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* source code: https://github.com/omichelsen/compare-versions
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.compareVersions = {}));
})(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
const semver = /^[v^~<>=]*?(\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+)(?:\.([x*]|\d+))?(?:-([\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*))?(?:\+[\da-z\-]+(?:\.[\da-z\-]+)*)?)?)?$/i;
const validateAndParse = (version) => {
if (typeof version !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Invalid argument expected string');
const match = version.match(semver);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument not valid semver ('${version}' received)`);
return match;
const isWildcard = (s) => s === '*' || s === 'x' || s === 'X';
const tryParse = (v) => {
const n = parseInt(v, 10);
return isNaN(n) ? v : n;
const forceType = (a, b) => typeof a !== typeof b ? [String(a), String(b)] : [a, b];
const compareStrings = (a, b) => {
if (isWildcard(a) || isWildcard(b))
return 0;
const [ap, bp] = forceType(tryParse(a), tryParse(b));
if (ap > bp)
return 1;
if (ap < bp)
return -1;
return 0;
const compareSegments = (a, b) => {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(a.length, b.length); i++) {
const r = compareStrings(a[i] || '0', b[i] || '0');
if (r !== 0)
return r;
return 0;
* Compare [semver](https://semver.org/) version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
* This library supports the full semver specification, including comparing versions with different number of digits like `1.0.0`, `1.0`, `1`, and pre-release versions like `1.0.0-alpha`.
* @param v1 - First version to compare
* @param v2 - Second version to compare
* @returns Numeric value compatible with the [Array.sort(fn) interface](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#Parameters).
const compareVersions = (v1, v2) => {
// validate input and split into segments
const n1 = validateAndParse(v1);
const n2 = validateAndParse(v2);
// pop off the patch
const p1 = n1.pop();
const p2 = n2.pop();
// validate numbers
const r = compareSegments(n1, n2);
if (r !== 0)
return r;
// validate pre-release
if (p1 && p2) {
return compareSegments(p1.split('.'), p2.split('.'));
else if (p1 || p2) {
return p1 ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
* Compare [semver](https://semver.org/) version strings using the specified operator.
* @param v1 First version to compare
* @param v2 Second version to compare
* @param operator Allowed arithmetic operator to use
* @returns `true` if the comparison between the firstVersion and the secondVersion satisfies the operator, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* ```
* compare('10.1.8', '10.0.4', '>'); // return true
* compare('10.0.1', '10.0.1', '='); // return true
* compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '<'); // return true
* compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '<='); // return true
* compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '>='); // return false
* ```
const compare = (v1, v2, operator) => {
// validate input operator
// since result of compareVersions can only be -1 or 0 or 1
// a simple map can be used to replace switch
const res = compareVersions(v1, v2);
return operatorResMap[operator].includes(res);
const operatorResMap = {
'>': [1],
'>=': [0, 1],
'=': [0],
'<=': [-1, 0],
'<': [-1],
'!=': [-1, 1],
const allowedOperators = Object.keys(operatorResMap);
const assertValidOperator = (op) => {
if (typeof op !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator type, expected string but got ${typeof op}`);
if (allowedOperators.indexOf(op) === -1) {
throw new Error(`Invalid operator, expected one of ${allowedOperators.join('|')}`);
* Match [npm semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver) version range.
* @param version Version number to match
* @param range Range pattern for version
* @returns `true` if the version number is within the range, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* ```
* satisfies('1.1.0', '^1.0.0'); // return true
* satisfies('1.1.0', '~1.0.0'); // return false
* ```
const satisfies = (version, range) => {
// clean input
range = range.replace(/([><=]+)\s+/g, '$1');
// handle multiple comparators
if (range.includes('||')) {
return range.split('||').some((r) => satisfies(version, r));
else if (range.includes(' - ')) {
const [a, b] = range.split(' - ', 2);
return satisfies(version, `>=${a} <=${b}`);
else if (range.includes(' ')) {
return range
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ')
.split(' ')
.every((r) => satisfies(version, r));
// if no range operator then "="
const m = range.match(/^([<>=~^]+)/);
const op = m ? m[1] : '=';
// if gt/lt/eq then operator compare
if (op !== '^' && op !== '~')
return compare(version, range, op);
// else range of either "~" or "^" is assumed
const [v1, v2, v3, , vp] = validateAndParse(version);
const [r1, r2, r3, , rp] = validateAndParse(range);
const v = [v1, v2, v3];
const r = [r1, r2 !== null && r2 !== void 0 ? r2 : 'x', r3 !== null && r3 !== void 0 ? r3 : 'x'];
// validate pre-release
if (rp) {
if (!vp)
return false;
if (compareSegments(v, r) !== 0)
return false;
if (compareSegments(vp.split('.'), rp.split('.')) === -1)
return false;
// first non-zero number
const nonZero = r.findIndex((v) => v !== '0') + 1;
// pointer to where segments can be >=
const i = op === '~' ? 2 : nonZero > 1 ? nonZero : 1;
// before pointer must be equal
if (compareSegments(v.slice(0, i), r.slice(0, i)) !== 0)
return false;
// after pointer must be >=
if (compareSegments(v.slice(i), r.slice(i)) === -1)
return false;
return true;
* Validate [semver](https://semver.org/) version strings.
* @param version Version number to validate
* @returns `true` if the version number is a valid semver version number, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* ```
* validate('1.0.0-rc.1'); // return true
* validate('1.0-rc.1'); // return false
* validate('foo'); // return false
* ```
const validate = (version) => typeof version === 'string' && /^[v\d]/.test(version) && semver.test(version);
* Validate [semver](https://semver.org/) version strings strictly. Will not accept wildcards and version ranges.
* @param version Version number to validate
* @returns `true` if the version number is a valid semver version number `false` otherwise
* @example
* ```
* validate('1.0.0-rc.1'); // return true
* validate('1.0-rc.1'); // return false
* validate('foo'); // return false
* ```
const validateStrict = (version) => typeof version === 'string' &&
exports.compare = compare;
exports.compareVersions = compareVersions;
exports.satisfies = satisfies;
exports.validate = validate;
exports.validateStrict = validateStrict;