
541 lines
39 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{{define "theme-server-status/home"}}
{{template "theme-server-status/header" .}}
<div id="app">
{{template "theme-server-status/content-nav" .}}
<!-- showGroup true -->
<template v-if="showGroup">
<section class="container table-responsive content" style="max-width: 95vw" v-for="group in nodesTag">
{{template "theme-server-status/home-group-true" .}}
<!-- showGroup false -->
<template v-else>
<section class="container table-responsive content" style="max-width: 95vw">
{{template "theme-server-status/home-group-false" .}}
<div class="modal fade" id="mapChartBox" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mapChartTitle" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-centered">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title" id="mapChartTitle">{{tr "ServersOnWorldMap"}}</h4>
<i class="bi bi-x" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></i>
<div class="modal-body">
<div id="mapChart" style="width:100%;height:auto;"></div>
{{template "theme-server-status/content-footer" .}}
new Vue({
el: '#app',
delimiters: ['@#', '#@'],
data: {
page: 'index',
defaultTemplate: {{.Conf.Site.Theme}},
templates: {{.Themes}},
cache: [],
servers: [],
nodesTag: [],
nodesNoTag: [],
chartDataList: [],
ws: null,
language: {{.Conf.Language}},
countryMap: {"ad":{"flag":"🇦🇩","en":"Andorra","zh":"安道尔"},"ae":{"flag":"🇦🇪","en":"United Arab Emirates","zh":"阿联酋"},"af":{"flag":"🇦🇫","en":"Afghanistan","zh":"阿富汗"},"ag":{"flag":"🇦🇬","en":"Antigua and Barb.","zh":"安提瓜和巴布达"},"ai":{"flag":"🇦🇮","en":"Anguilla","zh":"安圭拉"},"al":{"flag":"🇦🇱","en":"Albania","zh":"阿尔巴尼亚"},"am":{"flag":"🇦🇲","en":"Armenia","zh":"亚美尼亚"},"ao":{"flag":"🇦🇴","en":"Angola","zh":"安哥拉"},"aq":{"flag":"🇦🇶","en":"Antarctica","zh":"南极洲"},"ar":{"flag":"🇦🇷","en":"Argentina","zh":"阿根廷"},"as":{"flag":"🇦🇸","en":"American Samoa","zh":"美属萨摩亚"},"Ashmore and Cartier Is.":{"flag":"","en":"Ashmore and Cartier Is.","zh":"阿什莫尔和卡捷群岛"},"at":{"flag":"🇦🇹","en":"Austria","zh":"奥地利"},"au":{"flag":"🇦🇺","en":"Australia","zh":"澳大利亚"},"aw":{"flag":"🇦🇼","en":"Aruba","zh":"阿鲁巴"},"ax":{"flag":"🇦🇽","en":"Åland","zh":"奥兰"},"az":{"flag":"🇦🇿","en":"Azerbaijan","zh":"阿塞拜疆"},"ba":{"flag":"🇧🇦","en":"Bosnia and Herz.","zh":"波黑"},"bb":{"flag":"🇧🇧","en":"Barbados","zh":"巴巴多斯"},"bd":{"flag":"🇧🇩","en":"Bangladesh","zh":"孟加拉国"},"be":{"flag":"🇧🇪","en":"Belgium","zh":"比利时"},"bf":{"flag":"🇧🇫","en":"Burkina Faso","zh":"布基纳法索"},"bg":{"flag":"🇧🇬","en":"Bulgaria","zh":"保加利亚"},"bh":{"flag":"🇧🇭","en":"Bahrain","zh":"巴林"},"bi":{"flag":"🇧🇮","en":"Burundi","zh":"布隆迪"},"bj":{"flag":"🇧🇯","en":"Benin","zh":"贝宁"},"bl":{"flag":"🇧🇱","en":"St-Barthélemy","zh":"圣巴泰勒米"},"bm":{"flag":"🇧🇲","en":"Bermuda","zh":"百慕大"},"bn":{"flag":"🇧🇳","en":"Brunei","zh":"文莱"},"bo":{"flag":"🇧🇴","en":"Bolivia","zh":"玻利维亚"},"bq":{"flag":"🇧🇶","en":"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba","zh":"荷兰加勒比区"},"br":{"flag":"🇧🇷","en":"Brazil","zh":"巴西"},"bs":{"flag":"🇧🇸","en":"Bahamas","zh":"巴哈马"},"bt":{"flag":"🇧🇹","en":"Bhutan","zh":"不丹"},"bv":{"flag":"🇧🇻","en":"Bouvet Island","zh":"布韦岛"},"bw":{"flag":"🇧🇼","en":"Botswana","zh":"博茨瓦纳"},"by":{"flag":"🇧🇾","en":"Belarus","zh":"白俄罗斯"},"bz":{"flag":"🇧🇿","en":"Belize","zh":"伯利兹"},"ca":{"flag":"🇨🇦","en":"Canada","zh":"加拿大"},"cc":{"flag":"🇨🇨","en":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands","zh":"科科斯(基林)群岛"},"cd":{"flag":"🇨🇩","en":"Dem. Rep. Congo","zh":"刚果民主共和国"},"cf":{"flag":"🇨🇫","en":"Central