diff --git a/.version b/.version
index 22e3b6b..d8b6989 100644
--- a/.version
+++ b/.version
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 1d8680a..9b29ee9 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ pipeline {
sh 'sed -i -E "s/(version-)[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(-green)/\\1${BUILD_VERSION}\\2/" README.md'
+ stage('Docker Login') {
+ steps {
+ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'jc21-dockerhub', passwordVariable: 'dpass', usernameVariable: 'duser')]) {
+ sh 'docker login -u "${duser}" -p "${dpass}"'
+ }
+ }
+ }
stage('Builds') {
@@ -120,6 +127,11 @@ pipeline {
junit 'test/results/junit/*'
sh 'docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes -t 30 || true'
+ unstable {
+ dir(path: 'testing/results') {
+ archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/*', excludes: '**/*.xml')
+ }
+ }
stage('Test Mysql') {
@@ -148,6 +160,11 @@ pipeline {
junit 'test/results/junit/*'
sh 'docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes -t 30 || true'
+ unstable {
+ dir(path: 'testing/results') {
+ archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/*', excludes: '**/*.xml')
+ }
+ }
stage('MultiArch Build') {
@@ -157,10 +174,7 @@ pipeline {
steps {
- withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'jc21-dockerhub', passwordVariable: 'dpass', usernameVariable: 'duser')]) {
- sh 'docker login -u "${duser}" -p "${dpass}"'
- sh "./scripts/buildx --push ${buildxPushTags}"
- }
+ sh "./scripts/buildx --push ${buildxPushTags}"
stage('Docs / Comment') {
@@ -200,20 +214,13 @@ pipeline {
always {
sh 'echo Reverting ownership'
sh 'docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/data" jc21/ci-tools chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /data'
- }
- success {
- juxtapose event: 'success'
- sh 'figlet "SUCCESS"'
+ printResult(true)
failure {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'debug/**/*.*', allowEmptyArchive: true)
- juxtapose event: 'failure'
- sh 'figlet "FAILURE"'
unstable {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'debug/**/*.*', allowEmptyArchive: true)
- juxtapose event: 'unstable'
- sh 'figlet "UNSTABLE"'
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 55a986d..2d1b8da 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/backend/.vscode/settings.json b/backend/.vscode/settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e540ab..0000000
--- a/backend/.vscode/settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "editor.insertSpaces": false,
- "editor.formatOnSave": true,
- "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
- "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
- "source.fixAll.eslint": true
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/app.js b/backend/app.js
index e528a0b..59f7def 100644
--- a/backend/app.js
+++ b/backend/app.js
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ app.use(function (req, res, next) {
-app.use('/', require('./routes/api/main'));
+app.use('/', require('./routes/main'));
// production error handler
// no stacktraces leaked to user
diff --git a/backend/config/default.json b/backend/config/default.json
index 64ab577..154e66e 100644
--- a/backend/config/default.json
+++ b/backend/config/default.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"database": {
- "engine": "mysql",
+ "engine": "mysql2",
"host": "db",
"name": "npm",
"user": "npm",
diff --git a/backend/doc/api.swagger.json b/backend/doc/api.swagger.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa19fc..0000000
--- a/backend/doc/api.swagger.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1456 +0,0 @@
- "openapi": "3.0.0",
- "info": {
- "title": "Nginx Proxy Manager API",
- "version": "2.x.x"
- },
- "servers": [
- {
- "url": ""
- }
- ],
- "paths": {
- "/": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "health",
- "summary": "Returns the API health status",
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "status": "OK",
- "version": {
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 1,
- "revision": 0
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HealthObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/nginx/proxy-hosts": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getProxyHosts",
- "summary": "Get all proxy hosts",
- "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "query",
- "name": "expand",
- "description": "Expansions",
- "schema": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["access_list", "owner", "certificate"]
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T01:12:23.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T02:15:40.000Z",
- "owner_user_id": 1,
- "domain_names": ["aasdasdad"],
- "forward_host": "asdasd",
- "forward_port": 80,
- "access_list_id": 0,
- "certificate_id": 0,
- "ssl_forced": 0,
- "caching_enabled": 0,
- "block_exploits": 0,
- "advanced_config": "sdfsdfsdf",
- "meta": {
- "letsencrypt_agree": false,
- "dns_challenge": false,
- "nginx_online": false,
- "nginx_err": "Command failed: /usr/sbin/nginx -t -g \"error_log off;\"\nnginx: [emerg] unknown directive \"sdfsdfsdf\" in /data/nginx/proxy_host/1.conf:37\nnginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed\n"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": 0,
- "http2_support": 0,
- "forward_scheme": "http",
- "enabled": 1,
- "locations": [],
- "hsts_enabled": 0,
- "hsts_subdomains": 0,
- "owner": {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "is_deleted": 0,
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "admin@example.com",
- "name": "Administrator",
- "nickname": "Admin",
- "avatar": "",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- },
- "access_list": null,
- "certificate": null
- },
- {
- "id": 2,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T02:11:49.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T02:11:49.000Z",
- "owner_user_id": 1,
- "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
- "forward_host": "",
- "forward_port": 80,
- "access_list_id": 0,
- "certificate_id": 0,
- "ssl_forced": 0,
- "caching_enabled": 0,
- "block_exploits": 0,
- "advanced_config": "",
- "meta": {
- "letsencrypt_agree": false,
- "dns_challenge": false,
- "nginx_online": true,
- "nginx_err": null
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": 0,
- "http2_support": 0,
- "forward_scheme": "http",
- "enabled": 1,
- "locations": [],
- "hsts_enabled": 0,
- "hsts_subdomains": 0,
- "owner": {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "is_deleted": 0,
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "admin@example.com",
- "name": "Administrator",
- "nickname": "Admin",
- "avatar": "",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- },
- "access_list": null,
- "certificate": null
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProxyHostsList"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "post": {
- "operationId": "createProxyHost",
- "summary": "Create a Proxy Host",
- "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "proxyhost",
- "description": "Proxy Host Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProxyHostObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "201": {
- "description": "201 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": 3,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T02:31:27.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T02:31:27.000Z",
- "owner_user_id": 1,
- "domain_names": ["test2.example.com"],
- "forward_host": "",
- "forward_port": 80,
- "access_list_id": 0,
- "certificate_id": 0,
- "ssl_forced": 0,
- "caching_enabled": 0,
- "block_exploits": 0,
- "advanced_config": "",
- "meta": {
- "letsencrypt_agree": false,
- "dns_challenge": false
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": 0,
- "http2_support": 0,
- "forward_scheme": "http",
- "enabled": 1,
- "locations": [],
- "hsts_enabled": 0,
- "hsts_subdomains": 0,
