user = $user; $this->servers = $servers; } public function getFlags(): array { return $this->flags; } public function handle() { $servers = $this->servers; $user = $this->user; $appName = admin_setting('app_name', 'XBoard'); $defaultConfig = base_path() . '/resources/rules/default.clash.yaml'; $customClashConfig = base_path() . '/resources/rules/custom.clash.yaml'; $customConfig = base_path() . '/resources/rules/custom.clashmeta.yaml'; if (\File::exists($customConfig)) { $config = Yaml::parseFile($customConfig); } elseif (\File::exists($customClashConfig)) { $config = Yaml::parseFile($customClashConfig); } else { $config = Yaml::parseFile($defaultConfig); } $proxy = []; $proxies = []; foreach ($servers as $item) { if ($item['type'] === 'shadowsocks') { array_push($proxy, self::buildShadowsocks($item['password'], $item)); array_push($proxies, $item['name']); } if ($item['type'] === 'vmess') { array_push($proxy, self::buildVmess($user['uuid'], $item)); array_push($proxies, $item['name']); } if ($item['type'] === 'trojan') { array_push($proxy, self::buildTrojan($user['uuid'], $item)); array_push($proxies, $item['name']); } if ($item['type'] === 'vless') { array_push($proxy, self::buildVless($user['uuid'], $item)); array_push($proxies, $item['name']); } if ($item['type'] === 'hysteria') { array_push($proxy, self::buildHysteria($user['uuid'], $item, $user)); array_push($proxies, $item['name']); } } $config['proxies'] = array_merge($config['proxies'] ? $config['proxies'] : [], $proxy); foreach ($config['proxy-groups'] as $k => $v) { if (!is_array($config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'])) $config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'] = []; $isFilter = false; foreach ($config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'] as $src) { foreach ($proxies as $dst) { if (!$this->isRegex($src)) continue; $isFilter = true; $config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'] = array_values(array_diff($config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'], [$src])); if ($this->isMatch($src, $dst)) { array_push($config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'], $dst); } } if ($isFilter) continue; } if ($isFilter) continue; $config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'] = array_merge($config['proxy-groups'][$k]['proxies'], $proxies); } $config['proxy-groups'] = array_filter($config['proxy-groups'], function ($group) { return $group['proxies']; }); $config['proxy-groups'] = array_values($config['proxy-groups']); $config = $this->buildRules($config); $yaml = Yaml::dump($config, 2, 4, Yaml::DUMP_EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_SEQUENCE); $yaml = str_replace('$app_name', admin_setting('app_name', 'XBoard'), $yaml); return response($yaml, 200) ->header('subscription-userinfo', "upload={$user['u']}; download={$user['d']}; total={$user['transfer_enable']}; expire={$user['expired_at']}") ->header('profile-update-interval', '24') ->header('content-disposition', 'attachment;filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . rawurlencode($appName)); } /** * Build the rules for Clash. */ public function buildRules($config) { // Force the current subscription domain to be a direct rule $subsDomain = request()->header('Host'); if ($subsDomain) { array_unshift($config['rules'], "DOMAIN,{$subsDomain},DIRECT"); } // Force the nodes ip to be a direct rule collect($this->servers)->pluck('host')->map(function ($host) { $host = trim($host); return filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ? [$host] : Helper::getIpByDomainName($host); })->flatten()->unique()->each(function ($nodeIP) use (&$config) { array_unshift($config['rules'], "IP-CIDR,{$nodeIP}/32,DIRECT,no-resolve"); }); return $config; } public static function buildShadowsocks($password, $server) { $array = []; $array['name'] = $server['name']; $array['type'] = 'ss'; $array['server'] = $server['host']; $array['port'] = $server['port']; $array['cipher'] = data_get($server['protocol_settings'], 'cipher'); $array['password'] = $password; $array['udp'] = true; return $array; } public static function buildVmess($uuid, $server) { $protocol_settings = data_get($server, 'protocol_settings', []); $array = [ 'name' => $server['name'], 'type' => 'vmess', 'server' => $server['host'], 'port' => $server['port'], 'uuid' => $uuid, 'alterId' => 0, 'cipher' => 'auto', 'udp' => true ]; if (data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls')) { $array['tls'] = true; $array['skip-cert-verify'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls_settings.allow_insecure', false); $array['servername'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls_settings.server_name'); } switch (data_get($protocol_settings, 'network')) { case 'tcp': $array['network'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.header.type', 