chai = require 'chai' should = chai.should() sinon = require 'sinon' chai.use require('sinon-chai') describe 'OptionsSync', -> OptionsSync = require '../src/options_sync' Storage = require '../src/storage' Log = require '../src/log' Promise = require 'bluebird' before -> # Silence storage and sync logging. sinon.stub(Log, 'log') after -> Log.log.restore() # coffeelint: disable=missing_fat_arrows hookPostBasic = (func, hook) -> -> result = func.apply(this, arguments) hook.apply(this, arguments) return result # coffeelint: enable=missing_fat_arrows hookPost = (args...) -> if args.length == 2 [func, hook] = args hostPostBasic(func, hook) else [obj, method, hook] = args obj[method] = hookPostBasic(obj[method], hook) describe '#merge', -> sync = new OptionsSync() it 'should choose the one with newer revision', -> newVal = {revision: '2'} oldVal = {revision: '1'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(newVal) it 'should use oldVal when sync is disabled in newVal', -> newVal = {revision: '2', is: 'newVal', syncOptions: 'disabled'} oldVal = {revision: '1', is: 'oldVal'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(oldVal) it 'should use oldVal when sync is disabled in oldVal', -> newVal = {revision: '2', is: 'newVal'} oldVal = {revision: '1', is: 'oldVal', syncOptions: 'disabled'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(oldVal) it 'should favor oldVal when revisions are equal', -> newVal = {revision: '1', is: 'newVal'} oldVal = {revision: '1', is: 'oldVal'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(oldVal) it 'should favor oldVal when newVal deeply equals oldVal', -> newVal = {they: 'are', the: 'same'} oldVal = {they: 'are', the: 'same'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(oldVal) it 'should choose newVal when newVal is different', -> newVal = {they: 'are', not: 'equal'} oldVal = {they: 'are', not: 'identical'} sync.merge('example', newVal, oldVal).should.equal(newVal) describe '#requestPush', -> unlimited = new OptionsSync.TokenBucket() it 'should store pendingChanges', -> sync = new OptionsSync() sync.enabled = false sync.requestPush({a: 1}) sync.pendingChanges().should.eql({a: 1}) it 'should schedule storage write', (done) -> check = -> return if storage.set.callCount == 0 or storage.remove.callCount == 0 storage.set.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith({b: 1}) storage.remove.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(['a']) done() storage = new Storage() storage.set({a: 1}) hookPost storage, 'set', check hookPost storage, 'remove', check sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sinon.spy(storage, 'remove') sync = new OptionsSync(storage, unlimited) sync.debounce = 0 sync.requestPush({a: undefined, b: 1}) it 'should combine multiple write operations', (done) -> check = -> return if storage.set.callCount == 0 or storage.remove.callCount == 0 storage.set.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith({c: 1, d: 1}) storage.remove.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(['a', 'b']) done() storage = new Storage() storage.set({a: 1, b: 1}) hookPost storage, 'set', check hookPost storage, 'remove', check sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sinon.spy(storage, 'remove') sync = new OptionsSync(storage, unlimited) sync.debounce = 0 sync.requestPush({a: undefined}) sync.requestPush({b: 2}) sync.requestPush({b: undefined}) sync.requestPush({c: 1}) sync.requestPush({d: 1}) sync.requestPush({e: 1}) sync.requestPush({e: undefined}) it 'should disable syncing for the profiles if quota is exceeded', (done) -> options = {'+a': {is: 'a', oversized: true}, b: {is: 'b'}} storage = new Storage() storage.set = (changes) -> for key, value of changes if value.oversized err = new Storage.QuotaExceededError() err.perItem = true return Promise.reject(err) storage.set.should.have.been.calledTwice storage.set.should.have.been.calledWith(options) storage.set.should.have.been.calledWith({b: {is: 'b'}}) options['+a'].syncOptions.should.equal('disabled') options['+a'].syncError.reason.should.equal('quotaPerItem') done() Promise.resolve() sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sync = new OptionsSync(storage, unlimited) sync.debounce = 0 sync.requestPush(options) describe '#copyTo', -> it 'should fetch all items from remote storage', (done) -> remote = new Storage() remote.set({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) storage = new Storage() hookPost storage, 'set', -> storage.set.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith( {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} ) done() sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sync = new OptionsSync(remote) sync.copyTo(storage) it 'should merge with local as base', (done) -> check = -> return if storage.set.callCount == 0 or storage.remove.callCount == 0 storage.set.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith({b: 2, c: 3}) storage.remove.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(['d']) done() remote = new Storage() remote.set({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: undefined}) storage = new Storage() storage.set({a: 1, b: 0, d: 4}) hookPost storage, 'set', check hookPost storage, 'remove', check sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sinon.spy(storage, 'remove') sync = new OptionsSync(remote) sync.copyTo(storage) describe '#watchAndPull', -> it 'should pull changes into local when remote changes', (done) -> check = -> return if storage.set.callCount == 0 or storage.remove.callCount == 0 storage.set.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith({b: 2, c: 3}) storage.remove.should.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(['d']) done() remote = new Storage() hookPost remote, 'watch', (_, callback) -> setTimeout (-> callback({a: 1}) callback({b: 2}) callback({c: 3}) callback({d: undefined}) ), 10 sinon.spy(remote, 'watch') storage = new Storage() storage.set({a: 1, b: 0, d: 4}) hookPost storage, 'set', check hookPost storage, 'remove', check sinon.spy(storage, 'set') sinon.spy(storage, 'remove') sync = new OptionsSync(remote) sync.pullThrottle = 0 sync.watchAndPull(storage)