msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SwitchyOmega 2.3.3\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-13 10:29+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-14 08:49+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Allan Nordhøy <>\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <" "switchyomega/main/nb_NO/>\n" "Language: nb_NO\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 3.7-dev\n" msgid "appNameShort" msgstr "SwitchyOmega" #, fuzzy msgid "manifest_app_name" msgstr "Mellomtjeneren SwitchyOmega" msgid "manifest_app_description" msgstr "Behandle og bytt mellom flerfoldige mellomtjenere raskt og enkelt." msgid "manifest_icon_default_title" msgstr "Laster inn…" msgid "upgrade_profile_auto" msgstr "Automatisk bytte" msgid "profile_direct" msgstr "[Direkte]" msgid "profile_system" msgstr "[Systemmellomtjener]" msgid "condition_HostWildcardCondition" msgstr "Vertsjokertegn" msgid "condition_help_HostWildcardCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_HostRegexCondition" msgstr "Regulært uttrykk for vert" msgid "condition_help_HostRegexCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_HostLevelsCondition" msgstr "Vertsnivåer" msgid "condition_help_HostLevelsCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_IpCondition" msgstr "IP Literals" msgid "condition_help_IpCondition" msgstr "" "Matches the request if and only if the host is a <b>literal</b> IP address and" " in the subnet as specified by <a href='" "'>" "CIDR notation</a>.<br>For example, given the rule <code></code>, " "it matches all IP addresses like <code>127.0.*.*</code>.<br>" "So <code></code> matches while <code></code> does not. " "Host names like <code>localhost</code> will never match because they are " "<b>not</b> IP literals." msgid "condition_UrlWildcardCondition" msgstr "Nettadressejokertegn" msgid "condition_help_UrlWildcardCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_UrlRegexCondition" msgstr "Regulært uttrykk for URL" #, fuzzy msgid "condition_help_UrlRegexCondition" msgstr "" "Samsvarer med URL-er i kraft av ekstremt mektige <a " "href=''>regulære " "uttrykk</a>.<br>Dog kan regulære uttrykk være vanskelige å lage (og " "lese).<br>Det er anbefalt å bruke wildcards i de fleste fall og bare bruke " "regulære uttrykk for tilstander som ikke kan oppnås av noen annen " "tilstandstype." msgid "condition_KeywordCondition" msgstr "Nøkkelord" msgid "condition_help_KeywordCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_FalseCondition" msgstr "(Avskrudd)" msgid "condition_details_FalseCondition" msgstr "(Tilstand sett bort fra ved jamførelse)" msgid "condition_help_FalseCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_TimeCondition" msgstr "Gjeldende tid" msgid "condition_help_TimeCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_WeekdayCondition" msgstr "Ukedag" msgid "condition_help_WeekdayCondition" msgstr "" msgid "condition_alert_fullUrlLimitation" msgstr "" "Full URL matching is no longer possible for <code>https://</code> " "URLs as of Chrome 52. " "<a href=''>" "Learn more...</a>" msgid "condition_alert_fullUrlLimitationLink" msgstr "" msgid "condition_group_default" msgstr " " msgid "condition_group_host" msgstr "Vert" msgid "condition_group_url" msgstr "URL" msgid "condition_group_special" msgstr "Spesiell" msgid "ruleListFormat_Switchy" msgstr "Byttende" msgid "ruleListFormat_AutoProxy" msgstr "AutoProxy" msgid "ruleList_usageUrl" msgstr "" msgid "ruleList_error_resultNotEnabled" msgstr "" msgid "ruleList_error_unknownProfile" msgstr "Ukjent profil: $PROFILE$" msgid "ruleList_error_missingResultProfile" msgstr "" msgid "ruleList_error_invalidRule" msgstr "" msgid "ruleList_error_noDefaultRule" msgstr "" msgid "dialog_close" msgstr "Lukk" msgid "dialog_save" msgstr "Lagre endringer" msgid "dialog_ok" msgstr "OK" msgid "dialog_cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" msgid "inputClear_clear" msgstr "Tøm" msgid "inputClear_restore" msgstr "Gjenopprett" msgid "options_title" msgstr "SwitchyOmega-valg" msgid "options_experimental_badge" msgstr "α" msgid "options_navHeader_setting" msgstr "Innstillinger" msgid "options_navHeader_profiles" msgstr "Profiler" msgid "options_navHeader_actions" msgstr "Handlinger" msgid "options_tab_ui" msgstr "Grensesnitt" msgid "options_tab_general" msgstr "" msgid "options_tab_importExport" msgstr "Importer/Exporter" msgid "options_newProfile" msgstr "Ny profil…" msgid "options_apply" msgstr "Legg til endringer" msgid "options_discard" msgstr "Forkast endringer" msgid "options_reset" msgstr "Tilbakestill valg" msgid "options_group_miscOptions" msgstr "Ymse valg" msgid "options_confirmDeletion" msgstr "" msgid "options_refreshOnProfileChange" msgstr "Gjenoppfrisk gjeldende fane ved profilendring." msgid "options_showInspectMenu" msgstr "" msgid "options_addConditionsToBottom" msgstr "Put new conditions added using the popup to the bottom of the list." msgid "options_group_keyboardShortcut" msgstr "Tastatursnarvei" msgid "options_menuShortcutHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_menuShortcutMore" msgstr "" msgid "options_menuShortcutConfigure" msgstr "Sett opp snarvei" msgid "options_group_switchOptions" msgstr "Bytt valg" msgid "options_startupProfile" msgstr "Oppstartsprofil" msgid "options_startupProfile_none" msgstr "(Gjeldende profil)" msgid "options_showConditionTypesAdvanced" msgstr "" msgid "options_showConditionTypesAdvancedHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_quickSwitch" msgstr "" msgid "options_cycledProfiles" msgstr "" msgid "options_cycledProfilesHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_cycledProfilesTooFew" msgstr "" msgid "options_notCycledProfiles" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_proxyChanges" msgstr "Mellomtjenerendringer" msgid "options_revertProxyChanges" msgstr "Tilbakestill mellomtjenerinnstillinger gjort av andre programmer." msgid "options_group_conflicts" msgstr "Conflicts" msgid "options_conflicts_introduction" msgstr "" "Sometimes, other apps will also try to control the proxy settings, resulting " "in conflicts. Note that ad blockers and other extensions may also use proxy " "settings under the hood. Such conflicts cannot be avoided due to how the " "browser works." msgid "options_conflicts_lowerPriority" msgstr "" "A red badge like this on the SwitchyOmega icon indicates that another app has " "higher priority so SwitchyOmega cannot control the settings. Please try to " "uninstall SwitchyOmega and reinstall, which should raise SwitchyOmega's " "priority. If you still see conflicts after reinstallation, please consider " "removing the other app causing the conflict." msgid "options_conflicts_higherPriority" msgstr "" "If SwitchyOmega has higher priority, you can give the control back to other " "apps or system settings by selecting $SYSTEMPROFILE$ in the popup menu." msgid "options_showExternalProfile" msgstr "Show popup menu item to import proxy settings from other apps." msgid "options_showExternalProfileHelp" msgstr "" "When $SYSTEMPROFILE$ is selected, you can import the effective proxy settings " "from other apps by selecting $EXTERNALPROFILE$ on the popup menu. " "The settings will be imported as a profile using the name you provide. " "Please note that the imported profile is a snapshot and will not reflect " "any changes from the source app thereafter." msgid "options_group_networkRequests" msgstr "Nettverksforespørsler" msgid "options_monitorWebRequests" msgstr "Vis antall feilede nettforespørsler for ressurser i gjeldende fane." msgid "options_monitorWebRequestsHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_downloadOptions" msgstr "Nedlastingsvalg" msgid "options_downloadOptionsHelp" msgstr "Sett oppdateringsfrekvensen for nettbaserte regellister og PAC-skript." msgid "options_downloadInterval" msgstr "Nedlastingsintervall" msgid "options_downloadInterval_15" msgstr "15 minutter" msgid "options_downloadInterval_60" msgstr "en time" msgid "options_downloadInterval_180" msgstr "tre timer" msgid "options_downloadInterval_360" msgstr "seks timer" msgid "options_downloadInterval_720" msgstr "12 timer" msgid "options_downloadInterval_1440" msgstr "Hver dag" msgid "options_downloadInterval_never" msgstr "Aldri" msgid "options_group_importExportProfile" msgstr "Profil" msgid "options_exportPacFile" msgstr "Eksporter som PAC-fil" msgid "options_exportPacFileHelp" msgstr "" "Eksporter gjeldende profil som PAC-fil, slik at du kan bruke den i andre " "nettlesere." #, fuzzy msgid "options_exportProfileHelp" msgstr "" "For å