getCurrentCommit()); return $date . '-' . $hash; } /** * Update version cache */ public function updateVersionCache(): void { try { $result = Process::run('git log -1 --format=%cd:%H --date=format:%Y%m%d'); if ($result->successful()) { list($date, $hash) = explode(':', trim($result->output())); Cache::forever(self::CACHE_VERSION_DATE, $date); Cache::forever(self::CACHE_VERSION, substr($hash, 0, 7)); Log::info('Version cache updated: ' . $date . '-' . substr($hash, 0, 7)); return; } } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to get version with date: ' . $e->getMessage()); } // Fallback Cache::forever(self::CACHE_VERSION_DATE, date('Ymd')); Cache::forever(self::CACHE_VERSION, $this->getCurrentCommit()); Log::info('Version cache updated (fallback): ' . date('Ymd') . '-' . $this->getCurrentCommit()); } public function checkForUpdates(): array { try { // Get current version commit $currentCommit = $this->getCurrentCommit(); if ($currentCommit === 'unknown') { // If unable to get current commit, try to get the first commit $currentCommit = $this->getFirstCommit(); } // Get local git logs $localLogs = $this->getLocalGitLogs(); if (empty($localLogs)) { Log::error('Failed to get local git logs'); return $this->getCachedUpdateInfo(); } // Get remote latest commits $response = Http::withHeaders([ 'Accept' => 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'User-Agent' => 'XBoard-Update-Checker' ])->get(self::GITHUB_API_URL . '?sha=master&per_page=50'); if ($response->successful()) { $commits = $response->json(); $latestCommit = $this->formatCommitHash($commits[0]['sha']); // Find current version position in commit history $currentIndex = -1; $updateLogs = []; $isLocalNewer = false; // Check if local is newer than remote foreach ($localLogs as $localCommit) { $localHash = $this->formatCommitHash($localCommit['hash']); if ($localHash === $latestCommit) { break; } // If local commit not in remote, local version is newer $isLocalNewer = true; $updateLogs[] = [ 'version' => $localHash, 'message' => $localCommit['message'], 'author' => $localCommit['author'], 'date' => $localCommit['date'], 'is_local' => true ]; } if (!$isLocalNewer) { // If local is not newer, check remote updates foreach ($commits as $index => $commit) { $shortSha = $this->formatCommitHash($commit['sha']); if ($shortSha === $currentCommit) { $currentIndex = $index; break; } // Collect update logs $updateLogs[] = [ 'version' => $shortSha, 'message' => $commit['commit']['message'], 'author' => $commit['commit']['author']['name'], 'date' => $commit['commit']['author']['date'], 'is_local' => false ]; } } $hasUpdate = !$isLocalNewer && $currentIndex !== 0 && $currentIndex !== -1; $updateInfo = [ 'has_update' => $hasUpdate, 'is_local_newer' => $isLocalNewer, 'latest_version' => $isLocalNewer ? $currentCommit : $latestCommit, 'current_version' => $currentCommit, 'update_logs' => $updateLogs, 'download_url' => $commits[0]['html_url'] ?? '', 'published_at' => $commits[0]['commit']['author']['date'] ?? '', 'author' => $commits[0]['commit']['author']['name'] ?? '', ]; // Cache check results $this->setLastCheckTime(); Cache::put(self::CACHE_UPDATE_INFO, $updateInfo, now()->addHours(24)); return $updateInfo; } return $this->getCachedUpdateInfo(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Update check failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); return $this->getCachedUpdateInfo(); } } public function executeUpdate(): array { // Check for new version first $updateInfo = $this->checkForUpdates(); if ($updateInfo['is_local_newer']) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => __('update.local_newer') ]; } if (!$updateInfo['has_update']) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => __('update.already_latest') ]; } // Check for update lock if (Cache::get(self::CACHE_UPDATE_LOCK)) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => __('update.process_running') ]; } try { // Set update lock Cache::put(self::CACHE_UPDATE_LOCK, true, now()->addMinutes(30)); // 1. Backup database $this->backupDatabase(); // 2. Pull latest code $result = $this->pullLatestCode(); if (!$result['success']) { throw new \Exception($result['message']); } // 3. Run database migrations $this->runMigrations(); // 4. Clear cache $this->clearCache(); // 5. Create update flag $this->createUpdateFlag(); // 6. Restart Octane if running $this->restartOctane(); // Remove update lock Cache::forget(self::CACHE_UPDATE_LOCK); // Format update logs $logMessages = array_map(function($log) { return sprintf("- %s (%s): %s", $log['version'], date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($log['date'])), $log['message'] ); }, $updateInfo['update_logs']); return [ 'success' => true, 'message' => __('update.success', [ 'from' => $updateInfo['current_version'], 'to' => $updateInfo['latest_version'] ]), 'version' => $updateInfo['latest_version'], 'update_info' => [ 'from_version' => $updateInfo['current_version'], 'to_version' => $updateInfo['latest_version'], 'update_logs' => $logMessages, 'author' => $updateInfo['author'], 'published_at' => $updateInfo['published_at'] ] ]; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Update execution failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); Cache::forget(self::CACHE_UPDATE_LOCK); return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => __('update.failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()]) ]; } } protected function getCurrentCommit(): string { try { $result = Process::run('git rev-parse HEAD'); $fullHash = trim($result->output()); return $fullHash ? $this->formatCommitHash($fullHash) : 'unknown'; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to get current commit: ' . $e->getMessage()); return 'unknown'; } } protected function getFirstCommit(): string { try { // Get first commit hash $result = Process::run('git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD'); $fullHash = trim($result->output()); return $fullHash ? $this->formatCommitHash($fullHash) : 'unknown'; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to get first commit: ' . $e->getMessage()); return 'unknown'; } } protected function formatCommitHash(string $hash): string { // Use 7 characters for commit hash return substr($hash, 0, 7); } protected function backupDatabase(): void { try { // Use existing backup command Process::run('php artisan backup:database'); if (!Process::result()->successful()) { throw new \Exception(__('update.backup_failed', ['error' => Process::result()->errorOutput()])); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Database backup failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } protected function pullLatestCode(): array { try { // Get current project root directory $basePath = base_path(); // Ensure git configuration is correct Process::run(sprintf('git config --global --add %s', $basePath)); // Pull latest code Process::run('git fetch origin master'); Process::run('git reset --hard origin/master'); // Update dependencies Process::run('composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader'); // Update version cache after pulling new code $this->updateVersionCache(); return ['success' => true]; } catch (\Exception $e) { return [ 'success' => false, 'message' => __('update.code_update_failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()]) ]; } } protected function runMigrations(): void { try { Process::run('php artisan migrate --force'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Migration failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception(__('update.migration_failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()])); } } protected function clearCache(): void { try { $commands = [ 'php artisan config:clear', 'php artisan cache:clear', 'php artisan view:clear', 'php artisan route:clear' ]; foreach ($commands as $command) { Process::run($command); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Cache clearing failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception(__('update.cache_clear_failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()])); } } protected function createUpdateFlag(): void { try { // Create update flag file for external script to detect and restart container $flagFile = storage_path('update_pending'); File::put($flagFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to create update flag: ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \Exception(__('update.flag_create_failed', ['error' => $e->getMessage()])); } } protected function restartOctane(): void { try { if (!config('octane.server')) { return; } // Check Octane running status $statusResult = Process::run('php artisan octane:status'); if (!$statusResult->successful()) { Log::info('Octane is not running, skipping restart.'); return; } $output = $statusResult->output(); if (str_contains($output, 'Octane server is running')) { Log::info('Restarting Octane server after update...'); // Update version cache before restart $this->updateVersionCache(); Process::run('php artisan octane:reload'); Log::info('Octane server restarted successfully.'); } else { Log::info('Octane is not running, skipping restart.'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to restart Octane server: ' . $e->getMessage()); // Non-fatal error, don't throw exception } } public function getLastCheckTime() { return Cache::get(self::CACHE_LAST_CHECK, null); } protected function setLastCheckTime(): void { Cache::put(self::CACHE_LAST_CHECK, now()->timestamp, now()->addDays(30)); } public function getCachedUpdateInfo(): array { return Cache::get(self::CACHE_UPDATE_INFO, [ 'has_update' => false, 'latest_version' => $this->getCurrentCommit(), 'current_version' => $this->getCurrentCommit(), 'update_logs' => [], 'download_url' => '', 'published_at' => '', 'author' => '', ]); } protected function getLocalGitLogs(int $limit = 50): array { try { // 获取本地git log $result = Process::run( sprintf('git log -%d --pretty=format:"%%H||%%s||%%an||%%ai"', $limit) ); if (!$result->successful()) { return []; } $logs = []; $lines = explode("\n", trim($result->output())); foreach ($lines as $line) { $parts = explode('||', $line); if (count($parts) === 4) { $logs[] = [ 'hash' => $parts[0], 'message' => $parts[1], 'author' => $parts[2], 'date' => $parts[3] ]; } } return $logs; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Failed to get local git logs: ' . $e->getMessage()); return []; } } }