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### @module omega-target/options_sync ###
Promise = require 'bluebird'
Storage = require './storage'
Log = require './log'
{Revision} = require 'omega-pac'
jsondiffpatch = require 'jsondiffpatch'
TokenBucket = require('limiter').TokenBucket
class OptionsSync
@TokenBucket: TokenBucket
_timeout: null
_bucket: null
_waiting: false
# The debounce timeout (ms) for requestPush scheduling. See requestPush.
# @type number
debounce: 1000
# The throttling timeout (ms) for watchAndPull. See watchAndPull.
# @type number
pullThrottle: 1000
# The remote storage of syncing.
# @type Storage
storage: null
constructor: (@storage, @_bucket) ->
@_pending = {}
@_bucket ?= new TokenBucket(10, 10, 'minute', null)
@_bucket.clear ?= =>
# Transform storage values for syncing. The default implementation applies no
# transformation, but the behavior can be altered by assigning to this field.
# Note: Transformation is applied before merging.
# @param {{}} value The value to transform
# @param {{}} key The key of the item
# @returns {{}} The transformed value
transformValue: (v) -> v
# Merge newVal and oldVal of a given key. The default implementation choose
# between newVal and oldVal based on the following rules:
# 1. Choose oldVal if syncOptions is 'disabled' in either oldVal or newVal.
# 2. Choose oldVal if it has a revision newer than or equal to that of newVal.
# 3. Choose oldVal if it deeply equals newVal.
# 4. Otherwise, choose newVal.
# @param {string} key The key of the item
# @param {} newVal The new value
# @param {} oldVal The old value
# @returns {} The merged result
merge: do ->
diff = jsondiffpatch.create(
objectHash: (obj) -> JSON.stringify(obj)
textDiff: minLength: 1 / 0
return (key, newVal, oldVal) ->
return oldVal if newVal == oldVal
if oldVal?.syncOptions == 'disabled' or newVal?.syncOptions == 'disabled'
return oldVal
if oldVal?.revision? and newVal?.revision?
result = Revision.compare(oldVal.revision, newVal.revision)
return oldVal if result >= 0
return oldVal unless diff.diff(oldVal, newVal)?
return newVal
# Whether syncing is enabled or not. See requestPush for the effect.
# @type boolean
enabled: true
# Request pushing the changes to remote storage. The changes are cached first,
# and then the actual write operations are scheduled if enabled is true.
# The actual operation is delayed and debounced, combining continuous writes
# in a short period into a single write operation.
# @param {Object.<string, {}>} changes A map from keys to values.
requestPush: (changes) ->
clearTimeout(@_timeout) if @_timeout?
for own key, value of changes
if typeof value != 'undefined'
value = @transformValue(value, key)
continue if typeof value == 'undefined'
@_pending[key] = value
return unless @enabled
@_timeout = setTimeout(@_doPush.bind(this), @debounce)
# Returning the pending changes not written to the remote storage.
# @returns {Object.<string, {}>} The pending changes.
pendingChanges: -> @_pending
_doPush: ->
@_timeout = null
return if @_waiting
@_waiting = true
@_bucket.removeTokens 1, =>
@storage.get(null).then((base) =>
changes = @_pending
@_pending = {}
@_waiting = false
Storage.operationsForChanges(changes, base: base, merge: @merge)
).then ({set, remove}) =>
doSet =
if Object.keys(set).length == 0
Log.log 'OptionsSync::set', set
doSet.then((cost) =>
set = {}
if remove.length > 0
if @_bucket.tryRemoveTokens(cost)
Log.log 'OptionsSync::remove', remove
return @storage.remove(remove)
return Promise.reject('bucket')
).catch (e) =>
# Re-submit the changes for syncing, but with lower priority.
for own key, value of set
if not (key of @_pending)
@_pending[key] = value
for key in remove
if not (key of @_pending)
@_pending[key] = undefined
if e == 'bucket'
else if e instanceof Storage.RateLimitExceededError
Log.log 'OptionsSync::rateLimitExceeded'
# Try to clear the @_bucket to wait more time before retrying.
else if e instanceof Storage.QuotaExceededError
# For now, we just disable syncing for all changed profiles.
# TODO(catus): Remove the largest profile each time and retry.
valuesAffected = 0
for own key, value of set
if key[0] == '+' and value.syncOptions != 'disabled'
value.syncOptions = 'disabled'
value.syncError = {reason: 'quotaPerItem'}
if valuesAffected > 0
@_pending = {}
_logOperations: (text, operations) ->
if Object.keys(operations.set).length
Log.log(text + '::set', operations.set)
if operations.remove.length
Log.log(text + '::remove', operations.remove)
# Pull the remote storage for changes, and write them to local.
# @param {Storage} local The local storage to be written to
# @returns {function} Calling the returned function will stop watching.
copyTo: (local) ->
Promise.join local.get(null), @storage.get(null), (base, changes) =>
for own key of base when not (key of changes)
if key[0] == '+' and not base[key]?.syncOptions == 'disabled'
changes[key] = undefined
changes: changes
base: base
merge: @merge
).then (operations) =>
@_logOperations('OptionsSync::copyTo', operations)
# Watch the remote storage for changes, and write them to local.
# The actual writing is throttled by pullThrottle with initial delay.
# @param {Storage} local The local storage to be written to
# @returns {function} Calling the returned function will stop watching.
watchAndPull: (local) ->
pullScheduled = null
pull = {}
doPull = =>
local.get(null).then((base) =>
changes = pull
pull = {}
pullScheduled = null
Storage.operationsForChanges(changes, base: base, merge: @merge)
).then (operations) =>
@_logOperations('OptionsSync::pull', operations)
@storage.watch null, (changes) =>
for own key, value of changes
pull[key] = value
return if pullScheduled?
pullScheduled = setTimeout(doPull, @pullThrottle)
module.exports = OptionsSync