- "certificate": null,
- "owner": {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2023-03-30T01:11:50.000Z",
- "is_deleted": 0,
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "admin@example.com",
- "name": "Administrator",
- "nickname": "Admin",
- "avatar": "",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- },
- "access_list": null,
- "use_default_location": true,
- "ipv6": true
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProxyHostObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/schema": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "schema",
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response"
- }
- },
- "summary": "Returns this swagger API schema"
- }
- },
- "/tokens": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "refreshToken",
- "summary": "Refresh your access token",
- "tags": ["Tokens"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["tokens"]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "expires": 1566540510,
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4"
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TokenObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "post": {
- "operationId": "requestToken",
- "parameters": [
- {
- "description": "Credentials Payload",
- "in": "body",
- "name": "credentials",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "identity": {
- "minLength": 1,
- "type": "string"
- },
- "scope": {
- "minLength": 1,
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["user"]
- },
- "secret": {
- "minLength": 1,
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "required": ["identity", "secret"],
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "result": {
- "expires": 1566540510,
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TokenObject"
- }
- }
- },
- "description": "200 response"
- }
- },
- "summary": "Request a new access token from credentials",
- "tags": ["Tokens"]
- }
- },
- "/settings": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getSettings",
- "summary": "Get all settings",
- "tags": ["Settings"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": [
- {
- "id": "default-site",
- "name": "Default Site",
- "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
- "value": "congratulations",
- "meta": {}
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SettingsList"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/settings/{settingID}": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getSetting",
- "summary": "Get a setting",
- "tags": ["Settings"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "settingID",
- "schema": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "Setting ID",
- "example": "default-site"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": "default-site",
- "name": "Default Site",
- "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
- "value": "congratulations",
- "meta": {}
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SettingObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "put": {
- "operationId": "updateSetting",
- "summary": "Update a setting",
- "tags": ["Settings"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "settingID",
- "schema": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "Setting ID",
- "example": "default-site"
- },
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "setting",
- "description": "Setting Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SettingObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": "default-site",
- "name": "Default Site",
- "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
- "value": "congratulations",
- "meta": {}
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SettingObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/users": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getUsers",
- "summary": "Get all users",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "query",
- "name": "expand",
- "description": "Expansions",
- "schema": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["permissions"]
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- }
- ]
- },
- "withPermissions": {
- "value": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"],
- "permissions": {
- "visibility": "all",
- "proxy_hosts": "manage",
- "redirection_hosts": "manage",
- "dead_hosts": "manage",
- "streams": "manage",
- "access_lists": "manage",
- "certificates": "manage"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UsersList"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "post": {
- "operationId": "createUser",
- "summary": "Create a User",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "user",
- "description": "User Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "201": {
- "description": "201 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": 2,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"],
- "permissions": {
- "visibility": "all",
- "proxy_hosts": "manage",
- "redirection_hosts": "manage",
- "dead_hosts": "manage",
- "streams": "manage",
- "access_lists": "manage",
- "certificates": "manage"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/users/{userID}": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getUser",
- "summary": "Get a user",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "oneOf": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^me$"
- },
- {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- }
- ]
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
- "example": 1
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "put": {
- "operationId": "updateUser",
- "summary": "Update a User",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "oneOf": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^me$"
- },
- {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- }
- ]
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
- "example": 2
- },
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "user",
- "description": "User Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "id": 2,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "delete": {
- "operationId": "deleteUser",
- "summary": "Delete a User",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID",
- "example": 2
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": true
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/users/{userID}/auth": {
- "put": {
- "operationId": "updateUserAuth",
- "summary": "Update a User's Authentication",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "oneOf": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^me$"
- },
- {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- }
- ]
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
- "example": 2
- },
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "user",
- "description": "User Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AuthObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": true
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/users/{userID}/permissions": {
- "put": {
- "operationId": "updateUserPermissions",
- "summary": "Update a User's Permissions",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID",
- "example": 2
- },
- {
- "in": "body",
- "name": "user",
- "description": "Permissions Payload",
- "required": true,
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PermissionsObject"
- }
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": true
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/users/{userID}/login": {
- "put": {
- "operationId": "loginAsUser",
- "summary": "Login as this user",
- "tags": ["Users"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["users"]
- }
- ],
- "parameters": [
- {
- "in": "path",
- "name": "userID",
- "schema": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "required": true,
- "description": "User ID",
- "example": 2
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR...16OjT8B3NLyXg",
