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synced 2025-01-23 05:08:13 -05:00
324 lines
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324 lines
12 KiB
package dao
import (
pb "github.com/naiba/nezha/proto"
const _CurrentStatusSize = 30 // 统计 5 分钟内的数据为当前状态
var ServiceSentinelShared *ServiceSentinel
func NewServiceSentinel() {
ServiceSentinelShared = &ServiceSentinel{
serviceResponseChannel: make(chan ReportData, 200),
serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex: make(map[uint64]int),
serviceCurrentStatusIndex: make(map[uint64]int),
serviceCurrentStatusData: make(map[uint64][]model.MonitorHistory),
serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave: make(map[uint64]time.Time),
latestDate: make(map[uint64]string),
lastStatus: make(map[uint64]string),
serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp: make(map[uint64]uint64),
serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown: make(map[uint64]uint64),
monitors: make(map[uint64]model.Monitor),
serviceResponseDataStoreToday: make(map[uint64][]model.MonitorHistory),
sslCertCache: make(map[uint64]string),
year, month, day := time.Now().Date()
today := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
var mhs []model.MonitorHistory
DB.Where("created_at >= ?", today).Find(&mhs)
// 加载当日记录
for i := 0; i < len(mhs); i++ {
ServiceSentinelShared.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mhs[i].MonitorID] =
append(ServiceSentinelShared.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mhs[i].MonitorID], mhs[i])
// 更新入库时间及当日数据入库游标
for k := range ServiceSentinelShared.monitors {
ServiceSentinelShared.latestDate[k] = time.Now().Format("02-Jan-06")
ServiceSentinelShared.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex[k] = len(ServiceSentinelShared.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[k])
go ServiceSentinelShared.worker()
type ReportData struct {
Data *pb.TaskResult
Reporter uint64
使用缓存 channel,处理上报的 Service 请求结果,然后判断是否需要报警
type ServiceSentinel struct {
serviceResponseDataStoreLock sync.RWMutex
monitorsLock sync.RWMutex
serviceResponseChannel chan ReportData
serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex map[uint64]int
serviceCurrentStatusIndex map[uint64]int
serviceCurrentStatusData map[uint64][]model.MonitorHistory
serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave map[uint64]time.Time
latestDate map[uint64]string
lastStatus map[uint64]string
serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp map[uint64]uint64
serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown map[uint64]uint64
monitors map[uint64]model.Monitor
serviceResponseDataStoreToday map[uint64][]model.MonitorHistory
sslCertCache map[uint64]string
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) Dispatch(r ReportData) {
ss.serviceResponseChannel <- r
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) Monitors() []model.Monitor {
defer ss.monitorsLock.RUnlock()
var monitors []model.Monitor
for _, v := range ss.monitors {
monitors = append(monitors, v)
return monitors
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) OnMonitorUpdate() {
var monitors []model.Monitor
defer ss.monitorsLock.Unlock()
ss.monitors = make(map[uint64]model.Monitor)
for i := 0; i < len(monitors); i++ {
ss.monitors[monitors[i].ID] = monitors[i]
if len(ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[monitors[i].ID]) == 0 {
ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[monitors[i].ID] = make([]model.MonitorHistory, _CurrentStatusSize)
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) OnMonitorDelete(id uint64) {
defer ss.serviceResponseDataStoreLock.Unlock()
delete(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex, id)
delete(ss.serviceCurrentStatusIndex, id)
delete(ss.serviceCurrentStatusData, id)
delete(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave, id)
delete(ss.latestDate, id)
delete(ss.lastStatus, id)
delete(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp, id)
delete(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown, id)
delete(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday, id)
delete(ss.sslCertCache, id)
defer ss.monitorsLock.Unlock()
delete(ss.monitors, id)
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) LoadStats() map[uint64]*model.ServiceItemResponse {
var cached bool
var msm map[uint64]*model.ServiceItemResponse
data, has := Cache.Get(model.CacheKeyServicePage)
if has {
msm = data.(map[uint64]*model.ServiceItemResponse)
cached = true
if !cached {
msm = make(map[uint64]*model.ServiceItemResponse)
var ms []model.Monitor
year, month, day := time.Now().Date()
today := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
var mhs []model.MonitorHistory
DB.Where("created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", today.AddDate(0, 0, -29), today).Find(&mhs)
for i := 0; i < len(ms); i++ {
msm[ms[i].ID] = &model.ServiceItemResponse{
Monitor: ms[i],
Delay: &[30]float32{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
Up: &[30]int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
Down: &[30]int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
// 整合数据
for i := 0; i < len(mhs); i++ {
dayIndex := 28 - (int(today.Sub(mhs[i].CreatedAt).Hours()) / 24)
if mhs[i].Successful {
msm[mhs[i].MonitorID].Delay[dayIndex] = (msm[mhs[i].MonitorID].Delay[dayIndex]*float32(msm[mhs[i].MonitorID].Up[dayIndex]) + mhs[i].Delay) / float32(msm[mhs[i].MonitorID].Up[dayIndex]+1)
} else {
// 缓存一天
