nap0o e9428d5757
improve & fix : 主题优化及bug修复 (#409)
* 主题优化及bug修复


1. network页面折线图取数逻辑优化,丢包率一直是100%时,不显示丢包markline线
2. 隐藏所有table横向滚动条
3. 关闭折线图hover效果,大幅提升echarts图表渲染速度
4. 移动端页底显示位置优化

* 刷新cdn缓存

* 修复default深色模式在ios设备不生效bug

* 1. 恢复主baox 1680px宽度,用其他方式修复上一版存在bug(移动端左右留空不一致等)
2. 首页echarts自动适配深色浅色模式

* fix
2024-08-17 11:14:28 +08:00

633 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

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{{define "theme-default/home"}}
{{template "theme-default/header" .}}
{{if ts .CustomCode}} {{.CustomCode|safe}} {{end}}
{{template "theme-default/menu" .}}
<div class="nb-container">
<div class="ui container">
<template v-if="groups">
<div class="ui styled fluid accordion" v-for="group in groups">
<div class="active title">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
@#(group.Tag!==''?group.Tag:'{{tr "Default"}}')#@
<div class="active content">
<div class="ui four stackable status cards">
<div v-for="server in" :id="server.ID" class="ui card">
<div class="content" v-if="server.Host" style="margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px">
<div class="header">
<i style="width: 22px;border-radius: 4px;" :class="'fi fi-' + server.Host.CountryCode"></i>
<i v-if='isWindowsPlatform(server.Host.Platform)' class="windows icon"></i>
<i v-else-if='getFontLogoClass(server.Host.Platform) == "" && server.State.Uptime > 0' class="fl-tux"></i>
<i v-else :class="'fl-' + getFontLogoClass(server.Host.Platform)"></i>
@#server.Name + ('':'[{{tr "Offline"}}]')#@
<i @click="togglePopup($event, server.ID)" aria-expanded="false" class="nezha-secondary-font info circle icon"></i>
<div class="ui content popup" :class="{ 'visible': isActive(server.ID) }" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
<i class="closePopup window close icon" @click="closePopup(server.ID)"></i>
{{tr "Platform"}}: @#server.Host.Platform#@-@#server.Host.PlatformVersion#@
[<span v-if="server.Host.Virtualization">@#server.Host.Virtualization#@:</span>@#server.Host.Arch#@]
<br />
CPU: @#server.Host.CPU#@
<br />
<template v-if="server.Host.GPU">
GPU: @#server.Host.GPU#@
<br />
{{tr "DiskUsed"}}:
<br />
{{tr "MemUsed"}}:
<br />
{{tr "SwapUsed"}}:
<template v-if="server.Host.SwapTotal === 0">OFF</template>
<template v-else>@#formatByteSize(server.State.SwapUsed)#@/@#formatByteSize(server.Host.SwapTotal)#@</template>
<br />
{{tr "NetTransfer"}}:
<i class="arrow alternate circle down outline icon"></i>@#formatByteSize(server.State.NetInTransfer)#@
<i class="arrow alternate circle up outline icon"></i>@#formatByteSize(server.State.NetOutTransfer)#@
<br />
{{tr "Load"}}: @#toFixed2(server.State.Load1)#@/@#toFixed2(server.State.Load5)#@/@#
<br />
{{tr "ProcessCount"}}: @#server.State.ProcessCount#@
<br />
{{tr "ConnCount"}}: TCP @#server.State.TcpConnCount#@ / UDP @#server.State.UdpConnCount#@
<br />
{{tr "BootTime"}}: @#formatTimestamp(server.Host.BootTime)#@
<br />
{{tr "LastActive"}}: @#new Date(server.LastActive).toLocaleString()#@
<br />
<div v-if="server.State.Temperatures && getTemperature(server.State.Temperatures, sensorList) > 0" class="temp-detail" @click="toggleDetailedTemp(server.ID)" :id="`temp-${server.ID}`" temp-detail-show="0">
{{tr "Temperature"}}:
<span :id="`temp-main-${server.ID}`">
@#getTemperature(server.State.Temperatures, sensorList)#@°C
<i class="bi bi-chevron-double-down"></i>
<span :id="`temp-detail-${server.ID}`" style="display:none">
<span v-for="temp in server.State.Temperatures" :key="temp.Name" v-if="temp.Temperature !== 0">
[ @#temp.Name#@: @#temp.Temperature#@°C ]
<i class="bi bi-chevron-double-up"></i>
{{tr "Version"}}: @#server.Host.Version#@
<div class="chartbox" :key="server.ID" :ref="`chart${server.ID}`" style="width: 100%; height: auto; margin-bottom: 2px;"></div>
<div class="ui divider" style="margin-bottom: 5px"></div>
<div class="description">
