#coding: utf-8 # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 宝塔Windows面板 # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Copyright (c) 2015-2099 宝塔软件(http://bt.cn) All rights reserved. # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Author: 沐落 # +------------------------------------------------------------------- import os,chardet,time,sys,re import win32net, win32api, win32netcon,win32security,win32serviceutil import traceback,shlex,datetime,subprocess,platform import sqlite3,shutil def readReg(path,key): import winreg try: newKey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ,path) value,type = winreg.QueryValueEx(newKey, key) return value except : return False panelPath = readReg(r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\宝塔面板','PanelPath') if not panelPath: panelPath = os.getenv('BT_PANEL') if not panelPath: exit(); setupPath = os.path.dirname(panelPath) error_path = '{}/error.log'.format(setupPath) logPath = panelPath + '/data/panelExec.log' class Sql(): #------------------------------ # 数据库操作类 For sqlite3 #------------------------------ __DB_FILE = None # 数据库文件 __DB_CONN = None # 数据库连接对象 __DB_TABLE = "" # 被操作的表名称 __OPT_WHERE = "" # where条件 __OPT_LIMIT = "" # limit条件 __OPT_ORDER = "" # order条件 __OPT_FIELD = "*" # field条件 __OPT_PARAM = () # where值 __LOCK = panelPath + '/data/sqlite_lock.pl' def __init__(self): self.__DB_FILE = panelPath + '/data/default.db' def __GetConn(self): #取数据库对象 try: if self.__DB_CONN == None: self.__DB_CONN = sqlite3.connect(self.__DB_FILE) self.__DB_CONN.text_factory = str except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) return "error: " + str(ex) def table(self,table): #设置表名 self.__DB_TABLE = table return self def where(self,where,param): #WHERE条件 if where: self.__OPT_WHERE = " WHERE " + where self.__OPT_PARAM = self.__to_tuple(param) return self def __to_tuple(self,param): #将参数转换为tuple if type(param) != tuple: if type(param) == list: param = tuple(param) else: param = (param,) return param #更新数据 def update(self,pdata): if not pdata: return False keys,param = self.__format_pdata(pdata) return self.save(keys,param) #构造数据 def __format_pdata(self,pdata): keys = pdata.keys() keys_str = ','.join(keys) param = [] for k in keys: param.append(pdata[k]) return keys_str,tuple(param) def field(self,field): #FIELD条件 if len(field): self.__OPT_FIELD = field return self def getField(self,keyName): #取回指定字段 result = self.field(keyName).select() print(result) if len(result) != 0: return result[0][keyName] return result def __format_field(self,field): import re fields = [] for key in field: s_as = re.search(r'\s+as\s+',key,flags=re.IGNORECASE) if s_as: as_tip = s_as.group() key = key.split(as_tip)[1] fields.append(key) return fields def __get_columns(self): if self.__OPT_FIELD == '*': tmp_cols = self.query('PRAGMA table_info('+self.__DB_TABLE+')',()) cols = [] for col in tmp_cols: if len(col) > 2: cols.append('`' + col[1] + '`') if len(cols) > 0: self.__OPT_FIELD = ','.join(cols) def select(self): #查询数据集 self.__GetConn() try: self.__get_columns() sql = "SELECT " + self.__OPT_FIELD + " FROM " + self.__DB_TABLE + self.__OPT_WHERE + self.__OPT_ORDER + self.__OPT_LIMIT result = self.__DB_CONN.execute(sql,self.__OPT_PARAM) data = result.fetchall() #构造字典系列 if self.__OPT_FIELD != "*": fields = self.__format_field(self.__OPT_FIELD.split(',')) tmp = [] for row in data: i=0 tmp1 = {} for key in fields: tmp1[key.strip('`')] = row[i] i += 1 tmp.append(tmp1) del(tmp1) data = tmp del(tmp) else: #将元组转换成列表 tmp = list(map(list,data)) data = tmp del(tmp) self.__close() return data except Exception as ex: return "error: " + str(ex) def setField(self,keyName,keyValue): #更新指定字段 return self.save(keyName,(keyValue,)) def commit(self): self.__close() self.__DB_CONN.commit() def save(self,keys,param): #更新数据 self.write_lock() self.__GetConn() self.