- "expires": "2020-01-31T10:56:23.239Z",
- "user": {
- "id": 1,
- "created_on": "2020-01-30T10:43:44.000Z",
- "modified_on": "2020-01-30T10:43:44.000Z",
- "is_disabled": 0,
- "email": "jc@jc21.com",
- "name": "Jamie Curnow",
- "nickname": "James",
- "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/3c8d73f45fd8763f827b964c76e6032a?default=mm",
- "roles": ["admin"]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Login object",
- "required": ["expires", "token", "user"],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "expires": {
- "description": "Token Expiry Unix Time",
- "example": 1566540249,
- "minimum": 1,
- "type": "number"
- },
- "token": {
- "description": "JWT Token",
- "example": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4",
- "type": "string"
- },
- "user": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/reports/hosts": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "reportsHosts",
- "summary": "Report on Host Statistics",
- "tags": ["Reports"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["reports"]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "proxy": 20,
- "redirection": 1,
- "stream": 0,
- "dead": 1
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HostReportObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "/audit-log": {
- "get": {
- "operationId": "getAuditLog",
- "summary": "Get Audit Log",
- "tags": ["Audit Log"],
- "security": [
- {
- "BearerAuth": ["audit-log"]
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "200": {
- "description": "200 response",
- "content": {
- "application/json": {
- "examples": {
- "default": {
- "value": {
- "proxy": 20,
- "redirection": 1,
- "stream": 0,
- "dead": 1
- }
- }
- },
- "schema": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HostReportObject"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "components": {
- "securitySchemes": {
- "BearerAuth": {
- "type": "http",
- "scheme": "bearer"
- }
- },
- "schemas": {
- "HealthObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Health object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": ["status", "version"],
- "properties": {
- "status": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Healthy",
- "example": "OK"
- },
- "version": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "The version object",
- "example": {
- "major": 2,
- "minor": 0,
- "revision": 0
- },
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": ["major", "minor", "revision"],
- "properties": {
- "major": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- },
- "minor": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- },
- "revision": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "TokenObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Token object",
- "required": ["expires", "token"],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "expires": {
- "description": "Token Expiry Unix Time",
- "example": 1566540249,
- "minimum": 1,
- "type": "number"
- },
- "token": {
- "description": "JWT Token",
- "example": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4",
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- },
- "ProxyHostObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Proxy Host object",
- "required": [
- "id",
- "created_on",
- "modified_on",
- "owner_user_id",
- "domain_names",
- "forward_host",
- "forward_port",
- "access_list_id",
- "certificate_id",
- "ssl_forced",
- "caching_enabled",
- "block_exploits",
- "advanced_config",
- "meta",
- "allow_websocket_upgrade",
- "http2_support",
- "forward_scheme",
- "enabled",
- "locations",
- "hsts_enabled",
- "hsts_subdomains",
- "certificate",
- "use_default_location",
- "ipv6"
- ],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "Proxy Host ID",
- "minimum": 1,
- "example": 1
- },
- "created_on": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Created Date",
- "example": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Modified Date",
- "example": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z"
- },
- "owner_user_id": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1,
- "example": 1
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 1,
- "items": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- }
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "locations": {
- "type": "array"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- "certificate": {
- "type": "object",
- "nullable": true
- },
- "owner": {
- "type": "object",
- "nullable": true
- },
- "access_list": {
- "type": "object",
- "nullable": true
- },
- "use_default_location": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "ipv6": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- },
- "ProxyHostsList": {
- "type": "array",
- "description": "Proxyn Hosts list",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProxyHostObject"
- }
- },
- "SettingObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Setting object",
- "required": ["id", "name", "description", "value", "meta"],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Setting ID",
- "minLength": 1,
- "example": "default-site"
- },
- "name": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Setting Display Name",
- "minLength": 1,
- "example": "Default Site"
- },
- "description": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Meaningful description",
- "minLength": 1,
- "example": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host"
- },
- "value": {
- "description": "Value in almost any form",
- "example": "congratulations",
- "oneOf": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- {
- "type": "integer"
- },
- {
- "type": "object"
- },
- {
- "type": "number"
- },
- {
- "type": "array"
- }
- ]
- },
- "meta": {
- "description": "Extra metadata",
- "example": {},
- "type": "object"
- }
- }
- },
- "SettingsList": {
- "type": "array",
- "description": "Setting list",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SettingObject"
- }
- },
- "UserObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "User object",
- "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "is_disabled", "email", "name", "nickname", "avatar", "roles"],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "User ID",
- "minimum": 1,
- "example": 1
- },
- "created_on": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Created Date",
- "example": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Modified Date",
- "example": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z"
- },
- "is_disabled": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 1,
- "description": "Is user Disabled (0 = false, 1 = true)",
- "example": 0
- },
- "email": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Email",
- "minLength": 3,
- "example": "jc@jc21.com"
- },
- "name": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Name",
- "minLength": 1,
- "example": "Jamie Curnow"
- },
- "nickname": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Nickname",
- "example": "James"
- },
- "avatar": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Gravatar URL based on email, without scheme",
- "example": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm"
- },
- "roles": {
- "description": "Roles applied",
- "example": ["admin"],
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "UsersList": {
- "type": "array",
- "description": "User list",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserObject"
- }
- },
- "AuthObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Authentication Object",
- "required": ["type", "secret"],
- "properties": {
- "type": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^password$",
- "example": "password"
- },
- "current": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 64,
- "example": "changeme"
- },
- "secret": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 8,
- "maxLength": 64,
- "example": "mySuperN3wP@ssword!"