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="three wide column">CPU</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<div :class="formatPercent(,server.State.CPU, 100).class">
<div class="bar" :style="formatPercent(,server.State.CPU, 100).style">
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "MemUsed"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<div :class="formatPercent(,server.State.MemUsed, server.Host.MemTotal).class">
<div class="bar" :style="formatPercent(,server.State.MemUsed, server.Host.MemTotal).style">
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "SwapUsed"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<div :class="formatPercent(,server.State.SwapUsed, server.Host.SwapTotal).class">
<div class="bar" :style="formatPercent(,server.State.SwapUsed, server.Host.SwapTotal).style">
<small v-if="server.Host.SwapTotal === 0">OFF</small>
<small v-else>@#parseInt(server.State.SwapUsed/server.Host.SwapTotal*100)#@%</small>
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "DiskUsed"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<div :class="formatPercent(,server.State.DiskUsed, server.Host.DiskTotal).class">
<div class="bar" :style="formatPercent(,server.State.DiskUsed, server.Host.DiskTotal).style">
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "NetSpeed"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<i class="arrow alternate circle down outline icon"></i>
<i class="arrow alternate circle up outline icon"></i>
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "NetTransfer"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<i class="arrow circle down icon"></i>
<i class="arrow circle up icon"></i>
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "Stat"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<i class="bi bi-cpu-fill" style="font-size: 1.1rem; color: #4a86e8;"></i>
<i class="bi bi-memory" style="font-size: 1.1rem; color: #00ac0d;"></i>
<i class="bi bi-hdd" style="font-size: 1.1rem; color: #e41e10"></i>
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "Load"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<i class="bi bi-activity" style="font-size: 1.1rem; color: #e41e10;"></i>
@#toFixed2(server.State.Load1)#@ |
@#toFixed2(server.State.Load5)#@ |
<div class="three wide column">{{tr "Uptime"}}</div>
<div class="thirteen wide column">
<i class="clock icon"></i>@#secondToDate(server.State.Uptime)#@
<div class="content" v-else>
<p>{{tr "ServerIsOffline"}}</p>
{{template "theme-default/footer" .}}
var statusCards = new Vue({
el: '#app',
delimiters: ['@#', '#@'],
data: {
page: 'index',
defaultTemplate: {{.Conf.Site.Theme }},
templates: {{.Themes }},
servers: [],
groups: [],
cache: [],
chartDataList: [],
activePopup: null,
sensorList: [
'TC0D', //CPU Die 温度,代表 CPU 内部的温度
'TC0H', //CPU Heatsink 温度,代表 CPU 散热器的温度
'TC0P', //CPU Proximity 温度,代表 CPU 附近的温度
'k10temp', //AMD K10Phenom、Athlon、Sempron 等)系列处理器的温度监测
'k10temp_tctl', //AMD K10 (Athlon II、Phenom II 等)系列处理器的温度监测
'coretemp_package_id_0', //整个封装处理器温度
'cpu_thermal_zone', //全志
'cpu-thermal', //树莓派(博通)
'soc_thermal', //新瑞芯微
'cpu_thermal', //老瑞芯微
'ACPI\\ThermalZone\\TZ0__0', //Windows
'ACPI\\ThermalZone\\CPUZ_0', //Windows
'ACPI\\ThermalZone\\TZ00_0', //Windows
'ACPI\\ThermalZone\\TZ001_0', //Windows
'ACPI\\ThermalZone\\THM0_0' //Windows
mixins: [mixinsVue],
created() {
this.servers = JSON.parse('{{.Servers}}').servers;
methods: {
togglePopup(event, id) {
// 切换弹出层的激活状态
this.activePopup = this.activePopup === id ? null : id;
isActive(id) {
// 检查弹出层是否处于激活状态
return this.activePopup === id;
closePopup(id) {
this.activePopup = null;
showCharts(id) {
// 发起数据请求
const url = `/api/v1/monitor/${id}`;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
if (data.result) { // 数据请求成功,更新数据并渲染图表
this.chartDataList[id - 1] = data.result;
this.$nextTick(() => {
} else {
console.log('this agent (id:' + id + ') has no monitor.');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
