"message":"Matches hosts (domain names) by wildcard.<br><b>The asterisk <code>*</code></b> matches zero or more characters.<br><b>The question mark <code>?</code></b> matches exactly one character.<br><br>Note that rules beginning with <code>*.</code> are specially treated only in Host wildcard conditions.<br>Example: <code>*.example.com</code> will match www.example.com <b>AND example.com as well.</b><br>To match subdomains <b>only</b>, use <b>two</b> asterisks like <code>**.example.com</code>"
"message":"Like Host wildcard condition, but matches hosts (domain names) by <a href='https://www.google.com/search?q=regular%20expression'>regular expression</a>.<br>Regular expressions can be hard to construct (and read).<br>It is recommended to use wildcards for most cases and only use regex for conditions that cannot be achieved by any other condition type."
"message":"Matches the request if and only if the host level in within the given range.<br>Host level is defined as the <b>number of dot-separated segments</b> of the host (domain name).<br>Example: <code>www.example.com</code> is with a host level of 3, while <code>internal</code> is of host level 1."
"message":"Matches URLs of the request by wildcard.<br>See the Host wildcard section above for a quick wildcard reference.<br>Note that URL wildcards are not specially treated (no subdomain magic as in Host wildcard).<br>So <code>*://*.example.com/*</code> matches http://www.example.com/ but <b>does not</b> match http://example.com/."
"message":"Matches URL by extremely powerful <a href='https://www.google.com/search?q=regular%20expression'>regular expression</a>.<br>However, regular expressions can be hard to construct (and read).<br>It is recommended to use wildcards for most cases and only use regex for conditions that cannot be achieved by any other condition type."
"message":"A keyword condition matches if the URL protocol is HTTP, and the pattern is an exact sub-string of the URL.<br>It behaves like the URL wildcard pattern <code>http://*<b>pattern</b>*</code>, where <b>pattern</b> is the keyword pattern.<br>Keyword conditions are useful if you want to bypass a firewall blocking some keywords in the URL, by requesting such URLs through a proxy."
"message":"You can disable a condition by setting its type to <code>(Disabled)</code>. A Disabled condition act as if it does not exist.<br>This feature can be used to disable conditions temporarily.<br>Disabled conditions still hold the previous information (like patterns) and can be re-enabled by setting the condition type back to the previous type."
"message":"Unlocks new types of advanced but complicated switch conditions. For most senarios, the basic condition types should be enough, so this option is not recommended."
"message":"You can now automatically synchroize your settings and profiles across all your desktop devices running Chrome browser."
"message":"Your options are automatically synchroized with your other devices."
"message":"Please note that you must sign in to Chrome on each of your devices (including this one) for the syncing to actually work. <br> You may check this section on other devices to ensure that it is working."
"message":"You have uploaded a copy of your options on another device via syncing."
"message":"You may download the remote copy to your device if you like. <br>However, doing so would <b>overwrite your existing settings and profiles</b> on this device."
"message":"Options syncing is not supported on your platform or browser. For now, only Chrome browser on desktop is supported."
"message":"Warning: The username/password may be sent to unexpected servers returned by the PAC script."
"message":"Please make sure that you trust the script provided via the URL above before entering sensitive credentials."
"message":"Please make sure that you trust the script below before providing sensitive credentials."
"message":"Additionally, using this profile in other profiles (e.g. Switch Profile) may cause the username/password to be sent to proxy servers configured in other profiles."
"message":"PAC profiles with file: URLs can only be applied directly. They cannot be used as result profiles because local files cannot be accessed due to browser limitation."
"message":"Therefore, you cannot use local PAC file for this profile. You can create a new PAC profile for that if you really want that."
"message":"You can migrate existing options to use this virtual profile instead of $PROFILE$. Doing so will update all existing rules concerning $PROFILE$ and point them to this virtual profile, so that their result profile can be controlled here.",
"message":"Profile names beginning with double-underscore are reserved."
"message":"Profiles with names starting with underscore will be hidden on the popup menu. However, they can still be used in places like switch profile results."
"message":"Do you really want to replace $FromProfile$ with $ToProfile$?",
"message":"If you proceed, all rules pointing to $FromProfile$ will be updated to use $ToProfile$ instead. Other options, such as startup profile and Quick Switch will also be modified as appropriate. However, the two profile themselves will NOT be changed or deleted.",
"message":"Applying different profiles automatically on various conditions such as domains or patterns.\n You can also import rules published online for easier switching. (Replaces AutoSwitch mode + Rule List.)"
"message":"A virtual profile can act as any of the other profiles on demand. It works well with SwitchProfile, allowing you to change the result of multiple conditions by one click."
"message":"A <b>Proxy Profile</b> contains settings like server ip & port for proxy.<br>Profiles are the the basic configuration units in SwitchyOmega.<br>We have already created an example profile for you. Try opening it."
"message":"You can fill in your proxy server and port here as you like.<br>SwitchyOmega <b>does not come with any proxy servers</b>.<br>Please consult your network provider or proxy software manual if you don't know what should be filled in here."
"message":"You can tell SwitchyOmega to switch between proxies automatically through the mighty <b>Switch Profile</b>.<br>However, its features cannot be covered in this quick guide.<br>You can open this profile to unlock its power some time later."
"message":"Need more profiles? You can always add more <b>Proxy, Switch and other profiles</b><br>for all your proxying needs.<br>Enjoy proxying!"
"message":"SwitchyOmega can apply different profiles to requests based on <b>conditions</b>.<br> For example, the <b>Host wildcard</b> condition allows you to set the profile for all URLs in a domain."
"message":"You can use various condition types to match the host or full URL. <br> Click on the question mark to open the type reference."
"message":"SwitchyOmega applies the selected profile here to <b>any request matching the condition.</b> <br> The special <b>\"[Direct]\" profile</b> will cause the request to be sent without any proxy."
"message":"If no condition applies to some request, the \"Default\" profile will be used. <br>Conditions are always considered <b>from top to bottom</b> in order.<br>You can change their order by dragging the sort icon."
"message":"When you are done setting the switch profile, don't forget to <b>switch to it in the popup menu.</b><br/> The icon will show you the <b>final result</b> profile applied for the current tab. <br/> <b>Hovering</b> on the icon will reveal a tooltip with details."