Cache.Set(model.CacheKeyServicePage, msm, time.Until(time.Date(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, today.Location())))
// 最新一天的数据
defer ss.serviceResponseDataStoreLock.RUnlock()
for k := range ss.monitors {
if msm[k] == nil {
msm[k] = &model.ServiceItemResponse{
Up: new([30]int),
Down: new([30]int),
Delay: new([30]float32),
msm[k].Monitor = ss.monitors[k]
v := ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[k]
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
if v[i].Successful {
} else {
msm[k].Delay[29] = (msm[k].Delay[29]*float32(msm[k].Up[29]) + v[i].Delay) / float32(msm[k].Up[29]+1)
// 最后 5 分钟的状态 与 monitor 对象填充
for k, v := range ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown {
msm[k].CurrentDown = v
for k, v := range ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp {
msm[k].CurrentUp = v
return msm
func getStateStr(percent uint64) string {
if percent == 0 {
return "无数据"
if percent > 95 {
return "良好"
if percent > 80 {
return "低可用"
return "故障"
func (ss *ServiceSentinel) worker() {
for r := range ss.serviceResponseChannel {
if ss.monitors[r.Data.GetId()].ID == 0 {
mh := model.PB2MonitorHistory(r.Data)
// 先查看是否到下一天
nowDate := time.Now().Format("02-Jan-06")
if nowDate != ss.latestDate[mh.MonitorID] {
ss.latestDate[mh.MonitorID] = nowDate
dataToSave := ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID][ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex[mh.MonitorID]:]
if err := DB.Create(&dataToSave).Error; err != nil {
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex[mh.MonitorID] = 0
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID] = []model.MonitorHistory{}
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown[mh.MonitorID] = 0
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp[mh.MonitorID] = 0
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave[mh.MonitorID] = time.Now()
// 储存至当日数据
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID] = append(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID], mh)
// 每20分钟入库一次
if time.Now().After(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave[mh.MonitorID].Add(time.Minute * 20)) {
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodayLastSave[mh.MonitorID] = time.Now()
dataToSave := ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID][ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex[mh.MonitorID]:]
if err := DB.Create(&dataToSave).Error; err != nil {
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreTodaySavedIndex[mh.MonitorID] = len(ss.serviceResponseDataStoreToday[mh.MonitorID])
// 写入当前数据
ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[mh.MonitorID][ss.serviceCurrentStatusIndex[mh.MonitorID]] = mh
if ss.serviceCurrentStatusIndex[mh.MonitorID] == _CurrentStatusSize {
ss.serviceCurrentStatusIndex[mh.MonitorID] = 0
// 更新当前状态
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp[mh.MonitorID] = 0
ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown[mh.MonitorID] = 0
for i := 0; i < len(ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[mh.MonitorID]); i++ {
if ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[mh.MonitorID][i].MonitorID > 0 {
if ss.serviceCurrentStatusData[mh.MonitorID][i].Successful {
} else {
var upPercent uint64 = 0
if ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown[mh.MonitorID]+ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp[mh.MonitorID] > 0 {
upPercent = ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp[mh.MonitorID] * 100 / (ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentDown[mh.MonitorID] + ss.serviceResponseDataStoreCurrentUp[mh.MonitorID])
stateStr := getStateStr(upPercent)
if Conf.Debug {
log.Println(ss.monitors[mh.MonitorID].Target, stateStr, "Reporter:", r.Reporter, "Successful:", mh.Successful, "Data:", mh.Data)
if stateStr == "故障" || stateStr != ss.lastStatus[mh.MonitorID] {
isSendNotification := (ss.lastStatus[mh.MonitorID] != "" || stateStr == "故障") && ss.monitors[mh.MonitorID].Notify
ss.lastStatus[mh.MonitorID] = stateStr
if isSendNotification {
go SendNotification(fmt.Sprintf("服务监控:%s 服务状态:%s", ss.monitors[mh.MonitorID].Name, stateStr), true)
// SSL 证书报警
var errMsg string
if strings.HasPrefix(mh.Data, "SSL证书错误:") {
// 排除 i/o timeont、connection timeout、EOF 错误
if !strings.HasSuffix(mh.Data, "timeout") &&
!strings.HasSuffix(mh.Data, "EOF") &&
!strings.HasSuffix(mh.Data, "timed out") {
errMsg = mh.Data
} else {
var newCert = strings.Split(mh.Data, "|")
if len(newCert) > 1 {
if ss.sslCertCache[mh.MonitorID] == "" {
ss.sslCertCache[mh.MonitorID] = mh.Data
expiresNew, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST", newCert[1])
// 证书过期提醒
if expiresNew.Before(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 7)) {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf(
expiresNew.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// 证书变更提醒
var oldCert = strings.Split(ss.sslCertCache[mh.MonitorID], "|")
var expiresOld time.Time
if len(oldCert) > 1 {
expiresOld, _ = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST", oldCert[1])
if oldCert[0] != newCert[0] && !expiresNew.Equal(expiresOld) {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf(
"SSL证书变更,旧:%s, %s 过期;新:%s, %s 过期。",
oldCert[0], expiresOld.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), newCert[0], expiresNew.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
if errMsg != "" {
if ss.monitors[mh.MonitorID].Notify {
go SendNotification(fmt.Sprintf("服务监控:%s %s", ss.monitors[mh.MonitorID].Name, errMsg), true)