__DB_CONN.text_factory = str try: opt = "" for key in keys.split(','): opt += key + "=?," opt = opt[0:len(opt)-1] sql = "UPDATE " + self.__DB_TABLE + " SET " + opt+self.__OPT_WHERE #处理拼接WHERE与UPDATE参数 tmp = list(self.__to_tuple(param)) for arg in self.__OPT_PARAM: tmp.append(arg) self.__OPT_PARAM = tuple(tmp) result = self.__DB_CONN.execute(sql,self.__OPT_PARAM) self.__close() self.__DB_CONN.commit() self.rm_lock() return result.rowcount except Exception as ex: return "error: " + str(ex) def execute(self,sql,param = ()): #执行SQL语句返回受影响行 self.write_lock() self.__GetConn() try: result = self.__DB_CONN.execute(sql,self.__to_tuple(param)) self.__DB_CONN.commit() self.rm_lock() return result.rowcount except Exception as ex: return "error: " + str(ex) #是否有锁 def is_lock(self): n = 0 while os.path.exists(self.__LOCK): n+=1 if n > 100: self.rm_lock() break time.sleep(0.01) #写锁 def write_lock(self): self.is_lock() open(self.__LOCK,'wb+').close() #解锁 def rm_lock(self): if os.path.exists(self.__LOCK): os.remove(self.__LOCK) def query(self,sql,param = ()): #执行SQL语句返回数据集 self.__GetConn() try: result = self.__DB_CONN.execute(sql,self.__to_tuple(param)) #将元组转换成列表 data = list(map(list,result)) return data except Exception as ex: return "error: " + str(ex) def __close(self): #清理条件属性 self.__OPT_WHERE = "" self.__OPT_FIELD = "*" self.__OPT_ORDER = "" self.__OPT_LIMIT = "" self.__OPT_PARAM = () def close(self): #释放资源 try: self.__DB_CONN.close() self.__DB_CONN = None except: pass def GetLocalIp(): """ 取本地外网IP """ try: filename = panelPath + '/data/iplist.txt' ipaddress = readFile(filename) if not ipaddress: url = 'http://pv.sohu.com/cityjson?ie=utf-8' str = httpGet(url) ipaddress = re.search('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+',str).group(0) writeFile(filename,ipaddress) ipaddress = re.search('\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+',ipaddress).group(0); return ipaddress except: try: url = 'http://www.example.com/api/getIpAddress'; str = httpGet(url) writeFile(filename,ipaddress) return str except: pass def get_error_info(): errorMsg = traceback.format_exc(); return errorMsg def get_server_status(name): try: serviceStatus = win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(name) if serviceStatus[1] == 4: return 1 return 0 except : return -1 def start_service(name): try: timeout = 0; while get_server_status(name) == 0: try: win32serviceutil.StartService(name) time.sleep(1); except : time.sleep(1); timeout += 1 if timeout > 10:break if get_server_status(name) != 0: return True,None return False,'操作失败,10秒内未完成启动服务【{}】'.format(name) except : return False,get_error_info() def stop_service(name): try: timeout = 0; while get_server_status(name) == 1: try: win32serviceutil.StopService(name) time.sleep(1); except : time.sleep(1); timeout += 1 if timeout > 10:break if get_server_status(name) != 1: return True,None return False,'操作失败,10秒内未完成启动服务【{}】'.format(name) except : return False,get_error_info() def delete_server(name): try: stop_service(name) win32serviceutil.RemoveService(name) return True,'' except : return False,get_error_info() def get_requests_headers(): return {"Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","User-Agent":"BT-Panel"} def downloadFile(url,filename): try: import requests res = requests.get(url,verify=False) with open(filename,"wb") as f: f.write(res.content) except: import requests res = requests.get(url,verify=False) with open(filename,"wb") as f: f.write(res.content) def downloadFileByWget(url,filename): """ wget下载文件 @url 下载地址 @filename 本地文件路径 """ try: if os.path.exists(logPath): os.remove(logPath) except : pass loacl_path = '{}/script/wget.exe'.format(panelPath) if not os.path.exists(loacl_path): downloadFile(get_url()+'/win/panel/data/wget.exe',loacl_path) if os.path.getsize(loacl_path) < 10: os.remove(loacl_path) downloadFile(url,filename) else: shell = "{} {} -O {} -t 5 -T 60 --no-check-certificate --auth-no-challenge --force-directorie > {} 2>&1".format(loacl_path,url,filename,logPath) os.system(shell) num = 0 re_size = 0 while num <= 5: if os.path.exists(filename): cr_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if re_size > 0 and re_size == cr_size: break; else: re_size = cr_size time.sleep(0.5) num += 1 if os.path.exists(filename): if os.path.getsize(filename) < 1: os.remove(filename) downloadFile(url,filename) else: downloadFile(url,filename) def writeFile(filename,s_body,mode='w+',encoding = 'utf-8'): try: fp = open(filename, mode,encoding = encoding); fp.write(s_body) fp.close() return True except: return False def readFile(filename,mode = 'r'): import os,chardet if not os.path.exists(filename): return False if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False encoding = 'utf-8' f_body = ''; try: fp = open(filename, mode,encoding = encoding) f_body = fp.read() except : fp.close() try: encoding = 'gbk' fp = open(filename, mode,encoding = encoding) f_body = fp.read() except : fp.close() encoding = 'ansi' fp = open(filename, mode,encoding = encoding) f_body = fp.read() try: if f_body[0] == '\ufeff': #处理带bom格式 new_code = chardet.detect(f_body.encode(encoding))["encoding"] f_body = f_body.encode(encoding).decode(new_code); except : pass fp.close() return f_body def httpGet(url,timeout = 60,headers = {}): try: import urllib.request,ssl try: ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context except:pass; req = urllib.request.Request(url,headers = headers) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req,timeout = timeout) result = response.read() if type(result) == bytes: try: result = result.decode('utf-8') except : result = result.decode('gb2312') return result except Exception as ex: if headers: return False return str(ex) def httpPost(url, data, timeout=60, headers={}): try: import urllib.request,ssl try: ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context except:pass; data2 = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode('utf-8') req = urllib.request.Request(url, data2,headers = headers) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req,timeout = timeout) result = response.read() if type(result) == bytes: result = result.decode('utf-8') return result except Exception as ex: return str(ex); def get_timeout(url,timeout=3): try: start = time.time() result = int(httpGet(url,timeout)) return result,int((time.time() - start) * 1000 - 500) except: return 0,False def get_url(timeout = 0.5): import json try: # node_list = [{"protocol":"http://","address":"dg1.bt.cn","port":"80","ping":500},{"protocol":"http://","address":"dg2.bt.cn","port":"80","ping":500},{"protocol":"http://","address":"node.aapanel.com","port":"80","ping":500},{"protocol":"http://","address":"download.bt.cn","port":"80","ping":500}] mnode1 = [] mnode2 = [] mnode3 = [] for node in node_list: node['net'],node['ping'] = get_timeout(node['protocol'] + node['address'] + ':' + node['port'] + '/net_test',1) if not node['ping']: continue if node['ping'] < 100: #当响应时间<100ms且可用带宽大于1500KB时 if node['net'] > 1500: mnode1.append(node) elif node['net'] > 1000: mnode3.append(node) else: if node['net'] > 1000: #当响应时间>=100ms且可用带宽大于1000KB时 mnode2.append(node) if node['ping'] < 100: if node['net'] > 3000: break #有节点可用带宽大于3000时,不再检查其它节点 if mnode1: #优选低延迟高带宽 mnode = sorted(mnode1,key= lambda x:x['net'],reverse=True) elif mnode3: #备选低延迟,中等带宽 mnode = sorted(mnode3,key= lambda x:x['net'],reverse=True) else: #终选中等延迟,中等带宽 mnode = sorted(mnode2,key= lambda x:x['ping'],reverse=False) if not mnode: return 'http://download.bt.cn' #return mnode[0]['protocol'] + mnode[0]['address'] + ':' + mnode[0]['port'] return "https://" + mnode[0]['address'] except: return 'http://download.bt.cn' #删除文件权限 def del_file_access(filename,user): try: if filename.lower() in ["c:/","c:","c:\\","c"]: return True import win32security sd = win32security.GetFileSecurity(filename, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) dacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() ace_count = dacl.GetAceCount() for i in range(ace_count ,0 ,-1): try: data = {} data['rev'], data['access'], usersid = dacl.GetAce(i-1) data['user'],data['group'], data['type'] = win32security.LookupAccountSid('', usersid) if data['user'].lower() == user.lower(): dacl.DeleteAce(i-1) #删除旧的dacl if data['user'].lower() == 'users': dacl.DeleteAce(i-1) #删除旧的dacl except : try: #处理拒绝访问 dacl.DeleteAce(i-1) except : pass sd.