package panel

import (


// Security type
const (
	None    = 0
	Tls     = 1
	Reality = 2

type NodeInfo struct {
	Id           int
	Type         string
	Security     int
	PushInterval time.Duration
	PullInterval time.Duration
	RawDNS       RawDNS
	Rules        Rules

	// origin
	VAllss      *VAllssNode
	Shadowsocks *ShadowsocksNode
	Trojan      *TrojanNode
	Hysteria    *HysteriaNode
	Hysteria2   *Hysteria2Node
	Common      *CommonNode

type CommonNode struct {
	Host       string      `json:"host"`
	ServerPort int         `json:"server_port"`
	ServerName string      `json:"server_name"`
	Routes     []Route     `json:"routes"`
	BaseConfig *BaseConfig `json:"base_config"`

type Route struct {
	Id          int         `json:"id"`
	Match       interface{} `json:"match"`
	Action      string      `json:"action"`
	ActionValue string      `json:"action_value"`
type BaseConfig struct {
	PushInterval any `json:"push_interval"`
	PullInterval any `json:"pull_interval"`

// VAllssNode is vmess and vless node info
type VAllssNode struct {
	Tls                 int             `json:"tls"`
	TlsSettings         TlsSettings     `json:"tls_settings"`
	TlsSettingsBack     *TlsSettings    `json:"tlsSettings"`
	Network             string          `json:"network"`
	NetworkSettings     json.RawMessage `json:"network_settings"`
	NetworkSettingsBack json.RawMessage `json:"networkSettings"`
	ServerName          string          `json:"server_name"`

	// vless only
	Flow          string        `json:"flow"`
	RealityConfig RealityConfig `json:"-"`

type TlsSettings struct {
	ServerName string `json:"server_name"`
	Dest       string `json:"dest"`
	ServerPort string `json:"server_port"`
	ShortId    string `json:"short_id"`
	PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"`
	Xver       uint64 `json:"xver,string"`

type RealityConfig struct {
	Xver         uint64 `json:"Xver"`
	MinClientVer string `json:"MinClientVer"`
	MaxClientVer string `json:"MaxClientVer"`
	MaxTimeDiff  string `json:"MaxTimeDiff"`

type ShadowsocksNode struct {
	Cipher    string `json:"cipher"`
	ServerKey string `json:"server_key"`

type TrojanNode struct {
	Network         string          `json:"network"`
	NetworkSettings json.RawMessage `json:"networkSettings"`

type HysteriaNode struct {
	UpMbps   int    `json:"up_mbps"`
	DownMbps int    `json:"down_mbps"`
	Obfs     string `json:"obfs"`

type Hysteria2Node struct {
	UpMbps       int    `json:"up_mbps"`
	DownMbps     int    `json:"down_mbps"`
	ObfsType     string `json:"obfs"`
	ObfsPassword string `json:"obfs-password"`

type RawDNS struct {
	DNSMap  map[string]map[string]interface{}
	DNSJson []byte

type Rules struct {
	Regexp   []string
	Protocol []string

func (c *Client) GetNodeInfo() (node *NodeInfo, err error) {
	const path = "/api/v1/server/UniProxy/config"
	r, err := c.client.
		SetHeader("If-None-Match", c.nodeEtag).

	if r.StatusCode() == 304 {
		return nil, nil
	hash := sha256.Sum256(r.Body())
	newBodyHash := hex.EncodeToString(hash[:])
	if c.responseBodyHash == newBodyHash {
		return nil, nil
	c.responseBodyHash = newBodyHash
	c.nodeEtag = r.Header().Get("ETag")
	if err = c.checkResponse(r, path, err); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if r != nil {
		defer func() {
			if r.RawBody() != nil {
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("received nil response")
	node = &NodeInfo{
		Id:   c.NodeId,
		Type: c.NodeType,
		RawDNS: RawDNS{
			DNSMap:  make(map[string]map[string]interface{}),
			DNSJson: []byte(""),
	// parse protocol params
	var cm *CommonNode
	switch c.NodeType {
	case "vmess", "vless":
		rsp := &VAllssNode{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body(), rsp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode v2ray params error: %s", err)
		if len(rsp.NetworkSettingsBack) > 0 {
			rsp.NetworkSettings = rsp.NetworkSettingsBack
			rsp.NetworkSettingsBack = nil
		if rsp.TlsSettingsBack != nil {
			rsp.TlsSettings = *rsp.TlsSettingsBack
			rsp.TlsSettingsBack = nil
		cm = &rsp.CommonNode
		node.VAllss = rsp
		node.Security = node.VAllss.Tls
	case "shadowsocks":
		rsp := &ShadowsocksNode{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body(), rsp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode shadowsocks params error: %s", err)
		cm = &rsp.CommonNode
		node.Shadowsocks = rsp
		node.Security = None
	case "trojan":
		rsp := &TrojanNode{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body(), rsp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode trojan params error: %s", err)
		cm = &rsp.CommonNode
		node.Trojan = rsp
		node.Security = Tls
	case "hysteria":
		rsp := &HysteriaNode{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body(), rsp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode hysteria params error: %s", err)
		cm = &rsp.CommonNode
		node.Hysteria = rsp
		node.Security = Tls
	case "hysteria2":
		rsp := &Hysteria2Node{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body(), rsp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode hysteria2 params error: %s", err)
		cm = &rsp.CommonNode
		node.Hysteria2 = rsp
		node.Security = Tls

	// parse rules and dns
	for i := range cm.Routes {
		var matchs []string
		if _, ok := cm.Routes[i].Match.(string); ok {
			matchs = strings.Split(cm.Routes[i].Match.(string), ",")
		} else if _, ok = cm.Routes[i].Match.([]string); ok {
			matchs = cm.Routes[i].Match.([]string)
		} else {
			temp := cm.Routes[i].Match.([]interface{})
			matchs = make([]string, len(temp))
			for i := range temp {
				matchs[i] = temp[i].(string)
		switch cm.Routes[i].Action {
		case "block":
			for _, v := range matchs {
				if strings.HasPrefix(v, "protocol:") {
					// protocol
					node.Rules.Protocol = append(node.Rules.Protocol, strings.TrimPrefix(v, "protocol:"))
				} else {
					// domain
					node.Rules.Regexp = append(node.Rules.Regexp, strings.TrimPrefix(v, "regexp:"))
		case "dns":
			var domains []string
			domains = append(domains, matchs...)
			if matchs[0] != "main" {
				node.RawDNS.DNSMap[strconv.Itoa(i)] = map[string]interface{}{
					"address": cm.Routes[i].ActionValue,
					"domains": domains,
			} else {
				dns := []byte(strings.Join(matchs[1:], ""))
				node.RawDNS.DNSJson = dns

	// set interval
	node.PushInterval = intervalToTime(cm.BaseConfig.PushInterval)
	node.PullInterval = intervalToTime(cm.BaseConfig.PullInterval)

	node.Common = cm
	// clear
	cm.Routes = nil
	cm.BaseConfig = nil

	return node, nil

func intervalToTime(i interface{}) time.Duration {
	switch reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind() {
	case reflect.Int:
		return time.Duration(i.(int)) * time.Second
	case reflect.String:
		i, _ := strconv.Atoi(i.(string))
		return time.Duration(i) * time.Second
	case reflect.Float64:
		return time.Duration(i.(float64)) * time.Second
		return time.Duration(reflect.ValueOf(i).Int()) * time.Second