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synced 2025-03-13 00:18:13 -04:00
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// Axios
import axios from 'axios'
// 加密函数、获取文件 MIME 类型、错误格式化函数、新的下载器、并发异步任务池
import { hmacSha1Base64, getFileMimeType, formatError, NewDownloader, ConcurrencyPromisePool } from '../utils/common'
// Electron 相关
import { ipcMain, IpcMainEvent } from 'electron'
// 快速 XML 解析器
import { XMLParser } from 'fast-xml-parser'
// 阿里云 OSS 客户端库
import OSS from 'ali-oss'
// 路径处理库
import path from 'path'
// 是否为图片的判断函数
import { isImage } from '~/renderer/manage/utils/common'
// 窗口管理器
import windowManager from 'apis/app/window/windowManager'
// 枚举类型声明
import { IWindowList } from '#/types/enum'
// 上传下载任务队列
import UpDownTaskQueue, { uploadTaskSpecialStatus, commonTaskStatus } from '../datastore/upDownTaskQueue'
// 日志记录器
import { ManageLogger } from '../utils/logger'
// 取消下载任务的加载文件列表、刷新下载文件传输列表
import { cancelDownloadLoadingFileList, refreshDownloadFileTransferList } from '@/manage/utils/static'
// 坑爹阿里云 返回数据类型标注和实际各种不一致
class AliyunApi {
ctx: OSS
accessKeyId: string
accessKeySecret: string
timeOut = 30000
logger: ManageLogger
constructor (accessKeyId: string, accessKeySecret: string, logger: ManageLogger) {
this.ctx = new OSS({
secure: true
this.accessKeyId = accessKeyId
this.accessKeySecret = accessKeySecret
this.logger = logger
formatFolder (item: string, slicedPrefix: string) {
return {
key: item,
fileSize: 0,
formatedTime: '',
fileName: item.replace(slicedPrefix, '').replace('/', ''),
isDir: true,
checked: false,
isImage: false,
match: false,
Key: item
formatFile (item: OSS.ObjectMeta, slicedPrefix: string, urlPrefix: string): any {
const fileName = item.name.replace(slicedPrefix, '')
return {
key: item.name,
fileSize: item.size,
formatedTime: new Date(item.lastModified).toLocaleString(),
isDir: false,
checked: false,
match: false,
isImage: isImage(fileName),
rawUrl: item.url,
url: `${urlPrefix}/${item.name}`
getCanonicalizedOSSHeaders (headers: IStringKeyMap) {
const lowerCaseHeaders = Object.keys(headers).reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key.toLowerCase()] = headers[key]
return acc
}, {} as IStringKeyMap)
let canonicalizedOSSHeaders = ''
const headerKeys = Object.keys(lowerCaseHeaders).sort()
headerKeys.forEach((key) => {
key.startsWith('x-oss-') && (canonicalizedOSSHeaders += `${key}:${lowerCaseHeaders[key]}\n`)
return canonicalizedOSSHeaders
authorization (method: string, canonicalizedResource: string, headers: IStringKeyMap, contentMd5: string, contentType: string) {
const date = new Date().toUTCString()
const stringToSign = `${method.toUpperCase()}\n${contentMd5}\n${contentType}\n${date}\n${this.getCanonicalizedOSSHeaders(headers)}${canonicalizedResource}`
return `OSS ${this.accessKeyId}:${hmacSha1Base64(this.accessKeySecret, stringToSign)}`
getNewCtx (region: string, bucket: string) {
return new OSS({
accessKeyId: this.accessKeyId,
accessKeySecret: this.accessKeySecret,
secure: true
* 获取存储桶列表
async getBucketList (): Promise<any> {
const getBuckets = async (marker?: string) => {
const res = await this.ctx.listBuckets({
'max-keys': 1000
}) as IStringKeyMap
if (res?.res?.statusCode !== 200 || !res?.buckets) return { result: [], isTruncated: false }
const formattedBuckets = res.buckets.map((item: OSS.Bucket) => ({
Name: item.name,
Location: item.region,
CreationDate: item.creationDate
return { result: formattedBuckets, isTruncated: res.isTruncated, nextMarker: res.nextMarker }
const result: IStringKeyMap[] = []
let NextMarker: string | undefined
let isTruncated: boolean
do {
const { result: buckets, isTruncated: truncated, nextMarker } = await getBuckets(NextMarker)
NextMarker = nextMarker
isTruncated = truncated
} while (isTruncated)
return result
* 获取自定义域名
async getBucketDomain (param: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const headers = {
Date: new Date().toUTCString()
const authorization = this.authorization('GET', `/${param.bucketName}/?cname`, headers, '', '')
const res = await axios({
url: `https://${param.bucketName}.${param.region}.aliyuncs.com/?cname`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: authorization
if (res?.status === 200) {
const parser = new XMLParser()
const result = parser.parse(res.data)
if (result.ListCnameResult?.Cname) {
const cnames = Array.isArray(result.ListCnameResult.Cname)
? result.ListCnameResult.Cname
: [result.ListCnameResult.Cname]
return cnames
.filter((item: IStringKeyMap) => item.Status === 'Enabled')
.map((item: IStringKeyMap) => item.Domain)
return []
* 创建存储桶
* @param {Object} configMap
* configMap = {
* BucketName: string,
* region: string,
* acl: string
* }
* @description
* acl: private | publicRead | publicReadWrite
async createBucket (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const client = new OSS({
accessKeyId: this.accessKeyId,
accessKeySecret: this.accessKeySecret,
region: configMap.region,
secure: true
const aclTransMap: IStringKeyMap = {
private: 'private',
publicRead: 'public-read',
publicReadWrite: 'public-read-write'
const res = await client.putBucket(configMap.BucketName, {
acl: aclTransMap[configMap.acl],
storageClass: 'Standard',
dataRedundancyType: 'LRS',
timeout: this.timeOut
return res?.res?.status === 200
async getBucketListRecursively (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!