'tcp'); $array['http-opts'] = [ 'headers' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.header.request.headers'), 'path' => \Arr::random(data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.header.request.path', ['/']), 1) ]; break; case 'ws': $array['network'] = 'ws'; $array['ws-opts'] = [ 'path' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.path'), 'headers' => ['Host' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.headers.Host')] ]; break; case 'grpc': $array['network'] = 'grpc'; $array['grpc-opts'] = [ 'grpc-service-name' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.serviceName') ]; break; default: break; } return $array; } public static function buildVless($password, $server) { $protocol_settings = data_get($server, 'protocol_settings', []); $array = [ 'name' => $server['name'], 'type' => 'vless', 'server' => $server['host'], 'port' => $server['port'], 'uuid' => $password, 'alterId' => 0, 'cipher' => 'auto', 'udp' => true, 'flow' => data_get($server, 'flow') ]; switch (data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls')) { case 1: $array['tls'] = true; $array['skip-cert-verify'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls_settings.allow_insecure', false); $array['servername'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls_settings.server_name'); break; case 2: $array['tls'] = true; $array['skip-cert-verify'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'reality_settings.allow_insecure', false); $array['servername'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'reality_settings.server_name'); $array['reality-opts'] = [ 'public-key' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'reality_settings.public_key'), 'short-id' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'reality_settings.short_id') ]; $array['client-fingerprint'] = Helper::getRandFingerprint(); break; default: break; } switch (data_get($protocol_settings, 'network')) { case 'ws': $array['network'] = 'ws'; $array['ws-opts'] = [ 'path' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.path'), 'headers' => ['Host' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.headers.Host')] ]; break; case 'grpc': $array['network'] = 'grpc'; $array['grpc-opts'] = [ 'grpc-service-name' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.serviceName') ]; break; case 'h2': $array['network'] = 'h2'; $array['h2-opts'] = [ 'path' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'network_settings.path', '/'), 'host' => data_get($protocol_settings, '') ]; break; default: break; } return $array; } public static function buildTrojan($password, $server) { $settings = data_get($server, 'protocol_settings', []); $array = [ 'name' => $server['name'], 'type' => 'trojan', 'server' => $server['host'], 'port' => $server['port'], 'password' => $password, 'udp' => true, 'sni' => data_get($settings, 'server_name'), 'skip-cert-verify' => data_get($settings, 'allow_insecure', false) ]; switch (data_get($settings, 'network')) { case 'grpc': $array['network'] = 'grpc'; $array['grpc-opts'] = [ 'grpc-service-name' => data_get($settings, 'network_settings.serviceName') ]; break; case 'ws': $array['network'] = 'ws'; $array['ws-opts'] = [ 'path' => data_get($settings, 'network_settings.path'), 'headers' => ['Host' => data_get($settings, 'network_settings.headers.Host')] ]; break; default: break; } return $array; } public static function buildHysteria($password, $server, $user) { $protocol_settings = data_get($server, 'protocol_settings', []); $array = [ 'name' => $server['name'], 'server' => $server['host'], 'port' => $server['port'], 'sni' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls.server_name'), 'up' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'bandwidth.up'), 'down' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'bandwidth.down'), 'skip-cert-verify' => data_get($protocol_settings, 'tls.allow_insecure', false), ]; if (isset($server['ports'])) { $array['ports'] = $server['ports']; } switch (data_get($protocol_settings, 'version')) { case 1: $array['type'] = 'hysteria'; $array['auth_str'] = $password; $array['protocol'] = 'udp'; // 支持 udp/wechat-video/faketcp if (data_get($protocol_settings, '')) { $array['obfs'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'obfs.password'); } $array['fast-open'] = true; $array['disable_mtu_discovery'] = true; break; case 2: $array['type'] = 'hysteria2'; $array['password'] = $password; if (data_get($protocol_settings, '')) { $array['obfs'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'obfs.type'); $array['obfs-password'] = data_get($protocol_settings, 'obfs.password'); } break; } return $array; } private function isMatch($exp, $str) { return @preg_match($exp, $str); } private function isRegex($exp) { return @preg_match($exp, null) !== false; } }