#!/bin/sh set -x function start() { echo "start ztncui and zerotier" cd /var/lib/zerotier-one && ./zerotier-one -p$(cat /app/config/zerotier-one.port) -d || exit 1 nohup node /app/http_server.js &> /app/server.log & cd /app/ztncui/src && npm start || exit 1 } function check_file_server(){ if [ ! -f "/app/config/file_server.port" ]; then echo "file_server.port is not exist, generate it" echo "${FILE_SERVER_PORT}" >/app/config/file_server.port echo "${FILE_SERVER_PORT}" else echo "file_server.port is exist, read it" FILE_SERVER_PORT=$(cat /app/config/file_server.port) echo "${FILE_SERVER_PORT}" fi } function check_zerotier() { mkdir -p /var/lib/zerotier-one if [ "$(ls -A /var/lib/zerotier-one)" ]; then echo "/var/lib/zerotier-one is not empty, start directly" else mkdir -p /app/config echo "/var/lib/zerotier-one is empty, init data" echo "${ZT_PORT}" >/app/config/zerotier-one.port cp -r /bak/zerotier-one/* /var/lib/zerotier-one/ cd /var/lib/zerotier-one echo "start mkmoonworld" openssl rand -hex 16 > authtoken.secret ./zerotier-idtool initmoon identity.public >moon.json if [ -z "$IP_ADDR4" ]; then IP_ADDR4=$(curl -s https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/); fi if [ -z "$IP_ADDR6" ]; then IP_ADDR6=$(curl -s https://ipv6.icanhazip.com/); fi echo "IP_ADDR4=$IP_ADDR4" echo "IP_ADDR6=$IP_ADDR6" ZT_PORT=$(cat /app/config/zerotier-one.port) echo "ZT_PORT=$ZT_PORT" if [ -z "$IP_ADDR4" ]; then stableEndpoints="[\"$IP_ADDR6/${ZT_PORT}\"]"; fi if [ -z "$IP_ADDR6" ]; then stableEndpoints="[\"$IP_ADDR4/${ZT_PORT}\"]"; fi if [ -n "$IP_ADDR4" ] && [ -n "$IP_ADDR6" ]; then stableEndpoints="[\"$IP_ADDR4/${ZT_PORT}\",\"$IP_ADDR6/${ZT_PORT}\"]"; fi if [ -z "$IP_ADDR4" ] && [ -z "$IP_ADDR6" ]; then echo "IP_ADDR4 and IP_ADDR6 are both empty!" exit 1 fi echo "$IP_ADDR4">/app/config/ip_addr4 echo "$IP_ADDR6">/app/config/ip_addr6 echo "stableEndpoints=$stableEndpoints" jq --argjson newEndpoints "$stableEndpoints" '.roots[0].stableEndpoints = $newEndpoints' moon.json >temp.json && mv temp.json moon.json ./zerotier-idtool genmoon moon.json && mkdir -p moons.d && cp ./*.moon ./moons.d # wget "${GH_MIRROR}https://github.com/kaaass/ZeroTierOne/releases/download/mkmoonworld-1.0/mkmoonworld-x86_64" cp /app/mkmoonworld-x86_64 ./mkmoonworld-x86_64 chmod +x ./mkmoonworld-x86_64 ./mkmoonworld-x86_64 moon.json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "mkmoonworld failed!" exit 1 fi mkdir -p /app/dist/ mv world.bin /app/dist/planet cp *.moon /app/dist/ echo -e "mkmoonworld success!\n" fi } function check_ztncui() { mkdir -p /app/ztncui if [ "$(ls -A /app/ztncui)" ]; then echo "${API_PORT}" >/app/config/ztncui.port echo "/app/ztncui is not empty, start directly" else echo "/app/ztncui is empty, init data" cp -r /bak/ztncui/* /app/ztncui/ echo "config ztncui" mkdir -p /app/config echo "${API_PORT}" >/app/config/ztncui.port cd /app/ztncui/src echo "HTTP_PORT=${API_PORT}" >.env && echo 'NODE_ENV=production' >>.env && echo 'HTTP_ALL_INTERFACES=true' >>.env && echo "ZT_ADDR=localhost:${ZT_PORT}" >>.env && echo "${ZT_PORT}" >/app/config/zerotier-one.port && cp -v etc/default.passwd etc/passwd && TOKEN=$(cat /var/lib/zerotier-one/authtoken.secret) && echo "ZT_TOKEN=$TOKEN" >>.env && echo "make ztncui success!" fi } check_file_server check_zerotier check_ztncui start