- }
- }
- },
- "PermissionsObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "visibility": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Visibility Type",
- "enum": ["all", "user"]
- },
- "access_lists": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Access Lists Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- },
- "dead_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "404 Hosts Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- },
- "proxy_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Proxy Hosts Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- },
- "redirection_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Redirection Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- },
- "streams": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Streams Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- },
- "certificates": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Certificates Permissions",
- "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
- }
- }
- },
- "HostReportObject": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "proxy": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "Proxy Hosts Count"
- },
- "redirection": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "Redirection Hosts Count"
- },
- "stream": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "Streams Count"
- },
- "dead": {
- "type": "integer",
- "description": "404 Hosts Count"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/index.js b/backend/index.js
index 3d6d600..5513782 100644
--- a/backend/index.js
+++ b/backend/index.js
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
+const schema = require('./schema');
const logger = require('./logger').global;
async function appStart () {
const migrate = require('./migrate');
const setup = require('./setup');
const app = require('./app');
- const apiValidator = require('./lib/validator/api');
const internalCertificate = require('./internal/certificate');
const internalIpRanges = require('./internal/ip_ranges');
return migrate.latest()
- .then(() => {
- return apiValidator.loadSchemas;
- })
+ .then(schema.getCompiledSchema)
.then(() => {
@@ -34,7 +31,7 @@ async function appStart () {
.catch((err) => {
- logger.error(err.message);
+ logger.error(err.message, err);
setTimeout(appStart, 1000);
diff --git a/backend/internal/access-list.js b/backend/internal/access-list.js
index 017fc73..72326be 100644
--- a/backend/internal/access-list.js
+++ b/backend/internal/access-list.js
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ const internalAccessList = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
if (!skip_masking && typeof row.items !== 'undefined' && row.items) {
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ const internalAccessList = {
return internalAccessList.get(access, {id: data.id, expand: ['proxy_hosts', 'items', 'clients']});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
diff --git a/backend/internal/certificate.js b/backend/internal/certificate.js
index 291056c..34b8fdf 100644
--- a/backend/internal/certificate.js
+++ b/backend/internal/certificate.js
@@ -3,27 +3,29 @@ const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const tempWrite = require('temp-write');
const moment = require('moment');
+const archiver = require('archiver');
+const path = require('path');
+const { isArray } = require('lodash');
const logger = require('../logger').ssl;
const config = require('../lib/config');
const error = require('../lib/error');
const utils = require('../lib/utils');
+const certbot = require('../lib/certbot');
const certificateModel = require('../models/certificate');
const tokenModel = require('../models/token');
const dnsPlugins = require('../global/certbot-dns-plugins.json');
const internalAuditLog = require('./audit-log');
const internalNginx = require('./nginx');
const internalHost = require('./host');
-const certbot = require('../lib/certbot');
-const archiver = require('archiver');
-const path = require('path');
-const { isArray } = require('lodash');
const letsencryptStaging = config.useLetsencryptStaging();
+const letsencryptServer = config.useLetsencryptServer();
const letsencryptConfig = '/etc/letsencrypt.ini';
const certbotCommand = 'certbot';
function omissions() {
- return ['is_deleted'];
+ return ['is_deleted', 'owner.is_deleted'];
const internalCertificate = {
@@ -207,6 +209,7 @@ const internalCertificate = {
.patchAndFetchById(certificate.id, {
expires_on: moment(cert_info.dates.to, 'X').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ .then(utils.omitRow(omissions()))
.then((saved_row) => {
// Add cert data for audit log
saved_row.meta = _.assign({}, saved_row.meta, {
@@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ const internalCertificate = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// Custom omissions
@@ -412,7 +415,7 @@ const internalCertificate = {
return internalCertificate.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
@@ -730,29 +733,29 @@ const internalCertificate = {
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -subject -noout')
.then((result) => {
+ // Examples:
+ // subject=CN = *.jc21.com
// subject=CN = something.example.com
const regex = /(?:subject=)?[^=]+=\s+(\S+)/gim;
const match = regex.exec(result);
- if (typeof match[1] === 'undefined') {
- throw new error.ValidationError('Could not determine subject from certificate: ' + result);
+ if (match && typeof match[1] !== 'undefined') {
+ certData['cn'] = match[1];
- certData['cn'] = match[1];
.then(() => {
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -issuer -noout');
.then((result) => {
+ // Examples:
// issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
+ // issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = E5
+ // issuer=O = NginxProxyManager, CN = NginxProxyManager Intermediate CA","O = NginxProxyManager, CN = NginxProxyManager Intermediate CA
const regex = /^(?:issuer=)?(.*)$/gim;
const match = regex.exec(result);
- if (typeof match[1] === 'undefined') {
- throw new error.ValidationError('Could not determine issuer from certificate: ' + result);
+ if (match && typeof match[1] !== 'undefined') {
+ certData['issuer'] = match[1];
- certData['issuer'] = match[1];
.then(() => {
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -dates -noout');
@@ -827,17 +830,18 @@ const internalCertificate = {
requestLetsEncryptSsl: (certificate) => {
logger.info('Requesting Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
- const cmd = certbotCommand + ' certonly ' +
- '--config "' + letsencryptConfig + '" ' +
+ const cmd = `${certbotCommand} certonly ` +
+ `--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
- '--cert-name "npm-' + certificate.id + '" ' +
+ `--cert-name "npm-${certificate.id}" ` +
'--agree-tos ' +
'--authenticator webroot ' +
- '--email "' + certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email + '" ' +
+ `--email '${certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email}' ` +
'--preferred-challenges "dns,http" ' +
- '--domains "' + certificate.domain_names.join(',') + '" ' +
- (letsencryptStaging ? '--staging' : '');
+ `--domains "${certificate.domain_names.join(',')}" ` +
+ (letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
