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2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
chai = require 'chai'
should = chai.should()
describe 'Conditions', ->
Conditions = require '../src/conditions'
U2 = require 'uglify-js'
testCond = (condition, request, should_match) ->
o_request = request
should_match = !!should_match
if typeof request == 'string'
request = Conditions.requestFromUrl(request)
matchResult = Conditions.match(condition, request)
condExpr = Conditions.compile(condition, request)
testFunc = new U2.AST_Function(
argnames: [
new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'url'
new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'host'
new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'scheme'
body: [
new U2.AST_Return value: condExpr
testFunc = eval '(' + testFunc.print_to_string() + ')'
compileResult = testFunc(request.url,, request.scheme)
friendlyError = (compiled) ->
# Try to give friendly assert messages instead of something like
# "expect true to be false".
printCond = JSON.stringify(condition)
printCompiled = if compiled then 'COMPILED ' else ''
printMatch = if should_match then 'to match' else 'not to match'
msg = ("expect #{printCompiled}condition #{printCond} " +
"#{printMatch} request #{o_request}")
chai.assert(false, msg)
if matchResult != should_match
if compileResult != should_match
return matchResult
describe 'TrueCondition', ->
it 'should always return true', ->
testCond({conditionType: 'TrueCondition'}, {}, 'match')
describe 'FalseCondition', ->
it 'should always return false', ->
testCond({conditionType: 'FalseCondition'}, {}, not 'match')
describe 'UrlRegexCondition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'UrlRegexCondition'
pattern: 'example\\.com'
it 'should match requests based on regex pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should not match requests not matching the pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should support regex meta chars', ->
con =
conditionType: 'UrlRegexCondition'
pattern: 'exam.*\\.com'
testCond(con, '', 'match')
it 'should fallback to not match if pattern is invalid', ->
con =
conditionType: 'UrlRegexCondition'
pattern: ')Invalid('
testCond(con, '', not 'match')
2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
describe 'UrlWildcardCondition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '**'
it 'should match requests based on wildcard pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should not match requests not matching the pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should support wildcard question marks', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*exam???.com*'
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should not support regex meta chars', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '.**'
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should support multiple patterns in one condition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '**|**'
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
describe 'HostRegexCondition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'HostRegexCondition'
pattern: '.*\\.example\\.com'
it 'should match requests based on regex pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should not match requests not matching the pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should not match URL parts other than the host', ->
testCond(cond, '')
describe 'HostWildcardCondition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*'
it 'should match requests based on wildcard pattern', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should also match hostname without the optional level', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should process patterns like *.* correctly', ->
con =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*.*'
testCond(con, '', 'match')
testCond(con, '', 'match')
testCond(con, '', 'match')
testCond(con, '', not 'match')
2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
it 'should allow override of the magical behavior', ->
con =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: '**'
testCond(con, '', 'match')
testCond(con, '', not 'match')
it 'should not match URL parts other than the host', ->
testCond(cond, '')
it 'should support multiple patterns in one condition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*|*'
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
describe 'BypassCondition', ->
# See
it 'should correctly support patterns containing hosts', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: ''
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
cond.pattern = '*'
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
cond.pattern = ''
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
cond.pattern = '*'
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
it 'should match the scheme specified in the pattern', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: ''
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should match the port specified in the pattern', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: ''
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should correctly support patterns using IPv4 literals', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: ''
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should correctly support IPv6 canonicalization', ->
2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: 'http://[0:0::1]:8080'
result = Conditions.analyze(cond)
2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
testCond(cond, 'http://[::1]:8080/', 'match')
testCond(cond, 'http://[1::1]:8080/', not 'match')
it 'should parse IPv4 CIDR notation', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: ''
result = Conditions.analyze(cond).analyzed
conditionType: 'IpCondition'
ip: ''
prefixLength: 16
it 'should parse IPv6 CIDR notation', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: 'fefe:13::abc/33'
result = Conditions.analyze(cond).analyzed
conditionType: 'IpCondition'
ip: 'fefe:13::abc'
prefixLength: 33
it 'should parse IPv6 CIDR notation with zero prefixLength', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'BypassCondition'
pattern: '::/0'
result = Conditions.analyze(cond).analyzed
conditionType: 'IpCondition'
ip: '::'
prefixLength: 0
describe 'IpCondition', ->
# IpCondition requires isInNetEx or isInNet function provided by the PAC
# runner, which is not available in the unit test. So We can't use testCond
# here.
it 'should support IPv4 subnet', ->
cond =
conditionType: "IpCondition"
ip: ''
prefixLength: 16
request = Conditions.requestFromUrl('')
Conditions.match(cond, request)
compiled = Conditions.compile(cond).print_to_string()
it 'should support IPv6 subnet', ->
cond =
conditionType: "IpCondition"
ip: 'fefe:13::abc'
prefixLength: 33
request = Conditions.requestFromUrl('http://[fefe:13::def]/')
Conditions.match(cond, request)
compiled = Conditions.compile(cond).print_to_string()
compiled_args = compiled.substr(compiled.lastIndexOf('('))
it 'should support IPv6 subnet with zero prefixLength', ->
cond =
conditionType: "IpCondition"
ip: '::'
prefixLength: 0
request = Conditions.requestFromUrl('http://[fefe:13::def]/')
Conditions.match(cond, request)
compiled = Conditions.compile(cond).print_to_string()
it 'should not match domain name to IP subnet', ->
cond =
conditionType: "IpCondition"
ip: '::'
prefixLength: 0
request = Conditions.requestFromUrl('')
Conditions.match(cond, request)
2014-09-20 23:49:04 +08:00
describe 'KeywordCondition', ->
cond =
conditionType: 'KeywordCondition'
pattern: ''
it 'should match requests based on substring', ->
testCond(cond, '', 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
it 'should not match HTTPS requests', ->
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
testCond(cond, '', not 'match')
describe '#typeFromAbbr', ->
it 'should get condition types by abbrs', ->
describe '#str and #fromStr', ->
it 'should encode & decode TrueCondition correctly', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'TrueCondition'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode conditions with pattern correctly', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*://**'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
result.should.equal('UrlWildcard: ' + condition.pattern)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode False while preserving pattern', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'FalseCondition'
pattern: 'a b c'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
result.should.equal('Disabled: a b c')
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode FalseCondition without any pattern', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'FalseCondition'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode HostWildcardCondition using shorthand syntax', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode HostWildcardCondition ending with colon', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: 'bogus:'
result = Conditions.str(condition)
result.should.equal('HostWildcard: ' + condition.pattern)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should encode & decode IpCondition correctly', ->
condition =
conditionType: 'IpCondition'
ip: ''
prefixLength: 16
result = Conditions.str(condition)
cond = Conditions.fromStr(result)
it 'should parse conditions with extra spaces correctly', ->
Conditions.fromStr('url: *abcde* ').should.eql({
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*abcde*'
it 'should parse abbreviated condition types correctly', ->
Conditions.fromStr('url: *://**').should.eql({
conditionType: 'UrlWildcardCondition'
pattern: '*://**'
it 'should parse escaped HostWildcardCondition starting with colon', ->
Conditions.fromStr(': :bogus:').should.eql({
conditionType: 'HostWildcardCondition'
pattern: ':bogus:'