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, dacl, 0) win32security.SetFileSecurity(filename, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd) except : pass return True def set_file_access(filename,user,access): try: sd = win32security.GetFileSecurity(filename, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) dacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() ace_count = dacl.GetAceCount() for i in range(ace_count, 0,-1): try: data = {} data['rev'], data['access'], usersid = dacl.GetAce(i-1) data['user'],data['group'], data['type'] = win32security.LookupAccountSid('', usersid) if data['user'].lower() == user.lower(): dacl.DeleteAce(i-1) #删除旧的dacl if data['user'].lower() == 'users': dacl.DeleteAce(i-1) #删除旧的dacl except : pass try: userx, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountName("", user) except : userx, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountName("", 'IIS APPPOOL\\' + user) if access > 0: dacl.AddAccessAllowedAceEx(win32security.ACL_REVISION, 3, access, userx) sd.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, dacl, 0) win32security.SetFileSecurity(filename, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd) return True,None except : return False,get_error_info() def ExecShell(cmdstring, cwd=None, timeout=None, shell=True): if shell: cmdstring_list = cmdstring else: cmdstring_list = shlex.split(cmdstring) if timeout: end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) sub = subprocess.Popen(cmdstring_list, cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,shell=shell,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while sub.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) if timeout: if end_time <= datetime.datetime.now(): raise Exception("Timeout:%s"%cmdstring) a,e = sub.communicate() if type(a) == bytes: try: a = a.decode('utf-8') except : a = a.decode('gb2312','ignore') if type(e) == bytes: try: e = e.decode('utf-8') except : e = e.decode('gb2312','ignore') return a,e def GetRandomString(length): from random import Random strings = '' chars = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789' chrlen = len(chars) - 1 random = Random() for i in range(length): strings += chars[random.randint(0, chrlen)] return strings def GetRandomString1(length): from random import Random strings = '' chars = '0123456789' chrlen = len(chars) - 1 random = Random() for i in range(length): strings += chars[random.randint(0, chrlen)] return strings def GetRandomString2(length): from random import Random strings = '' chars = '!@#$%^&*()_+.,?[]-=' chrlen = len(chars) - 1 random = Random() for i in range(length): strings += chars[random.randint(0, chrlen)] return strings def chdck_salt(): sql = Sql() sql.table('users').execute("ALTER TABLE 'users' ADD 'salt' TEXT",()) u_list = sql.table('users').field('id,username,password,salt').select() for u_info in u_list: salt = GetRandomString(12) #12位随机 pdata = {} pdata['password'] = md5(md5(u_info['password']+'_bt.cn') + salt) pdata['salt'] = salt sql.table('users').where('id=?',(u_info['id'],)).update(pdata) def md5(strings): """ 生成MD5 @strings 要被处理的字符串 return string(32) """ import hashlib m = hashlib.md5() m.update(strings.