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2014-09-20 11:49:04 -04:00
module.exports = exports =
regExpMetaChars: do ->
chars = '''\\[\^$.|?*+(){}/'''
2014-09-20 11:49:04 -04:00
set = {}
for i in [0...chars.length]
set[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = true
escapeSlash: (pattern) ->
charCodeSlash = 47 # /
charCodeBackSlash = 92 # \
escaped = false
start = 0
result = ''
for i in [0...pattern.length]
code = pattern.charCodeAt(i)
if code == charCodeSlash and not escaped
result += pattern.substring start, i
result += '\\'
start = i
escaped = (code == charCodeBackSlash and not escaped)
result += pattern.substr start
shExp2RegExp: (pattern, options) ->
trimAsterisk = options?.trimAsterisk || false
start = 0
end = pattern.length
charCodeAsterisk = 42 # '*'
charCodeQuestion = 63 # '?'
if trimAsterisk
while start < end && pattern.charCodeAt(start) == charCodeAsterisk
while start < end && pattern.charCodeAt(end - 1) == charCodeAsterisk
if end - start == 1 && pattern.charCodeAt(start) == charCodeAsterisk
return ''
regex = ''
if start == 0
regex += '^'
for i in [start...end]
code = pattern.charCodeAt(i)
switch code
when charCodeAsterisk then regex += '.*'
when charCodeQuestion then regex += '.'
if exports.regExpMetaChars[code] >= 0
regex += '\\'
regex += pattern[i]
if end == pattern.length
regex += '$'
return regex