Revision = fromTime: (time) -> time = if time then new Date(time) else new Date() return time.getTime().toString(16) compare: (a, b) -> return 0 if not a and not b return -1 if not a return 1 if not b return 1 if a.length > b.length return -1 if a.length < b.length return 1 if a > b return -1 if a < b return 0 exports.Revision = Revision class AttachedCache constructor: (opt_prop, @tag) -> @prop = opt_prop if typeof @tag == 'undefined' @tag = opt_prop @prop = '_cache' get: (obj, otherwise) -> tag = @tag(obj) cache = @_getCache(obj) if cache? and cache.tag == tag return cache.value value = if typeof otherwise == 'function' then otherwise() else otherwise @_setCache(obj, {tag: tag, value: value}) return value drop: (obj) -> if obj[@prop]? obj[@prop] = undefined _getCache: (obj) -> obj[@prop] _setCache: (obj, value) -> if not obj, @prop Object.defineProperty obj, @prop, writable: true obj[@prop] = value exports.AttachedCache = AttachedCache