === 200) {
if (res.data && res.data.length) {
const result = [] as any[]
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {
const info = await this.getBucketInfo({ bucketName: res.data[i] })
if (!info.success) {
return []
Name: res.data[i],
Location: info.zone,
CreationDate: new Date().toISOString(),
Private: info.private
return result
} else {
return []
} else {
return []
* 获取存储桶详细信息
async getBucketInfo (param: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const { bucketName } = param
const urlPath = `/v2/bucketInfo?bucket=${bucketName}&fs=true`
const authorization = this.authorization('POST', urlPath, this.host, '', '', 'application/json')
const res = await axios({
method: 'post',
url: `https://${this.host}/v2/bucketInfo`,
params: {
bucket: bucketName,
fs: true
headers: {
Authorization: authorization,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Host: this.host
timeout: this.timeout
if (res && res.status === 200) {
return {
success: true,
private: res.data.private,
zone: res.data.zone
} else {
return {
success: false
* 获取自定义域名
async getBucketDomain (param: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const { bucketName } = param
const host = this.hostList.getBucketDomain
const authorization = qiniu.util.generateAccessToken(this.mac, `${host}?tbl=${bucketName}`, undefined)
const res = await axios.get(host, {
params: {
tbl: bucketName
headers: {
Authorization: authorization,
'Content-Type': this.commonType
timeout: this.timeout
if (res && res.status === 200) {
return res.data && res.data.length ? res.data : []
} else {
return []
* 修改存储桶权限
async setBucketAclPolicy (param: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
// 0: 公开访问 1: 私有访问
const { bucketName } = param
let { isPrivate } = param
isPrivate = isPrivate ? 1 : 0
const urlPath = `/private?bucket=${bucketName}&private=${isPrivate}`
const authorization = this.authorization('POST', urlPath, this.host, '', '', this.commonType)
const res = await axios({
method: 'post',
url: `https://${this.host}/private`,
params: {
bucket: bucketName,
private: isPrivate
headers: {
Authorization: authorization,
'Content-Type': this.commonType,
Host: this.host
timeout: this.timeout
return res && res.status === 200
* 创建存储桶
* @param {Object} configMap
* configMap = {
* BucketName: string,
* region: string,
* acl: boolean // 是否公开访问
* }
async createBucket (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { BucketName, region } = configMap
const { acl } = configMap
const urlPath = `/mkbucketv3/${BucketName}/region/${region}`
const authorization = this.authorization('POST', urlPath, this.host, '', '', 'application/json')
const res = await axios({
method: 'post',
url: `https://${this.host}${urlPath}`,
headers: {
Authorization: authorization,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Host: this.host
timeout: this.timeout
if (res && res.status === 200) {
const changeAclRes = await this.setBucketAclPolicy({
bucketName: BucketName,
isPrivate: !acl
return changeAclRes
} else {
return false
async getBucketListBackstage (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!
const { bucketName: bucket, prefix, cancelToken, customUrl: urlPrefix } = configMap
let marker = undefined as any
const slicedPrefix = prefix.slice(1)
const cancelTask = [false]
ipcMain.on('cancelLoadingFileList', (_evt: IpcMainEvent, token: string) => {
if (token === cancelToken) {
cancelTask[0] = true
let res = {} as any
const result = {
fullList: <any>[],
success: false,
finished: false
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
do {
res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.listPrefix(bucket, {
prefix: slicedPrefix === '' ? undefined : slicedPrefix,
delimiter: '/',
limit: 1000
}, (err: any, respBody: any, respInfo: any) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
res.respBody && res.respBody.commonPrefixes && res.respBody.commonPrefixes.forEach((item: any) => {
result.fullList.push(this.formatFolder(item, slicedPrefix))
res.respBody && res.respBody.items && res.respBody.items.forEach((item: any) => {
item.fsize !== 0 && result.fullList.push(this.formatFile(item, slicedPrefix, urlPrefix))
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
} else {
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
marker = res.respBody.marker
} while (res.respBody && res.respBody.marker && !cancelTask[0])
result.success = true
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
* 获取文件列表
* @param {Object} configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* bucketConfig: {
* Location: string
* },
* paging: boolean,
* prefix: string,
* marker: string,
* itemsPerPage: number,
* customUrl: string
* }
async getBucketFileList (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const { bucketName: bucket, prefix, marker, itemsPerPage, customUrl: urlPrefix } = configMap
const slicedPrefix = prefix.slice(1)
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
let res = {} as any
const result = {
fullList: <any>[],
isTruncated: false,
nextMarker: '',
success: false
res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.listPrefix(bucket, {
limit: itemsPerPage,
prefix: slicedPrefix === '' ? undefined : slicedPrefix,
delimiter: '/'
}, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
if (res.respBody && res.respBody.commonPrefixes) {
res.respBody.commonPrefixes.forEach((item: string) => {
result.fullList.push(this.formatFolder(item, slicedPrefix))
if (res.respBody && res.respBody.items) {
res.respBody.items.forEach((item: any) => {
item.fsize !== 0 && result.fullList.push(this.formatFile(item, slicedPrefix, urlPrefix))
result.isTruncated = !!(res.respBody && res.respBody.marker)
result.nextMarker = res.respBody && res.respBody.marker ? res.respBody.marker : ''
result.success = true
return result
* 删除文件
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* key: string
* }
async deleteBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, key } = configMap
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
