[NezhaMonitoring] other = "Nezha Monitoring" [Server] other = "Servers" [Services] other = "Services" [Task] other = "Tasks" [Notification] other = "Notifications" [Settings] other = "Settings" [Home] other = "Home" [BackToHomepage] other = "Back to Homepage" [AdminPanel] other = "Admin Panel" [Logout] other = "Logout" [Login] other = "Login" [ConfirmLogout] other = "Do you want to Logout?" [AfterLoggingOutYouHaveToLoginAgain] other = "You need to Login again to continue" [Cancel] other = "Cancel" [Confirm] other = "Confirm" [AddScheduledTasks] other = "Add Schedule Task" [Name] other = "Name" [Scheduler] other = "Cron Expression" [BackUp] other = "Backup" [3amDaily] other = "(Daily at 3 AM)" [Command] other = "Command" [Coverage] other = "Coverage" [IgnoreAllAndExecuteOnlyThroughSpecificServers] other = "Ignore All, Execute Only on Specific Servers" [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotExecuted] other = "Cover All, Except Specific Servers" [ExecuteByTriggerServer] other = "Execute on Trigger Server" [SpecificServers] other = "Specific Servers" [EnterIdAndNameToSearch] other = "Enter ID/Name to search" [NotificationMethodGroup] other = "Notification Method Group" [PushSuccessMessages] other = "Send Success Messages" [TaskType] other = "Task Type" [CronTask] other = "Cron Task" [TriggerTask] other = "Trigger Task" [TheFormaOfTheScheduleIs] other = "The Cron Expression is like:" [SecondsMinutesHoursDaysMonthsWeeksSeeDetails] other = "Sec Min Hour Day Month Week, see details in " [ScheduleExpressionFormat] other = "CRON Expression Format" [IntroductionOfCommands] other = "Introduction of Commands: Writing commands is similar to shell/bat scripts. It's advised not to break lines, and multiple commands can be connected with && or &. If a command cannot be found, it might be due to PATH environment variable configuration issues. On Linux servers, you can add source ~/.bashrc at the beginning of the command, or use the command's absolute path." [AddMonitor] other = "Add Service Monitor" [Blog] other = "Blog" [Target] other = "Target" [Type] other = "Type" [SslExpirationOrChange] other = "(SSL Expiration or Change)" [Duration] other = "Interval" [Seconds] other = "Seconds" [EnableFailureNotification] other = "Enable Failure Notification" [FailureNotification] other = "Failure Notification" [MaxLatency] other = "Max Latency (ms)" [MinLatency] other = "Min Latency (ms)" [EnableLatencyNotification] other = "Enable Latency Notification" [LatencyNotification] other = "Latency Notification" [IntroductionOfMonitor] other = """ For type HTTP-GET, enter URL (with http/https, HTTPS protocol will also monitor SSL certificate);
For type ICMP-Ping, enter domain/IP without port: example.com;
For type TCP-Ping, enter domain/IP + port number: example.com:22""" [AddNotificationMethod] other = "Add Notification Method" [Tag] other = "Notification Group" [DoNotSendTestMessages] other = "Do Not Send Test Message" [RequestMethod] other = "Request Method" [RequestType] other = "Request Type" [VerifySSL] other = "Verify SSL" [AddNotificationRule] other = "Add Notification Rule" [Rules] other = "Rules" [NotificationTriggerMode] other = "Notification Trigger Mode" [ModeAlwaysTrigger] other = "Always Trigger" [ModeOnetimeTrigger] other = "Always Trigger" [EnableTriggerTask] other = "Enable Trigger Task" [FailTriggerTasks] other = "Tasks triggered during an alarm" [RecoverTriggerTasks] other = "Tasks triggered during recovery" [Enable] other = "Enable" [AddServer] other = "Add Server" [BatchEditServerGroup] other = "Batch Edit Server Group" [BatchDeleteServer] other = "Batch Delete Server" [InputServerGroupName] other = "Input Server Group Name" [ServerGroup] other = "Server Group" [EinsteinLightspeed1] other = "Einstein Lightspeed 1" [DisplayIndex] other = "Display Index" [TheLargerTheNumberTheHigherThePriority] other = "Higher Number, Higher Priority" [Secret] other = "Secret" [Note] other = "Note" [LinuxOneKeyInstall] other = "Linux One-Command Install" [NoDomainAlert] other = "Set CDN bypassed Domain/IP in setting before using this function" [PushSuccessfully] other = "Send Success Notification" [LastExecution] other = "Last Execution" [LastResult] other = "Last Result" [Administration] other = "Manage" [CoverAll] other = "Cover All" [IgnoreAll] other = "Ignore All" [ByTrigger] other = "Execute by Trigger" [DeleteScheduledTask] other = "Delete Scheduled Task" [ConfirmToDeleteThisScheduledTask] other = "Are you sure you want to Delete?" [AccessDenied] other = "Access Denied" [Use] other = "Use" [AccountToLogin] other = "Account Login" [SignUp] other = "Sign up" [DontHaveAnAccount] other = "Don't Have an Account?" [SSLCertificate] other = "HTTP(S)/SSL Certificate" [TCPPort] other = "TCP Port" [DeleteService] other = "Remove Service Monitor" [ConfirmToDeleteThisService] other = "Confirm to Delete This Service?" [DeleteNotificationMethod] other = "Delete Notification Method" [ConfirmToDeleteThisNotificationMethod] other = "Confirm to Delete This Notification Method?" [ForceUpdate] other = "Force to Update" [SelectAll] other = "Select All" [VersionNumber] other = "Version" [OneKeyInstall] other = "One-Command Install" [ClickToCopy] other = "Click To