#!/bin/sh #======================================================== # System Required: CentOS 7+ / Debian 8+ / Ubuntu 16+ / Alpine 3+ / # Arch has only been tested once, if there is any problem, please report with screenshots Dysf888@pm.me # Description: Nezha Monitoring Install Script # Github: https://github.com/naiba/nezha #======================================================== NZ_BASE_PATH="/opt/nezha" NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH="${NZ_BASE_PATH}/dashboard" NZ_AGENT_PATH="${NZ_BASE_PATH}/agent" NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICE="/etc/systemd/system/nezha-dashboard.service" NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICERC="/etc/init.d/nezha-dashboard" NZ_VERSION="v0.18.1" red='\033[0;31m' green='\033[0;32m' yellow='\033[0;33m' plain='\033[0m' export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin os_arch="" [ -e /etc/os-release ] && grep -i "PRETTY_NAME" /etc/os-release | grep -qi "alpine" && os_alpine='1' sudo() { myEUID=$(id -ru) if [ "$myEUID" -ne 0 ]; then if command -v sudo > /dev/null 2>&1; then command sudo "$@" else err "ERROR: sudo is not installed on the system, the action cannot be proceeded." exit 1 fi else "$@" fi } check_systemd() { if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ] && ! command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "System not supported: systemctl not found" exit 1 fi } err() { printf "${red}$*${plain}\n" >&2 } pre_check() { ## os_arch if uname -m | grep -q 'x86_64'; then os_arch="amd64" elif uname -m | grep -q 'i386\|i686'; then os_arch="386" elif uname -m | grep -q 'aarch64\|armv8b\|armv8l'; then os_arch="arm64" elif uname -m | grep -q 'arm'; then os_arch="arm" elif uname -m | grep -q 's390x'; then os_arch="s390x" elif uname -m | grep -q 'riscv64'; then os_arch="riscv64" fi ## China_IP if [ -z "$CN" ]; then if curl -m 10 -s http://ip-api.com/json |grep 'country' |grep -q 'China'; then echo "According to the information provided by ip-api.com, the current IP may be in China" printf "Will the installation be done with a Chinese Mirror? [Y/n] (Custom Mirror Input 3): " read -r input case $input in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo "Use Chinese Mirror" CN=true ;; [nN][oO] | [nN]) echo "Do Not Use Chinese Mirror" ;; [3]) echo "Use Custom Mirror" printf "Please enter a custom image (e.g. :dn-dao-github-mirror.daocloud.io). If left blank, it won't be used: " read -r input case $input in *) CUSTOM_MIRROR=$input ;; esac ;; *) echo "Do Not Use Chinese Mirror" ;; esac fi fi if [ -n "$CUSTOM_MIRROR" ]; then GITHUB_RAW_URL="gitee.com/naibahq/nezha/raw/master" GITHUB_URL=$CUSTOM_MIRROR Get_Docker_URL="get.docker.com" Get_Docker_Argu=" -s docker --mirror Aliyun" Docker_IMG="registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/naibahq\/nezha-dashboard" else if [ -z "$CN" ]; then GITHUB_RAW_URL="raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master" GITHUB_URL="github.com" Get_Docker_URL="get.docker.com" Get_Docker_Argu=" " Docker_IMG="ghcr.io\/naiba\/nezha-dashboard" else GITHUB_RAW_URL="gitee.com/naibahq/nezha/raw/master" GITHUB_URL="gitee.com" Get_Docker_URL="get.docker.com" Get_Docker_Argu=" -s docker --mirror Aliyun" Docker_IMG="registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com\/naibahq\/nezha-dashboard" fi fi } installation_check() { if docker compose version >/dev/null 2>&1; then DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND="docker compose" if sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND ls | grep -qw "$NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/docker-compose.yaml" >/dev/null 2>&1; then NEZHA_IMAGES=$(sudo docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep -w "nezha-dashboard") if [ -n "$NEZHA_IMAGES" ]; then echo "Docker image with nezha-dashboard repository exists:" echo "$NEZHA_IMAGES" IS_DOCKER_NEZHA=1 FRESH_INSTALL=0 return else echo "No Docker images with the nezha-dashboard repository were found." fi fi elif command -v docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND="docker-compose" if sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f "$NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/docker-compose.yaml" config >/dev/null 2>&1; then NEZHA_IMAGES=$(sudo docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep -w "nezha-dashboard") if [ -n "$NEZHA_IMAGES" ]; then echo "Docker image with nezha-dashboard repository exists:" echo "$NEZHA_IMAGES" IS_DOCKER_NEZHA=1 FRESH_INSTALL=0 return else echo "No Docker images with the nezha-dashboard repository