African Rep.","zh":"中非"},"cg":{"flag":"🇨🇬","en":"Congo","zh":"刚果共和国"},"ch":{"flag":"🇨🇭","en":"Switzerland","zh":"瑞士"},"ci":{"flag":"🇨🇮","en":"Côte d'Ivoire","zh":"科特迪瓦"},"ck":{"flag":"🇨🇰","en":"Cook Is.","zh":"库克群岛"},"cl":{"flag":"🇨🇱","en":"Chile","zh":"智利"},"cm":{"flag":"🇨🇲","en":"Cameroon","zh":"喀麦隆"},"cn":{"flag":"🇨🇳","en":"China","zh":"中国"},"co":{"flag":"🇨🇴","en":"Colombia","zh":"哥伦比亚"},"cr":{"flag":"🇨🇷","en":"Costa Rica","zh":"哥斯达黎加"},"cu":{"flag":"🇨🇺","en":"Cuba","zh":"古巴"},"cv":{"flag":"🇨🇻","en":"Cabo Verde","zh":"佛得角"},"cw":{"flag":"🇨🇼","en":"Curaçao","zh":"库拉索"},"cx":{"flag":"🇨🇽","en":"Christmas Island","zh":"圣诞岛"},"cy":{"flag":"🇨🇾","en":"Cyprus","zh":"塞浦路斯"},"cz":{"flag":"🇨🇿","en":"Czech Rep.","zh":"捷克"},"de":{"flag":"🇩🇪","en":"Germany","zh":"德国"},"dj":{"flag":"🇩🇯","en":"Djibouti","zh":"吉布提"},"dk":{"flag":"🇩🇰","en":"Denmark","zh":"丹麦"},"dm":{"flag":"🇩🇲","en":"Dominica","zh":"多米尼克"},"do":{"flag":"🇩🇴","en":"Dominican Rep.","zh":"多米尼加"},"dz":{"flag":"🇩🇿","en":"Algeria","zh":"阿尔及利亚"},"ec":{"flag":"🇪🇨","en":"Ecuador","zh":"厄瓜多尔"},"ee":{"flag":"🇪🇪","en":"Estonia","zh":"爱沙尼亚"},"eg":{"flag":"🇪🇬","en":"Egypt","zh":"埃及"},"eh":{
countryServer: [],
countryNameMap: {},
countryMapChartData: []
mixins: [mixinsVue],
created() {
this.servers = JSON.parse('{{.Servers}}').servers;
if(this.showGroup) {
this.nodesTag = this.groupingData(this.handleNodes(this.servers),"Tag");
} else {
this.nodesNoTag = this.handleNodes(this.servers);
this.countryNameMap = this.initCountryNameMap();
this.countryServer = this.initCountryServer();
this.countryMapChartData = this.initCountryMapChartData();
mounted() {
// 初始化时建立WebSocket连接
// 监听页面可见性变化
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {
setTimeout(() => {
if (document.hasFocus()) {
}, 200);
methods: {
const result = {};
for (const item in this.countryMap) {
result[this.countryMap[item].en] = this.language=='zh-CN' ? this.countryMap[item].zh : this.countryMap[item].en;
return result;
initCountryServer() {
let count = {};
let result = [];
let exist = {};
this.servers.forEach(item => {
if (item.Host.CountryCode) {
if(item.Host.CountryCode.toLowerCase() == 'tw' || item.Host.CountryCode.toLowerCase() == 'hk' || item.Host.CountryCode.toLowerCase() == 'mo') item.Host.CountryCode = 'cn';
if (!exist[item.Host.CountryCode]) {
exist[item.Host.CountryCode] = true;
count[item.Host.CountryCode] = 1;
const obj = {
'countryCode': item.Host.CountryCode,
'count': count[item.Host.CountryCode]
} else {
result.find(obj => obj.countryCode === item.Host.CountryCode).count = count[item.Host.CountryCode];
return result;
let result = [];
this.countryServer.forEach(item => {
var obj = {
"name": this.language=='zh-CN' ? this.countryMap[item.countryCode].zh : this.countryMap[item.countryCode].en,
"value": item.count
return result;
// 处理异常
if( this.countryMapChartData.length == 0 ) {
console.log('init countryMapChartData not complete');
const isMobile = this.checkIsMobile();
const width = isMobile ? 338 : 1102;
const height = isMobile ? 200 : 500;
const backgroundColor = this.theme == "dark" ? '#1C1D26' : '#ffffff';
