"Payment method is not available":"Payment method is not available",
"Please wait for the technical enginneer to reply":"Please wait for the technical enginneer to reply",
"Register failed":"Register failed",
"Registration has closed":"Registration has closed",
"Reset failed":"Reset failed",
"Save failed":"Save failed",
"Subscription has expired or no active subscription, unable to purchase Data Reset Package":"Subscription has expired or no active subscription, unable to purchase Data Reset Package",
"Subscription plan does not exist":"Subscription plan does not exist",
"The coupon code cannot be used for this subscription":"The coupon code cannot be used for this subscription",
"The current required minimum withdrawal commission is :limit":"The current required minimum withdrawal commission is :limit",
"The maximum number of creations has been reached":"The maximum number of creations has been reached",
"The old password is wrong":"The old password is wrong",
"The ticket is closed and cannot be replied":"The ticket is closed and cannot be replied",
"The user does not exist":"The user does not exist",
"There are other unresolved tickets":"There are other unresolved tickets",
"This coupon has expired":"This coupon has expired",
"This coupon has not yet started":"This coupon has not yet started",
"This coupon is no longer available":"This coupon is no longer available",
"This email is not registered in the system":"This email is not registered in the system",
"This payment cycle cannot be purchased, please choose another cycle":"This payment cycle cannot be purchased, please choose another cycle",
"This subscription cannot be renewed, please change to another subscription":"This subscription cannot be renewed, please change to another subscription",
"This subscription has been sold out, please choose another subscription":"This subscription has been sold out, please choose another subscription",
"This subscription has expired, please change to another subscription":"This subscription has expired, please change to another subscription",
"Email can not be empty":"Email can not be empty",
"Email format is incorrect":"Email format is incorrect",
"Password can not be empty":"Password can not be empty",
"The traffic usage in :app_name has reached 80%":"The traffic usage in :app_name has reached 80%",
"The service in :app_name is about to expire":"The service in :app_name is about to expire",
"The coupon can only be used :limit_use_with_user per person":"The coupon can only be used :limit_use_with_user per person",
"The coupon code cannot be used for this period":"The coupon code cannot be used for this period",
"Request failed, please try again later":"Request failed, please try again later",
"Register frequently, please try again after :minute minute":"Register frequently, please try again after :minute minute",
"Uh-oh, we've had some problems, we're working on it.":"Uh-oh, we've had some problems, we're working on it",
"This subscription reset package does not apply to your subscription":"This subscription reset package does not apply to your subscription",
"Login to :name":"Login to :name",
"Sending frequently, please try again later":"Sending frequently, please try again later",
"Current product is sold out":"Current product is sold out",
"There are too many password errors, please try again after :minute minutes.":"There are too many password errors, please try again after :minute minutes.",