were found." fi fi fi if [ -f "$NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/app" ]; then IS_DOCKER_NEZHA=0 FRESH_INSTALL=0 fi } select_version() { if [ -z "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" ]; then printf "${yellow}Select your installation method(Input anything is ok if you are installing agent):\n1. Docker\n2. Standalone${plain}\n" while true; do printf "Please enter [1-2]: " read -r option case "${option}" in 1) IS_DOCKER_NEZHA=1 break ;; 2) IS_DOCKER_NEZHA=0 break ;; *) err "Please enter the correct number [1-2]" ;; esac done fi } update_script() { echo "> Update Script" curl -sL https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/install_en.sh -o /tmp/nezha.sh new_version=$(grep "NZ_VERSION" /tmp/nezha.sh | head -n 1 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g') if [ ! -n "$new_version" ]; then echo "Script failed to get, please check if the network can link https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/install.sh" return 1 fi echo "The current latest version is: ${new_version}" mv -f /tmp/nezha.sh ./nezha.sh && chmod a+x ./nezha.sh echo "Execute new script after 3s" sleep 3s clear exec ./nezha.sh exit 0 } before_show_menu() { echo && printf "${yellow}* Press Enter to return to the main menu *${plain}" && read temp show_menu } install_base() { (command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v getenforce >/dev/null 2>&1) || (install_soft curl wget unzip) } install_arch() { printf "${green}Info: ${plain} Archlinux needs to add nezha-agent user to install libselinux. It will be deleted automatically after installation. It is recommended to check manually\n" read -r -p "Do you need to install libselinux? [Y/n] " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) useradd -m nezha-agent sed -i "$ a\nezha-agent ALL=(ALL ) NOPASSWD:ALL" /etc/sudoers sudo -iu nezha-agent bash -c 'gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 4695881C254508D1; cd /tmp; git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/libsepol.git; cd libsepol; makepkg -si --noconfirm --asdeps; cd ..; git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/libselinux.git; cd libselinux; makepkg -si --noconfirm; cd ..; rm -rf libsepol libselinux' sed -i '/nezha-agent/d' /etc/sudoers && sleep 30s && killall -u nezha-agent && userdel -r nezha-agent echo -e "${red}Info: ${plain}user nezha-agent has been deleted, Be sure to check it manually!\n" ;; [nN][oO] | [nN]) echo "Libselinux will not be installed" ;; *) echo "Libselinux will not be installed" exit 0 ;; esac } install_soft() { (command -v yum >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo yum makecache && sudo yum install $* selinux-policy -y) || (command -v apt >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo apt update && sudo apt install $* selinux-utils -y) || (command -v pacman >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo pacman -Syu $* base-devel --noconfirm && install_arch) || (command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install $* selinux-utils -y) || (command -v apk >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo apk update && sudo apk add $* -f) } install_dashboard() { check_systemd install_base echo "> Install Dashboard" # Nezha Monitoring Folder if [ ! "$FRESH_INSTALL" = 0 ]; then sudo mkdir -p $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH else echo "You may have already installed the dashboard, repeated installation will overwrite the data, please pay attention to backup." printf "Exit the installation? [Y/n] " read -r input case $input in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo "Exit the installation." exit 0 ;; [nN][oO] | [nN]) echo "Continue." ;; *) echo "Exit the installation." exit 0 ;; esac fi sudo chmod -R 700 $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then install_dashboard_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then install_dashboard_standalone fi modify_dashboard_config 0 if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } install_dashboard_docker() { if [ ! "$FRESH_INSTALL" = 0 ]; then command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Installing Docker" if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then curl -sL https://${Get_Docker_URL} | sudo bash -s ${Get_Docker_Argu} if [ $? != 0 ]; then err "Script failed to get, please check if the network can link ${Get_Docker_URL}" return 0 fi sudo systemctl enable docker.service sudo systemctl start docker.service else sudo apk add docker docker-compose sudo rc-update add docker sudo rc-service