const inRangeColor = this.theme == "dark" ? '#D2B206' : '#FFDF32';
const tooltipBackgroundColor = this.theme == "dark" ? "#ffffff" : '#ffffff';
const tooltipBorderColor = this.theme == "dark" ? "#ffffff" : "#ffffff";
const fontSize = isMobile ? 10 : 12;
const fontColor = this.theme == "dark" ? "#000000" : "#000000";
const chartContainer = document.getElementById('mapChart');
const mapChart = echarts.init(chartContainer, '', { // init图表
renderer: 'canvas',
useDirtyRect: false,
width: width,
height: height,
const option = {
title: {
show: false,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
grid: {
top: 0,
left: 10,
right: 10
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: function (params) {
if ( && > 0) {
const unit = this.language=='zh-CN' ? '台' : ' Servers';
return + ' ' + + unit;
} else {
return '';
backgroundColor: tooltipBackgroundColor,
borderColor: tooltipBorderColor,
padding: [4,10],
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
color: fontColor
visualMap: {
show: false,
min: 0,
max: 1000,
calculable: false,
inRange: {
color: inRangeColor
series: [
type: 'map',
mapType: 'world',
roam: true,
label: {
show: false,
fontSize: 8
data: this.countryMapChartData,
nameMap: this.countryNameMap,
isWindowsPlatform(str) {
return str.includes('Windows')
getFontLogoClass(str) {
if (["almalinux",
> -1) {
return str;
if (['openwrt', 'linux', "immortalwrt"].indexOf(str) > -1) {
return 'tux';
if (str == 'amazon') {
return 'redhat';
if (str == 'arch') {
return 'archlinux';
return '';
secondToDate(s) {
const d = Math.floor(s / 3600 / 24);
if (d > 0) {
2023-11-07 09:15:13 -05:00
return d + ' {{tr "Day"}}'
const h = Math.floor(s / 3600 % 24);
const m = Math.floor(s / 60 % 60);
const second = Math.floor(s % 60);
return h + ":" + ("0" + m).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + second).slice(-2);
formatTimestamp(t) {
return new Date(t * 1000).toLocaleString()
formatByteSize(bs) {
const x = this.readableBytes(bs)
return x !== "NaN undefined" ? x : '0B'
formatPercent(live, used, total) {
//const percent = live ? (this.toFixed2(used / total * 100) || 0) : 0
const percent = (this.toFixed2(used / total * 100) || 0)
return this.formatPercents(live,percent)
formatPercents(live,percent) {
//if(!live) { percent = 0; }
if (percent <= 0) {
percent = 0;
if (percent >= 100) {
percent = 100;
if (!this.cache[percent]) {
this.cache[percent] = {
class: 'progress-bar progress-bar-success',
style: `width: ${parseInt(percent)+1}%`,
if (percent < 80) {
this.cache[percent].class = 'progress-bar progress-bar-success'
} else if (percent < 90) {
this.cache[percent].class = 'progress-bar progress-bar-warning'
} else {
this.cache[percent].class = 'progress-bar progress-bar-danger'
return this.cache[percent]
readableBytes(bytes) {
if (!bytes) {
return '0B'
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)),
sizes = ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"];
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2)) + sizes[i];
connect() {
// 如果已经存在 WebSocket 连接并且处于开启状态,则不重复建立连接
if ( && === WebSocket.OPEN) {
console.log('Closing old WebSocket connection...');;
const wsProtocol = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"; = new WebSocket(wsProtocol + '://' + + '/ws'); = function () {
console.log("Connection open ...")
