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375 lines
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import FDBCursor from "./FDBCursor.js";
import FDBCursorWithValue from "./FDBCursorWithValue.js";
import FDBIndex from "./FDBIndex.js";
import FDBKeyRange from "./FDBKeyRange.js";
import FDBRequest from "./FDBRequest.js";
import canInjectKey from "./lib/canInjectKey.js";
import enforceRange from "./lib/enforceRange.js";
import { ConstraintError, DataError, InvalidAccessError, InvalidStateError, NotFoundError, ReadOnlyError, TransactionInactiveError } from "./lib/errors.js";
import extractKey from "./lib/extractKey.js";
import FakeDOMStringList from "./lib/FakeDOMStringList.js";
import Index from "./lib/Index.js";
import validateKeyPath from "./lib/validateKeyPath.js";
import valueToKey from "./lib/valueToKey.js";
import valueToKeyRange from "./lib/valueToKeyRange.js";
const confirmActiveTransaction = objectStore => {
if (objectStore._rawObjectStore.deleted) {
throw new InvalidStateError();
if (objectStore.transaction._state !== "active") {
throw new TransactionInactiveError();
const buildRecordAddPut = (objectStore, value, key) => {
if (objectStore.transaction.mode === "readonly") {
throw new ReadOnlyError();
if (objectStore.keyPath !== null) {
if (key !== undefined) {
throw new DataError();
const clone = structuredClone(value);
if (objectStore.keyPath !== null) {
const tempKey = extractKey(objectStore.keyPath, clone);
if (tempKey !== undefined) {
} else {
if (!objectStore._rawObjectStore.keyGenerator) {
throw new DataError();
} else if (!canInjectKey(objectStore.keyPath, clone)) {
throw new DataError();
if (objectStore.keyPath === null && objectStore._rawObjectStore.keyGenerator === null && key === undefined) {
throw new DataError();
if (key !== undefined) {
key = valueToKey(key);
return {
value: clone
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-IndexedDB-20150108/#object-store
class FDBObjectStore {
_indexesCache = new Map();
constructor(transaction, rawObjectStore) {
this._rawObjectStore = rawObjectStore;
this._name = rawObjectStore.name;
this.keyPath = rawObjectStore.keyPath;
this.autoIncrement = rawObjectStore.autoIncrement;
this.transaction = transaction;
this.indexNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...Array.from(rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.keys()).sort());
get name() {
return this._name;
// http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbobjectstore-name
set name(name) {
const transaction = this.transaction;
if (!transaction.db._runningVersionchangeTransaction) {
throw new InvalidStateError();
name = String(name);
if (name === this._name) {
if (this._rawObjectStore.rawDatabase.rawObjectStores.has(name)) {
throw new ConstraintError();
const oldName = this._name;
const oldObjectStoreNames = [...transaction.db.objectStoreNames];
this._name = name;
this._rawObjectStore.name = name;
this.transaction._objectStoresCache.set(name, this);
this._rawObjectStore.rawDatabase.rawObjectStores.set(name, this._rawObjectStore);
transaction.db.objectStoreNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...Array.from(this._rawObjectStore.rawDatabase.rawObjectStores.keys()).filter(objectStoreName => {
const objectStore = this._rawObjectStore.rawDatabase.rawObjectStores.get(objectStoreName);
return objectStore && !objectStore.deleted;
const oldScope = new Set(transaction._scope);
const oldTransactionObjectStoreNames = [...transaction.objectStoreNames];
transaction.objectStoreNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...Array.from(transaction._scope).sort());
transaction._rollbackLog.push(() => {
this._name = oldName;
this._rawObjectStore.name = oldName;
this.transaction._objectStoresCache.set(oldName, this);
this._rawObjectStore.rawDatabase.rawObjectStores.set(oldName, this._rawObjectStore);
transaction.db.objectStoreNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...oldObjectStoreNames);
transaction._scope = oldScope;
transaction.objectStoreNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...oldTransactionObjectStoreNames);
put(value, key) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
const record = buildRecordAddPut(this, value, key);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.storeRecord.bind(this._rawObjectStore, record, false, this.transaction._rollbackLog),
source: this
add(value, key) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
const record = buildRecordAddPut(this, value, key);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.storeRecord.bind(this._rawObjectStore, record, true, this.transaction._rollbackLog),
source: this
delete(key) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
if (this.transaction.mode === "readonly") {
throw new ReadOnlyError();
if (!(key instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
key = valueToKey(key);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.deleteRecord.bind(this._rawObjectStore, key, this.transaction._rollbackLog),
source: this
get(key) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
if (!(key instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
key = valueToKey(key);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.getValue.bind(this._rawObjectStore, key),
source: this
// http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbobjectstore-getall
getAll(query, count) {
if (arguments.length > 1 && count !== undefined) {
count = enforceRange(count, "unsigned long");
const range = valueToKeyRange(query);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.getAllValues.bind(this._rawObjectStore, range, count),
source: this
// http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbobjectstore-getkey