renderCharts(id) {
if (!this.chartDataList[id - 1]) return;
const MaxTCPPingValue = {{.Conf.MaxTCPPingValue }} ? {{.Conf.MaxTCPPingValue }} : 300;
const isMobile = this.checkIsMobile();
const fontSize = isMobile ? 10 : 9;
const itemGap = isMobile ? 6 : 6;
const itemWidth = isMobile ? 10 : 10;
const itemHeight = isMobile ? 10 : 10;
const gridLeft = 25;
const gridRight = 12;
const backgroundColor = '';
const borderColor = "#ffffff";
const chartData = this.chartDataList[id - 1];
const chartContainer = this.$refs[`chart${id}`][0];
const chartTheme = $('html').attr('nz-theme') == "dark" ? "dark" : "";
const chart = echarts.init(chartContainer, chartTheme, {
renderer: 'canvas',
useDirtyRect: false,
width: 'auto',
height: 120,
const xAxisData = chartData[0] => new Date(time).toLocaleString());
const seriesData = => {
let loss = 0;
const data =, index) => {
if (avgDelay > 0 && avgDelay < MaxTCPPingValue) {
loss += avgDelay > 0.9 * MaxTCPPingValue ? 1 : 0;
return [item.created_at[index], avgDelay];
} else {
loss += 1;
const lossRate = ((loss / item.created_at.length) * 100).toFixed(1);
item.monitor_name = item.monitor_name.includes("%") ? item.monitor_name : `${item.monitor_name} ${lossRate}%`;
return {
name: item.monitor_name,
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'none',
data: data,
connectNulls: true
const option = {
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
title: {
show: false
tooltip: {
show: true,
trigger: 'axis',
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
legend: {
icon: 'rect',
data: => item.monitor_name),
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
lineStyle: {
cap: 'butt'
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
itemGap: itemGap,
itemWidth: itemWidth,
itemHeight: itemHeight,
padding: [5, 0, 5, 0]
xAxis: {
type: 'time',
data: xAxisData,
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize
dataZoom: [
show: false,
type: 'slider',
start: 0,
end: 100
series: seriesData,
textStyle: {
fontSize: fontSize,
grid: {
top: '30',
bottom: '20',
left: gridLeft,
right: gridRight
checkIsMobile() { // 检测设备类型,页面宽度小于768px认为是移动设备
return window.innerWidth <= 768;
toFixed2(f) {
return f.toFixed(2)
isWindowsPlatform(str) {
return str.includes('Windows')
getFontLogoClass(str) {
if (["almalinux",
> -1) {
return str;
if (str == 'darwin') {
return 'apple';
if (['openwrt', 'linux'].indexOf(str) > -1) {
return 'tux';
if (str == 'amazon') {
return 'redhat';
if (str == 'arch') {
return 'archlinux';
if (str.toLowerCase().includes('opensuse')) {
return 'opensuse';
return '';
group() {
this.groups = groupingData(this.servers, "Tag")
formatPercent(live, used, total) {
const percent = live ? (parseInt(used / total * 100) || 0) : -1
if (!this.cache[percent]) {
this.cache[percent] = {
class: {
ui: true,
progress: true,
style: {
'transition-duration': '300ms',
'min-width': 'unset',
width: percent + '% !important',
if (percent < 0) {
this.cache[percent].style['background-color'] = 'slategray'
this.cache[percent].class.offline = true
if (!live) {
this.cache[percent].percent = 0
} else if (percent < 51) {
this.cache[percent].style['background-color'] = '#0a94f2'
this.cache[percent].class.fine = true
} else if (percent < 81) {
this.cache[percent].style['background-color'] = 'orange'
this.cache[percent].class.warning = true
} else {
this.cache[percent].style['background-color'] = 'crimson'
this.cache[percent].class.error = true
return this.cache[percent]
secondToDate(s) {
var d = Math.floor(s / 3600 / 24);
if (d > 0) {
return d + " {{tr "Day"}}"
var h = Math.floor(s / 3600 % 24);
var m = Math.floor(s / 60 % 60);
var s = Math.floor(s % 60);
return h + ":" + ("0" + m).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + s).slice(-2);
formatTimestamp(t) {
return new Date(t * 1000).toLocaleString()
formatByteSize(bs) {
const x = this.readableBytes(bs)
return x != "NaN undefined" ? x : '0B'
