U2 = require 'uglify-js' IP = require 'ipv6' Url = require 'url' {shExp2RegExp, escapeSlash} = require './shexp_utils' {AttachedCache} = require './utils' module.exports = exports = requestFromUrl: (url) -> if typeof url == 'string' url = Url.parse url req = url: Url.format(url) host: url.hostname scheme: url.protocol.replace(':', '') urlWildcard2HostWildcard: (pattern) -> result = pattern.match /// ^\*:\/\/ # Begins with *:// ((?:\w|[?*.])+) # The host part follows. \/\*$ # And ends with /* /// result?[1] tag: (condition) -> exports._condCache.tag(condition) analyze: (condition) -> exports._condCache.get condition, -> { analyzed: exports._handler(condition.conditionType).analyze.call( exports, condition) } match: (condition, request) -> cache = exports.analyze(condition) exports._handler(condition.conditionType).match.call(exports, condition, request, cache) compile: (condition) -> cache = exports.analyze(condition) return cache.compiled if cache.compiled handler = exports._handler(condition.conditionType) cache.compiled = handler.compile.call(exports, condition, cache) comment: (comment, node) -> return unless comment node.start ?= {} # This hack is needed to allow dumping comments in repeated print call. Object.defineProperty node.start, '_comments_dumped', get: -> false set: -> false node.start.comments_before ?= [] node.start.comments_before.push {type: 'comment2', value: comment} node safeRegex: (expr) -> try new RegExp(expr) catch # Invalid regexp! Fall back to a regexp that does not match anything. /(?!)/ regTest: (expr, regexp) -> if typeof regexp == 'string' # Escape (unescaped) forward slash for use in regex literals. regexp = regexSafe escapeSlash regexp if typeof expr == 'string' expr = new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: expr new U2.AST_Call args: [expr] expression: new U2.AST_Dot( property: 'test' expression: new U2.AST_RegExp value: regexp ) isInt: (num) -> (typeof num == 'number' and !isNaN(num) and parseFloat(num) == parseInt(num, 10)) between: (val, min, max, comment) -> if min == max if typeof min == 'number' min = new U2.AST_Number value: min return exports.comment comment, new U2.AST_Binary( left: val operator: '===' right: new U2.AST_Number value: min ) if exports.isInt(min) and exports.isInt(max) and max - min < 32 comment ||= "#{min} <= value && value <= #{max}" tmpl = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" str = if max < tmpl.length tmpl.substr(min, max - min + 1) else tmpl.substr(0, max - min + 1) pos = if min == 0 then val else new U2.AST_Binary( left: val operator: '-' right: new U2.AST_Number value: min ) return exports.comment comment, new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_Call( expression: new U2.AST_Dot( expression: new U2.AST_String value: str property: 'charCodeAt' ) args: [pos] ) operator: '>' right: new U2.AST_Number value: 0 ) if typeof min == 'number' min = new U2.AST_Number value: min if typeof max == 'number' max = new U2.AST_Number value: max exports.comment comment, new U2.AST_Call( args: [val, min, max] expression: new U2.AST_Function ( argnames: [ new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'value' new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'min' new U2.AST_SymbolFunarg name: 'max' ] body: [ new U2.AST_Return value: new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'min' operator: '<=' right: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'value' ) operator: '&&' right: new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'value' operator: '<=' right: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'max' ) ) ] ) ) parseIp: (ip) -> if ip.charCodeAt(0) == '['.charCodeAt(0) ip = ip.substr 1, ip.length - 2 addr = new IP.v4.Address(ip) if not addr.isValid() addr = new IP.v6.Address(ip) if not addr.isValid() return null return addr normalizeIp: (addr) -> return (addr.correctForm ? addr.canonicalForm).call(addr) ipv6Max: new IP.v6.Address('::/0').endAddress().canonicalForm() localHosts: ["", "[::1]", "localhost"] _condCache: new AttachedCache (condition) -> condition.conditionType + '$' + exports._handler(condition.conditionType).tag.apply(exports, arguments) _setProp: (obj, prop, value) -> if not Object::hasOwnProperty.call obj, prop Object.defineProperty obj, prop, writable: true obj[prop] = value _handler: (conditionType) -> if