+ (letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
logger.info('Command:', cmd);
@@ -868,25 +872,26 @@ const internalCertificate = {
const hasConfigArg = certificate.meta.dns_provider !== 'route53';
let mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' certonly ' +
- '--config "' + letsencryptConfig + '" ' +
+ `--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
- '--cert-name "npm-' + certificate.id + '" ' +
+ `--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--agree-tos ' +
- '--email "' + certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email + '" ' +
- '--domains "' + certificate.domain_names.join(',') + '" ' +
- '--authenticator ' + dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name + ' ' +
+ `--email '${certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email}' ` +
+ `--domains '${certificate.domain_names.join(',')}' ` +
+ `--authenticator '${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}' ` +
- ? '--' + dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name + '-credentials "' + credentialsLocation + '"'
+ ? `--${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}-credentials '${credentialsLocation}' `
: ''
) +
certificate.meta.propagation_seconds !== undefined
- ? ' --' + dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name + '-propagation-seconds ' + certificate.meta.propagation_seconds
+ ? `--${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}-propagation-seconds '${certificate.meta.propagation_seconds}' `
: ''
) +
- (letsencryptStaging ? ' --staging' : '');
+ (letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
+ (letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Prepend the path to the credentials file as an environment variable
if (certificate.meta.dns_provider === 'route53') {
@@ -963,14 +968,15 @@ const internalCertificate = {
logger.info('Renewing Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
const cmd = certbotCommand + ' renew --force-renewal ' +
- '--config "' + letsencryptConfig + '" ' +
+ `--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
- '--cert-name "npm-' + certificate.id + '" ' +
+ `--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--preferred-challenges "dns,http" ' +
'--no-random-sleep-on-renew ' +
'--disable-hook-validation ' +
- (letsencryptStaging ? '--staging' : '');
+ (letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
+ (letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
logger.info('Command:', cmd);
@@ -995,13 +1001,14 @@ const internalCertificate = {
logger.info(`Renewing Let'sEncrypt certificates via ${dnsPlugin.name} for Cert #${certificate.id}: ${certificate.domain_names.join(', ')}`);
let mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' renew --force-renewal ' +
- '--config "' + letsencryptConfig + '" ' +
+ `--config "${letsencryptConfig}" ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
- '--cert-name "npm-' + certificate.id + '" ' +
+ `--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--disable-hook-validation ' +
'--no-random-sleep-on-renew ' +
- (letsencryptStaging ? ' --staging' : '');
+ (letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
+ (letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Prepend the path to the credentials file as an environment variable
if (certificate.meta.dns_provider === 'route53') {
@@ -1027,12 +1034,13 @@ const internalCertificate = {
logger.info('Revoking Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
const mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' revoke ' +
- '--config "' + letsencryptConfig + '" ' +
+ `--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
- '--cert-path "/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-' + certificate.id + '/fullchain.pem" ' +
+ `--cert-path '/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-${certificate.id}/fullchain.pem' ` +
'--delete-after-revoke ' +
- (letsencryptStaging ? '--staging' : '');
+ (letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
+ (letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Don't fail command if file does not exist
const delete_credentialsCmd = `rm -f '/etc/letsencrypt/credentials/credentials-${certificate.id}' || true`;
diff --git a/backend/internal/dead-host.js b/backend/internal/dead-host.js
index 2a6258e..e672775 100644
--- a/backend/internal/dead-host.js
+++ b/backend/internal/dead-host.js
@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ const internalDeadHost = {
data.owner_user_id = access.token.getUserId(1);
data = internalHost.cleanSslHstsData(data);
+ // Fix for db field not having a default value
+ // for this optional field.
+ if (typeof data.advanced_config === 'undefined') {
+ data.advanced_config = '';
+ }
return deadHostModel
@@ -233,7 +239,7 @@ const internalDeadHost = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// Custom omissions
@@ -257,7 +263,7 @@ const internalDeadHost = {
return internalDeadHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ const internalDeadHost = {
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already enabled');
@@ -351,7 +357,7 @@ const internalDeadHost = {
return internalDeadHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (!row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already disabled');
diff --git a/backend/internal/proxy-host.js b/backend/internal/proxy-host.js
index dbff114..61ac8b8 100644
--- a/backend/internal/proxy-host.js
+++ b/backend/internal/proxy-host.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const internalAuditLog = require('./audit-log');
const internalCertificate = require('./certificate');
function omissions () {
- return ['is_deleted'];
+ return ['is_deleted', 'owner.is_deleted'];
const internalProxyHost = {
@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ const internalProxyHost = {
data.owner_user_id = access.token.getUserId(1);
data = internalHost.cleanSslHstsData(data);
+ // Fix for db field not having a default value
+ // for this optional field.
+ if (typeof data.advanced_config === 'undefined') {
+ data.advanced_config = '';
+ }
return proxyHostModel
@@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ const internalProxyHost = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
row = internalHost.cleanRowCertificateMeta(row);
@@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ const internalProxyHost = {
return internalProxyHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
@@ -312,7 +318,7 @@ const internalProxyHost = {
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already enabled');
@@ -358,7 +364,7 @@ const internalProxyHost = {
return internalProxyHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (!row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already disabled');
diff --git a/backend/internal/redirection-host.js b/backend/internal/redirection-host.js
index 775d94f..41ff5b0 100644
--- a/backend/internal/redirection-host.js
+++ b/backend/internal/redirection-host.js
@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ const internalRedirectionHost = {
data.owner_user_id = access.token.getUserId(1);
data = internalHost.cleanSslHstsData(data);
+ // Fix for db field not having a default value
+ // for this optional field.