readableBytes(bytes) {
if (!bytes) {
return '0B'
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
const sizes = ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"];
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2)) + sizes[i];
if ((str || []).hasOwnProperty(0) === false) {
return '';
str = str[0];
let GHz = str.match(/(\d|\.)+GHz/g);
let Core = str.match(/(\d|\.)+ Physical/g);
GHz = GHz !== null ? GHz.hasOwnProperty(0) === false ? '' : GHz[0] : ''
Core = Core !== null ? Core.hasOwnProperty(0) === false ? '?' : Core[0] : '?'
if (Core === '?') {
let Core = str.match(/(\d|\.)+ Virtual/g);
Core = Core !== null ? Core.hasOwnProperty(0) === false ? '?' : Core[0] : '?'
return Core.replace('Virtual', 'Core')
return Core.replace('Physical', 'Core');
bs = bs / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
if (bs >= 1) {
return Math.ceil(bs.toFixed(2)) + 'GB';
} else {
bs = bs * 1024;
return Math.ceil(bs.toFixed(2)) + 'MB';
listTipsMouseenter(obj, strs, tipsNum = 1){
this.layerIndex =, '#' + obj, { tips: [tipsNum, 'rgb(0 0 0 / 85%)'], time: 0 });
$('#' + obj).attr('layerIndex', this.layerIndex)
const tempDom = document.getElementById(`temp-${id}`);
const tempDetailShow = tempDom.getAttribute('temp-detail-show');
const tempMain = document.getElementById(`temp-main-${id}`);
const tempDetail = document.getElementById(`temp-detail-${id}`);
if (tempDetailShow == 0){ = 'none'; = 'inline';
tempDom.setAttribute('temp-detail-show', 1);
} else { = 'inline'; = 'none';
tempDom.setAttribute('temp-detail-show', 0);
getTemperature(temperatureList, sensorList) {
// 将 sensorList 中的所有项转换为小写
const lowerCaseSensorList = => sensor.toLowerCase());
// 合并过滤逻辑:过滤出 Temperature 不为 0 且 Name 在 sensorList 中的元素(忽略大小写)
const filtered = temperatureList.filter(item => item.Temperature !== 0 && lowerCaseSensorList.includes(item.Name.toLowerCase()));
// 如果有匹配的元素,则计算这些元素的 Temperature 的最大值
if (filtered.length > 0) {
return filtered.reduce((max, current) => {
return current.Temperature > max ? current.Temperature : max;
}, filtered[0].Temperature);
// 如果没有匹配的元素,则计算 temperatureList 中所有 Temperature 不为 0 的元素的最大值
const nonZeroTemps = temperatureList.filter(item => item.Temperature !== 0);
if (nonZeroTemps.length > 0) {
return nonZeroTemps.reduce((max, current) => {
return current.Temperature > max ? current.Temperature : max;
}, nonZeroTemps[0].Temperature);
// 如果所有元素的 Temperature 都为 0则返回一个默认值 0
return 0;
function groupingData(data, field) {
let map = {};
let dest = [];
data.forEach(item => {
if (!map[item[field]]) {
[field]: item[field],
data: [item]
map[item[field]] = item;
} else {
dest.forEach(dItem => {
if (dItem[field] == item[field]) {;
return dest;
let canShowError = true;
function connect() {
const wsProtocol = window.location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"
const ws = new WebSocket(wsProtocol + '://' + + '/ws');
ws.onopen = function (evt) {
canShowError = true;
title: '{{tr "RealtimeChannelEstablished"}}',
description: '{{tr "GetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime"}}',
type: 'success',
time: '2',
position: 'top-center',
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
const oldServers = statusCards.servers
const data = JSON.parse(
statusCards.servers = data.servers
for (let i = 0; i < statusCards.servers.length; i++) {
const ns = statusCards.servers[i];
if (!ns.Host) { = false
} else {
const lastActive = new Date(ns.LastActive).getTime()
if ( - lastActive > 10 * 1000) { = false
} else { = true
statusCards.groups = groupingData(statusCards.servers, "Tag")
ws.onclose = function () {
if (canShowError) {
canShowError = false;
title: '{{tr "RealtimeChannelDisconnect"}}',
description: '{{tr "CanNotGetTheLatestMonitoringDataInRealTime"}}',
type: 'warning',
time: '2',
position: 'top-center',
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
ws.onerror = function () {
$('.ui.accordion').accordion({ "exclusive": false });