user['id']) ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC'); if ($request->input('status') !== null) { $model->where('status', $request->input('status')); } $order = $model->get(); $plan = Plan::get(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($order); $i++) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($plan); $x++) { if ($order[$i]['plan_id'] === $plan[$x]['id']) { $order[$i]['plan'] = $plan[$x]; } } } return response([ 'data' => $order->makeHidden(['id', 'user_id']) ]); } public function detail(Request $request) { $order = Order::where('user_id', $request->user['id']) ->where('trade_no', $request->input('trade_no')) ->first(); if (!$order) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Order does not exist or has been paid')); } $order['plan'] = Plan::find($order->plan_id); $order['try_out_plan_id'] = (int)admin_setting('try_out_plan_id'); if (!$order['plan']) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Subscription plan does not exist')); } if ($order->surplus_order_ids) { $order['surplus_orders'] = Order::whereIn('id', $order->surplus_order_ids)->get(); } return response([ 'data' => $order ]); } public function save(OrderSave $request) { $userService = new UserService(); if ($userService->isNotCompleteOrderByUserId($request->user['id'])) { throw new ApiException(500, __('You have an unpaid or pending order, please try again later or cancel it')); } $planService = new PlanService($request->input('plan_id')); $plan = $planService->plan; $user = User::find($request->user['id']); if (!$plan) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Subscription plan does not exist')); } if ($user->plan_id !== $plan->id && !$planService->haveCapacity() && $request->input('period') !== 'reset_price') { throw new ApiException(500, __('Current product is sold out')); } if ($plan[$request->input('period')] === NULL) { throw new ApiException(500, __('This payment period cannot be purchased, please choose another period')); } if ($request->input('period') === 'reset_price') { if (!$userService->isAvailable($user) || $plan->id !== $user->plan_id) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Subscription has expired or no active subscription, unable to purchase Data Reset Package')); } } if ((!$plan->show && !$plan->renew) || (!$plan->show && $user->plan_id !== $plan->id)) { if ($request->input('period') !== 'reset_price') { throw new ApiException(500, __('This subscription has been sold out, please choose another subscription')); } } if (!$plan->renew && $user->plan_id == $plan->id && $request->input('period') !== 'reset_price') { throw new ApiException(500, __('This subscription cannot be renewed, please change to another subscription')); } if (!$plan->show && $plan->renew && !$userService->isAvailable($user)) { throw new ApiException(500, __('This subscription has expired, please change to another subscription')); } DB::beginTransaction(); $order = new Order(); $orderService = new OrderService($order); $order->user_id = $request->user['id']; $order->plan_id = $plan->id; $order->period = $request->input('period'); $order->trade_no = Helper::generateOrderNo(); $order->total_amount = $plan[$request->input('period')]; if ($request->input('coupon_code')) { $couponService = new CouponService($request->input('coupon_code')); if (!$couponService->use($order)) { DB::rollBack(); throw new ApiException(500, __('Coupon failed')); } $order->coupon_id = $couponService->getId(); } $orderService->setVipDiscount($user); $orderService->setOrderType($user); $orderService->setInvite($user); if ($user->balance && $order->total_amount > 0) { $remainingBalance = $user->balance - $order->total_amount; $userService = new UserService(); if ($remainingBalance > 0) { if (!$userService->addBalance($order->user_id, - $order->total_amount)) { DB::rollBack(); throw new ApiException(500, __('Insufficient balance')); } $order->balance_amount = $order->total_amount; $order->total_amount = 0; } else { if (!$userService->addBalance($order->user_id, - $user->balance)) { DB::rollBack(); throw new ApiException(500, __('Insufficient balance')); } $order->balance_amount = $user->balance; $order->total_amount = $order->total_amount - $user->balance; } } if (!$order->save()) { DB::rollback(); throw new ApiException(500, __('Failed to create order')); } DB::commit(); return response([ 'data' => $order->trade_no ]); } public function checkout(Request $request) { $tradeNo = $request->input('trade_no'); $method = $request->input('method'); $order = Order::where('trade_no', $tradeNo) ->where('user_id', $request->user['id']) ->where('status', 0) ->first(); if (!$order) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Order does not exist or has been paid')); } // free process if ($order->total_amount <= 0) { $orderService = new OrderService($order); if (!$orderService->paid($order->trade_no)) throw new ApiException(500, ''); return response([ 'type' => -1, 'data' => true ]); } $payment = Payment::find($method); if (!$payment || $payment->enable !== 1) throw new ApiException(500, __('Payment method is not available')); $paymentService = new PaymentService($payment->payment, $payment->id); $order->handling_amount = NULL; if ($payment->handling_fee_fixed || $payment->handling_fee_percent) { $order->handling_amount = round(($order->total_amount * ($payment->handling_fee_percent / 100)) + $payment->handling_fee_fixed); } $order->payment_id = $method; if (!$order->save()) throw new ApiException(500, __('Request failed, please try again later')); $result = $paymentService->pay([ 'trade_no' => $tradeNo, 'total_amount' => isset($order->handling_amount) ? ($order->total_amount + $order->handling_amount) : $order->total_amount, 'user_id' => $order->user_id, 'stripe_token' => $request->input('token') ]); return response([ 'type' => $result['type'], 'data' => $result['data'] ]); } public function check(Request $request) { $tradeNo = $request->input('trade_no'); $order = Order::where('trade_no', $tradeNo) ->where('user_id', $request->user['id']) ->first(); if (!$order) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Order does not exist')); } return response([ 'data' => $order->status ]); } public function getPaymentMethod() { $methods = Payment::select([ 'id', 'name', 'payment', 'icon', 'handling_fee_fixed', 'handling_fee_percent' ]) ->where('enable', 1) ->orderBy('sort', 'ASC') ->get(); return response([ 'data' => $methods ]); } public function cancel(Request $request) { if (empty($request->input('trade_no'))) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Invalid parameter')); } $order = Order::where('trade_no', $request->input('trade_no')) ->where('user_id', $request->user['id']) ->first(); if (!$order) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Order does not exist')); } if ($order->status !== 0) { throw new ApiException(500, __('You can only cancel pending orders')); } $orderService = new OrderService($order); if (!$orderService->cancel()) { throw new ApiException(500, __('Cancel failed')); } return response([ 'data' => true ]); } }