docker start fi printf "${green}Docker${plain} installed successfully\n" installation_check fi fi } install_dashboard_standalone() { if [ ! -d "${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/resource/template/theme-custom" ] || [ ! -d "${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/resource/static/custom" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/resource/template/theme-custom" "${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/resource/static/custom" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } selinux() { #Check SELinux command -v getenforce >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then getenforce | grep '[Ee]nfor' if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "SELinux running, closing now!" sudo setenforce 0 &>/dev/null find_key="SELINUX=" sudo sed -ri "/^$find_key/c${find_key}disabled" /etc/selinux/config fi fi } install_agent() { install_base selinux echo "> Install Agent" echo "Obtaining Agent version number" local version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://api.github.com/repos/nezhahq/agent/releases/latest" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g') if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/naibahq/agent/releases/latest" | awk -F '"' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i=="tag_name"){print $(i+2)}}}') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/nezhahq/agent/" | grep "option\.value" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/nezhahq\/agent@/v/g') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/nezhahq/agent/" | grep "option\.value" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/nezhahq\/agent@/v/g') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then err "Fail to obtaine agent version, please check if the network can link https://api.github.com/repos/nezhahq/agent/releases/latest" return 1 else echo "The current latest version is: ${version}" fi # Nezha Monitoring Folder sudo mkdir -p $NZ_AGENT_PATH sudo chmod -R 700 $NZ_AGENT_PATH echo "Downloading Agent" wget -t 2 -T 60 -O nezha-agent_linux_${os_arch}.zip https://${GITHUB_URL}/nezhahq/agent/releases/download/${version}/nezha-agent_linux_${os_arch}.zip >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then err "Fail to download agent, please check if the network can link ${GITHUB_URL}" return 1 fi sudo unzip -qo nezha-agent_linux_${os_arch}.zip && sudo mv nezha-agent $NZ_AGENT_PATH && sudo rm -rf nezha-agent_linux_${os_arch}.zip README.md if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then modify_agent_config "$@" else modify_agent_config 0 fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } modify_agent_config() { echo "> Modify Agent Configuration" if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "Please add Agent in the admin panel first, record the secret" printf "Please enter a domain that resolves to the IP where the panel is located (no CDN): " read -r nz_grpc_host printf "Please enter the panel RPC port (default 5555): " read -r nz_grpc_port printf "Please enter the Agent secret: " read -r nz_client_secret printf "Do you want to enable SSL/TLS encryption for the gRPC port (--tls)? Press [y] if yes, the default is not required, and users can press Enter to skip if you don't understand: " read -r nz_grpc_proxy echo "${nz_grpc_proxy}" | grep -qiw 'Y' && args='--tls' if [ -z "$nz_grpc_host" ] || [ -z "$nz_client_secret" ]; then err "All options cannot be empty" before_show_menu return 1 fi if [ -z "$nz_grpc_port" ]; then nz_grpc_port=5555 fi else nz_grpc_host=$1 nz_grpc_port=$2 nz_client_secret=$3 shift 3 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then args="$*" fi fi sudo ${NZ_AGENT_PATH}/nezha-agent service install -s "$nz_grpc_host:$nz_grpc_port" -p $nz_client_secret $args >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo ${NZ_AGENT_PATH}/nezha-agent service uninstall >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo ${NZ_AGENT_PATH}/nezha-agent service install -s "$nz_grpc_host:$nz_grpc_port" -p $nz_client_secret $args >/dev/null 2>&1 fi printf "Agent configuration ${green} modified successfully, please wait for agent self-restart to take effect${plain}\n" #if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then # before_show_menu #fi } modify_dashboard_config() { echo "> Modify Dashboard Configuration" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then echo "Download Docker Script" wget -t 2 -T 60 -O /tmp/nezha-docker-compose.yaml https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/docker-compose.