+ if (typeof data.advanced_config === 'undefined') {
+ data.advanced_config = '';
+ }
return redirectionHostModel
@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ const internalRedirectionHost = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
row = internalHost.cleanRowCertificateMeta(row);
@@ -257,7 +263,7 @@ const internalRedirectionHost = {
return internalRedirectionHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ const internalRedirectionHost = {
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already enabled');
@@ -351,7 +357,7 @@ const internalRedirectionHost = {
return internalRedirectionHost.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (!row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already disabled');
diff --git a/backend/internal/stream.js b/backend/internal/stream.js
index a159cfd..ee88d46 100644
--- a/backend/internal/stream.js
+++ b/backend/internal/stream.js
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ const internalStream = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// Custom omissions
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ const internalStream = {
return internalStream.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ const internalStream = {
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already enabled');
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ const internalStream = {
return internalStream.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
} else if (!row.enabled) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Host is already disabled');
diff --git a/backend/internal/user.js b/backend/internal/user.js
index a1d9044..742ab65 100644
--- a/backend/internal/user.js
+++ b/backend/internal/user.js
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ const internalUser = {
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
- if (!row) {
+ if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// Custom omissions
diff --git a/backend/knexfile.js b/backend/knexfile.js
index 391ca00..607552f 100644
--- a/backend/knexfile.js
+++ b/backend/knexfile.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
development: {
- client: 'mysql',
+ client: 'mysql2',
migrations: {
tableName: 'migrations',
stub: 'lib/migrate_template.js',
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module.exports = {
production: {
- client: 'mysql',
+ client: 'mysql2',
migrations: {
tableName: 'migrations',
stub: 'lib/migrate_template.js',
diff --git a/backend/lib/access.js b/backend/lib/access.js
index 5b9ebc9..0e658a6 100644
--- a/backend/lib/access.js
+++ b/backend/lib/access.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
const _ = require('lodash');
const logger = require('../logger').access;
-const validator = require('ajv');
+const Ajv = require('ajv/dist/2020');
const error = require('./error');
const userModel = require('../models/user');
const proxyHostModel = require('../models/proxy_host');
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ module.exports = function (token_string) {
let schema = {
$id: 'objects',
- $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
description: 'Actor Properties',
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
@@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ module.exports = function (token_string) {
// Initialised, token decoded ok
return this.getObjectSchema(permission)
.then((objectSchema) => {
- let data_schema = {
+ const data_schema = {
[permission]: {
data: data,
scope: Token.get('scope'),
@@ -267,24 +266,18 @@ module.exports = function (token_string) {
let permissionSchema = {
- $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
$async: true,
$id: 'permissions',
+ type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {}
permissionSchema.properties[permission] = require('./access/' + permission.replace(/:/gim, '-') + '.json');
- // logger.info('objectSchema', JSON.stringify(objectSchema, null, 2));
- // logger.info('permissionSchema', JSON.stringify(permissionSchema, null, 2));
- // logger.info('data_schema', JSON.stringify(data_schema, null, 2));
- let ajv = validator({
+ const ajv = new Ajv({
verbose: true,
allErrors: true,
- format: 'full',
- missingRefs: 'fail',
breakOnError: true,
coerceTypes: true,
schemas: [
diff --git a/backend/lib/access/permissions.json b/backend/lib/access/permissions.json
index 8480f9a..e7a82ec 100644
--- a/backend/lib/access/permissions.json
+++ b/backend/lib/access/permissions.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"$id": "perms",
"definitions": {
"view": {
diff --git a/backend/lib/access/roles.json b/backend/lib/access/roles.json
index 16b33b5..c97313d 100644
--- a/backend/lib/access/roles.json
+++ b/backend/lib/access/roles.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"$id": "roles",
"definitions": {
"admin": {
diff --git a/backend/lib/config.js b/backend/lib/config.js
index a484fc5..f7fbdca 100644
--- a/backend/lib/config.js
+++ b/backend/lib/config.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const configure = () => {
logger.info('Using MySQL configuration');
instance = {
database: {
- engine: 'mysql',
+ engine: 'mysql2',
host: envMysqlHost,
port: process.env.DB_MYSQL_PORT || 3306,
user: envMysqlUser,
@@ -180,5 +180,15 @@ module.exports = {
useLetsencryptStaging: function () {
return !!process.env.LE_STAGING;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @returns {string|null}
+ */
+ useLetsencryptServer: function () {
+ if (process.env.LE_SERVER) {
+ return process.env.LE_SERVER;
+ }
+ return null;
diff --git a/backend/lib/express/cors.js b/backend/lib/express/cors.js
index c9befee..6d5b8b5 100644
--- a/backend/lib/express/cors.js
+++ b/backend/lib/express/cors.js
@@ -1,40 +1,16 @@
-const validator = require('../validator');
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
if (req.headers.origin) {
- const originSchema = {
- oneOf: [
- {
- type: 'string',
- pattern: '^[a-z\\-]+:\\/\\/(?:[\\w\\-\\.]+(:[0-9]+)?/?)?$'
- },
- {
- type: 'string',
- pattern: '^[a-z\\-]+:\\/\\/(?:\\[([a-z0-9]{0,4}\\:?)+\\])?/?(:[0-9]+)?$'
- }
- ]
- };
- // very relaxed validation....
