OmegaTarget = require('omega-target') OmegaPac = OmegaTarget.OmegaPac Promise = OmegaTarget.Promise xhr = Promise.promisify(require('xhr')) url = require('url') chromeApiPromisifyAll = require('./chrome_api') proxySettings = chromeApiPromisifyAll(chrome.proxy.settings) parseExternalProfile = require('./parse_external_profile') class ChromeOptions extends OmegaTarget.Options parseExternalProfile: (details) -> parseExternalProfile(details, @_options, @_fixedProfileConfig.bind(this)) fetchUrl: (dest_url, opt_bypass_cache) -> if opt_bypass_cache parsed = url.parse(dest_url, true) = undefined parsed.query['_'] = dest_url = url.format(parsed) xhr(dest_url).get(1) updateProfile: (args...) -> super(args...).then (results) -> error = false for own profileName, result of results if result instanceof Error error = true break if error # TODO(catus): Find a better way to notify the user. ### @setBadge( text: '!' color: '#faa732' title: chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_titleDownloadFail') ) ### return results _proxyNotControllable: null proxyNotControllable: -> @_proxyNotControllable setProxyNotControllable: (reason) -> @_proxyNotControllable = reason if reason @_state.set({'proxyNotControllable': reason}) @setBadge() else @_state.remove(['proxyNotControllable']) @clearBadge() _badgeTitle: null setBadge: (options) -> if not options options = if @_proxyNotControllable text: '=' color: '#da4f49' else text: '?' color: '#49afcd' chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText(text: options.text) chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor(color: options.color) if options.title @_badgeTitle = options.title chrome.browserAction.setTitle(title: options.title) else @_badgeTitle = null clearBadge: -> if @_badgeTitle @currentProfileChanged('clearBadge') if @_proxyNotControllable @setBadge() else chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText(text: '') return _fixedProfileConfig: (profile) -> config = {} config['mode'] = 'fixed_servers' rules = {} protocols = ['proxyForHttp', 'proxyForHttps', 'proxyForFtp'] protocolProxySet = false for protocol in protocols when profile[protocol]? rules[protocol] = profile[protocol] protocolProxySet = true if profile.fallbackProxy if profile.fallbackProxy.scheme == 'http' # Chromium does not allow HTTP proxies in 'fallbackProxy'. if not protocolProxySet # Use 'singleProxy' if no proxy is configured for other protocols. rules['singleProxy'] = profile.fallbackProxy else # Try to set the proxies of all possible protocols. for protocol in protocols rules[protocol] ?= profile.fallbackProxy else rules['fallbackProxy'] = profile.fallbackProxy else if not protocolProxySet config['mode'] = 'direct' if config['mode'] != 'direct' rules['bypassList'] = -> b.pattern) config['rules'] = rules return config _proxyChangeWatchers: [] _proxyChangeListener: null watchProxyChange: (callback) -> if not @_proxyChangeListener? @_proxyChangeListener = (details) => for watcher in @_proxyChangeWatchers watcher(details) chrome.proxy.settings.onChange.addListener @_proxyChangeListener @_proxyChangeWatchers.push(callback) applyProfileProxy: (profile, meta) -> meta ?= profile if profile.profileType == 'SystemProfile' # Clear proxy settings, returning proxy control to Chromium. return proxySettings.clearAsync({}).then => chrome.proxy.settings.get {}, @_proxyChangeListener return config = {} if profile.profileType == 'DirectProfile' config['mode'] = 'direct' else if profile.profileType == 'PacProfile' config['mode'] = 'pac_script' config['pacScript'] = if profile.pacUrl url: profile.pacUrl mandatory: true else data: profile.pacScript mandatory: true else if profile.profileType == 'FixedProfile' config = @_fixedProfileConfig(profile) else config['mode'] = 'pac_script' config['pacScript'] = data: null mandatory: true setPacScript = @pacForProfile(profile).then (script) -> profileName = OmegaPac.PacGenerator.ascii(JSON.stringify( profileName = profileName.replace(/\*/g, '\\u002a') profileName = profileName.replace(/\\/g, '\\u002f') prefix = "/*OmegaProfile*#{profileName}*#{meta.revision}*/" config['pacScript'].data = prefix + script return setPacScript ?= Promise.resolve() setPacScript.then(-> proxySettings.setAsync({value: config}) ).then => chrome.proxy.settings.get {}, @_proxyChangeListener return _quickSwitchInit: false setQuickSwitch: (quickSwitch) -> if quickSwitch chrome.browserAction.setPopup({popup: ''}) if not @_quickSwitchInit @_quickSwitchInit = true chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener (tab) => @clearBadge() profiles = @_options['-quickSwitchProfiles'] index = profiles.indexOf(@_currentProfileName) index = (index + 1) % profiles.length @applyProfile(profiles[index]).then => if @_options['-refreshOnProfileChange'] if tab.url and tab.url.indexOf('chrome') != 0 chrome.tabs.reload( else chrome.browserAction.setPopup({popup: 'popup.html'}) Promise.resolve() _alarms: null schedule: (name, periodInMinutes, callback) -> name = 'omega.' + name if not _alarms? @_alarms = {} chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener (alarm) => @_alarms[]?() if periodInMinutes < 0 delete @_alarms[name] chrome.alarms.clear(name) else @_alarms[name] = callback chrome.alarms.create(name, { periodInMinutes: periodInMinutes }) Promise.resolve() printFixedProfile: (profile) -> return unless profile.profileType == 'FixedProfile' result = '' for scheme in OmegaPac.Profiles.schemes when profile[scheme.prop] pacResult = OmegaPac.Profiles.pacResult(profile[scheme.prop]) if scheme.scheme result += "#{scheme.scheme}: #{pacResult}\n" else result += "#{pacResult}\n" result ||= chrome.i18n.getMessage( 'browserAction_profileDetails_DirectProfile') return result printProfile: (profile) -> type = profile.profileType if type.indexOf('RuleListProfile') >= 0 type = 'RuleListProfile' if type == 'FixedProfile' @printFixedProfile(profile) else if type == 'PacProfile' and profile.pacUrl profile.pacUrl else chrome.i18n.getMessage('browserAction_profileDetails_' + type) || null upgrade: (options, changes) -> super(options).catch (err) => return Promise.reject err if options?['schemaVersion'] getOldOptions = if @switchySharp @switchySharp.getOptions().timeout(1000) else Promise.reject() getOldOptions = getOldOptions.catch -> if options?['config'] Promise.resolve options else if localStorage['config'] Promise.resolve localStorage else Promise.reject new Error('No options set.') getOldOptions.then (oldOptions) => i18n = { upgrade_profile_auto: chrome.i18n.getMessage('upgrade_profile_auto') } try # Upgrade from SwitchySharp. upgraded = require('./upgrade')(oldOptions, i18n) catch ex @log.error(ex) return Promise.reject ex if localStorage['config'] Object.getPrototypeOf(localStorage) return this && super(upgraded, upgraded) module.exports = ChromeOptions