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// Package limiter is to control the links that go into the dispather
package limiter
import (
type UserInfo struct {
UID int
SpeedLimit uint64
DeviceLimit int
type InboundInfo struct {
Tag string
NodeSpeedLimit uint64
UserInfo *sync.Map // Key: Uid value: UserInfo
BucketHub *sync.Map // key: Uid, value: *ratelimit.Bucket
UserOnlineIP *sync.Map // Key: Uid Value: *sync.Map: Key: IP, Value: bool
type Limiter struct {
InboundInfo *sync.Map // Key: Tag, Value: *InboundInfo
func New() *Limiter {
return &Limiter{
InboundInfo: new(sync.Map),
func (l *Limiter) AddInboundLimiter(tag string, nodeInfo *api.NodeInfo, userList []api.UserInfo) error {
inboundInfo := &InboundInfo{
Tag: tag,
NodeSpeedLimit: nodeInfo.SpeedLimit,
BucketHub: new(sync.Map),
UserOnlineIP: new(sync.Map),
userMap := new(sync.Map)
for i := range userList {
/*if (*userList)[i].SpeedLimit == 0 {
(*userList)[i].SpeedLimit = nodeInfo.SpeedLimit
if (*userList)[i].DeviceLimit == 0 {
(*userList)[i].DeviceLimit = nodeInfo.DeviceLimit
userMap.Store(fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%d", tag, (userList)[i].V2rayUser.Email, (userList)[i].UID),
UID: (userList)[i].UID,
SpeedLimit: nodeInfo.SpeedLimit,
DeviceLimit: nodeInfo.DeviceLimit,
inboundInfo.UserInfo = userMap
l.InboundInfo.Store(tag, inboundInfo) // Replace the old inbound info
return nil
func (l *Limiter) UpdateInboundLimiter(tag string, nodeInfo *api.NodeInfo, updatedUserList []api.UserInfo) error {
if value, ok := l.InboundInfo.Load(tag); ok {
inboundInfo := value.(*InboundInfo)
// Update User info
for i := range updatedUserList {
inboundInfo.UserInfo.Store(fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%d", tag,
(updatedUserList)[i].V2rayUser.Email, (updatedUserList)[i].UID), UserInfo{
UID: (updatedUserList)[i].UID,
SpeedLimit: nodeInfo.SpeedLimit,
DeviceLimit: nodeInfo.DeviceLimit,
inboundInfo.BucketHub.Delete(fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%d", tag,
(updatedUserList)[i].V2rayUser.Email, (updatedUserList)[i].UID)) // Delete old limiter bucket
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("no such inbound in limiter: %s", tag)
return nil
func (l *Limiter) DeleteInboundLimiter(tag string) error {
return nil
type UserIp struct {
Uid int `json:"Uid"`
IPs []string `json:"Ips"`
func (l *Limiter) GetOnlineUserIp(tag string) ([]UserIp, error) {
if value, ok := l.InboundInfo.Load(tag); ok {
inboundInfo := value.(*InboundInfo)
// Clear Speed Limiter bucket for users who are not online
inboundInfo.BucketHub.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if _, exists := inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.Load(key.(string)); !exists {
return true
onlineUser := make([]UserIp, 0)
var ipMap *sync.Map
inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
ipMap = value.(*sync.Map)
var ip []string
ipMap.Range(func(key, v interface{}) bool {
if v.(bool) {
ip = append(ip, key.(string))
return true
if len(ip) > 0 {
if u, ok := inboundInfo.UserInfo.Load(key.(string)); ok {
onlineUser = append(onlineUser, UserIp{
Uid: u.(UserInfo).UID,
IPs: ip,
return true
if len(onlineUser) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return onlineUser, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such inbound in limiter: %s", tag)
func (l *Limiter) UpdateOnlineUserIP(tag string, userIpList []UserIp) {
if v, ok := l.InboundInfo.Load(tag); ok {
inboundInfo := v.(*InboundInfo)
//Clear old IP
inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
// Update User Online IP
for i := range userIpList {
ipMap := new(sync.Map)
for _, userIp := range (userIpList)[i].IPs {
ipMap.Store(userIp, false)
inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.Store((userIpList)[i].Uid, ipMap)
func (l *Limiter) ClearOnlineUserIP(tag string) {
if v, ok := l.InboundInfo.Load(tag); ok {
inboundInfo := v.(*InboundInfo)
inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
func (l *Limiter) GetUserBucket(tag string, email string, ip string) (limiter *ratelimit.Bucket, SpeedLimit bool, Reject bool) {
if value, ok := l.InboundInfo.Load(tag); ok {
inboundInfo := value.(*InboundInfo)
nodeLimit := inboundInfo.NodeSpeedLimit
var userLimit uint64 = 0
var deviceLimit = 0
if v, ok := inboundInfo.UserInfo.Load(email); ok {
u := v.(UserInfo)
userLimit = u.SpeedLimit
deviceLimit = u.DeviceLimit
ipMap := new(sync.Map)
ipMap.Store(ip, true)
// If any device is online
if v, ok := inboundInfo.UserOnlineIP.LoadOrStore(email, ipMap); ok {
ipMap := v.(*sync.Map)
// If this ip is a new device
if online, ok := ipMap.LoadOrStore(ip, true); !ok {
counter := 0
ipMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
if counter > deviceLimit && deviceLimit > 0 {
return nil, false, true
} else {
if !online.(bool) {
ipMap.Store(ip, true)
limit := determineRate(nodeLimit, userLimit) // If need the Speed limit
if limit > 0 {
limiter := ratelimit.NewBucketWithQuantum(time.Second, int64(limit), int64(limit)) // Byte/s
if v, ok := inboundInfo.BucketHub.LoadOrStore(email, limiter); ok {
bucket := v.(*ratelimit.Bucket)
return bucket, true, false
} else {
return limiter, true, false
} else {
return nil, false, false
} else {
newError("Get Inbound Limiter information failed").AtDebug().WriteToLog()
return nil, false, false
// determineRate returns the minimum non-zero rate
func determineRate(nodeLimit, userLimit uint64) (limit uint64) {
if nodeLimit == 0 || userLimit == 0 {
if nodeLimit > userLimit {
return nodeLimit
} else if nodeLimit < userLimit {
return userLimit
} else {
return 0
} else {
if nodeLimit > userLimit {
return userLimit
} else if nodeLimit < userLimit {
return nodeLimit
} else {
return nodeLimit