<?php namespace App\Services; use App\Exceptions\ApiException; use App\Jobs\OrderHandleJob; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\Plan; use App\Models\User; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; class OrderService { CONST STR_TO_TIME = [ 'month_price' => 1, 'quarter_price' => 3, 'half_year_price' => 6, 'year_price' => 12, 'two_year_price' => 24, 'three_year_price' => 36 ]; public $order; public $user; public function __construct(Order $order) { $this->order = $order; } public function open() { $order = $this->order; $this->user = User::find($order->user_id); $plan = Plan::find($order->plan_id); if ($order->refund_amount) { $this->user->balance = $this->user->balance + $order->refund_amount; } try{ DB::beginTransaction(); if ($order->surplus_order_ids) { Order::whereIn('id', $order->surplus_order_ids)->update([ 'status' => Order::STATUS_DISCOUNTED ]); } switch ((string)$order->period) { case 'onetime_price': $this->buyByOneTime($plan); break; case 'reset_price': $this->buyByResetTraffic(); break; default: $this->buyByPeriod($order, $plan); } switch ((int)$order->type) { case 1: $this->openEvent(admin_setting('new_order_event_id', 0)); break; case 2: $this->openEvent(admin_setting('renew_order_event_id', 0)); break; case 3: $this->openEvent(admin_setting('change_order_event_id', 0)); break; } $this->setSpeedLimit($plan->speed_limit); if (!$this->user->save()) { throw new \Exception('用户信息保存失败'); } $order->status = Order::STATUS_COMPLETED; if (!$order->save()) { throw new \Exception('订单信息保存失败'); } DB::commit(); }catch(\Exception $e){ DB::rollBack(); \Log::error($e); throw new ApiException('开通失败'); } } public function setOrderType(User $user) { $order = $this->order; if ($order->period === 'reset_price') { $order->type = Order::TYPE_RESET_TRAFFIC; } else if ($user->plan_id !== NULL && $order->plan_id !== $user->plan_id && ($user->expired_at > time() || $user->expired_at === NULL)) { if (!(int)admin_setting('plan_change_enable', 1)) throw new ApiException('目前不允许更改订阅,请联系客服或提交工单操作'); $order->type = Order::TYPE_UPGRADE; if ((int)admin_setting('surplus_enable', 1)) $this->getSurplusValue($user, $order); if ($order->surplus_amount >= $order->total_amount) { $order->refund_amount = $order->surplus_amount - $order->total_amount; $order->total_amount = 0; } else { $order->total_amount = $order->total_amount - $order->surplus_amount; } } else if ($user->expired_at > time() && $order->plan_id == $user->plan_id) { // 用户订阅未过期且购买订阅与当前订阅相同 === 续费 $order->type = Order::TYPE_RENEWAL; } else { // 新购 $order->type = Order::TYPE_NEW_PURCHASE; } } public function setVipDiscount(User $user) { $order = $this->order; if ($user->discount) { $order->discount_amount = $order->discount_amount + ($order->total_amount * ($user->discount / 100)); } $order->total_amount = $order->total_amount - $order->discount_amount; } public function setInvite(User $user):void { $order = $this->order; if ($user->invite_user_id && ($order->total_amount <= 0)) return; $order->invite_user_id = $user->invite_user_id; $inviter = User::find($user->invite_user_id); if (!$inviter) return; $isCommission = false; switch ((int)$inviter->commission_type) { case 0: $commissionFirstTime = (int)admin_setting('commission_first_time_enable', 1); $isCommission = (!$commissionFirstTime || ($commissionFirstTime && !$this->haveValidOrder($user))); break; case 1: $isCommission = true; break; case 2: $isCommission = !$this->haveValidOrder($user); break; } if (!$isCommission) return; if ($inviter && $inviter->commission_rate) { $order->commission_balance = $order->total_amount * ($inviter->commission_rate / 100); } else { $order->commission_balance = $order->total_amount * (admin_setting('invite_commission', 10) / 100); } } private function haveValidOrder(User $user) { return Order::where('user_id', $user->id) ->whereNotIn('status', [0, 2]) ->first(); } private function getSurplusValue(User $user, Order $order) { if ($user->expired_at === NULL) { $this->getSurplusValueByOneTime($user, $order); } else { $this->getSurplusValueByPeriod($user, $order); } } private function getSurplusValueByOneTime(User $user, Order $order) { $lastOneTimeOrder = Order::where('user_id', $user->id) ->where('period', 'onetime_price') ->where('status', Order::STATUS_COMPLETED) ->orderBy('id', 'DESC') ->first(); if (!