From 29b82e045b00ecf23ee01417b35e79286eb68540 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: naiba Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 22:36:52 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] New translations zh-CN.toml (English) --- resource/l10n/en-US.toml | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+) diff --git a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml index 64a7b58..0820736 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml @@ -321,3 +321,135 @@ other = "Terminal connection timeout or session ended" [TerminalConnectionFailed] other = "Terminal connection failed, check reverse proxy for WebSocket connection on /terminal/* path" + +[Default] +other = "默认" + +[Offline] +other = "已离线" + +[Platform] +other = "系统" + +[DiskUsed] +other = "硬盘" + +[MemUsed] +other = "内存" + +[SwapUsed] +other = "交换" + +[NetTransfer] +other = "流量" + +[Load] +other = "负载" + +[ProcessCount] +other = "进程数" + +[ConnCount] +other = "连接数" + +[BootTime] +other = "启动" + +[LastActive] +other = "活动" + +[Version] +other = "版本" + +[NetSpeed] +other = "网络" + +[Uptime] +other = "在线" + +[ServerIsOffline] +other = "节点已离线" + +[Day] +other = "天" + +[RealtimeChannelEstablished] +other = "实时通道建立" + +[GetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] +other = "可以实时获取最新监控数据啦" + +[RealtimeChannelDisconnect] +other = "实时通道断开" + +[CanNotGetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] +other = "无法实时获取最新监控数据咯" + +[30DaysOnline] +other = "30天在线率" + +[Details] +other = "详情" + +[Status] +other = "状态" + +[Availability] +other = "在线率" + +[AverageLatency] +other = "平均延迟" + +[CycleTransferStats] +other = "循环流量统计" + +[From] +other = "自" + +[To] +other = "至" + +[NextCheck] +other = "下次检查" + +[CurrentUsage] +other = "当前用量" + +[VerifyPassword] +other = "验证查看密码" + +[LightMode] +other = "白昼模式" + +[DarkMode] +other = "暗黑模式" + +[GridLayout] +other = "网格视图" + +[ListLayout] +other = "列表视图" + +[EnterPassword] +other = "输入密码" + +[Location] +other = "地区" + +[Running] +other = "运行中" + +[UpNetTransfer] +other = "上行" + +[DownNetTransfer] +other = "下行" + +[TotalUpNetTransfer] +other = "总上行" + +[TotalDownNetTransfer] +other = "总下行" + +[WrongPassword] +other = "密码错误" From 183f7bcebf9a348c641b56db51ab5a4fa1471e40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: naiba Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 23:38:14 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update source file zh-CN.toml --- resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml | 240 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 239 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml b/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml index 6d20a27..dd15fb0 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/zh-CN.toml @@ -1,217 +1,455 @@ [nezhaMonitor] other = "哪吒监控" + [Server] other = "主机" + [Services] other = "服务" + [Task] other = "任务" + [Notification] other = "报警" + [Settings] other = "设置" + [Home] other = "首页" + [BackToHomepage] other = "返回前台" + [AdminPanel] other = "管理后台" + [Logout] other = "注销登录" + [Login] other = "登录" + [ConfirmLogout] other = "确认注销?" + [AfterLoggingOutYouHaveToLoginAgain] other = "注销后您必须重新登录才能使用" + [Cancel] other = "取消" + [Confirm] other = "确认" + [AddScheduledTasks] other = "添加计划任务" + [Name] other = "名称" + [Scheduler] other = "计划" + [BackUp] other = "备份" + [3amDaily] other = "(每天3点)" + [Command] other = "命令" + [Coverage] other = "覆盖范围" + [IgnoreAllAndExecuteOnlyThroughSpecificServers] other = "忽略所有,仅通过特定服务器执行" + [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotExecuted] other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不执行" + [SpecificServers] other = "特定服务器" + [EnterIdAndNameToSearch] other = "输入ID/名称以搜索" + [NotificationMethod] other = "通知方式组" + [PushSuccessMessages] other = "推送成功的消息" + [TheFormaOfTheScheduleIs] other = "计划的格式为:" + [SecondsMinutesHoursDaysMonthsWeeksSeeDetails] other = "秒 分 时 天 月 星期,详情见" + [ScheduleExpressionFormat] other = "计划表达式格式" + [IntroductionOfCommands] other = "命令:就像写 shell/bat 脚本一样,但是不推荐换行,多个命令使用 &&/& 连接,如果遇到 xxx 命令找不到,可能是PATH 环境变量的问题,Linux 主机在命令开头加入source ~/.bashrc或者使用绝对路径执行。" + [AddMonitor] other = "添加监控" + [Blog] other = "博客" + [Target] other = "目标" + [Type] other = "类型" + [SslExpirationOrChange] other = "(SSL到期、变更)" + [Duration] other = "请求间隔" + [Seconds] other = "秒" + [EnableFailureNotification] other = "启用故障通知" + [IntroductionOfMonitor] other = """ 类型为 HTTP-GET 时输入URL(带 http/https, HTTPS协议的会顺带监控SSL证书);
