FindProxyForURL = (function () { var OmegaPac = require('omega-pac'); var options = {}; var state = {}; var activeProfile = null; var fallbackResult = 'DIRECT'; var pacCache = {}; init(); return FindProxyForURL; function FindProxyForURL(url, host, details) { if (!activeProfile) { warn('Warning: Proxy script not initialized on handling: ' + url); return fallbackResult; } // Moz: Neither path or query is included url regardless of scheme for now. // This is even more strict than Chromium restricting HTTPS URLs. // Therefore, it leads to different behavior than the icon and badge. // var request = OmegaPac.Conditions.requestFromUrl(url); var profile = activeProfile; var matchResult, next; while (profile) { matchResult = OmegaPac.Profiles.match(profile, request) if (!matchResult) { if (profile.profileType === 'DirectProfile') { return 'DIRECT'; } else if (profile.pacScript) { return runPacProfile(profile.pacScript); } else { warn('Warning: Unsupported profile: ' + profile.profileType); return fallbackResult; } } if (Array.isArray(matchResult)) { next = matchResult[0]; // TODO: Maybe also return user/pass if Mozilla supports it or it ends // up standardized in WebExtensions in the future. // MOZ: Mozilla has a bug tracked for user/pass in PAC return value. // if (next.charCodeAt(0) !== 43) { // MOZ: HTTPS proxies are supported under the prefix PROXY. // return next.replace(/HTTPS /g, 'PROXY '); } } else if (matchResult.profileName) { next = OmegaPac.Profiles.nameAsKey(matchResult.profileName) } else { return fallbackResult; } profile = OmegaPac.Profiles.byKey(next, options) } warn('Warning: Cannot find profile: ' + next); return fallbackResult; } function runPacProfile(profile) { var cached = pacCache[]; if (!cached || cached.revision !== profile.revision) { // var body = ';\n' + profile.pacScript + '\n\n/* End of PAC */;' body += 'return FindProxyForURL'; var func = new Function(body).call(this); if (typeof func !== 'function') { warn('Warning: Cannot compile pacScript: ' +; func = function() { return fallbackResult; }; } cached = {func: func, revision: profile.revision} pacCache[cacheKey] = cached; } try { // Moz: Most scripts probably won't run without global PAC functions. // Example: dnsDomainIs, shExpMatch, isInNet. // return; } catch (ex) { warn('Warning: Error occured in pacScript: ' +, ex); return fallbackResult; } } function warn(message, error) { // We don't have console here and alert is not implemented. // Throwing and messaging seems to be the only ways to communicate. // MOZ: alert(): browser.runtime.sendMessage({ event: 'proxyScriptLog', message: message, error: error, level: 'warn', }); } function init() { browser.runtime.sendMessage({event: 'proxyScriptLoaded'}); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) { if (message.event === 'proxyScriptStateChanged') { state = message.state; options = message.options; if (!state.currentProfileName) { activeProfile = state.tempProfile; } else { activeProfile = OmegaPac.Profiles.byName(state.currentProfileName, options); } } }); } })();