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then err "Script failed to get, please check if the network can link ${GITHUB_RAW_URL}" return 0 fi fi wget -t 2 -T 60 -O /tmp/nezha-config.yaml https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/config.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then err "Script failed to get, please check if the network can link ${GITHUB_RAW_URL}" return 0 fi echo "About the GitHub Oauth2 application: create it at https://github.com/settings/developers, no review required, and fill in the http(s)://domain_or_IP/oauth2/callback" echo "(Not recommended) About the Gitee Oauth2 application: create it at https://gitee.com/oauth/applications, no auditing required, and fill in the http(s)://domain_or_IP/oauth2/callback" printf "Please enter the OAuth2 provider (github/gitlab/jihulab/gitee, default github): " read -r nz_oauth2_type printf "Please enter the Client ID of the Oauth2 application: " read -r nz_github_oauth_client_id printf "Please enter the Client Secret of the Oauth2 application: " read -r nz_github_oauth_client_secret printf "Please enter your GitHub/Gitee login name as the administrator, separated by commas: " read -r nz_admin_logins printf "Please enter the site title: " read -r nz_site_title printf "Please enter the site access port: (default 8008)" read -r nz_site_port printf "Please enter the RPC port to be used for Agent access: (default 5555)" read -r nz_grpc_port if [ -z "$nz_admin_logins" ] || [ -z "$nz_github_oauth_client_id" ] || [ -z "$nz_github_oauth_client_secret" ] || [ -z "$nz_site_title" ]; then err "All options cannot be empty" before_show_menu return 1 fi if [ -z "$nz_site_port" ]; then nz_site_port=8008 fi if [ -z "$nz_grpc_port" ]; then nz_grpc_port=5555 fi if [ -z "$nz_oauth2_type" ]; then nz_oauth2_type=github fi sed -i "s/nz_oauth2_type/${nz_oauth2_type}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_admin_logins/${nz_admin_logins}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_grpc_port/${nz_grpc_port}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_github_oauth_client_id/${nz_github_oauth_client_id}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_github_oauth_client_secret/${nz_github_oauth_client_secret}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_language/zh-CN/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml sed -i "s/nz_site_title/${nz_site_title}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then sed -i "s/nz_site_port/${nz_site_port}/" /tmp/nezha-docker-compose.yaml sed -i "s/nz_grpc_port/${nz_grpc_port}/g" /tmp/nezha-docker-compose.yaml sed -i "s/nz_image_url/${Docker_IMG}/" /tmp/nezha-docker-compose.yaml elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then sed -i "s/80/${nz_site_port}/" /tmp/nezha-config.yaml fi sudo mkdir -p $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/data sudo mv -f /tmp/nezha-config.yaml ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/data/config.yaml if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then sudo mv -f /tmp/nezha-docker-compose.yaml ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml fi if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then echo "Downloading service file" if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo wget -t 2 -T 60 -O $NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICE https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/nezha-dashboard.service >/dev/null 2>&1 else sudo wget -t 2 -T 60 -O $NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICERC https://${GITHUB_RAW_URL}/script/nezha-dashboard >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo chmod +x $NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICERC if [ $? != 0 ]; then err "File failed to get, please check if the network can link ${GITHUB_RAW_URL}" return 0 fi fi fi printf "Dashboard configuration ${green} modified successfully, please wait for Dashboard self-restart to take effect${plain}\n" restart_and_update if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } restart_and_update() { echo "> Restart and Update the Panel" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then restart_and_update_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then restart_and_update_standalone fi if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf "${green}Nezha Monitoring Restart Successful${plain}\n" printf "Default panel address: ${yellow}domain:Site_access_port${plain}\n" else err "The restart failed, probably because the boot time exceeded two seconds, please