- validator(originSchema, req.headers.origin)
- .then(function () {
- res.set({
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': req.headers.origin,
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true,
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS, GET, POST',
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Cache-Control, Pragma, Expires, Authorization, X-Dataset-Total, X-Dataset-Offset, X-Dataset-Limit',
- 'Access-Control-Max-Age': 5 * 60,
- 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'X-Dataset-Total, X-Dataset-Offset, X-Dataset-Limit'
- });
- next();
- })
- .catch(next);
+ res.set({
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': req.headers.origin,
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true,
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS, GET, POST',
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Cache-Control, Pragma, Expires, Authorization, X-Dataset-Total, X-Dataset-Offset, X-Dataset-Limit',
+ 'Access-Control-Max-Age': 5 * 60,
+ 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'X-Dataset-Total, X-Dataset-Offset, X-Dataset-Limit'
+ });
+ next();
} else {
// No origin
diff --git a/backend/lib/helpers.js b/backend/lib/helpers.js
index e38be99..f7e98be 100644
--- a/backend/lib/helpers.js
+++ b/backend/lib/helpers.js
@@ -27,6 +27,24 @@ module.exports = {
return null;
+ },
+ convertIntFieldsToBool: function (obj, fields) {
+ fields.forEach(function (field) {
+ if (typeof obj[field] !== 'undefined') {
+ obj[field] = obj[field] === 1;
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ },
+ convertBoolFieldsToInt: function (obj, fields) {
+ fields.forEach(function (field) {
+ if (typeof obj[field] !== 'undefined') {
+ obj[field] = obj[field] ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
diff --git a/backend/lib/validator/api.js b/backend/lib/validator/api.js
index 3f51b59..fb31e64 100644
--- a/backend/lib/validator/api.js
+++ b/backend/lib/validator/api.js
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-const error = require('../error');
-const path = require('path');
-const parser = require('json-schema-ref-parser');
+const Ajv = require('ajv/dist/2020');
+const error = require('../error');
-const ajv = require('ajv')({
- verbose: true,
- validateSchema: true,
- allErrors: false,
- format: 'full',
- coerceTypes: true
+const ajv = new Ajv({
+ verbose: true,
+ allErrors: true,
+ allowUnionTypes: true,
+ strict: false,
+ coerceTypes: true,
@@ -17,12 +16,18 @@ const ajv = require('ajv')({
function apiValidator (schema, payload/*, description*/) {
return new Promise(function Promise_apiValidator (resolve, reject) {
- if (typeof payload === 'undefined') {
- reject(new error.ValidationError('Payload is undefined'));
+ if (schema === null) {
+ reject(new error.ValidationError('Schema is undefined'));
+ return;
- let validate = ajv.compile(schema);
- let valid = validate(payload);
+ if (typeof payload === 'undefined') {
+ reject(new error.ValidationError('Payload is undefined'));
+ return;
+ }
+ const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
+ const valid = validate(payload);
if (valid && !validate.errors) {
@@ -35,11 +40,4 @@ function apiValidator (schema, payload/*, description*/) {
-apiValidator.loadSchemas = parser
- .dereference(path.resolve('schema/index.json'))
- .then((schema) => {
- ajv.addSchema(schema);
- return schema;
- });
module.exports = apiValidator;
diff --git a/backend/lib/validator/index.js b/backend/lib/validator/index.js
index d09c9be..c6d2409 100644
--- a/backend/lib/validator/index.js
+++ b/backend/lib/validator/index.js
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-const _ = require('lodash');
-const error = require('../error');
-const definitions = require('../../schema/definitions.json');
+const _ = require('lodash');
+const Ajv = require('ajv/dist/2020');
+const error = require('../error');
+const commonDefinitions = require('../../schema/common.json');
RegExp.prototype.toJSON = RegExp.prototype.toString;
-const ajv = require('ajv')({
- verbose: true,
- allErrors: true,
- format: 'full', // strict regexes for format checks
- coerceTypes: true,
- schemas: [
- definitions
- ]
+const ajv = new Ajv({
+ verbose: true,
+ allErrors: true,
+ allowUnionTypes: true,
+ coerceTypes: true,
+ strict: false,
+ schemas: [commonDefinitions]
@@ -27,23 +27,19 @@ function validator (schema, payload) {
} else {
try {
let validate = ajv.compile(schema);
+ let valid = validate(payload);
- let valid = validate(payload);
if (valid && !validate.errors) {
} else {
let message = ajv.errorsText(validate.errors);
reject(new error.InternalValidationError(message));
} catch (err) {
module.exports = validator;
diff --git a/backend/models/access_list.js b/backend/models/access_list.js
index fbf9bda..959df05 100644
--- a/backend/models/access_list.js
+++ b/backend/models/access_list.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
const Model = require('objection').Model;
const User = require('./user');
const AccessListAuth = require('./access_list_auth');
@@ -10,6 +11,12 @@ const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'satisfy_any',
+ 'pass_auth',
class AccessList extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -25,6 +32,16 @@ class AccessList extends Model {
this.modified_on = now();
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'AccessList';
diff --git a/backend/models/auth.js b/backend/models/auth.js
index 2ee4319..469e96b 100644
--- a/backend/models/auth.js
+++ b/backend/models/auth.js
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
// Objection Docs:
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
-const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
-const db = require('../db');
-const Model = require('objection').Model;
-const User = require('./user');
-const now = require('./now_helper');
+const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
+const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
+const Model = require('objection').Model;
+const User = require('./user');
+const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
function encryptPassword () {
/* jshint -W040 */
let _this = this;
@@ -41,6 +46,16 @@ class Auth extends Model {
return encryptPassword.apply(this, queryContext);
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
* Verify a plain password against the encrypted password
diff --git a/backend/models/certificate.js b/backend/models/certificate.js
index 4f0f2ef..534d927 100644
--- a/backend/models/certificate.js
+++ b/backend/models/certificate.js
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
// Objection Docs:
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
-const db = require('../db');
-const Model = require('objection').Model;
-const User = require('./user');
-const now = require('./now_helper');
+const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
+const Model = require('objection').Model;
+const User = require('./user');
+const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
class Certificate extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -40,6 +45,16 @@ class Certificate extends Model {
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'Certificate';
diff --git a/backend/models/dead_host.js b/backend/models/dead_host.js
index 2e31043..483da3b 100644
--- a/backend/models/dead_host.js
+++ b/backend/models/dead_host.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
const Model = require('objection').Model;
const User = require('./user');
const Certificate = require('./certificate');
@@ -9,6 +10,11 @@ const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'enabled',
class DeadHost extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -36,6 +42,16 @@ class DeadHost extends Model {
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'DeadHost';
diff --git a/backend/models/proxy_host.js b/backend/models/proxy_host.js
index d84181c..07aa5dd 100644
--- a/backend/models/proxy_host.js
+++ b/backend/models/proxy_host.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
const Model = require('objection').Model;