const res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.delete(bucketName, key, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}) as any
if (res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
return true
} else {
return false
* 删除文件夹
* @param configMap
async deleteBucketFolder (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, key } = configMap
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
let marker = ''
let isTruncated = true
const allFileList = {
Contents: [] as any[]
do {
const res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.listPrefix(bucketName, {
prefix: key,
limit: 1000
}, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}) as any
if (res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
if (res.respBody && res.respBody.items) {
allFileList.Contents = allFileList.Contents.concat(res.respBody.items)
isTruncated = !!(res.respBody && res.respBody.marker)
marker = res.respBody && res.respBody.marker ? res.respBody.marker : ''
} else {
return false
} while (isTruncated)
const cycleNum = Math.ceil(allFileList.Contents.length / 1000)
for (let i = 0; i < cycleNum; i++) {
const deleteOps = allFileList.Contents.slice(i * 1000, (i + 1) * 1000).map((item: any) => {
return qiniu.rs.deleteOp(bucketName, item.key)
const res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.batch(deleteOps, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}) as any
if (!(res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200)) {
return false
return true
* 重命名文件
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* oldKey: string,
* newKey: string
* }
async renameBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, oldKey, newKey } = configMap
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
const res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
bucketManager.move(bucketName, oldKey, bucketName, newKey, {
force: true
}, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}) as any
return res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200
* 获取预签名url
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* key: string,
* expires: number,
* customUrl: string
* }
async getPreSignedUrl (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<string> {
const { key, expires, customUrl } = configMap
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(this.mac, config)
const urlPrefix = customUrl
const expiration = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000 + expires)
const res = bucketManager.privateDownloadUrl(urlPrefix, key, expiration)
return res
* 上传文件
* @param configMap
async uploadBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { fileArray } = configMap
const instance = UpDownTaskQueue.getInstance()
fileArray.forEach((item: any) => {
item.key = item.key.replace(/^\/+/, '')
for (const item of fileArray) {
const { bucketName, region, key, filePath, fileName } = item
id: `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`,
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.queuing,
sourceFileName: fileName,
sourceFilePath: filePath,
targetFilePath: key,
targetFileBucket: bucketName,
targetFileRegion: region
const config = new qiniu.conf.Config()
const resumeUploader = new qiniu.resume_up.ResumeUploader(config)
const putExtra = new qiniu.resume_up.PutExtra()
const uploadToken = new qiniu.rs.PutPolicy({
scope: `${bucketName}:${key}`,
expires: 36000
putExtra.fname = key
putExtra.params = {}
putExtra.mimeType = getFileMimeType(fileName)
putExtra.version = 'v2'
putExtra.partSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
putExtra.progressCallback = (uploadBytes, totalBytes) => {
const progress = Math.floor(uploadBytes / totalBytes * 100)
id: `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`,
status: uploadTaskSpecialStatus.uploading
resumeUploader.putFile(uploadToken, key, filePath, putExtra, (respErr, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (respErr) {
this.logger.error(formatError(respErr, { class: 'Qiniu', method: 'uploadBucketFile' }))
id: `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`,
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.failed,
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
if (respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
id: `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`,
progress: 100,
status: uploadTaskSpecialStatus.uploaded,
response: JSON.stringify(respBody),
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
} else {
id: `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`,
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.failed,
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
return true
* 新建文件夹
* @param configMap
async createBucketFolder (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, key } = configMap
const putPolicy = new qiniu.rs.PutPolicy({
scope: `${bucketName}:${key}`
const uploadToken = putPolicy.uploadToken(this.mac)
const FormUploader = new qiniu.form_up.FormUploader()
const putExtra = new qiniu.form_up.PutExtra()
const res = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
FormUploader.put(uploadToken, key, '', putExtra, (err, respBody, respInfo) => {
if (err) {
} else {
}) as any
if (res && res.respInfo.statusCode === 200) {
return true
} else {
return false
* 下载文件
* @param configMap
async downloadBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { downloadPath, fileArray } = configMap
const instance = UpDownTaskQueue.getInstance()
for (const item of fileArray) {
const { bucketName, region, key, fileName, customUrl } = item
const savedFilePath = path.join(downloadPath, fileName)
const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(savedFilePath)
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}`
if (instance.getDownloadTask(id)) {
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.queuing,
sourceFileName: fileName,
targetFilePath: savedFilePath
const preSignedUrl = await this.getPreSignedUrl({ key, expires: 36000, customUrl })
gotDownload(instance, preSignedUrl, fileStream, id, savedFilePath, this.logger)
return true
export default QiniuApi