<?php namespace App\Payments; use App\Exceptions\ApiException; class CoinPayments { protected $config; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; } public function form() { return [ 'coinpayments_merchant_id' => [ 'label' => 'Merchant ID', 'description' => '商户 ID,填写您在 Account Settings 中得到的 ID', 'type' => 'input', ], 'coinpayments_ipn_secret' => [ 'label' => 'IPN Secret', 'description' => '通知密钥,填写您在 Merchant Settings 中自行设置的值', 'type' => 'input', ], 'coinpayments_currency' => [ 'label' => '货币代码', 'description' => '填写您的货币代码(大写),建议与 Merchant Settings 中的值相同', 'type' => 'input', ] ]; } public function pay($order) { // IPN notifications are slow, when the transaction is successful, we should return to the user center to avoid user confusion $parseUrl = parse_url($order['return_url']); $port = isset($parseUrl['port']) ? ":{$parseUrl['port']}" : ''; $successUrl = "{$parseUrl['scheme']}://{$parseUrl['host']}{$port}"; $params = [ 'cmd' => '_pay_simple', 'reset' => 1, 'merchant' => $this->config['coinpayments_merchant_id'], 'item_name' => $order['trade_no'], 'item_number' => $order['trade_no'], 'want_shipping' => 0, 'currency' => $this->config['coinpayments_currency'], 'amountf' => sprintf('%.2f', $order['total_amount'] / 100), 'success_url' => $successUrl, 'cancel_url' => $order['return_url'], 'ipn_url' => $order['notify_url'] ]; $params_string = http_build_query($params); return [ 'type' => 1, // Redirect to url 'data' => 'https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php?' . $params_string ]; } public function notify($params) { if (!isset($params['merchant']) || $params['merchant'] != trim($this->config['coinpayments_merchant_id'])) { throw new ApiException('No or incorrect Merchant ID passed'); } $headers = getallheaders(); ksort($params); reset($params); $request = stripslashes(http_build_query($params)); $headerName = 'Hmac'; $signHeader = isset($headers[$headerName]) ? $headers[$headerName] : ''; $hmac = hash_hmac("sha512", $request, trim($this->config['coinpayments_ipn_secret'])); // if ($hmac != $signHeader) { <-- Use this if you are running a version of PHP below 5.6.0 without the hash_equals function // throw new ApiException(400, 'HMAC signature does not match'); // } if (!hash_equals($hmac, $signHeader)) { throw new ApiException('HMAC signature does not match', 400); } // HMAC Signature verified at this point, load some variables. $status = $params['status']; if ($status >= 100 || $status == 2) { // payment is complete or queued for nightly payout, success return [ 'trade_no' => $params['item_number'], 'callback_no' => $params['txn_id'], 'custom_result' => 'IPN OK' ]; } else if ($status < 0) { //payment error, this is usually final but payments will sometimes be reopened if there was no exchange rate conversion or with seller consent throw new ApiException('Payment Timed Out or Error'); } else { //payment is pending, you can optionally add a note to the order page return ('IPN OK: pending'); } } }