diff --git a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml index 6d60b8e..2b3123a 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml @@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ other = "Home" other = "Back to Homepage" [AdminPanel] -other = "Admin Panel" +other = "Dashboard" [Logout] -other = "Logout" +other = "Log out" [Login] -other = "Login" +other = "Log in" [ConfirmLogout] -other = "Do you want to Logout?" +other = "Confirm Logging Out?" [AfterLoggingOutYouHaveToLoginAgain] -other = "You need to Login again to continue" +other = "You will need to log in again to continue" [Cancel] other = "Cancel" @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ other = "Cron Expression" other = "Backup" [3amDaily] -other = "(Daily at 3 AM)" +other = "(At 3 AM)" [Command] other = "Command" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ other = "Ignore All, Execute Only on Specific Servers" other = "Cover All, Except Specific Servers" [ExecuteByTriggerServer] -other = "Execute on Trigger Server" +other = "Execute on Alarmed Servers" [SpecificServers] other = "Specific Servers" @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ other = "Sec Min Hour Day Month Week, see details in " other = "CRON Expression Format" [IntroductionOfCommands] -other = "Introduction of Commands: Writing commands is similar to shell/bat scripts. It's advised not to break lines, and multiple commands can be connected with && or &. If a command cannot be found, it might be due to PATH environment variable configuration issues. On Linux servers, you can add source ~/.bashrc at the beginning of the command, or use the command's absolute path." +other = "Note on writing commands: It is similar to shell/bat scripts. but it's advised not to start a newline, and connect multiple commands with && or ;. If a command cannot be found, it is possibly due to PATH environment variable issues. On Linux servers, you can add source ~/.bashrc at the beginning of the command, or just use the absolute path." [AddMonitor] other = "Add Service Monitor" @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ other = "Target" other = "Type" [SslExpirationOrChange] -other = "(SSL Expiration or Change)" +other = "(Certificate Expiration and Changes)" [Duration] other = "Interval" @@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ other = "Enable Failure Notification" other = "Failure Notification" [MaxLatency] -other = "Max Latency (ms)" +other = "Maximum Latency (ms)" [MinLatency] -other = "Min Latency (ms)" +other = "Minimum Latency (ms)" [EnableLatencyNotification] other = "Enable Latency Notification" @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ other = "Latency Notification" [IntroductionOfMonitor] other = """ -For type HTTP-GET, enter URL (with http/https, HTTPS protocol will also monitor SSL certificate);
+For type HTTP-GET, enter URL (with http/https scheme, HTTPS protocol will also monitor SSL certificate);
For type ICMP-Ping, enter domain/IP without port: example.com;
For type TCP-Ping, enter domain/IP + port number: example.com:22""" @@ -182,16 +182,16 @@ other = "Notification Trigger Mode" other = "Always Trigger" [ModeOnetimeTrigger] -other = "Single Trigger" +other = "Trigger Once" [EnableTriggerTask] other = "Enable Trigger Task" [FailTriggerTasks] -other = "Tasks triggered during an alarm" +other = "Tasks to trigger on an alarm" [RecoverTriggerTasks] -other = "Tasks triggered during recovery" +other = "Tasks to trigger after recovery" [Enable] other = "Enable" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ other = "Einstein Lightspeed 1" other = "Display Index" [TheLargerTheNumberTheHigherThePriority] -other = "Higher Number, Higher Priority" +other = "Greater Number, Higher Priority" [Secret] other = "Secret" @@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ other = "Note" other = "Public Note" [LinuxOneKeyInstall] -other = "Linux One-Command Install" +other = "Linux Installation Command" [NoDomainAlert] -other = "Set CDN bypassed Domain/IP in setting before using this function" +other = "Please set the IP (or a domain pointed to it) of the original server in settings" [PushSuccessfully] other = "Send Success Notification" @@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ other = "Cover All" other = "Ignore All" [ByTrigger] -other = "Execute by Trigger" +other = "Alarmed Servers" [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "Delete Scheduled Task" [ConfirmToDeleteThisScheduledTask] -other = "Are you sure you want to Delete?" +other = "Confirm deletion?" [AccessDenied] other = "Access Denied" @@ -281,22 +281,22 @@ other = "Don't Have an Account?" other = "HTTP(S)/SSL Certificate" [TCPPort] -other = "TCP Port" +other = "TCPing" [DeleteService] other = "Remove Service Monitor" [ConfirmToDeleteThisService] -other = "Confirm to Delete This Service?" +other = "Confirm Deleting This Service?" [DeleteNotificationMethod] other = "Delete Notification Method" [ConfirmToDeleteThisNotificationMethod] -other = "Confirm to Delete This Notification Method?" +other = "Confirm Deleting This Notification Method?" [ForceUpdate] -other = "Force Update Agent" +other = "Trigger Agent Update" [SelectAll] other = "Select All" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ other = "Select All" other = "Version" [OneKeyInstall] -other = "One-Command Install" +other = "Installation commands" [ClickToCopy] other = "Click To Copy" @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ other = "Click To Copy" other = "Delete Server" [ConfirmToDeleteServer] -other = "Confirm to Delete Server?" +other = "Confirm Deleting This Server?" [NoServerSelected] other = "No Server Selected" @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ other = "Scheduled Tasks" other = "API Management" [IssueNewApiToken] -other = "Issue New API Token" +other = "Generate New API Token" [Token] other = "Token" @@ -554,10 +554,10 @@ other = "Token" other = "Delete Token" [ConfirmToDeleteThisToken] -other = "Confirm to Delete This Token?" +other = "Confirm Deleting This Token?" [YouAreNotAuthorized] -other = "Not Authorized for This Page" +other = "This Page needs Authorization" [WrongAccessPassword] other = "Wrong Access Password" @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ other = "IP Changed" other = "Remaining Data" [DashboardTheme] -other = "Admin Panel Theme" +other = "Dashboard Theme" [Info] other = "Info" diff --git a/resource/l10n/es-ES.toml b/resource/l10n/es-ES.toml index e32bef6..1725255 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/es-ES.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/es-ES.toml @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ other = "Ignorar todo, ejecutar solo a través de servidores específicos" other = "Incluir todo, excepto servidores específicos" [ExecuteByTriggerServer] -other = "Ejecutar por servidor disparador" +other = "Ejecutar en servidores con alarma" [SpecificServers] other = "Servidores Específicos" @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ other = "Segundos, Minutos, Horas, Días, Meses, Semanas - Ver detalles a" other = "Formato de Expresión de Cron" [IntroductionOfCommands] -other = "Introducción de Comandos: Escriba comandos como en scripts shell/bat. Evite saltos de línea; conecte múltiples comandos con && o &. Si no se encuentra un comando, verifique la variable de entorno PATH. En servidores Linux, antepóngale source ~/.bashrc a los comandos, o use rutas absolutas." +other = "Introducción de Comandos: Escriba comandos como en scripts shell/bat. Evite saltos de línea; conecte múltiples comandos con && o ;. Si no se encuentra un comando, verifique la variable de entorno PATH. En servidores Linux, antepóngale source ~/.bashrc a los comandos, o use rutas absolutas." [AddMonitor] other = "Agregar Monitor de Servicio" @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ other = "Cubrir Todo" other = "Ignorar Todo" [ByTrigger] -other = "Ejecutar por Disparador" +other = "Servidores con alarma" [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "Eliminar Tarea Programada" @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ other = "¿No tiene una cuenta?" other = "Certificados HTTP(S)/SSL" [TCPPort] -other = "Puerto TCP" +other = "TCPing" [DeleteService] other = "Eliminar Servicio" diff --git a/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml b/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml index 26478db..5e240f9 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ other = "忽略所有,仅通过特定服务器执行" other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不执行" [ExecuteByTriggerServer] -other = "由触发的服务器执行" +other = "由触发告警的服务器执行" [SpecificServers] other = "特定服务器" @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ other = "秒 分 时 天 月 星期,详情见" other = "计划表达式格式" [IntroductionOfCommands] -other = "命令说明:编写命令时类似于 shell/bat 脚本。建议不要换行,多个命令可用 &&& 连接,若出现命令无法找到的情况,可能是由于 PATH 环境变量配置问题。在 Linux 服务器上,可在命令开头加入 source ~/.bashrc,或使用命令的绝对路径执行。" +other = "命令说明:编写命令时类似于 shell/bat 脚本。建议不要换行,多个命令可用 &&; 连接,若出现命令无法找到的情况,可能是由于 PATH 环境变量配置问题。在 Linux 服务器上,可在命令开头加入 source ~/.bashrc,或使用命令的绝对路径执行。" [AddMonitor] other = "新增监控" @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ other = "覆盖所有" other = "忽略所有" [ByTrigger] -other = "触发执行" +other = "触发告警的服务器" [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "删除计划任务" @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ other = "没有账号?" other = "HTTP(S)/SSL证书" [TCPPort] -other = "TCP 端口" +other = "TCPing" [DeleteService] other = "移除服务" diff --git a/resource/l10n/zh-TW.toml b/resource/l10n/zh-TW.toml index dc07750..7a22a6f 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/zh-TW.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/zh-TW.toml @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ other = "忽略所有,僅通過特定伺服器執行" other = "覆蓋所有,僅特定伺服器不執行" [ExecuteByTriggerServer] -other = "由觸發的伺服器執行" +other = "由觸發告警的伺服器執行" [SpecificServers] other = "特定伺服器" @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ other = "秒 分 時 天 月 星期,詳情見" other = "排程表達式格式" [IntroductionOfCommands] -other = "命令說明:編寫命令時類似於 shell/bat 腳本。建議不要換行,多個命令可用 &&& 連接,若出現命令無法找到的情況,可能是由於 PATH 環境變數配置問題。在 Linux 伺服器上,可在命令開頭加入 source ~/.bashrc,或使用命令的絕對路徑執行。" +other = "命令說明:編寫命令時類似於 shell/bat 腳本。建議不要換行,多個命令可用 &&; 連接,若出現命令無法找到的情況,可能是由於 PATH 環境變數配置問題。在 Linux 伺服器上,可在命令開頭加入 source ~/.bashrc,或使用命令的絕對路徑執行。" [AddMonitor] other = "新增監控" @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ other = "覆蓋所有" other = "忽略所有" [ByTrigger] -other = "觸發執行" +other = "觸發告警的伺服器" [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "刪除排程任務" @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ other = "沒有帳號?" other = "HTTP(S)/SSL證書" [TCPPort] -other = "TCP 端口" +other = "TCPing" [DeleteService] other = "移除服務"