UUBulb 5c8cc75523
improve check for offline rules (#1013)
* improve check for offline rules

* bug fixes

* update dependencies

* fix error wrap

* fix offline check

* improve readability
2025-03-02 15:37:21 +08:00

295 lines
7.5 KiB

package singleton
import (
const (
firstNotificationDelay = time.Minute * 15
type NotificationClass struct {
class[uint64, *model.Notification]
groupToIDList map[uint64]map[uint64]*model.Notification
idToGroupList map[uint64]map[uint64]struct{}
groupList map[uint64]string
groupMu sync.RWMutex
func NewNotificationClass() *NotificationClass {
var sortedList []*model.Notification
groupToIDList := make(map[uint64]map[uint64]*model.Notification)
idToGroupList := make(map[uint64]map[uint64]struct{})
groupNotifications := make(map[uint64][]uint64)
var ngn []model.NotificationGroupNotification
for _, n := range ngn {
groupNotifications[n.NotificationGroupID] = append(groupNotifications[n.NotificationGroupID], n.NotificationID)
list := make(map[uint64]*model.Notification, len(sortedList))
for _, n := range sortedList {
list[n.ID] = n
var groups []model.NotificationGroup
groupList := make(map[uint64]string)
for _, grp := range groups {
groupList[grp.ID] = grp.Name
for gid, nids := range groupNotifications {
groupToIDList[gid] = make(map[uint64]*model.Notification)
for _, nid := range nids {
if n, ok := list[nid]; ok {
groupToIDList[gid][n.ID] = n
if idToGroupList[n.ID] == nil {
idToGroupList[n.ID] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
idToGroupList[n.ID][gid] = struct{}{}
nc := &NotificationClass{
class: class[uint64, *model.Notification]{
list: list,
sortedList: sortedList,
groupToIDList: groupToIDList,
idToGroupList: idToGroupList,
groupList: groupList,
return nc
func (c *NotificationClass) Update(n *model.Notification) {
_, ok := c.list[n.ID]
c.list[n.ID] = n
if ok {
if gids, ok := c.idToGroupList[n.ID]; ok {
for gid := range gids {
c.groupToIDList[gid][n.ID] = n
func (c *NotificationClass) UpdateGroup(ng *model.NotificationGroup, ngn []uint64) {
defer c.groupMu.Unlock()
_, ok := c.groupList[ng.ID]
c.groupList[ng.ID] = ng.Name
defer c.listMu.Unlock()
if !ok {
c.groupToIDList[ng.ID] = make(map[uint64]*model.Notification, len(ngn))
for _, n := range ngn {
if c.idToGroupList[n] == nil {
c.idToGroupList[n] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
c.idToGroupList[n][ng.ID] = struct{}{}
c.groupToIDList[ng.ID][n] = c.list[n]
} else {
oldList := make(map[uint64]struct{})
for nid := range c.groupToIDList[ng.ID] {
oldList[nid] = struct{}{}
c.groupToIDList[ng.ID] = make(map[uint64]*model.Notification)
for _, nid := range ngn {
c.groupToIDList[ng.ID][nid] = c.list[nid]
if c.idToGroupList[nid] == nil {
c.idToGroupList[nid] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
c.idToGroupList[nid][ng.ID] = struct{}{}
for oldID := range oldList {
if _, ok := c.groupToIDList[ng.ID][oldID]; !ok {
delete(c.groupToIDList[oldID], ng.ID)
if len(c.idToGroupList[oldID]) == 0 {
delete(c.idToGroupList, oldID)
func (c *NotificationClass) Delete(idList []uint64) {
for _, id := range idList {
delete(c.list, id)
// 如果绑定了通知组才删除
if gids, ok := c.idToGroupList[id]; ok {
for gid := range gids {
delete(c.groupToIDList[gid], id)
delete(c.idToGroupList, id)
func (c *NotificationClass) DeleteGroup(gids []uint64) {
defer c.listMu.Unlock()
defer c.groupMu.Unlock()
for _, gid := range gids {
delete(c.groupList, gid)
delete(c.groupToIDList, gid)
func (c *NotificationClass) GetGroupName(gid uint64) string {
defer c.groupMu.RUnlock()
return c.groupList[gid]
func (c *NotificationClass) sortList() {
defer c.listMu.RUnlock()
sortedList := utils.MapValuesToSlice(c.list)
slices.SortFunc(sortedList, func(a, b *model.Notification) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.ID, b.ID)
defer c.sortedListMu.Unlock()
c.sortedList = sortedList
func (c *NotificationClass) UnMuteNotification(notificationGroupID uint64, muteLabel string) {
fullMuteLabel := NotificationMuteLabel.AppendNotificationGroupName(muteLabel, c.GetGroupName(notificationGroupID))
// SendNotification 向指定的通知方式组的所有通知方式发送通知
func (c *NotificationClass) SendNotification(notificationGroupID uint64, desc string, muteLabel string, ext ...*model.Server) {
if muteLabel != "" {
// 将通知方式组名称加入静音标志
muteLabel := NotificationMuteLabel.AppendNotificationGroupName(muteLabel, c.GetGroupName(notificationGroupID))
// 通知防骚扰策略
var flag bool
if cacheN, has := Cache.Get(muteLabel); has {
nHistory := cacheN.(NotificationHistory)
// 每次提醒都增加一倍等待时间,最后每天最多提醒一次
if time.Now().After(nHistory.Until) {
flag = true
nHistory.Duration *= 2
if nHistory.Duration > time.Hour*24 {
nHistory.Duration = time.Hour * 24
nHistory.Until = time.Now().Add(nHistory.Duration)
// 缓存有效期加 10 分钟
Cache.Set(muteLabel, nHistory, nHistory.Duration+time.Minute*10)
} else {
// 新提醒直接通知
flag = true
Cache.Set(muteLabel, NotificationHistory{
Duration: firstNotificationDelay,
Until: time.Now().Add(firstNotificationDelay),
}, firstNotificationDelay+time.Minute*10)
if !flag {
if Conf.Debug {
log.Println("NEZHA>> Muted repeated notification", desc, muteLabel)
// 向该通知方式组的所有通知方式发出通知
defer c.listMu.RUnlock()
for _, n := range c.groupToIDList[notificationGroupID] {
log.Printf("NEZHA>> Try to notify %s", n.Name)
for _, n := range c.groupToIDList[notificationGroupID] {
ns := model.NotificationServerBundle{
Notification: n,
Server: nil,
Loc: Loc,
if len(ext) > 0 {
ns.Server = ext[0]
if err := ns.Send(desc); err != nil {
log.Printf("NEZHA>> Sending notification to %s failed: %v", n.Name, err)
} else {
log.Printf("NEZHA>> Sending notification to %s succeeded", n.Name)
type _NotificationMuteLabel struct{}
var NotificationMuteLabel _NotificationMuteLabel
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) IPChanged(serverId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::ic-%d", serverId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServerIncident(alertId uint64, serverId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::sei-%d-%d", alertId, serverId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServerIncidentResolved(alertId uint64, serverId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::seir-%d-%d", alertId, serverId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) AppendNotificationGroupName(label string, notificationGroupName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", label, notificationGroupName)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServiceLatencyMin(serviceId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::sln-%d", serviceId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServiceLatencyMax(serviceId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::slm-%d", serviceId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServiceStateChanged(serviceId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::ssc-%d", serviceId)
func (_NotificationMuteLabel) ServiceTLS(serviceId uint64, extraInfo string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bf::stls-%d-%s", serviceId, extraInfo)