getKey(key) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
if (!(key instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
key = valueToKey(key);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.getKey.bind(this._rawObjectStore, key),
source: this
// http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbobjectstore-getallkeys
getAllKeys(query, count) {
if (arguments.length > 1 && count !== undefined) {
count = enforceRange(count, "unsigned long");
const range = valueToKeyRange(query);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.getAllKeys.bind(this._rawObjectStore, range, count),
source: this
clear() {
if (this.transaction.mode === "readonly") {
throw new ReadOnlyError();
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: this._rawObjectStore.clear.bind(this._rawObjectStore, this.transaction._rollbackLog),
source: this
openCursor(range, direction) {
if (range === null) {
range = undefined;
if (range !== undefined && !(range instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
range = FDBKeyRange.only(valueToKey(range));
const request = new FDBRequest();
request.source = this;
request.transaction = this.transaction;
const cursor = new FDBCursorWithValue(this, range, direction, request);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: cursor._iterate.bind(cursor),
source: this
openKeyCursor(range, direction) {
if (range === null) {
range = undefined;
if (range !== undefined && !(range instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
range = FDBKeyRange.only(valueToKey(range));
const request = new FDBRequest();
request.source = this;
request.transaction = this.transaction;
const cursor = new FDBCursor(this, range, direction, request, true);
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: cursor._iterate.bind(cursor),
source: this
// tslint:-next-line max-line-length
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-IndexedDB-20150108/#widl-IDBObjectStore-createIndex-IDBIndex-DOMString-name-DOMString-sequence-DOMString--keyPath-IDBIndexParameters-optionalParameters
createIndex(name, keyPath, optionalParameters = {}) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
throw new TypeError();
const multiEntry = optionalParameters.multiEntry !== undefined ? optionalParameters.multiEntry : false;
const unique = optionalParameters.unique !== undefined ? optionalParameters.unique : false;
if (this.transaction.mode !== "versionchange") {
throw new InvalidStateError();
if (this.indexNames.contains(name)) {
throw new ConstraintError();
if (Array.isArray(keyPath) && multiEntry) {
throw new InvalidAccessError();
// The index that is requested to be created can contain constraints on the data allowed in the index's
// referenced object store, such as requiring uniqueness of the values referenced by the index's keyPath. If the
// referenced object store already contains data which violates these constraints, this MUST NOT cause the
// implementation of createIndex to throw an exception or affect what it returns. The implementation MUST still
// create and return an IDBIndex object. Instead the implementation must queue up an operation to abort the
// "versionchange" transaction which was used for the createIndex call.
const indexNames = [...this.indexNames];
this.transaction._rollbackLog.push(() => {
const index2 = this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.get(name);
if (index2) {
index2.deleted = true;
this.indexNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...indexNames);
const index = new Index(this._rawObjectStore, name, keyPath, multiEntry, unique);
this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.set(name, index);
index.initialize(this.transaction); // This is async by design
return new FDBIndex(this, index);
// https://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbobjectstore-index
index(name) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
if (this._rawObjectStore.deleted || this.transaction._state === "finished") {
throw new InvalidStateError();
const index = this._indexesCache.get(name);
if (index !== undefined) {
return index;
const rawIndex = this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.get(name);
if (!this.indexNames.contains(name) || rawIndex === undefined) {
throw new NotFoundError();
const index2 = new FDBIndex(this, rawIndex);
this._indexesCache.set(name, index2);
return index2;
deleteIndex(name) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError();
if (this.transaction.mode !== "versionchange") {
throw new InvalidStateError();
const rawIndex = this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.get(name);
if (rawIndex === undefined) {
throw new NotFoundError();
this.transaction._rollbackLog.push(() => {
rawIndex.deleted = false;
this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.set(name, rawIndex);
this.indexNames = new FakeDOMStringList(...Array.from(this.indexNames).filter(indexName => {
return indexName !== name;
rawIndex.deleted = true; // Not sure if this is supposed to happen synchronously
operation: () => {
const rawIndex2 = this._rawObjectStore.rawIndexes.get(name);
// Hack in case another index is given this name before this async request is processed. It'd be better
// to have a real unique ID for each index.
if (rawIndex === rawIndex2) {
source: this
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-IndexedDB-20150108/#widl-IDBObjectStore-count-IDBRequest-any-key
count(key) {
if (key === null) {
key = undefined;
if (key !== undefined && !(key instanceof FDBKeyRange)) {
key = FDBKeyRange.only(valueToKey(key));
return this.transaction._execRequestAsync({
operation: () => {
return this._rawObjectStore.count(key);
source: this
toString() {
return "[object IDBObjectStore]";
export default FDBObjectStore; |