package controller import ( "errors" "log" "net/http" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type terminalContext struct { agentConn *websocketx.Conn userConn *websocketx.Conn serverID uint64 host string useSSL bool } type commonPage struct { r *gin.Engine terminals map[string]*terminalContext terminalsLock *sync.Mutex requestGroup singleflight.Group } func (cp *commonPage) serve() { cr := cp.r.Group("") cr.Use(mygin.Authorize(mygin.AuthorizeOption{})) cr.GET("/terminal/:id", cp.terminal) cr.POST("/view-password", cp.issueViewPassword) cr.Use(cp.checkViewPassword) // 前端查看密码鉴权 cr.GET("/", cp.home) cr.GET("/service", cp.service) // TODO: 界面直接跳转使用该接口 cr.GET("/network/:id", cr.GET("/network", cr.GET("/ws", cr.POST("/terminal", cp.createTerminal) } type viewPasswordForm struct { Password string } func (p *commonPage) issueViewPassword(c *gin.Context) { var vpf viewPasswordForm err := c.ShouldBind(&vpf) var hash []byte if err == nil && vpf.Password != singleton.Conf.Site.ViewPassword { err = errors.New(singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{MessageID: "WrongAccessPassword"})) } if err == nil { hash, err = bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(vpf.Password), bcrypt.DefaultCost) } if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusOK, Title: singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{ MessageID: "AnErrorEccurred", }), Msg: err.Error(), }, true) c.Abort() return } c.SetCookie(singleton.Conf.Site.CookieName+"-vp", string(hash), 60*60*24, "", "", false, false) c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, c.Request.Referer()) } func (p *commonPage) checkViewPassword(c *gin.Context) { if singleton.Conf.Site.ViewPassword == "" { c.Next() return } if _, authorized := c.Get(model.CtxKeyAuthorizedUser); authorized { c.Next() return } // 验证查看密码 viewPassword, _ := c.Cookie(singleton.Conf.Site.CookieName + "-vp") if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(viewPassword), []byte(singleton.Conf.Site.ViewPassword)); err != nil { c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "theme-"+singleton.Conf.Site.Theme+"/viewpassword", mygin.CommonEnvironment(c, gin.H{ "Title": singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{MessageID: "VerifyPassword"}), "CustomCode": singleton.Conf.Site.CustomCode, })) c.Abort() return } c.Set(model.CtxKeyViewPasswordVerified, true) c.Next() } func (p *commonPage) service(c *gin.Context) { res, _, _ := p.requestGroup.Do("servicePage", func() (interface{}, error) { singleton.AlertsLock.RLock() defer singleton.AlertsLock.RUnlock() var stats map[uint64]model.ServiceItemResponse var statsStore map[uint64]model.CycleTransferStats copier.Copy(&stats, singleton.ServiceSentinelShared.LoadStats()) copier.Copy(&statsStore, singleton.AlertsCycleTransferStatsStore) for k, service := range stats { if !service.Monitor.EnableShowInService { delete(stats, k) } } return []interface { }{ stats, statsStore, }, nil }) c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "theme-"+singleton.Conf.Site.Theme+"/service", mygin.CommonEnvironment(c, gin.H{ "Title": singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{MessageID: "ServicesStatus"}), "Services": res.([]interface{})[0], "CycleTransferStats": res.([]interface{})[1], "CustomCode": singleton.Conf.Site.CustomCode, })) } func (cp *commonPage) network(c *gin.Context) { var ( monitorHistory *model.MonitorHistory servers []*model.Server serverIdsWithMonitor []uint64 monitorInfos = []byte("{}") id uint64 ) if len(singleton.SortedServerList) > 0 { id = singleton.SortedServerList[0].ID } if err := singleton.DB.Model(&model.MonitorHistory{}).Select("monitor_id, server_id"). Where("monitor_id != 0 and server_id != 0").Limit(1).First(&monitorHistory).Error; err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "请求参数有误:" + "server monitor history not found", Link: "/", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } else { if monitorHistory == nil || monitorHistory.ServerID == 0 { if len(singleton.SortedServerList) > 0 { id = singleton.SortedServerList[0].ID } } else { id = monitorHistory.ServerID } } idStr := c.Param("id") if idStr != "" { var err error id, err = strconv.ParseUint(idStr, 10, 64) if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "请求参数有误:" + err.Error(), Link: "/", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } _, ok := singleton.ServerList[id] if !ok { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "请求参数有误:" + "server id not found", Link: "/", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } } monitorHistories := singleton.MonitorAPI.GetMonitorHistories(map[string]any{"server_id": id}) monitorInfos, _ = utils.Json.Marshal(monitorHistories) _, isMember := c.Get(model.CtxKeyAuthorizedUser) _, isViewPasswordVerfied := c.Get(model.CtxKeyViewPasswordVerified) if err := singleton.DB.Model(&model.MonitorHistory{}). Select("distinct(server_id)"). Where("server_id != 0"). Find(&serverIdsWithMonitor). Error; err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "请求参数有误:" + "no server with monitor histories", Link: "/", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } if isMember || isViewPasswordVerfied { for _, server := range singleton.SortedServerList { for _, id := range serverIdsWithMonitor { if server.ID == id { servers = append(servers, server) } } } } else { for _, server := range singleton.SortedServerListForGuest { for _, id := range serverIdsWithMonitor { if server.ID == id { servers = append(servers, server) } } } } serversBytes, _ := utils.Json.Marshal(Data{ Now: time.Now().Unix() * 1000, Servers: servers, }) c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "theme-"+singleton.Conf.Site.Theme+"/network", mygin.CommonEnvironment(c, gin.H{ "Servers": string(serversBytes), "MonitorInfos": string(monitorInfos), "CustomCode": singleton.Conf.Site.CustomCode, "MaxTCPPingValue": singleton.Conf.MaxTCPPingValue, })) } func (cp *commonPage) getServerStat(c *gin.Context) ([]byte, error) { v, err, _ := cp.requestGroup.Do("serverStats", func() (any, error) { singleton.SortedServerLock.RLock() defer singleton.SortedServerLock.RUnlock() _, isMember := c.Get(model.CtxKeyAuthorizedUser) _, isViewPasswordVerfied := c.Get(model.CtxKeyViewPasswordVerified) var servers []*model.Server if isMember || isViewPasswordVerfied { servers = singleton.SortedServerList } else { servers = singleton.SortedServerListForGuest } return utils.Json.Marshal(Data{ Now: time.Now().Unix() * 1000, Servers: servers, }) }) return v.([]byte), err } func (cp *commonPage) home(c *gin.Context) { stat, err := cp.getServerStat(c) if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Title: singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{ MessageID: "SystemError", }), Msg: "服务器状态获取失败", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "theme-"+singleton.Conf.Site.Theme+"/home", mygin.CommonEnvironment(c, gin.H{ "Servers": string(stat), "CustomCode": singleton.Conf.Site.CustomCode, })) } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } type Data struct { Now int64 `json:"now,omitempty"` Servers []*model.Server `json:"servers,omitempty"` } var cloudflareCookiesValidator = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+$") func (cp *commonPage) ws(c *gin.Context) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Title: singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{ MessageID: "NetworkError", }), Msg: "Websocket协议切换失败", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } defer conn.Close() count := 0 for { stat, err := cp.getServerStat(c) if err != nil { continue } if err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, stat); err != nil { break } count += 1 if count%4 == 0 { err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.PingMessage, []byte{}) if err != nil { break } } time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) } } func (cp *commonPage) terminal(c *gin.Context) { terminalID := c.Param("id") cp.terminalsLock.Lock() if terminalID == "" || cp.terminals[terminalID] == nil { cp.terminalsLock.Unlock() mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "无权访问", Msg: "终端会话不存在", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } terminal := cp.terminals[terminalID] cp.terminalsLock.Unlock() defer func() { // 清理 context cp.terminalsLock.Lock() defer cp.terminalsLock.Unlock() delete(cp.terminals, terminalID) }() var isAgent bool if _, authorized := c.Get(model.CtxKeyAuthorizedUser); !authorized { singleton.ServerLock.RLock() _, hasID := singleton.SecretToID[c.Request.Header.Get("Secret")] singleton.ServerLock.RUnlock() if !hasID { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "无权访问", Msg: "用户未登录或非法终端", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } if terminal.userConn == nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "无权访问", Msg: "用户不在线", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } if terminal.agentConn != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Title: "连接已存在", Msg: "Websocket协议切换失败", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } isAgent = true } else { singleton.ServerLock.RLock() server := singleton.ServerList[terminal.serverID] singleton.ServerLock.RUnlock() if server == nil || server.TaskStream == nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "服务器不存在或处于离线状态", Link: "/server", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } cloudflareCookies, _ := c.Cookie("CF_Authorization") // Cloudflare Cookies 合法性验证 // 其应该包含.分隔的三组BASE64-URL编码 if cloudflareCookies != "" { encodedCookies := strings.Split(cloudflareCookies, ".") if len(encodedCookies) == 3 { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { if !cloudflareCookiesValidator.MatchString(encodedCookies[i]) { cloudflareCookies = "" break } } } else { cloudflareCookies = "" } } terminalData, _ := utils.Json.Marshal(&model.TerminalTask{ Host:, UseSSL: terminal.useSSL, Session: terminalID, Cookie: cloudflareCookies, }) if err := server.TaskStream.Send(&proto.Task{ Type: model.TaskTypeTerminal, Data: string(terminalData), }); err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "Agent信令下发失败", Link: "/server", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } } wsConn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Title: singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{ MessageID: "NetworkError", }), Msg: "Websocket协议切换失败", Link: "/", Btn: "返回首页", }, true) return } defer wsConn.Close() conn := &websocketx.Conn{Conn: wsConn} log.Printf("NEZHA>> terminal connected %t %q", isAgent, c.Request.URL) defer log.Printf("NEZHA>> terminal disconnected %t %q", isAgent, c.Request.URL) if isAgent { terminal.agentConn = conn defer func() { // Agent断开链接时断开用户连接 if terminal.userConn != nil { terminal.userConn.Close() } }() } else { terminal.userConn = conn defer func() { // 用户断开链接时断开 Agent 连接 if terminal.agentConn != nil { terminal.agentConn.Close() } }() } deadlineCh := make(chan interface{}) go func() { // 对方连接超时 connectDeadline := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 15) <-connectDeadline.C deadlineCh <- struct{}{} }() go func() { // PING 保活 for { if err = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.PingMessage, []byte{}); err != nil { return } time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) } }() dataCh := make(chan []byte) errorCh := make(chan error) go func() { for { msgType, data, err := conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { errorCh <- err return } // 将文本消息转换为命令输入 if msgType == websocket.TextMessage { data = append([]byte{0}, data...) } dataCh <- data } }() var dataBuffer [][]byte var distConn *websocketx.Conn checkDistConn := func() { if distConn == nil { if isAgent { distConn = terminal.userConn } else { distConn = terminal.agentConn } } } for { select { case <-deadlineCh: checkDistConn() if distConn == nil { return } case <-errorCh: return case data := <-dataCh: dataBuffer = append(dataBuffer, data) checkDistConn() if distConn != nil { for i := 0; i < len(dataBuffer); i++ { err = distConn.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, dataBuffer[i]) if err != nil { return } } dataBuffer = dataBuffer[:0] } } } } type createTerminalRequest struct { Host string Protocol string ID uint64 } func (cp *commonPage) createTerminal(c *gin.Context) { if _, authorized := c.Get(model.CtxKeyAuthorizedUser); !authorized { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "无权访问", Msg: "用户未登录", Link: "/login", Btn: "去登录", }, true) return } var createTerminalReq createTerminalRequest if err := c.ShouldBind(&createTerminalReq); err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "请求参数有误:" + err.Error(), Link: "/server", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } id, err := uuid.GenerateUUID() if err != nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Title: singleton.Localizer.MustLocalize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{ MessageID: "SystemError", }), Msg: "生成会话ID失败", Link: "/server", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } singleton.ServerLock.RLock() server := singleton.ServerList[createTerminalReq.ID] singleton.ServerLock.RUnlock() if server == nil || server.TaskStream == nil { mygin.ShowErrorPage(c, mygin.ErrInfo{ Code: http.StatusForbidden, Title: "请求失败", Msg: "服务器不存在或处于离线状态", Link: "/server", Btn: "返回重试", }, true) return } cp.terminalsLock.Lock() defer cp.terminalsLock.Unlock() cp.terminals[id] = &terminalContext{ serverID: createTerminalReq.ID, host: createTerminalReq.Host, useSSL: createTerminalReq.Protocol == "https:", } c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "dashboard-"+singleton.Conf.Site.DashboardTheme+"/terminal", mygin.CommonEnvironment(c, gin.H{ "SessionID": id, "ServerName": server.Name, })) }