typeof conditionType != 'string' conditionType = conditionType.conditionType handler = exports._conditionTypes[conditionType] if not handler? throw new Error "Unknown condition type: #{conditionType}" return handler _conditionTypes: # These functions are .call()-ed with `this` set to module.exports. # coffeelint: disable=missing_fat_arrows 'TrueCondition': tag: (condition) -> '' analyze: (condition) -> null match: -> true compile: (condition) -> new U2.AST_True 'FalseCondition': tag: (condition) -> '' analyze: (condition) -> null match: -> false compile: (condition) -> new U2.AST_False 'UrlRegexCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> @safeRegex escapeSlash condition.pattern match: (condition, request, cache) -> return cache.analyzed.test(request.url) compile: (condition, cache) -> @regTest 'url', cache.analyzed 'UrlWildcardCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> parts = for pattern in condition.pattern.split('|') when pattern shExp2RegExp pattern, trimAsterisk: true @safeRegex parts.join('|') match: (condition, request, cache) -> return cache.analyzed.test(request.url) compile: (condition, cache) -> @regTest 'url', cache.analyzed 'HostRegexCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> @safeRegex escapeSlash condition.pattern match: (condition, request, cache) -> return cache.analyzed.test(request.host) compile: (condition, cache) -> @regTest 'host', cache.analyzed 'HostWildcardCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> parts = for pattern in condition.pattern.split('|') when pattern # Get the magical regex of this pattern. See # https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega/wiki/Host-wildcard-condition # for the magic. if pattern.charCodeAt(0) == '.'.charCodeAt(0) pattern = '*' + pattern if pattern.indexOf('**.') == 0 shExp2RegExp pattern.substring(1), trimAsterisk: true else if pattern.indexOf('*.') == 0 shExp2RegExp(pattern.substring(2), trimAsterisk: true) .replace(/./, '(?:^|\\.)') else shExp2RegExp pattern, trimAsterisk: true @safeRegex parts.join('|') match: (condition, request, cache) -> return cache.analyzed.test(request.host) compile: (condition, cache) -> @regTest 'host', cache.analyzed 'BypassCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> # See https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/proxy#bypass_list cache = host: null ip: null scheme: null url: null server = condition.pattern if server == '' cache.host = server return cache parts = server.split '://' if parts.length > 1 cache.scheme = parts[0] server = parts[1] parts = server.split '/' if parts.length > 1 addr = @parseIp parts[0] prefixLen = parseInt(parts[1]) if addr and prefixLen cache.ip = conditionType: 'IpCondition' ip: parts[0] prefixLength: prefixLen return cache if server.charCodeAt(server.length - 1) != ']'.charCodeAt(0) pos = server.lastIndexOf(':') if pos >= 0 matchPort = server.substring(pos + 1) server = server.substring(0, pos) serverIp = @parseIp server serverRegex = null if serverIp? if serverIp.regularExpressionString? # TODO(felis): IPv6 regex is not fully supported by the ipv6 # module. Even simple addresses like ::1 will fail. Shall we # implement that instead? regexStr = serverIp.regularExpressionString(true) console.log(regexStr) serverRegex = '\\[' + regexStr + '\\]' else server = @normalizeIp serverIp else if server.charCodeAt(0) == '.'.charCodeAt(0) server = '*' + server if matchPort if not serverRegex? serverRegex = shExp2RegExp(server) serverRegex = serverRegex.substring(1, serverRegex.length - 1) scheme = cache.scheme ? '[^:]+' cache.url = @safeRegex('^' + scheme + ':\\/\\/' + serverRegex + ':' + matchPort + '\\/') else if server != '*' if serverRegex serverRegex = '^' + serverRegex + '$' else serverRegex = shExp2RegExp server, trimAsterisk: true cache.host = @safeRegex(serverRegex) return cache match: (condition, request, cache) -> cache = cache.analyzed return false if cache.scheme? and cache.scheme != request.scheme return false if cache.ip? and @match cache.ip, request if cache.host? if cache.host == '' return request.host in @localHosts else return false if not cache.host.test(request.host) return false if cache.url? and !cache.url.test(request.url) return true compile: (condition, cache) -> cache = cache.analyzed if cache.url? return @regTest 'url', cache.url