<!-- BEFORE YOU START / 请先读我 ZeroOmega (based on SwitchyOmega) is an open source project for proxy configuration. We cannot help you troubleshoot any proxy servers, proxy server software, or your network. We do not know how to make ZeroOmega work with Software X or Company Y's Network. Please contact your network administrator or read the server manual. Please read the FAQ first: https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega/wiki/FAQ And then search the issue list: https://github.com/suziwen/ZeroOmega/issues Then, feel free to delete this whole section and move on. ---- ZeroOmega 是一个开源项目,用于代理设置。ZeroOmega 不是翻墙软件。我们无法 帮您分析代理服务器、代理软件、您所在地点的网络问题等。我们不知道怎样才能让 ZeroOmega 和某某软件(例如翻墙软件)一起工作,也不知道某公司、某地区的网络 应该怎么设置代理。这些问题请联系您的网络管理员或者阅读代理服务器文档。 (这里只进行 ZeroOmega 项目开发、功能、故障有关的讨论,不是论坛或者问答社区。) 请先阅读常见问题: https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega/wiki/%E5%B8%B8%E8%A7%81%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98 然后再搜索下现有的 Issue 列表: https://github.com/suziwen/ZeroOmega/issues CLEAR ABOVE AFTER READ / 阅读后可删除以上内容 --> ### ZeroOmega version / ZeroOmega 版本 ### Browser version & OS version / 浏览器名称、版本及操作系统版本 ### Problem description / 问题描述 (Please provide as much detail as possible. We recommend the following format.) (请尽可能多提供一些细节。我们推荐使用下面的格式。) #### Steps to reproduce issue / 重现错误所需步骤 (What did you do? / 你做了什么?) 1. 2. 3. #### Expected behavior / 期望发生的情况 #### Actual (or suggested) behavior / 实际发生的情况(或建议修改后的行为)