const { bucketName: bucket, bucketConfig: { Location: region }, prefix, cancelToken } = configMap
const slicedPrefix = prefix.slice(1)
const urlPrefix = configMap.customUrl || `https://${bucket}.${region}.aliyuncs.com`
let marker
const cancelTask = [false]
ipcMain.on(cancelDownloadLoadingFileList, (_: IpcMainEvent, token: string) => {
if (token === cancelToken) {
cancelTask[0] = true
let res = {} as any
const result = {
fullList: <any>[],
success: false,
finished: false
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucket)
do {
res = await client.listV2({
prefix: slicedPrefix === '' ? undefined : slicedPrefix,
'max-keys': '1000',
'continuation-token': marker
}, {
timeout: this.timeOut
if (res?.res?.statusCode === 200) {
res?.objects?.forEach((item: OSS.ObjectMeta) => {
item.size !== 0 && result.fullList.push(this.formatFile(item, slicedPrefix, urlPrefix))
window.webContents.send(refreshDownloadFileTransferList, result)
} else {
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send(refreshDownloadFileTransferList, result)
marker = res.nextContinuationToken
} while (res.isTruncated === true && !cancelTask[0])
result.success = !cancelTask[0]
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send(refreshDownloadFileTransferList, result)
async getBucketListBackstage (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const window = windowManager.get(IWindowList.SETTING_WINDOW)!
const { bucketName: bucket, bucketConfig: { Location: region }, prefix, cancelToken } = configMap
const slicedPrefix = prefix.slice(1)
const urlPrefix = configMap.customUrl || `https://${bucket}.${region}.aliyuncs.com`
let marker
const cancelTask = [false]
ipcMain.on('cancelLoadingFileList', (_: IpcMainEvent, token: string) => {
if (token === cancelToken) {
cancelTask[0] = true
let res = {} as any
const result = {
fullList: <any>[],
success: false,
finished: false
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucket)
do {
res = await client.listV2({
prefix: slicedPrefix === '' ? undefined : slicedPrefix,
delimiter: '/',
'max-keys': '1000',
'continuation-token': marker
}, {
timeout: this.timeOut
if (res?.res?.statusCode === 200) {
res?.prefixes?.forEach((item: string) => {
result.fullList.push(this.formatFolder(item, slicedPrefix))
res?.objects?.forEach((item: OSS.ObjectMeta) => {
item.size !== 0 && result.fullList.push(this.formatFile(item, slicedPrefix, urlPrefix))
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
} else {
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
marker = res.nextContinuationToken
} while (res.isTruncated === true && !cancelTask[0])
result.success = !cancelTask[0]
result.finished = true
window.webContents.send('refreshFileTransferList', result)
* 获取文件列表
* @param {Object} configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* bucketConfig: {
* Location: string
* },
* paging: boolean,
* prefix: string,
* marker: string,
* itemsPerPage: number,
* customUrl: string
* }
async getBucketFileList (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<any> {
const { bucketName: bucket, bucketConfig: { Location: region }, prefix, marker, itemsPerPage } = configMap
const slicedPrefix = prefix.slice(1)
const urlPrefix = configMap.customUrl || `https://${bucket}.${region}.aliyuncs.com`
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucket)
const res = await client.listV2({
prefix: slicedPrefix || undefined,
delimiter: '/',
'max-keys': itemsPerPage.toString(),
'continuation-token': marker
}, {
timeout: this.timeOut
}) as any
// prefixes can be null
// objects will be [] when no file
if (res?.res.statusCode !== 200) {
return {
fullList: [],
isTruncated: false,
nextMarker: '',
success: false
const fullList = [
...(res.prefixes?.map((item: string) => this.formatFolder(item, slicedPrefix)) || []),
...(res.objects?.filter((item: OSS.ObjectMeta) => item.size !== 0).map((item: OSS.ObjectMeta) => this.formatFile(item, slicedPrefix, urlPrefix)) || [])
return {
isTruncated: res.isTruncated,
nextMarker: res.nextContinuationToken || '',
success: true
* 重命名文件
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* oldKey: string,
* newKey: string
* }
async renameBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, region, oldKey, newKey } = configMap
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const copyRes = await client.copy(
) as any
if (copyRes?.res.statusCode === 200) {
const deleteRes = await client.delete(oldKey) as any
return deleteRes?.res.statusCode === 204
return false
* 删除文件
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* key: string
* }
async deleteBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, region, key } = configMap
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const res = await client.delete(key) as any
return res?.res.statusCode === 204
* 删除文件夹
* @param configMap
