OmegaTargetCurrent = Object.create(OmegaTargetChromium) Promise = OmegaTargetCurrent.Promise Promise.longStackTraces() OmegaTargetCurrent.Log = Object.create(OmegaTargetCurrent.Log) Log = OmegaTargetCurrent.Log Log.log = (args...) -> console.log(args...) localStorage['log'] +=' ') + '\n' Log.error = (args...) -> console.error(args...) content =' ') localStorage['log'] += 'ERROR: ' + content + '\n' unhandledPromises = [] unhandledPromisesId = [] unhandledPromisesNextId = 1 Promise.onPossiblyUnhandledRejection (reason, promise) -> Log.error("[#{unhandledPromisesNextId}] Unhandled rejection:\n", reason) unhandledPromises.push(promise) unhandledPromisesId.push(unhandledPromisesNextId) unhandledPromisesNextId++ Promise.onUnhandledRejectionHandled (promise) -> index = unhandledPromises.indexOf(promise) Log.log("[#{unhandledPromisesId[index]}] Rejection handled!", promise) unhandledPromises.splice(index, 1) unhandledPromisesId.splice(index, 1) iconCache = {} drawIcon = (resultColor, profileColor) -> cacheKey = "omega+#{resultColor ? ''}+#{profileColor}" icon = iconCache[cacheKey] return icon if icon ctx = document.getElementById('canvas-icon').getContext('2d') if resultColor? drawOmega ctx, resultColor, profileColor else drawOmega ctx, profileColor icon = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 19, 19) return iconCache[cacheKey] = icon charCodeUnderscore = '_'.charCodeAt(0) isHidden = (name) -> (name.charCodeAt(0) == charCodeUnderscore and name.charCodeAt(1) == charCodeUnderscore) dispName = (name) -> chrome.i18n.getMessage('profile_' + name) || name actionForUrl = (url) -> options.ready.then(-> request = OmegaPac.Conditions.requestFromUrl(url) options.matchProfile(request) ).then ({profile, results}) -> current = options.currentProfile() currentName = dispName( if current.profileType == 'VirtualProfile' realCurrentName = current.defaultProfileName currentName += " [#{dispName(realCurrentName)}]" current = options.profile(realCurrentName) details = '' direct = false attached = false for result in results if Array.isArray(result) if not result[1]? attached = false name = result[0] if name[0] == '+' name = name.substr(1) if isHidden(name) attached = true else if name != realCurrentName details += chrome.i18n.getMessage 'browserAction_defaultRuleDetails' details += " => #{dispName(name)}\n" else if result[1].length == 0 if result[0] == 'DIRECT' details += chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_directResult') details += '\n' else details += "#{result[0]}\n" else if typeof result[1] == 'string' details += "#{result[1]} => #{result[0]}\n" else condition = (result[1].condition ? result[1]).pattern ? '' details += "#{condition} => " if result[0] == 'DIRECT' details += chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_directResult') details += '\n' direct = true else details += "#{result[0]}\n" else if result.profileName if result.isTempRule details += chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_tempRulePrefix') else if attached details += chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_attachedPrefix') attached = false condition = (result.source ? result.condition.pattern ? result.condition.conditionType) details += "#{condition} => #{dispName(result.profileName)}\n" if not details details = options.printProfile(current) icon = if == and options.isCurrentProfileStatic() if direct drawIcon(options.profile('direct').color, profile.color) else drawIcon(profile.color) else drawIcon(profile.color, current.color) return { title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_titleWithResult', [ currentName dispName( details ]) icon: icon } storage = new OmegaTargetCurrent.Storage(, 'local') state = new OmegaTargetCurrent.BrowserStorage(localStorage, 'omega.local.') options = new OmegaTargetCurrent.Options(null, storage, state, Log) options.externalApi = new OmegaTargetCurrent.ExternalApi(options) options.externalApi.listen() if != OmegaTargetCurrent.SwitchySharp.extId options.switchySharp = new OmegaTargetCurrent.SwitchySharp() options.switchySharp.monitor() tabs = new OmegaTargetCurrent.ChromeTabs(actionForUrl) options.setProxyNotControllable(null) timeout = null options.watchProxyChange (details) -> return if options.externalApi.disabled notControllableBefore = options.proxyNotControllable() internal = false switch details['levelOfControl'] when "controlled_by_other_extensions", "not_controllable" reason = if details['levelOfControl'] == 'not_controllable' 'policy' else 'app' options.setProxyNotControllable(reason) else options.setProxyNotControllable(null) if details['levelOfControl'] == 'controlled_by_this_extension' internal = true return if not notControllableBefore Log.log('external proxy: ', details) # Chromium will send chrome.proxy.settings.onChange on extension unload, # just after the current extension has lost control of the proxy settings. # This is just annoying, and may change the currentProfileName state # suprisingly. # To workaround this issue, wait for some time before setting the proxy. # However this will cause some delay before the settings are processed. clearTimeout(timeout) if timeout? parsed = null timeout = setTimeout (-> options.setExternalProfile(parsed, {noRevert: true, internal: internal}) ), 500 parsed = options.parseExternalProfile(details) return external = false options.currentProfileChanged = (reason) -> iconCache = {} if reason == 'external' external = true else if reason != 'clearBadge' external = false current = options.currentProfile() currentName = '' if current currentName = dispName( if current.profileType == 'VirtualProfile' realCurrentName = current.defaultProfileName currentName += " [#{dispName(realCurrentName)}]" current = options.profile(realCurrentName) details = options.printProfile(current) if currentName title = chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_titleWithResult', [ currentName, '', details]) else title = details if external and current.profileType != 'SystemProfile' message = chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_titleExternalProxy') title = message + '\n' + title options.setBadge() tabs.resetAll( icon: drawIcon(current.color) title: title ) encodeError = (obj) -> if obj instanceof Error { _error: 'error' name: message: obj.message stack: obj.stack original: obj } else obj chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener (request, sender, respond) -> options.ready.then -> target = options method = target[request.method] if typeof method != 'function' Log.error("No such method #{request.method}!") respond( error: reason: 'noSuchMethod' ) return promise = Promise.resolve().then -> method.apply(target, request.args) promise.then (result) -> if request.method == 'updateProfile' for own key, value of result result[key] = encodeError(value) respond(result: result) promise.catch (error) -> Log.error(request.method + ' ==>', error) respond(error: encodeError(error)) # Wait for my response! return true