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest() def password_salt(password,username=None,uid=None): chdck_salt() sql = Sql() if not uid: if not username: raise Exception('username或uid必需传一项') uid = sql.table('users').where('username=?',(username,)).getField('id') salt = sql.table('users').where('id=?',(uid,)).getField('salt') return md5(md5(password+'_bt.cn')+salt) def check_user(username): resume = 0 while True: data, total, resume = win32net.NetUserEnum(None, 3, win32netcon.FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, resume) for user in data: if user['name'] == username: return True if not resume: break return False def add_user(username,password,ps): try: if not check_user(username): d = {} d['name'] = username d['password'] = password d['comment'] = ps d['flags'] = win32netcon.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | win32netcon.UF_SCRIPT d['priv'] = win32netcon.USER_PRIV_USER win32net.NetUserAdd(None, 1, d) #设置用户允许登录服务 handle = win32security.LsaOpenPolicy(None, win32security.POLICY_ALL_ACCESS) sid_obj, domain, tmp = win32security.LookupAccountName(None, username) win32security.LsaAddAccountRights(handle, sid_obj, ('SeServiceLogonRight',) ) win32security.LsaClose( handle) if not check_user(username): return False, '添加用户[{}]失败.'.format(username) writeFile('{}/data/{}'.format(panelPath,username),password) return True , None else: ExecShell('net user "{}" "{}"'.format(username,password)) writeFile('{}/data/{}'.format(panelPath,username),password) return True , None except : return False,get_error_info() def add_user_bywww(): pwd = GetRandomString(64) + GetRandomString1(32) + GetRandomString2(32) status,error = add_user('www',pwd,'用于启动宝塔安装的程序,删除后会导致部分软件无法启动,请勿删除') if not status: writeFile(error_path,error) return False return True def add_user_bymysql(): pwd = GetRandomString(64) + GetRandomString1(32) + GetRandomString2(32) status,error = add_user('mysql',pwd,'用于启动宝塔安装的程序,删除后会导致部分软件无法启动,请勿删除') if not status: writeFile(error_path,error) return False return True def getIP(url): import socket,re tmp = re.search('http://(.+)\:\d*',url) if tmp: domain = tmp.groups()[0] myaddr = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, 'http') return myaddr[0][4][0] return '' def add_panel_dir(): try: slist = [ [panelPath , [] ], ['{}/data'.format(panelPath) , [] ], ['{}/script'.format(panelPath) , [] ], ['{}/backup'.format(panelPath) , [] ], ['{}/backup/database/sqlserver'.format(setupPath[:2]) , [ 'Authenticated Users']], ['{}/wwwroot'.format(setupPath[:2]) , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ['{}/wwwlogs'.format(setupPath) , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ['{}/php'.format(setupPath) , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ['{}/mysql'.format(setupPath) , [ 'mysql'] ], ['{}/temp'.format(setupPath) , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ['{}/temp/session'.format(setupPath) , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ['C:/Temp' , [ 'IIS_IUSRS','www'] ], ] is_break = False for sobj in slist: if not os.path.exists(sobj[0]): os.makedirs(sobj[0]) n = 0 while n < 5: if os.path.exists(sobj[0]): break os.makedirs(sobj[0]) time.sleep(0.5) n += 1 if not os.path.exists(sobj[0]): writeFile(error_path,"自动创建目录【{}】失败,已重试最大次数 5 次,请手动创建该目录后重新安装".format(sobj[0])) return False del_file_access(sobj[0],'users') for user in sobj[1]: n = 0 while n < 3: status,error = set_file_access(sobj[0],user,2032127) if status: break time.sleep(0.5) if not status: writeFile(error_path,"目录{}设置{}权限设置错误 -> {}".format(sobj[0],user,error)) break del_file_access(setupPath,'users') url = get_url() files = ['default.db','session.db','system.db','phplib.win','defaultDoc.html','404.html'] for f_name in files: local_path = '{}/data/{}'.format(panelPath,f_name) download_url = '{}/win/panel/data/{}'.format(url,f_name) n = 0 while n < 10: n += 1; try: if os.path.exists(local_path) and os.path.getsize(local_path) < 10: os.remove(local_path) if not os.path.exists(local_path): downloadFileByWget(download_url,local_path) if os.path.getsize(local_path) and