eksportere en profil, bruk handlingsfeltet øverst til høyre på " "profilsiden." msgid "options_exportLegacyRuleList" msgstr "" msgid "options_exportLegacyRuleListHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_importExportSettings" msgstr "Innstillinger" msgid "options_makeBackup" msgstr "Ta sikkerhetskopi" msgid "options_makeBackupHelp" msgstr "" "Ta full sikkerhetskopi av dine valg (inkludert profiler og alle andre valg)." msgid "options_restoreLocal" msgstr "Gjenopprett fra fil" msgid "options_restoreLocalHelp" msgstr "Gjennopprett dine SwitchyOmega-valg fra ei lokal fil." msgid "options_restoreOnline" msgstr "Gjenopprett fra nett" msgid "options_restoreOnlinePlaceholder" msgstr "URL til valg-fil (f.eks. '')" msgid "options_restoreOnlineSubmit" msgstr "Gjenopprett" msgid "options_group_syncing" msgstr "Synkroniserer (eksperimentelt)" msgid "options_syncEnable" msgstr "Skru på synkronisering" msgid "options_syncEnableForce" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncDisable" msgstr "Skru av synkronisering" msgid "options_syncReset" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncPristineHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncSyncAlert" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncSyncHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncConflictAlert" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncConflictHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_syncUnsupportedHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileSyncDisabled" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileSyncDisabled_quotaPerItem" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTabPrefix" msgstr "" msgid "options_renameProfile" msgstr "Gi nytt navn" msgid "options_deleteProfile" msgstr "Slett" msgid "options_profileExportRuleList" msgstr "Offentliggjør regelliste" msgid "options_profileExportRuleListHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileExportPac" msgstr "Eksporter PAC" msgid "options_profileUnsupported" msgstr "Ustøttet profiltype $TYPE$!" msgid "options_profileUnsupportedHelp" msgstr "Valg kan være skadelidende, eller fra en nyere versjon av programmet." msgid "options_profileEditSource" msgstr "Rediger kildekode" msgid "options_profileEditSourceHelp" msgstr "Vis hjelp om kildekodeformatet" msgid "options_profileEditSourceHelpUrl" msgstr "" "" "format#result-profile" msgid "options_group_proxyServers" msgstr "Tjenere for mellomtjening" msgid "options_proxy_scheme" msgstr "" msgid "options_proxy_protocol" msgstr "Protokoll" msgid "options_proxy_server" msgstr "Tjener" msgid "options_proxy_port" msgstr "Port" msgid "options_proxy_auth" msgstr "Identitetsbekreftelse" msgid "options_proxy_authNotSupported" msgstr "Your browser DOES NOT support $PROTOCOLDISP$ proxy authentication! " "Please do not report this issue to SwitchyOmega. Contact the support for " "your browser instead." #, fuzzy msgid "options_proxy_authAllWarningPac" msgstr "" "Advarsel: Brukernavn/passord kan bli sendt til uventede tjenere fra PAC-" "skriptet." msgid "options_proxy_authAllWarningPacUrl" msgstr "" msgid "options_proxy_authAllWarningPacScript" msgstr "" msgid "options_proxy_authReferencedWarning" msgstr "" msgid "options_scheme_default" msgstr "(forvalg)" #, fuzzy msgid "options_protocol_direct" msgstr "DIREKTE" msgid "options_protocol_useDefault" msgstr "(bruk forvalg)" msgid "options_proxy_single" msgstr "Bruk mellomtjeneren ovenfor for alle protokoller." msgid "options_proxy_expand" msgstr "Vis avanserte valg" msgid "options_group_bypassList" msgstr "" msgid "options_bypassListHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_bypassListHelpLinkText" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_pacUrl" msgstr "" msgid "options_pacUrlHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_pacUrlFile" msgstr "" msgid "options_pacUrlFileDisabled" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_pacScript" msgstr "" msgid "options_pacScriptLastUpdate" msgstr "" msgid "options_pacScriptObsolete" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_virtualProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_virtualProfileTarget" msgstr "Mål" msgid "options_virtualProfileTargetHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_virtualProfileReplace" msgstr "" msgid "options_virtualProfileReplace" msgstr "" msgid "options_virtualProfileReplaceHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_ruleListConfig" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListFormat" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_ruleListResult" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListMatchProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListDefaultProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_ruleListUrl" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListUrlHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_ruleListText" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListLastUpdate" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleListObsolete" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_switchRules" msgstr "" msgid "options_sort" msgstr "" msgid "options_conditionType" msgstr "" msgid "options_showConditionTypeHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_conditionDetails" msgstr "" msgid "options_resultProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_conditionActions" msgstr "Handlinger" msgid "options_addCondition" msgstr "" msgid "options_cloneRule" msgstr "" msgid "options_ruleNote" msgstr "Note" msgid "options_switchAttachedProfileInCondition" msgstr "" msgid "options_switchAttachedProfileInConditionDetails" msgstr "" msgid "options_switchAttachedProfileInConditionDisabled" msgstr "" msgid "options_switchDefaultProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_hostLevelsBetween" msgstr "" msgid "options_hourBetween" msgstr "" msgid "options_weekDayShort_0" msgstr "Søn" msgid "options_weekDayShort_1" msgstr "Man" msgid "options_weekDayShort_2" msgstr "Tirs" msgid "options_weekDayShort_3" msgstr "Ons" msgid "options_weekDayShort_4" msgstr "Tors" msgid "options_weekDayShort_5" msgstr "Fre" msgid "options_weekDayShort_6" msgstr "Lør" msgid "options_group_conditionHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_group_attachProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_attachProfile" msgstr "Legg til en regelliste" msgid "options_attachProfileHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_modalHeader_welcome" msgstr "Velkommen til SwitchyOmega" msgid "options_welcomeNormal" msgstr "" msgid "options_welcomeNormalGuide" msgstr "" msgid "options_welcomeUpgrade" msgstr "" msgid "options_welcomeUpgradeGuide" msgstr "" msgid "options_guideNext" msgstr "Neste" msgid "options_guideDone" msgstr "Ferdig" msgid "options_guideSkip" msgstr "Hopp over guide" msgid "options_modalHeader_applyOptions" msgstr "Legg til valg" msgid "options_optionsNotSaved" msgstr "" msgid "options_applyOptionsRequired" msgstr "" msgid "options_applyOptionsConfirm" msgstr "" msgid "options_modalHeader_renameProfile" msgstr "Gi profil nytt navn" msgid "options_renameProfileName" msgstr "Nytt profilnavn" msgid "options_profileNameConflict" msgstr "En profil ved dette navnet finnes allerede." msgid "options_profileNameReserved" msgstr "Profilnavn som begynner med dobbel understrek er reservert." msgid "options_profileNameHidden" msgstr "" msgid "options_modalHeader_replaceProfile" msgstr "Erstatt profil" msgid "options_replaceProfile" msgstr "Erstatt profil" msgid "options_replaceProfileConfirm" msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig å erstatte $FromProfile$ med $ToProfile$?" msgid "options_replaceProfileHelp" msgstr "" msgid "options_replaceProfileSuccess" msgstr "" msgid "options_modalHeader_deleteProfile" msgstr "Slett profil" msgid "options_deleteProfileConfirm" msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig å slette følgende profil?" msgid "options_modalHeader_cannotDeleteProfile" msgstr "Kunne ikke slette profil" msgid "options_profileReferredBy" msgstr "" "Denne profilen kunne ikke slettes fordi den vises til av følgende profiler:" msgid "options_modifyReferringProfiles" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileNameEmpty" msgstr "" msgid "popup_title" msgstr "Oppsprettsvindu for SwitchyOmega" msgid "options_modalHeader_proxyAuth" msgstr "Identitetsbekreftelse for mellomtjener" msgid "options_proxyAuthUsername" msgstr "Brukernavn" msgid "options_proxyAuthPassword" msgstr "Passord" msgid "options_proxyAuthShowPassword" msgstr "Show password" msgid "options_proxyAuthHidePassword" msgstr "Hide password" msgid "options_proxyAuthNone" msgstr "Ingen identitetsbekreftelse" msgid "options_modalHeader_deleteRule" msgstr "Slett regel" msgid "options_deleteRuleConfirm" msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig å slette følgende regel?" msgid "options_deleteRule" msgstr "Slett" msgid "options_modalHeader_resetRules" msgstr "Tilbakestill regler" msgid "options_resetRulesConfirm" msgstr "" msgid "options_resetRules" msgstr "Tilbakestill regler" msgid "options_resetRules_help" msgstr "Sett profil for alle regler" msgid "options_modalHeader_deleteAttached" msgstr "Fjern regelliste" msgid "options_deleteAttachedConfirm" msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig å slette regellisten fra gjeldende profil?" msgid "options_ruleListLineCount" msgstr "$COUNT$ linje(r) med regler" msgid "options_deleteAttached" msgstr "Slett regelliste" msgid "options_modalHeader_newProfile" msgstr "Ny profil" msgid "options_newProfileName" msgstr "Profilnavn" msgid "options_profileType" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTypeFixedProfile" msgstr "Mellomtjenerprofil" msgid "options_profileDescFixedProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTypePacProfile" msgstr "PAC-profil" msgid "options_profileDescPacProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileDescMorePacProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTypeSwitchProfile" msgstr "Bytt profil" msgid "options_profileDescSwitchProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTypeRuleListProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileDescRuleListProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileTypeVirtualProfile" msgstr "Virtuell profil" msgid "options_profileDescVirtualProfile" msgstr "" msgid "options_createProfile" msgstr "Opprett" msgid "options_modalHeader_resetOptions" msgstr "Tilbakestill valg" msgid "options_resetOptionsConfirm" msgstr "" "Lnsker du virkelig å tilbakestille valgene? Alle profiler og innstillinger " "vil gå TAPT!" msgid "options_formInvalid" msgstr "Korriger feilene på denne siden." msgid "options_profileNotFound" msgstr "Profilen $PROFILE$ finnes ikke! Valgene kan være skadet." msgid "options_resetSuccess" msgstr "Valg tilbakestilt." msgid "options_saveSuccess" msgstr "Valg lagret." msgid "options_importSuccess" msgstr "Valg importert." msgid "options_importFormatError" msgstr "Ugyldig sikkerhetskopifil!" msgid "options_importDownloadError" msgstr "" msgid "options_profileDownloadSuccess" msgstr "Vellykket oppdatering av profil." msgid "options_profileDownloadError" msgstr "Feil ved nedlasting av profildata!" msgid "options_profileDownloadError_NetworkError" msgstr "A network error occurred when updating." msgid "options_profileDownloadError_HttpError" msgstr "An HTTP error ($STATUS$) occurred when updating." msgid "options_profileDownloadError_HttpNotFoundError" msgstr "The Profile URL was not found on the server. Please double-check." msgid "options_profileDownloadError_HttpServerError" msgstr "The remote server responded with error ($STATUS$) when updating." msgid "options_profileDownloadError_ContentTypeRejectedError" msgstr "The downloaded data is invalid! " "You may open the Profile URL in your browser to inspect it." msgid "options_downloadProfileNow" msgstr "Last ned profil nå" msgid "options_guide_fixedProfileStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_fixedServersStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_autoSwitchProfileStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_addMoreProfilesStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_conditionStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_conditionTypeStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_conditionProfileStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_switchDefaultStep" msgstr "" msgid "options_guide_applySwitchProfileStep" msgstr "" msgid "popup_externalProfile" msgstr "(Ekstern profil)" msgid "popup_externalProfileName" msgstr "profilnavn" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllable_app" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllable_policy" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllable_unknown" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllable_disabled" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllable_upgrade" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllableDetails" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllableDetails_upgrade" msgstr "" msgid "popup_proxyNotControllableManage" msgstr "Behandle tillegg" msgid "popup_addConditionTo" msgstr "" msgid "popup_addCondition" msgstr "" msgid "popup_showOptions" msgstr "Valg" msgid "popup_reportIssues" msgstr "Rapporter feil" msgid "popup_errorLog" msgstr "Lagre feilrettingslogg" msgid "popup_requestErrorCount" msgstr "$COUNT$ failede ressurser" msgid "popup_requestErrorHeading" msgstr "Ressurser som ikke kunne lastes inn" msgid "popup_requestErrorWarning" msgstr "" "En del ressurser kunne ikke lastes inn på grunn av feil med ditt nettverk, " "mellomtjeneren eller nettsiden." msgid "popup_requestErrorWarningHelp" msgstr "SwitchyOmega rapporterer bare disse feilene, det er ikke opphavet." msgid "popup_requestErrorAddCondition" msgstr "" "Du kan se over følgende domener og bruke mellomtjener for dem når det høver " "seg." msgid "popup_requestErrorCannotAddCondition" msgstr "" #, fuzzy msgid "popup_configureMonitorWebRequests" msgstr "Sett opp nettverksoversikt" msgid "options_resultProfileForSelectedDomains" msgstr "Bruk denne profilen for alle valgte domener" msgid "options_pac_profile_unsupported_moz" msgstr "PAC Profiles WILL NOT work in Mozilla Firefox due to technical limitations!" msgid "popup_issueTemplate" msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "\n" "<!-- Skriv kommentaren din OVER denne linjen. -->\n" "SwitchyOmega $projectVersion$\n" "$userAgent$" msgid "browserAction_profileDetails_PacProfile" msgstr "(PAC-skript)" msgid "browserAction_profileDetails_SystemProfile" msgstr "(styrt av andre tillegg eller miljø)" msgid "browserAction_profileDetails_DirectProfile" msgstr "(bruker ikke noen mellomtjener)" msgid "browserAction_profileDetails_SwitchProfile" msgstr "" msgid "browserAction_profileDetails_RuleListProfile" msgstr "" msgid "browserAction_titleNormal" msgstr "SwitchyOmega:: $PROFILE$" msgid "browserAction_titleWithResult" msgstr "" "SwitchyOmega:: $1:PROFILE$\n" "$3:DETAILS$" msgid "browserAction_titleNewerOptions" msgstr "" "FEIL: En nyere versjon av SwitchOmega kreves for å laste de lagrede valgene." msgid "browserAction_titleOptionError" msgstr "FEIL: Lagrede valg skadet. Klikk her for å TILBAKESTILLE VALG." msgid "browserAction_titleDownloadFail" msgstr "Advarsel: Kunne ikke laste ned PAC-skript og/eller regellister." msgid "browserAction_titleExternalProxy" msgstr "" msgid "browserAction_titleInspect" msgstr "[Se over] $URL$" msgid "browserAction_defaultRuleDetails" msgstr "(forvalg)" #, fuzzy msgid "browserAction_directResult" msgstr "DIREKTE" msgid "browserAction_attachedPrefix" msgstr "" msgid "browserAction_tempRulePrefix" msgstr "(MIDLERTIDIG) " msgid "contextMenu_inspectPage" msgstr "Se over mellomtjenerbruk for denne siden" msgid "contextMenu_inspectFrame" msgstr "" msgid "contextMenu_inspectLink" msgstr "" msgid "contextMenu_inspectElement" msgstr "" msgid "contextMenu_enableQuickSwitch" msgstr "Skru på raskt bytte" msgid "about_title" msgstr "About" msgid "about_app_description" msgstr "A proxy configuration tool" msgid "about_version" msgstr "Version $VERSION$" msgid "about_experimental_warning_moz" msgstr "Mozilla Firefox support is highly experimental! If you encounter issues, please report using the buttons below." msgid "about_disclaimer_networkService" msgstr "SwitchyOmega does not provide proxies, VPNs, or other network services." msgid "about_disclaimer_privacy" msgstr "SwitchyOmega does not track you or insert ads into webpages. Please see" " our <a href=''>privacy policy</a>." msgid "about_help" msgstr "Other questions? Need help with using SwitchyOmega? Please see our " "<a href=''>FAQ</a>." msgid "about_copyright" msgstr "Copyright 2012-2017 <a href=''>The SwitchyOmega Authors</a>. All rights reserved." msgid "about_credits" msgstr "SwitchyOmega is made possible by the <a href=''>SwitchyOmega</a> open source project and other <a href=''>open source software</a>." msgid "about_license" msgstr "SwitchyOmega is <a href=''>free software</a> licensed under <a href=''>GNU General Public License</a> Version 3 or later."