check the log information later" fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } restart_and_update_docker() { sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml pull sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml down sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml up -d } restart_and_update_standalone() { local version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://api.github.com/repos/naiba/nezha/releases/latest" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g') if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/naibahq/nezha/releases/latest" | awk -F '"' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i=="tag_name"){print $(i+2)}}}') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/naiba/nezha/" | grep "option\.value" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/naiba\/nezha@/v/g') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then version=$(curl -m 10 -sL "https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/naiba/nezha/" | grep "option\.value" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/naiba\/nezha@/v/g') fi if [ ! -n "$version" ]; then err "Fail to obtaine agent version, please check if the network can link https://api.github.com/repos/nezhahq/agent/releases/latest" return 1 else echo "The current latest version is: ${version}" fi if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl stop nezha-dashboard else sudo rc-service nezha-dashboard stop fi if [ -z "$CN" ]; then NZ_DASHBOARD_URL="https://${GITHUB_URL}/naiba/nezha/releases/download/$version/dashboard-linux-$os_arch.zip" else NZ_DASHBOARD_URL="https://${GITHUB_URL}/naibahq/nezha/releases/download/$version/dashboard-linux-$os_arch.zip" fi sudo wget -qO $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/app.zip $NZ_DASHBOARD_URL >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo unzip -qq $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/app.zip -d $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH && sudo mv $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/dist/dashboard-linux-$os_arch $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/app && sudo rm -r $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/app.zip $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH/dist if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo systemctl enable nezha-dashboard sudo systemctl restart nezha-dashboard else sudo rc-update add nezha-dashboard sudo rc-service nezha-dashboard restart fi } start_dashboard() { echo "> Start Panel" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then start_dashboard_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then start_dashboard_standalone fi if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf "${green}Nezha Monitoring Start Successful${plain}\n" else err "Failed to start, please check the log message later" fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } start_dashboard_docker() { sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml up -d } start_dashboard_standalone() { if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo systemctl start nezha-dashboard else sudo rc-service nezha-dashboard start fi } stop_dashboard() { echo "> Stop Panel" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then stop_dashboard_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then stop_dashboard_standalone fi if [ $? = 0 ]; then printf "${green}Nezha Monitoring Stop Successful${plain}\n" else err "Failed to stop, please check the log message later" fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } stop_dashboard_docker() { sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml down } stop_dashboard_standalone() { if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo systemctl stop nezha-dashboard else sudo rc-service nezha-dashboard stop fi } show_dashboard_log() { echo "> View Panel Log" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then show_dashboard_log_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then show_dashboard_log_standalone fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } show_dashboard_log_docker() { sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml logs -f } show_dashboard_log_standalone() { if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo journalctl -xf -u nezha-dashboard.service else sudo tail -n 10 /var/log/nezha-dashboard.err fi } uninstall_dashboard() { echo "> Uninstall Panel" if [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 1 ]; then uninstall_dashboard_docker elif [ "$IS_DOCKER_NEZHA" = 