async deleteBucketFolder (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, region, key } = configMap
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
let marker
let isTruncated
const allFileList = {
CommonPrefixes: [] as any[],
Contents: [] as any[]
do {
const res = await client.listV2({
prefix: key,
delimiter: '/',
'max-keys': '1000',
'continuation-token': marker
}, {
timeout: this.timeOut
}) as any
if (res?.res.statusCode !== 200) return false
res.prefixes !== null && allFileList.CommonPrefixes.push(...res.prefixes)
res.objects?.length > 0 && allFileList.Contents.push(...res.objects)
isTruncated = res.isTruncated
marker = res.nextContinuationToken
} while (isTruncated)
if (allFileList.CommonPrefixes.length > 0) {
for (const item of allFileList.CommonPrefixes) {
const successfully = await this.deleteBucketFolder({
key: item
if (!successfully) return false
if (allFileList.Contents.length > 0) {
const cycle = Math.ceil(allFileList.Contents.length / 1000)
for (let i = 0; i < cycle; i++) {
const deleteRes = await client.deleteMulti(
allFileList.Contents.slice(i * 1000, (i + 1) * 1000).map((item: any) => item.name)) as any
if (deleteRes?.res.statusCode !== 200) return false
return true
* 获取预签名url
* @param configMap
* configMap = {
* bucketName: string,
* region: string,
* key: string,
* expires: number,
* customUrl: string
* }
async getPreSignedUrl (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<string> {
const { bucketName, region, key, expires, customUrl } = configMap
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const res = client.signatureUrl(key, {
expires: expires || 3600
return customUrl ? `${customUrl.replace(/\/+$/, '')}/${key}${res.slice(res.indexOf('?'))}` : res
* 上传文件
* @param configMap
async uploadBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { fileArray } = configMap
// fileArray = [{
// bucketName: string,
// region: string,
// key: string,
// filePath: string
// fileSize: number
// }]
const instance = UpDownTaskQueue.getInstance()
fileArray.forEach((item: any) => {
item.key.startsWith('/') && (item.key = item.key.slice(1))
for (const item of fileArray) {
const { bucketName, region, key, filePath, fileName } = item
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`
if (instance.getUploadTask(id)) {
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.queuing,
sourceFileName: fileName,
sourceFilePath: filePath,
targetFilePath: key,
targetFileBucket: bucketName,
targetFileRegion: region
partSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024,
mime: getFileMimeType(fileName),
progress: (p: number) => {
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`
progress: Math.floor(p * 100),
status: uploadTaskSpecialStatus.uploading
).then((res: any) => {
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`
if (res?.res?.statusCode === 200) {
progress: 100,
status: uploadTaskSpecialStatus.uploaded,
response: JSON.stringify(res),
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
} else {
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.failed,
response: JSON.stringify(res),
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
}).catch((err: any) => {
this.logger.error(formatError(err, { class: 'AliyunApi', method: 'uploadBucketFile' }))
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}-${filePath}`
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.failed,
response: JSON.stringify(err),
finishTime: new Date().toLocaleString()
return true
* 新建文件夹
* @param configMap
async createBucketFolder (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { bucketName, region, key } = configMap
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const res = await client.put(key, Buffer.from('')) as any
return res?.res?.statusCode === 200
* 下载文件
* @param configMap
async downloadBucketFile (configMap: IStringKeyMap): Promise<boolean> {
const { downloadPath, fileArray, maxDownloadFileCount } = configMap
const instance = UpDownTaskQueue.getInstance()
const promises = [] as any
for (const item of fileArray) {
const { bucketName, region, key, fileName } = item
const client = this.getNewCtx(region, bucketName)
const savedFilePath = path.join(downloadPath, fileName)
const id = `${bucketName}-${region}-${key}`
if (instance.getDownloadTask(id)) {
progress: 0,
status: commonTaskStatus.queuing,
sourceFileName: fileName,
targetFilePath: savedFilePath
const preSignedUrl = client.signatureUrl(key, {
expires: 60 * 60 * 48
promises.push(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
NewDownloader(instance, preSignedUrl, id, savedFilePath, this.logger)
.then((res: boolean) => {
if (res) {
} else {
const pool = new ConcurrencyPromisePool(maxDownloadFileCount)
pool.all(promises).catch((error: any) => {
this.logger.error(formatError(error, { class: 'AliyunApi', method: 'downloadBucketFile' }))
return true
export default AliyunApi