*/ public function toArray(Request $request): array { return [ 'id' => $this->resource['id'], 'group_id' => $this->resource['group_id'], 'name' => $this->resource['name'], 'content' => $this->formatContent(), ...$this->getPeriodPrices(), 'capacity_limit' => $this->getFormattedCapacityLimit(), 'transfer_enable' => $this->resource['transfer_enable'], 'speed_limit' => $this->resource['speed_limit'], 'show' => (bool) $this->resource['show'], 'sell' => (bool) $this->resource['sell'], 'renew' => (bool) $this->resource['renew'], 'reset_traffic_method' => $this->resource['reset_traffic_method'], 'sort' => $this->resource['sort'], 'created_at' => $this->resource['created_at'], 'updated_at' => $this->resource['updated_at'] ]; } /** * Get transformed period prices using Plan mapping * * @return array */ protected function getPeriodPrices(): array { return collect(Plan::LEGACY_PERIOD_MAPPING) ->mapWithKeys(function (string $newPeriod, string $legacyPeriod): array { $price = $this->resource['prices'][$newPeriod] ?? null; return [ $legacyPeriod => $price !== null ? (float) $price * self::PRICE_MULTIPLIER : null ]; }) ->all(); } /** * Get formatted capacity limit value * * @return int|string|null */ protected function getFormattedCapacityLimit(): int|string|null { $limit = $this->resource['capacity_limit']; return match (true) { $limit === null => null, $limit <= 0 => __('Sold out'), default => (int) $limit, }; } /** * Format content with template variables * * @return string */ protected function formatContent(): string { $content = $this->resource['content'] ?? ''; $replacements = [ '{{transfer}}' => $this->resource['transfer_enable'], '{{speed}}' => $this->resource['speed_limit'] === NULL ? __('No Limit') : $this->resource['speed_limit'], '{{devices}}' => $this->resource['device_limit'] === NULL ? __('No Limit') : $this->resource['device_limit'], '{{reset_method}}' => $this->getResetMethodText(), ]; return str_replace( array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $content ); } /** * Get reset method text * * @return string */ protected function getResetMethodText(): string { $method = $this->resource['reset_traffic_method']; if ($method === Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FOLLOW_SYSTEM) { $method = admin_setting('reset_traffic_method', Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_MONTHLY); } return match ($method) { Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FIRST_DAY_MONTH => __('First Day of Month'), Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_MONTHLY => __('Monthly'), Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_NEVER => __('Never'), Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FIRST_DAY_YEAR => __('First Day of Year'), Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_YEARLY => __('Yearly'), default => __('Monthly') }; } }