config = $config; } public function form() { return [ 'coinpayments_merchant_id' => [ 'label' => 'Merchant ID', 'description' => '商户 ID,填写您在 Account Settings 中得到的 ID', 'type' => 'input', ], 'coinpayments_ipn_secret' => [ 'label' => 'IPN Secret', 'description' => '通知密钥,填写您在 Merchant Settings 中自行设置的值', 'type' => 'input', ], 'coinpayments_currency' => [ 'label' => '货币代码', 'description' => '填写您的货币代码(大写),建议与 Merchant Settings 中的值相同', 'type' => 'input', ] ]; } public function pay($order) { // IPN notifications are slow, when the transaction is successful, we should return to the user center to avoid user confusion $parseUrl = parse_url($order['return_url']); $port = isset($parseUrl['port']) ? ":{$parseUrl['port']}" : ''; $successUrl = "{$parseUrl['scheme']}://{$parseUrl['host']}{$port}"; $params = [ 'cmd' => '_pay_simple', 'reset' => 1, 'merchant' => $this->config['coinpayments_merchant_id'], 'item_name' => $order['trade_no'], 'item_number' => $order['trade_no'], 'want_shipping' => 0, 'currency' => $this->config['coinpayments_currency'], 'amountf' => sprintf('%.2f', $order['total_amount'] / 100), 'success_url' => $successUrl, 'cancel_url' => $order['return_url'], 'ipn_url' => $order['notify_url'] ]; $params_string = http_build_query($params); return [ 'type' => 1, // Redirect to url 'data' => '' . $params_string ]; } public function notify($params) { if (!isset($params['merchant']) || $params['merchant'] != trim($this->config['coinpayments_merchant_id'])) { throw new ApiException(500, 'No or incorrect Merchant ID passed'); } $headers = getallheaders(); ksort($params); reset($params); $request = stripslashes(http_build_query($params)); $headerName = 'Hmac'; $signHeader = isset($headers[$headerName]) ? $headers[$headerName] : ''; $hmac = hash_hmac("sha512", $request, trim($this->config['coinpayments_ipn_secret'])); // if ($hmac != $signHeader) { <-- Use this if you are running a version of PHP below 5.6.0 without the hash_equals function // throw new ApiException(400, 'HMAC signature does not match'); // } if (!hash_equals($hmac, $signHeader)) { throw new ApiException(400, 'HMAC signature does not match'); } // HMAC Signature verified at this point, load some variables. $status = $params['status']; if ($status >= 100 || $status == 2) { // payment is complete or queued for nightly payout, success return [ 'trade_no' => $params['item_number'], 'callback_no' => $params['txn_id'], 'custom_result' => 'IPN OK' ]; } else if ($status < 0) { //payment error, this is usually final but payments will sometimes be reopened if there was no exchange rate conversion or with seller consent throw new ApiException(500, 'Payment Timed Out or Error'); } else { //payment is pending, you can optionally add a note to the order page return('IPN OK: pending'); } } }