conditions = [] if cache.host == '' hostEquals = (host) -> new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'host' operator: '===' right: new U2.AST_String value: host ) return new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_Binary( left: hostEquals '[::1]' operator: '||' right: hostEquals 'localhost' ) operator: '||' right: hostEquals '' ) if cache.scheme? conditions.push new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'scheme' operator: '===' right: new U2.AST_String value: cache.scheme ) if cache.host? conditions.push @regTest 'host', cache.host else if cache.ip? conditions.push @compile cache.ip switch conditions.length when 0 then new U2.AST_True when 1 then conditions[0] when 2 then new U2.AST_Binary( left: conditions[0] operator: '&&' right: conditions[1] ) 'KeywordCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.pattern analyze: (condition) -> null match: (condition, request) -> request.scheme == 'http' and request.url.indexOf(condition.pattern) >= 0 compile: (condition) -> new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'scheme' operator: '===' right: new U2.AST_String value: 'http' ) operator: '&&' right: new U2.AST_Binary( left: new U2.AST_Call( expression: new U2.AST_Dot( expression: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'url' property: 'indexOf' ) args: [new U2.AST_String value: condition.pattern] ) operator: '>=' right: new U2.AST_Number value: 0 ) ) 'IpCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.ip + '/' + condition.prefixLength analyze: (condition) -> cache = addr: null normalized: null ip = condition.ip if ip.charCodeAt(0) == '['.charCodeAt(0) ip = ip.substr 1, ip.length - 2 addr = ip + '/' + condition.prefixLength cache.addr = @parseIp addr if not cache.addr? throw new Error "Invalid IP address #{addr}" cache.normalized = @normalizeIp cache.addr mask = if cache.addr.v4 new IP.v4.Address('' + cache.addr.subnetMask) else new IP.v6.Address(@ipv6Max + cache.addr.subnetMask) cache.mask = @normalizeIp mask.startAddress() cache match: (condition, request, cache) -> addr = @parseIp request.host return false if not addr? cache = cache.analyzed return false if addr.v4 != cache.addr.v4 return addr.isInSubnet cache.addr compile: (condition, cache) -> cache = cache.analyzed new U2.AST_Call( expression: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'isInNet' args: [ new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'host' new U2.AST_String value: cache.normalized new U2.AST_String value: cache.mask ] ) 'HostLevelsCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.minValue + '~' + condition.maxValue analyze: (condition) -> '.'.charCodeAt 0 match: (condition, request, cache) -> dotCharCode = cache.analyzed dotCount = 0 for i in [0...request.host.length] if request.host.charCodeAt(i) == dotCharCode dotCount++ return false if dotCount > condition.maxValue return dotCount >= condition.minValue compile: (condition) -> val = new U2.AST_Dot( property: 'length' expression: new U2.AST_Call( args: [new U2.AST_String value: '.'] expression: new U2.AST_Dot( expression: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'host' property: 'split' ) ) ) @between(val, condition.minValue + 1, condition.maxValue + 1, "#{condition.minValue} <= hostLevels <= #{condition.maxValue}") 'WeekdayCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.startDay + '~' + condition.endDay analyze: (condition) -> null match: (condition, request) -> day = new Date().getDay() return condition.startDay <= day and day <= condition.endDay compile: (condition) -> val = new U2.AST_Call( args: [] expression: new U2.AST_Dot( property: 'getDay' expression: new U2.AST_New( args: [] expression: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'Date' ) ) ) @between val, condition.startDay, condition.endDay 'TimeCondition': tag: (condition) -> condition.startHour + '~' + condition.endHour analyze: (condition) -> null match: (condition, request) -> hour = new Date().getHours() return condition.startHour <= hour and hour <= condition.endHour compile: (condition) -> val = new U2.AST_Call( args: [] expression: new U2.AST_Dot( property: 'getHours' expression: new U2.AST_New( args: [] expression: new U2.AST_SymbolRef name: 'Date' ) ) ) @between val, condition.startHour, condition.endHour # coffeelint: enable=missing_fat_arrows