$lastOneTimeOrder) return; $nowUserTraffic = $user->transfer_enable / 1073741824; if (!$nowUserTraffic) return; $paidTotalAmount = ($lastOneTimeOrder->total_amount + $lastOneTimeOrder->balance_amount); if (!$paidTotalAmount) return; $trafficUnitPrice = $paidTotalAmount / $nowUserTraffic; $notUsedTraffic = $nowUserTraffic - (($user->u + $user->d) / 1073741824); $result = $trafficUnitPrice * $notUsedTraffic; $orderModel = Order::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('period', '!=', 'reset_price')->where('status', Order::STATUS_COMPLETED); $order->surplus_amount = $result > 0 ? $result : 0; $order->surplus_order_ids = array_column($orderModel->get()->toArray(), 'id'); } private function getSurplusValueByPeriod(User $user, Order $order) { $orders = Order::where('user_id', $user->id) ->whereNotIn('period', ['reset_price', 'onetime_price']) ->where('status', Order::STATUS_COMPLETED) ->get() ->toArray(); if (!$orders) return; $orderAmountSum = 0; $orderMonthSum = 0; $lastValidateAt = 0; foreach ($orders as $item) { $period = self::STR_TO_TIME[$item['period']]; if (strtotime("+{$period} month", $item['created_at']) < time()) continue; $lastValidateAt = $item['created_at']; $orderMonthSum = $period + $orderMonthSum; $orderAmountSum = $orderAmountSum + ($item['total_amount'] + $item['balance_amount'] + $item['surplus_amount'] - $item['refund_amount']); } if (!$lastValidateAt) return; $expiredAtByOrder = strtotime("+{$orderMonthSum} month", $lastValidateAt); if ($expiredAtByOrder < time()) return; $orderSurplusSecond = $expiredAtByOrder - time(); $orderRangeSecond = $expiredAtByOrder - $lastValidateAt; $avgPrice = $orderAmountSum / $orderRangeSecond; $orderSurplusAmount = $avgPrice * $orderSurplusSecond; if (!$orderSurplusSecond || !$orderSurplusAmount) return; $order->surplus_amount = $orderSurplusAmount > 0 ? $orderSurplusAmount : 0; $order->surplus_order_ids = array_column($orders, 'id'); } public function paid(string $callbackNo) { $order = $this->order; if ($order->status !== Order::STATUS_PENDING) return true; $order->status = Order::STATUS_PROCESSING; $order->paid_at = time(); $order->callback_no = $callbackNo; if (!$order->save()) return false; try { OrderHandleJob::dispatchSync($order->trade_no); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } public function cancel():bool { $order = $this->order; try { DB::beginTransaction(); $order->status = Order::STATUS_CANCELLED; if (!$order->save()) { throw new \Exception('Failed to save order status.'); } if ($order->balance_amount) { $userService = new UserService(); if (!$userService->addBalance($order->user_id, $order->balance_amount)) { throw new \Exception('Failed to add balance.'); } } DB::commit(); return true; }catch(\Exception $e){ DB::rollBack(); \Log::error($e); return false; } } private function setSpeedLimit($speedLimit) { $this->user->speed_limit = $speedLimit; } private function buyByResetTraffic() { $this->user->u = 0; $this->user->d = 0; } private function buyByPeriod(Order $order, Plan $plan) { // change plan process if ((int)$order->type === 3) { $this->user->expired_at = time(); } $this->user->transfer_enable = $plan->transfer_enable * 1073741824; // 从一次性转换到循环 if ($this->user->expired_at === NULL) $this->buyByResetTraffic(); // 新购 if ($order->type === 1) $this->buyByResetTraffic(); $this->user->plan_id = $plan->id; $this->user->group_id = $plan->group_id; $this->user->expired_at = $this->getTime($order->period, $this->user->expired_at); } private function buyByOneTime(Plan $plan) { $this->buyByResetTraffic(); $this->user->transfer_enable = $plan->transfer_enable * 1073741824; $this->user->plan_id = $plan->id; $this->user->group_id = $plan->group_id; $this->user->expired_at = NULL; } private function getTime($str, $timestamp) { if ($timestamp < time()) { $timestamp = time(); } switch ($str) { case 'month_price': return strtotime('+1 month', $timestamp); case 'quarter_price': return strtotime('+3 month', $timestamp); case 'half_year_price': return strtotime('+6 month', $timestamp); case 'year_price': return strtotime('+12 month', $timestamp); case 'two_year_price': return strtotime('+24 month', $timestamp); case 'three_year_price': return strtotime('+36 month', $timestamp); } } private function openEvent($eventId) { switch ((int) $eventId) { case 0: break; case 1: $this->buyByResetTraffic(); break; } } }