类型为 ICMP-Ping 时输入主机名/IP,不带端口;
类型为 TCP-Ping 时输入主机名/IP + 端口号""" + [AddNotificationMethod] other = "添加通知方式" + [Tag] other = "分组" + [DoNotSendTestMessages] other = "不发送测试信息" + [RequestMethod] other = "请求方式" + [RequestType] other = "请求类型" + [VerifySSL] other = "验证SSL" + [AddNotificationRule] other = "添加报警规则" + [Rules] other = "规则" + [Enable] other = "启用" + [AddServer] other = "添加服务器" + [ServerGroup] other = "服务器分组" + [EinsteinLightspeed1] other = "爱因斯坦-光速1号" + [DisplayIndex] other = "排序" + [TheLargerTheNumberTheHigherThePriority] other = "越大越靠前" + [Secret] other = "密钥" + [Note] other = "备注" + [LinuxOneKeyInstall] other = "Linux 一键安装" + [NoDomainAlert] other = "请先在设置页面配置 未接入CDN的面板服务器域名/IP" + [PushSuccessfully] other = "成功推送" + [LastExecution] other = "最后执行" + [LastResult] other = "最后结果" + [Administration] other = "管理" + [CoverAll] other = "覆盖所有" + [IgnoreAll] other = "忽略所有" + [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "删除计划任务" + [ConfirmToDeleteThisScheduledTask] other = "确认删除此计划任务?" + [AccessDenied] other = "访问受限" + [Use] other = "使用" + [AccountToLogin] other = "账号登录" + [SignUp] other = "注册" + [DontHaveAnAccount] other = "没有账号?" + [SSLCertificate] other = "HTTP(S)/SSL证书" + [TCPPort] other = "TCP 端口" + [DeleteService] other = "删除服务" + [ConfirmToDeleteThisService] other = "确认删除此服务?" + [DeleteNotificationMethod] other = "删除通知方式" + [ConfirmToDeleteThisNotificationMethod] other = "确认删除此通知方式?" + [ForceUpdate] other = "强制更新" + [SelectAll] other = "全选" + [VersionNumber] other = "版本号" + [OneKeyInstall] other = "一键安装" + [ClickToCopyTheInstallationCommand] other = "点击复制安装命令" + [NotSupportedYet] other = "尚未支持,请下载release手动安装" + [DeleteServer] other = "删除主机" + [ConfirmToDeleteThisServer] other = "确认删除此主机?" + [NoServerSelected] other = "当前没有选中的服务器" + [ExecutionResults] other = "执行结果" + [SiteTitle] other = "站点标题" + [AdministratorList] other = "管理员列表" + [Theme] other = "主题" + [DefaultTheme] other = "默认主题" + [CustomCodes] other = "自定义代码(style、script 都可以)" + [AccessPassword] other = "前台查看密码" + [PanelServerDomainAndIP] other = "未接入CDN的面板服务器域名/IP" + [IPChangeAlert] other = "IP 变更提醒" + [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotAlerted] other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不提醒" + [IgnoreAllOnlyAlertSpecificServers] other = "忽略所有,仅提醒特定服务器" + [IgnoreAllRequestOnlyThroughSpecificServers] other = "忽略所有,仅通过特定服务器请求" + [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotRequest] other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不请求" + [ServerIDSeparatedByCommas] other = "服务器ID 以逗号隔开" + [IPChangeNotificationTag] other = "提醒发送至指定的通知分组" + [NotificationMessagesDoNotHideIP] other = "通知信息IP不打码" + [Save] other = "保存" + [ModifiedSuccessfully] other = "修改成功" + [TerminalConnectionTimeOutOrSessionEnded] other = "Terminal 连接超时或会话已结束" + [TerminalConnectionFailed] -other = "Terminal 连接失败,请检查 /terminal/* 的 WebSocket 反代情况" \ No newline at end of file +other = "Terminal 连接失败,请检查 /terminal/* 的 WebSocket 反代情况" + +[Default] +other = "默认" + +[Offline] +other = "已离线" + +[Platform] +other = "系统" + +[DiskUsed] +other = "硬盘" + +[MemUsed] +other = "内存" + +[SwapUsed] +other = "交换" + +[NetTransfer] +other = "流量" + +[Load] +other = "负载" + +[ProcessCount] +other = "进程数" + +[ConnCount] +other = "连接数" + +[BootTime] +other = "启动" + +[LastActive] +other = "活动" + +[Version] +other = "版本" + +[NetSpeed] +other = "网络" + +[Uptime] +other = "在线" + +[ServerIsOffline] +other = "节点已离线" + +[Day] +other = "天" + +[RealtimeChannelEstablished] +other = "实时通道建立" + +[GetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] +other = "可以实时获取最新监控数据啦" + +[RealtimeChannelDisconnect] +other = "实时通道断开" + +[CanNotGetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] +other = "无法实时获取最新监控数据咯" + +[30DaysOnline] +other = "30天在线率" + +[Details] +other = "详情" + +[Status] +other = "状态" + +[Availability] +other = "在线率" + +[AverageLatency] +other = "平均延迟" + +[CycleTransferStats] +other = "循环流量统计" + +[From] +other = "自" + +[To] +other = "至" + +[NextCheck] +other = "下次检查" + +[CurrentUsage] +other = "当前用量" + +[VerifyPassword] +other = "验证查看密码" + +[LightMode] +other = "白昼模式" + +[DarkMode] +other = "暗黑模式" + +[GridLayout] +other = "网格视图" + +[ListLayout] +other = "列表视图" + +[EnterPassword] +other = "输入密码" + +[Location] +other = "地区" + +[Running] +other = "运行中" + +[UpNetTransfer] +other = "上行" + +[DownNetTransfer] +other = "下行" + +[TotalUpNetTransfer] +other = "总上行" + +[TotalDownNetTransfer] +other = "总下行" + +[WrongPassword] +other = "密码错误" From ae6f13b173d8b614ca5d850e5d47e0cf74b06c20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: naiba Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 23:38:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] New translations zh-CN.toml (English) --- resource/l10n/en-US.toml | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml index 0820736..b96aa73 100644 --- a/resource/l10n/en-US.toml +++ b/resource/l10n/en-US.toml @@ -323,133 +323,133 @@ other = "Terminal connection timeout or session ended" other = "Terminal connection failed, check reverse proxy for WebSocket connection on /terminal/* path" [Default] -other = "默认" +other = "Default" [Offline] -other = "已离线" +other = "Offline" [Platform] -other = "系统" +other = "Platform" [DiskUsed] -other = "硬盘" +other = "Disk" [MemUsed] -other = "内存" +other = "RAM" [SwapUsed] -other = "交换" +other = "Swap" [NetTransfer] -other = "流量" +other = "Data Transfer" [Load] -other = "负载" +other = "Load" [ProcessCount] -other = "进程数" +other = "Processes Count" [ConnCount] -other = "连接数" +other = "Connections Count" [BootTime] -other = "启动" +other = "Boot Time" [LastActive] -other = "活动" +other = "Last Active" [Version] -other = "版本" +other = "Version" [NetSpeed] -other = "网络" +other = "Network Speed" [Uptime] -other = "在线" +other = "Uptime" [ServerIsOffline] -other = "节点已离线" +other = "Server is offline" [Day] -other = "天" +other = "Day" [RealtimeChannelEstablished] -other = "实时通道建立" +other = "Real-time Channel Established" [GetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] -other = "可以实时获取最新监控数据啦" +other = "You can get the latest monitoring data in real-time!" [RealtimeChannelDisconnect] -other = "实时通道断开" +other = "Real-time Channel Disconnect" [CanNotGetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] -other = "无法实时获取最新监控数据咯" +other = "Unable to get the latest monitoring data in real-time!" [30DaysOnline] -other = "30天在线率" +other = "Last 30 days availability" [Details] -other = "详情" +other = "Details" [Status] -other = "状态" +other = "Status" [Availability] -other = "在线率" +other = "Availability" [AverageLatency] -other = "平均延迟" +other = "Average Latency" [CycleTransferStats] -other = "循环流量统计" +other = "Cycle Transfer Statistics" [From] -other = "自" +other = "From" [To] -other = "至" +other = "To" [NextCheck] -other = "下次检查" +other = "Next check" [CurrentUsage] -other = "当前用量" +other = "Current Usage" [VerifyPassword] -other = "验证查看密码" +other = "Verify Password" [LightMode] -other = "白昼模式" +other = "Light Mode" [DarkMode] -other = "暗黑模式" +other = "Dark Mode" [GridLayout] -other = "网格视图" +other = "Grid Layout" [ListLayout] -other = "列表视图" +other = "List Layout" [EnterPassword] -other = "输入密码" +other = "Enter password" [Location] -other = "地区" +other = "Location" [Running] -other = "运行中" +other = "Running" [UpNetTransfer] -other = "上行" +other = "Outbound" [DownNetTransfer] -other = "下行" +other = "Inbound" [TotalUpNetTransfer] -other = "总上行" +other = "Total Outbound" [TotalDownNetTransfer] -other = "总下行" +other = "Total Inbound" [WrongPassword] -other = "密码错误" +other = "Incorrect Password"