Copy" [DeleteServer] other = "Delete Server" [ConfirmToDeleteServer] other = "Confirm to Delete Server?" [NoServerSelected] other = "No Server Selected" [ExecutionResults] other = "Execute Results" [SiteTitle] other = "Site Title" [AdministratorList] other = "Administrator List" [Theme] other = "Frontend Theme" [CustomCodes] other = "Custom Codes (Style and Script)" [AccessPassword] other = "Frontend Access Password" [PanelServerDomainAndIP] other = "Dashboard Server Domain/IP without CDN" [IPChangeAlert] other = "IP Change Notification" [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotAlerted] other = "Cover All, Only ignore Specific Servers" [IgnoreAllOnlyAlertSpecificServers] other = "Ignore All, Cover only Specific Servers" [IgnoreAllRequestOnlyThroughSpecificServers] other = "Ignore All, Request Only Through Specific Servers" [AllIncludedOnlySpecificServersAreNotRequest] other = "Cover All, Only Specific Servers do not request." [ServerIDSeparatedByCommas] other = "Server IDs Separated by Commas" [IPChangeNotificationTag] other = "Send Notification To Specific Notification Group" [NotificationMessagesDoNotHideIP] other = "Show Full IP Address in Notification Messages" [Save] other = "Save" [ModifiedSuccessfully] other = "Modified successfully" [TerminalConnectionTimeOutOrSessionEnded] other = "Terminal Connection Timeout or Session Ended" [TerminalConnectionFailed] other = "The terminal connection failed. Please check the WebSocket reverse proxy configuration for /terminal/*." [Default] other = "Default" [Offline] other = "Offline" [Platform] other = "System" [DiskUsed] other = "Disk" [MemUsed] other = "RAM" [CpuUsed] other = "CPU" [Virtualization] other = "Virtualization" [SwapUsed] other = "Swap" [NetTransfer] other = "Usage" [Load] other = "Load" [ProcessCount] other = "Process Count" [ConnCount] other = "Connection Count" [BootTime] other = "Boot Time" [LastActive] other = "Last Active" [Version] other = "Version" [NetSpeed] other = "NIC" [Uptime] other = "Uptime" [ServerIsOffline] other = "Server is Offline" [Day] other = "Days" [RealtimeChannelEstablished] other = "Realtime Channel Established" [GetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] other = "You Can Get the Latest Monitoring Data in Real Time!" [RealtimeChannelDisconnect] other = "Realtime Channel Disconnect" [CanNotGetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime] other = "Cannot Get the Latest Monitoring Data in Real Time!" [30DaysOnline] other = "30-Day Availability" [Details] other = "Details" [Status] other = "Status" [Availability] other = "Availability" [AverageLatency] other = "Average Latency" [CycleTransferStats] other = "Periodic Transfer Stats" [From] other = "From" [To] other = "To" [NextCheck] other = "Next check" [CurrentUsage] other = "Current Usage" [VerifyPassword] other = "Please enter your password" [LightMode] other = "Light Mode" [DarkMode] other = "Dark Mode" [FollowSystem] other = "System Auto" [GridLayout] other = "Grid Layout" [ListLayout] other = "List Layout" [EnterPassword] other = "Enter Password" [Location] other = "Location" [Running] other = "Running" [UpNetTransfer] other = "Outbound" [DownNetTransfer] other = "Inbound" [TotalUpNetTransfer] other = "Total Outbound" [TotalDownNetTransfer] other = "Total Inbound" [WrongPassword] other = "Incorrect Password" [AnErrorEccurred] other = "An Error Occurred" [SystemError] other = "System Error" [NetworkError] other = "Network Error" [ServicesStatus] other = "Services Status" [ServersManagement] other = "Servers" [ServicesManagement] other = "Services" [ScheduledTasks] other = "Scheduled Tasks" [ApiManagement] other = "API Management" [IssueNewApiToken] other = "Issue New API Token" [Token] other = "Token" [DeleteToken] other = "Delete Token" [ConfirmToDeleteThisToken] other = "Confirm to Delete This Token?" [YouAreNotAuthorized] other = "Not Authorized for This Page" [WrongAccessPassword] other = "Wrong Access Password" [Add] other = "Add" [Edit] other = "Edit" [AlarmRule] other = "Alarm Rule" [NotificationMethod] other = "Notification Method" [Incident] other = "Incident" [Resolved] other = "Resolved" [StatusDown] other = "Down" [StatusNoData] other = "No Data" [StatusGood] other = "Good" [StatusLowAvailability] other = "Low Availability" [ScheduledTaskExecutedSuccessfully] other = "Scheduled Task Executed Successfully" [ScheduledTaskExecutedFailed] other = "Scheduled Task Execution Failed" [IPChanged] other = "IP Changed" [Transleft] other = "Remaining Data" [DashboardTheme] other = "Admin Panel Theme" [Info] other = "Info" [HideForGuest] other = "Hide for Guest" [Menu] other = "Menu" [NetworkSpiter] other = "Network" [EnableShowInService] other = "Enable Show in Service" [EnableDDNS] other = "Enable DDNS" [EnableIPv4] other = "Enable DDNS IPv4" [EnableIpv6] other = "Enable DDNS IPv6" [DDNSDomain] other = "DDNS Domain" [DDNSProfile] other = "DDNS Profile Name" [Feature] other = "Feature" [Template] other = "Template" [Stat] other = "Asset" [Temperature] other = "Temperature" [DisableSwitchTemplateInFrontend] other = "Disable Switch Template in Frontend" [ServersOnWorldMap] other = "Servers On World Map" [NAT] other = "NAT" [NetworkSpiterList] other = "Network Monitor"