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synced 2025-03-06 21:08:13 -05:00

* ✨ feat: add server-status theme
* add `ServerStatus` theme to README
Co-authored-by: naiba <hi@nai.ba>
623 lines
9.4 KiB
623 lines
9.4 KiB
other = "哪吒监控"
other = "主机"
other = "服务"
other = "任务"
other = "报警"
other = "设置"
other = "首页"
other = "返回前台"
other = "管理后台"
other = "注销登录"
other = "登录"
other = "确认注销?"
other = "注销后您必须重新登录才能使用"
other = "取消"
other = "确认"
other = "添加计划任务"
other = "名称"
other = "计划"
other = "备份"
other = "(每天3点)"
other = "命令"
other = "覆盖范围"
other = "忽略所有,仅通过特定服务器执行"
other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不执行"
other = "由触发的服务器执行"
other = "特定服务器"
other = "输入ID/名称以搜索"
other = "通知方式组"
other = "推送成功的消息"
other = "任务类型"
other = "计划任务"
other = "触发任务"
other = "计划的格式为:"
other = "秒 分 时 天 月 星期,详情见"
other = "计划表达式格式"
other = "命令:就像写 shell/bat 脚本一样,但是不推荐换行,多个命令使用 <code>&&</code>/<code>&</code> 连接,如果遇到 xxx 命令找不到,可能是<code>PATH</code> 环境变量的问题,<code>Linux</code> 主机在命令开头加入<code>source ~/.bashrc</code>或者使用绝对路径执行。"
other = "添加监控"
other = "博客"
other = "目标"
other = "类型"
other = "(SSL到期、变更)"
other = "请求间隔"
other = "秒"
other = "启用故障通知"
other = "故障通知"
other = "最大延迟(ms)"
other = "最小延迟(ms)"
other = "启用延迟通知"
other = "延迟通知"
other = """
类型为 <b>HTTP-GET</b> 时输入URL(带 http/https, HTTPS协议的会顺带监控SSL证书);<br>
类型为 <b>ICMP-Ping</b> 时输入主机名/IP,不带端口;<br>
类型为 <b>TCP-Ping</b> 时输入主机名/IP + 端口号:example.com:22"""
other = "添加通知方式"
other = "分组"
other = "不发送测试信息"
other = "请求方式"
other = "请求类型"
other = "验证SSL"
other = "添加报警规则"
other = "规则"
other = "通知触发模式"
other = "始终触发"
other = "单次触发"
other = "启用触发任务"
other = "故障时触发任务"
other = "恢复时触发任务"
other = "启用"
other = "添加服务器"
other = "批量修改分组"
other = "批量删除服务器"
other = "输入分组名称"
other = "服务器分组"
other = "爱因斯坦-光速1号"
other = "排序"
other = "越大越靠前"
other = "密钥"
other = "备注"
other = "Linux 一键安装"
other = "请先在设置页面配置 未接入CDN的面板服务器域名/IP"
other = "成功推送"
other = "最后执行"
other = "最后结果"
other = "管理"
other = "覆盖所有"
other = "忽略所有"
other = "触发执行"
other = "删除计划任务"
other = "确认删除此计划任务?"
other = "访问受限"
other = "使用"
other = "账号登录"
other = "注册"
other = "没有账号?"
other = "HTTP(S)/SSL证书"
other = "TCP 端口"
other = "删除服务"
other = "确认删除此服务?"
other = "删除通知方式"
other = "确认删除此通知方式?"
other = "强制更新"
other = "全选"
other = "版本号"
other = "一键安装"
other = "点击复制"
other = "删除主机"
other = "确认删除主机?"
other = "当前没有选中的服务器"
other = "执行结果"
other = "站点标题"
other = "管理员列表"
other = "主题"
other = "自定义代码(style、script 都可以)"
other = "前台查看密码"
other = "未接入CDN的面板服务器域名/IP"
other = "IP 变更提醒"
other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不提醒"
other = "忽略所有,仅提醒特定服务器"
other = "忽略所有,仅通过特定服务器请求"
other = "覆盖所有,仅特定服务器不请求"
other = "服务器ID 以逗号隔开"
other = "提醒发送至指定的通知分组"
other = "通知信息IP不打码"
other = "保存"
other = "修改成功"
other = "Terminal 连接超时或会话已结束"
other = "Terminal 连接失败,请检查 /terminal/* 的 WebSocket 反代情况"
other = "默认"
other = "已离线"
other = "系统"
other = "硬盘"
other = "内存"
other = "核心"
other = "虚拟化"
other = "交换"
other = "流量"
other = "负载"
other = "进程数"
other = "连接数"
other = "启动"
other = "活动"
other = "版本"
other = "网络"
other = "在线"
other = "节点已离线"
other = "天"
other = "实时通道建立"
other = "可以实时获取最新监控数据啦"
other = "实时通道断开"
other = "无法实时获取最新监控数据咯"
other = "30天在线率"
other = "详情"
other = "状态"
other = "在线率"
other = "平均延迟"
other = "循环流量统计"
other = "自"
other = "至"
other = "下次检查"
other = "当前用量"
other = "验证查看密码"
other = "白昼模式"
other = "暗黑模式"
other = "跟随系统"
other = "网格视图"
other = "列表视图"
other = "输入密码"
other = "地区"
other = "运行中"
other = "上行"
other = "下行"
other = "总上行"
other = "总下行"
other = "密码错误"
other = "出现错误"
other = "系统错误"
other = "网络错误"
other = "服务状态"
other = "服务器管理"
other = "服务监控"
other = "计划任务"
other = "API"
other = "添加Token"
other = "Token"
other = "删除Token"
other = "确认删除Token"
other = "此页面需要登录"
other = "查看密码错误"
other = "添加"
other = "修改"
other = "报警规则"
other = "通知方式"
other = "故障"
other = "恢复"
other = "故障"
other = "无数据"
other = "良好"
other = "低可用"
other = "任务成功"
other = "任务失败"
other = "IP变更"
other = "流量剩余"
other = "管理后台主题"
other = "信息"
other = "对游客隐藏"
other = "功能"
other = "本站总访问量"
other = "次"
other = "本站总访客数"
other = "人次" |