os.path.getsize(local_path) > 10: break; writeFile(error_path,'download {} error ->> {} \r\n {}'.format(f_name,download_url,"")) except : ip = getIP(url) writeFile(error_path,'download {} error ->> {} \r\n connect {} \r\n {}'.format(ip,f_name,download_url,get_error_info())) if n > 5: return False time.sleep(0.2) return True except : writeFile(error_path,get_error_info()) return False def unzip(src_path,dst_path): import zipfile zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(src_path) for names in zip_file.namelist(): zip_file.extract(names,dst_path) zip_file.close() return True def to_path(path): return path.replace('/','\\') def download_panel(file_list = []): try: url = 'http://www.example.com' ExecShell("taskkill /f /t /im BtTools.exe") #下载面板 loacl_path = setupPath + '/panel.zip' tmpPath = "{}/temp/panel".format(setupPath) if os.path.exists(loacl_path): os.remove(loacl_path) if os.path.exists(tmpPath): shutil.rmtree(tmpPath,True) if not os.path.exists(tmpPath): os.makedirs(tmpPath) p_ver = sys.argv[2] downUrl = url + '/win/panel/panel_' + p_ver + '.zip'; downloadFileByWget(downUrl,loacl_path); unzip(loacl_path,tmpPath) for ff_path in file_list: if os.path.exists(tmpPath + '/' + ff_path): os.remove(tmpPath + '/' + ff_path) tcPath = '{}\class'.format(tmpPath) for name in os.listdir(tcPath): try: if name.find('win_amd64.pyd') >=0: oldName = os.path.join(tcPath,name); lName = name.split('.')[0] + '.pyd' newName = os.path.join(tcPath,lName) if not os.path.exists(newName):os.rename(oldName,newName) except :pass cPath = '{}/panel/class'.format(setupPath) if os.path.exists(cPath): os.system("del /s {}\*.pyc".format(to_path(cPath))) os.system("del /s {}\*.pyt".format(to_path(cPath))) for name in os.listdir(cPath): try: if name.find('.pyd') >=0: oldName = os.path.join(cPath,name) newName = os.path.join(cPath,GetRandomString(8) + '.pyt') os.rename(oldName,newName) except : pass os.system("del /s {}\*.pyc".format(to_path(cPath))) os.system("del /s {}\*.pyt".format(to_path(cPath))) os.system("xcopy /s /c /e /y /r {} {}".format(to_path(tmpPath),to_path(panelPath))) try: os.remove(loacl_path) except : pass try: shutil.rmtree(tmpPath,True) except : pass s_ver = platform.platform() net_v = '45' if s_ver.find('2008') >= 0: net_v = '20' writeFile('{}/data/net'.format(setupPath),net_v) not_workorder_path = '{}/data/not_workorder.pl'.format(panelPath) if not os.path.exists(not_workorder_path): writeFile(not_workorder_path,'True') bind_path = '{}/data/bind_path.pl'.format(panelPath) if os.path.exists(bind_path): os.remove(bind_path) userinfo_path = '{}/data/userInfo.json'.format(panelPath) if not os.path.exists(userinfo_path): writeFile(userinfo_path,'{"uid":1,"username":"Administrator","address":"","serverid":"1","access_key":"test","secret_key":"123456","ukey":"123456","state":1}') local_path = '{}/temp/api.py'.format(setupPath) downloadFileByWget('{}/win/panel/data/api.py'.format(url),local_path) if os.path.exists(local_path): os.remove('C:/Program Files/python/Lib/site-packages/requests/api.py') shutil.move(local_path,'C:/Program Files/python/Lib/site-packages/requests') local_path = '{}/script/BtTools.exe'.format(panelPath) downloadFileByWget('{}/win/panel/BtTools{}.exe'.format(url,net_v),local_path) if os.path.getsize(local_path) > 128: return True return False downloadFileByWget('{}/win/panel/data/softList.conf'.format(url),'{}/data/softList.conf'.format(panelPath)) try: from gevent import monkey except : os.system('"C:\Program Files\python\python.exe" -m pip install gevent') except : writeFile(error_path,get_error_info()) def update_panel(): file_list = ['config/config.json','config/index.json','data/libList.conf','data/plugin.json'] download_panel(file_list) py_path = 'C:/Program Files/python/python.exe' ExecShell("\"{}\" {}/panel/runserver.py --startup auto install".format(py_path,setupPath)) ExecShell("\"{}\" {}/panel/task.py --startup auto install".format(py_path,setupPath)) print("升级成功,重启面板后生效..") def init_panel_data(): try: sql = Sql() username = sql.table('users').where('id=?',(1,)).getField('username') if username == 'admin': username = GetRandomString(8) password = GetRandomString(8) writeFile(panelPath + '/data/default.pl',password) sql.table('users').where('id=?',(1,)).setField('username',username) pwd = password_salt(md5(password),uid=1) result = sql.table('users').where('id=?',(1,)).setField('password',pwd) backup_path = panelPath[:2] + '/backup' www_path = panelPath[:2] + '/wwwroot' if not os.path.exists(backup_path): os.makedirs(backup_path) if not os.path.exists(www_path): os.makedirs(www_path) sql.table('config').where('id=?',(1,)).setField('backup_path',backup_path) sql.table('config').where('id=?',(1,)).setField('sites_path',www_path) bind_path = panelPath+ '/data/bind_path.pl' if not os.path.exists(bind_path): writeFile(bind_path,'True') admin_path = panelPath+ '/data/admin_path.pl' if not os.path.exists(admin_path): writeFile(admin_path,"/" + GetRandomString(8)) port_path = panelPath+ '/data/port.pl' if not os.path.exists(port_path): writeFile(port_path,'8888') recycle_bin_db = panelPath+ '/data/recycle_bin_db.pl' if not os.path.exists(recycle_bin_db): writeFile(recycle_bin_db,'True') recycle_bin = panelPath+ '/data/recycle_bin.pl' if not os.path.exists(recycle_bin): writeFile(recycle_bin,'True') conf_path = panelPath + '/config/config.json' if os.path.exists(conf_path): conf = readFile(conf_path).replace('[PATH]',setupPath.replace('\\','/')) writeFile(conf_path,conf) GetLocalIp() return True except : writeFile(error_path,get_error_info()) return False def add_panel_services(num = 0): try: py_path = 'C:/Program Files/python/python.exe' delete_server('btPanel') ret = ExecShell("\"{}\" {}/panel/runserver.py --startup auto install".format(py_path,setupPath)) delete_server('btTask') ExecShell("\"{}\" {}/panel/task.py --startup auto install".format(py_path,setupPath)) if get_server_status('btPanel') < 0 or get_server_status('btTask') < 0: if num <= 0 : localPath = setupPath + "/temp/Time_Zones.reg"; downloadFileByWget(get_url() + '/win/panel/data/Time_Zones.reg',localPath) ExecShell("regedit /s " + localPath) add_panel_services(1) else: writeFile(error_path,ret[0] + ret[1]) else: os.system('sc failure btPanel reset=1800 actions=restart/60000/restart/120000/restart/30000') os.system('sc failure btTask reset=1800 actions=restart/60000/restart/120000/restart/30000') start_service('btPanel') start_service('btTask') except : writeFile(error_path,get_error_info()) def add_firewall_byport(): conf = ExecShell('netsh advfirewall firewall show rule "宝塔面板"')[0] if conf.lower().find('tcp') == -1: ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=宝塔面板 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=8888"); ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=网站访问端口 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=80"); ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=远程桌面 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=3389"); ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=HTTPS端口 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=443"); ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=FTP主动端口 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=21"); ExecShell("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=FTP被动端口 dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=3000-4000"); def get_error_log(): error = readFile(error_path) try: data = {} data['msg'] = 'setup' data['os'] = 'Windows' data['error'] = error data['version'] = '' httpPost('http://www.example.com/api/wpanel/PanelBug',data) except : pass return error if __name__ == "__main__": stype = sys.argv[1]; if not stype in ['get_error_log']: if os.path.exists(error_path): os.remove(error_path) result = eval('{}()'.format(stype)) print(result)