} = (evt) => {
let jsonData =
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData)
2023-11-07 09:15:13 -05:00
for (let i = 0; i < data.servers?.length; i++) {
const ns = data.servers[i];
if (!ns.Host) {
data.servers[i].live = false
} else {
const lastActive = new Date(ns.LastActive).getTime()
data.servers[i].live = - lastActive <= 10 * 1000;
if(this.showGroup) {
this.nodesTag = this.groupingData(this.handleNodes(data.servers),"Tag");
} else {
this.nodesNoTag = this.handleNodes(data.servers);
} = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
}; = () => {
handleNodes(servers) {
let nodes = []
2023-11-07 09:15:13 -05:00
servers?.forEach(server => {
let platform = server.Host.Platform;
if (this.isWindowsPlatform(platform)) {
platform = "windows"
}else if (platform === "immortalwrt") {
platform = "openwrt"
let node = {
ID: server.ID,
name: server.Name,
os: platform,
location: server.Host.CountryCode,
uptime: this.secondToDate(server.State.Uptime),
load: this.toFixed2(server.State.Load1),
network: this.getNetworkSpeed(server.State.NetInSpeed, server.State.NetOutSpeed),
traffic: this.formatByteSize(server.State.NetInTransfer) + ' | ' + this.formatByteSize(server.State.NetOutTransfer),
cpu: this.formatPercents(, this.toFixed2(server.State.CPU)),
memory: this.formatPercent(, server.State.MemUsed, server.Host.MemTotal),
hdd: this.formatPercent(, server.State.DiskUsed, server.Host.DiskTotal),
state: server.State,
host: server.Host,
lastActive: server.LastActive,
Tag: server.Tag,
return nodes;
getNetworkSpeed(netInSpeed, netOutSpeed) {
return this.formatByteSize(netInSpeed) + ' | ' + this.formatByteSize(netOutSpeed)
showCharts(event, id) {
const chartContainer = this.$refs[`chart${id}`][0];
const chartboxShow = chartContainer.getAttribute('chartbox-show');
chartContainer.setAttribute('chartbox-show', chartboxShow === '0' ? '1' : '0');
const isAriaExpandedFalse = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false';
if (!isAriaExpandedFalse) return;
// 发起数据请求
const url = `/api/v1/monitor/${id}`;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
if (data.result) { // 数据请求成功,更新数据并渲染图表
this.chartDataList[id - 1] = data.result;
this.$nextTick(() => {
} else {
console.log('this agent (id:'+ id + ') has no monitor.');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
renderCharts(id, reload = false) {
if (!this.chartDataList[id - 1]) return;
const chartData = this.chartDataList[id - 1];
const chartContainer = this.$refs[`chart${id}`][0];
if (reload) { //点击切换亮色/暗色风格模式时,重新载入echarts图表的逻辑,
// 第一步,查找已经渲染出的图表容器,并销毁它
const existingChart = echarts.getInstanceByDom(chartContainer);
if (existingChart) existingChart.dispose();
// 第二步,如果图表容器处于不可见状态chartboxShow=0,不重新渲染出新的图表,
// 如果图表容器处于可见状态chartboxShow=1,重新渲染出新的图表
const chartboxShow = chartContainer.getAttribute('chartbox-show');
if ( chartboxShow === '0' ) return;
// 定义图表参数值
const MaxTCPPingValue = {{.Conf.MaxTCPPingValue}} ? {{.Conf.MaxTCPPingValue}} : 300;
const isMobile = this.checkIsMobile();
const fontSize = isMobile ? 10 : 14;
const gridLeft = isMobile ? 25 : 36;
const gridRight = isMobile ? 5 : 20;
const legendLeft = isMobile ? 'center' : 'center';
const legendTop = isMobile ? 5 : 5;
const legendPadding= isMobile ? [5,0,5,0] : [5,0,5,0];
const systemDarkMode = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light';
const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme") ? localStorage.getItem("theme") : systemDarkMode;
const chartTheme = theme == "dark" ? "dark" : "default";
const fontColor = theme == "dark" ? "#f1f1f1" : "#000000";
const backgroundColor = theme == "dark" ? "#1C1D26" : '';
const tooltipBackgroundColor = theme == "dark" ? "#1C1D26" : '#ffffff';
const tooltipBorderColor = theme == "dark" ? "#31363B" : "#ffffff";
// 渲染图表
const chart = echarts.init(chartContainer, chartTheme, {
renderer: 'canvas',
useDirtyRect: false,
width: 'auto',
height: 300,
const xAxisData = chartData[0] => new Date(time).toLocaleString());
const seriesData = => {
let loss = 0;
const data =, index) => {
if(avgDelay > 0 && avgDelay < MaxTCPPingValue){
loss += avgDelay > 0.9 * MaxTCPPingValue ? 1 : 0;
return [item.created_at[index], avgDelay];
loss += 1;
const lossRate = ((loss / item.created_at.length) * 100).toFixed(1);
item.monitor_name = item.monitor_name.includes("%") ? item.monitor_name : `${item.monitor_name} ${lossRate}%`;
return {
name: item.monitor_name,
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'none',
data: data,
connectNulls: true
const option = {
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
title: {
show: false
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
backgroundColor: tooltipBackgroundColor,
borderColor: tooltipBorderColor,
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
color: fontColor
legend: {
data: => item.monitor_name),
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
color: fontColor
top: legendTop,
bottom: 0,
left: legendLeft,
padding: legendPadding
xAxis: {
type: 'time',
data: xAxisData,
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize
dataZoom: [
type: 'slider',
start: 0,
end: 100
series: seriesData,
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
color: fontColor
grid: {
top: '40',
left: gridLeft,
right: gridRight
reloadCharts() { // 重新加载所有图表
this.servers.forEach(node => {
const id = node.ID;
const chartData = this.chartDataList[id - 1];
if (chartData) {
{{template "theme-server-status/footer" .}}