> After installation, visit: http://SERVER_IP:7001
> ⚠️ Make sure to save the admin credentials shown during installation
## 📖 Documentation
### 🔄 Upgrade Notice
> 🚨 **Important:** This version involves significant changes. Please strictly follow the upgrade documentation and backup your database before upgrading. Note that upgrading and migration are different processes, do not confuse them.
### Deployment Guides
- [Deploy with 1Panel](./docs/zh-CN/installation/1panel.md)
- [Deploy with Docker Compose](./docs/zh-CN/installation/docker-compose.md)
- [Deploy with aaPanel](./docs/zh-CN/installation/aapanel.md)
- [Deploy with aaPanel + Docker](./docs/zh-CN/installation/aapanel-docker.md) (Recommended)
### Migration Guides
- [Migrate from v2board dev](./docs/zh-CN/migration/v2board-dev.md)
- [Migrate from v2board 1.7.4](./docs/zh-CN/migration/v2board-1.7.4.md)
- [Migrate from v2board 1.7.3](./docs/zh-CN/migration/v2board-1.7.3.md)
- [Migrate from v2board wyx2685](./docs/zh-CN/migration/v2board-wyx2685.md)
## 🛠️ Tech Stack
- Backend: Laravel 11 + Octane
- Admin Panel: React + Shadcn UI + TailwindCSS
- User Frontend: Vue3 + TypeScript + NaiveUI
- Deployment: Docker + Docker Compose
- Caching: Redis + Octane Cache
## 📷 Preview

## ⚠️ Disclaimer
This project is for learning and communication purposes only. Users are responsible for any consequences of using this project.