0 ]; then uninstall_dashboard_standalone fi clean_all if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } uninstall_dashboard_docker() { sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE_COMMAND -f ${NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH}/docker-compose.yaml down sudo rm -rf $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH sudo docker rmi -f ghcr.io/naiba/nezha-dashboard >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo docker rmi -f registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/naibahq/nezha-dashboard >/dev/null 2>&1 } uninstall_dashboard_standalone() { sudo rm -rf $NZ_DASHBOARD_PATH if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo systemctl disable nezha-dashboard sudo systemctl stop nezha-dashboard else sudo rc-update del nezha-dashboard sudo rc-service nezha-dashboard stop fi if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo rm $NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICE else sudo rm $NZ_DASHBOARD_SERVICERC fi } show_agent_log() { echo "> View Agent Log" if [ "$os_alpine" != 1 ]; then sudo journalctl -xf -u nezha-agent.service else sudo tail -n 10 /var/log/nezha-agent.err fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } uninstall_agent() { echo "> Uninstall Agent" sudo ${NZ_AGENT_PATH}/nezha-agent service uninstall sudo rm -rf $NZ_AGENT_PATH clean_all if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } restart_agent() { echo "> Restart Agent" sudo ${NZ_AGENT_PATH}/nezha-agent service restart if [ $# = 0 ]; then before_show_menu fi } clean_all() { if [ -z "$(ls -A ${NZ_BASE_PATH})" ]; then sudo rm -rf ${NZ_BASE_PATH} fi } show_usage() { echo "Nezha Monitor Management Script Usage: " echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "./nezha.sh - Show Menu" echo "./nezha.sh install_dashboard - Install Panel" echo "./nezha.sh modify_dashboard_config - Modify Panel Configuration" echo "./nezha.sh start_dashboard - Start Panel" echo "./nezha.sh stop_dashboard - Stop Panel" echo "./nezha.sh restart_and_update - Restart and Update the Panel" echo "./nezha.sh show_dashboard_log - View Panel Log" echo "./nezha.sh uninstall_dashboard - Uninstall Panel" echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "./nezha.sh install_agent - Install Agent" echo "./nezha.sh modify_agent_config - Modify Agent Configuration" echo "./nezha.sh show_agent_log - View Agent Log" echo "./nezha.sh uninstall_agent - Uninstall Agent" echo "./nezha.sh restart_agent - Restart Agent" echo "./nezha.sh update_script - Update Script" echo "--------------------------------------------------------" } show_menu() { printf " ${green}Nezha Monitor Management Script${plain} ${red}${NZ_VERSION}${plain} --- https://github.com/naiba/nezha --- ${green}1.${plain} Install Panel ${green}2.${plain} Modify Panel Configuration ${green}3.${plain} Start Panel ${green}4.${plain} Stop Panel ${green}5.${plain} Restart and Update the Panel ${green}6.${plain} View Panel Log ${green}7.${plain} Uninstall Panel ————————————————- ${green}8.${plain} Install Agent ${green}9.${plain} Modify Agent Configuration ${green}10.${plain} View Agent Log ${green}11.${plain} Uninstall Agent ${green}12.${plain} Restart Agent ————————————————- ${green}13.${plain} Update Script ————————————————- ${green}0.${plain} Exit Script " echo && printf "Please enter [0-13]: " && read -r num case "${num}" in 0) exit 0 ;; 1) install_dashboard ;; 2) modify_dashboard_config ;; 3) start_dashboard ;; 4) stop_dashboard ;; 5) restart_and_update ;; 6) show_dashboard_log ;; 7) uninstall_dashboard ;; 8) install_agent ;; 9) modify_agent_config ;; 10) show_agent_log ;; 11) uninstall_agent ;; 12) restart_agent ;; 13) update_script ;; *) err "Please enter the correct number [0-13]" ;; esac } pre_check installation_check if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then case $1 in "install_dashboard") install_dashboard 0 ;; "modify_dashboard_config") modify_dashboard_config 0 ;; "start_dashboard") start_dashboard 0 ;; "stop_dashboard") stop_dashboard 0 ;; "restart_and_update") restart_and_update 0 ;; "show_dashboard_log") show_dashboard_log 0 ;; "uninstall_dashboard") uninstall_dashboard 0 ;; "install_agent") shift if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then install_agent "$@" else install_agent 0 fi ;; "modify_agent_config") modify_agent_config 0 ;; "show_agent_log") show_agent_log 0 ;; "uninstall_agent") uninstall_agent 0 ;; "restart_agent") restart_agent 0 ;; "update_script") update_script 0 ;; *) show_usage ;; esac else select_version show_menu fi