const User = require('./user');
const AccessList = require('./access_list');
@@ -10,6 +11,18 @@ const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'ssl_forced',
+ 'caching_enabled',
+ 'block_exploits',
+ 'allow_websocket_upgrade',
+ 'http2_support',
+ 'enabled',
+ 'hsts_enabled',
+ 'hsts_subdomains',
class ProxyHost extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -37,6 +50,16 @@ class ProxyHost extends Model {
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'ProxyHost';
diff --git a/backend/models/redirection_host.js b/backend/models/redirection_host.js
index c90a6de..556742f 100644
--- a/backend/models/redirection_host.js
+++ b/backend/models/redirection_host.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
const Model = require('objection').Model;
const User = require('./user');
const Certificate = require('./certificate');
@@ -10,6 +11,14 @@ const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'enabled',
+ 'preserve_path',
+ 'ssl_forced',
+ 'block_exploits',
class RedirectionHost extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -37,6 +46,16 @@ class RedirectionHost extends Model {
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'RedirectionHost';
diff --git a/backend/models/stream.js b/backend/models/stream.js
index 7d84d2c..b96ca5a 100644
--- a/backend/models/stream.js
+++ b/backend/models/stream.js
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
// Objection Docs:
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
-const db = require('../db');
-const Model = require('objection').Model;
-const User = require('./user');
-const now = require('./now_helper');
+const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
+const Model = require('objection').Model;
+const User = require('./user');
+const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'tcp_forwarding',
+ 'udp_forwarding',
class Stream extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -23,6 +30,16 @@ class Stream extends Model {
this.modified_on = now();
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'Stream';
diff --git a/backend/models/user.js b/backend/models/user.js
index 93489fe..78fd3dd 100644
--- a/backend/models/user.js
+++ b/backend/models/user.js
@@ -2,12 +2,18 @@
// http://vincit.github.io/objection.js/
const db = require('../db');
+const helpers = require('../lib/helpers');
const Model = require('objection').Model;
const UserPermission = require('./user_permission');
const now = require('./now_helper');
+const boolFields = [
+ 'is_deleted',
+ 'is_disabled',
class User extends Model {
$beforeInsert () {
this.created_on = now();
@@ -23,6 +29,16 @@ class User extends Model {
this.modified_on = now();
+ $parseDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = super.$parseDatabaseJson(json);
+ return helpers.convertIntFieldsToBool(json, boolFields);
+ }
+ $formatDatabaseJson(json) {
+ json = helpers.convertBoolFieldsToInt(json, boolFields);
+ return super.$formatDatabaseJson(json);
+ }
static get name () {
return 'User';
diff --git a/backend/package.json b/backend/package.json
index b938c9a..1bc3ef1 100644
--- a/backend/package.json
+++ b/backend/package.json
@@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
"name": "nginx-proxy-manager",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints",
- "main": "js/index.js",
+ "main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
- "ajv": "^6.12.0",
+ "@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser": "^11.7.0",
+ "ajv": "^8.17.1",
"archiver": "^5.3.0",
"batchflow": "^0.4.0",
"bcrypt": "^5.0.0",
- "body-parser": "^1.19.0",
+ "body-parser": "^1.20.3",
"compression": "^1.7.4",
- "express": "^4.19.2",
+ "express": "^4.20.0",
"express-fileupload": "^1.1.9",
"gravatar": "^1.8.0",
- "json-schema-ref-parser": "^8.0.0",
"jsonwebtoken": "^9.0.0",
"knex": "2.4.2",
"liquidjs": "10.6.1",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"moment": "^2.29.4",
- "mysql": "^2.18.1",
+ "mysql2": "^3.11.1",
"node-rsa": "^1.0.8",
"objection": "3.0.1",
"path": "^0.12.7",
@@ -34,9 +34,14 @@
"author": "Jamie Curnow ",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
+ "@apidevtools/swagger-parser": "^10.1.0",
+ "chalk": "4.1.2",
"eslint": "^8.36.0",
"eslint-plugin-align-assignments": "^1.1.2",
"nodemon": "^2.0.2",
"prettier": "^2.0.4"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "validate-schema": "node validate-schema.js"
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/audit-log.js b/backend/routes/audit-log.js
similarity index 73%
rename from backend/routes/api/audit-log.js
rename to backend/routes/audit-log.js
index 8a2490c..c68c7b3 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/audit-log.js
+++ b/backend/routes/audit-log.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalAuditLog = require('../../internal/audit-log');
+const validator = require('../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const internalAuditLog = require('../internal/audit-log');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/main.js b/backend/routes/main.js
similarity index 90%
rename from backend/routes/api/main.js
rename to backend/routes/main.js
index 33cbbc2..b97096d 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/main.js
+++ b/backend/routes/main.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const express = require('express');
-const pjson = require('../../package.json');
-const error = require('../../lib/error');
+const pjson = require('../package.json');
+const error = require('../lib/error');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ router.use('/nginx/certificates', require('./nginx/certificates'));
* ALL /api/*
-router.all(/(.+)/, function (req, res, next) {
+router.all(/(.+)/, function (req, _, next) {
req.params.page = req.params['0'];
next(new error.ItemNotFoundError(req.params.page));
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/access_lists.js b/backend/routes/nginx/access_lists.js
similarity index 79%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/access_lists.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/access_lists.js
index d55c3ae..3837512 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/access_lists.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/access_lists.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalAccessList = require('../../../internal/access-list');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalAccessList = require('../../internal/access-list');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ router
* Create a new access-list
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/access-lists#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/access-lists', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalAccessList.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
list_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ router
* Update and existing access-list
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/access-lists#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/access-lists/{listID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = parseInt(req.params.list_id, 10);
return internalAccessList.update(res.locals.access, payload);
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/certificates.js b/backend/routes/nginx/certificates.js
similarity index 80%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/certificates.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/certificates.js
index ffdfb51..bf47c03 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/certificates.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/certificates.js
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalCertificate = require('../../../internal/certificate');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const error = require('../../lib/error');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalCertificate = require('../../internal/certificate');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -30,10 +32,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ router
* Create a new certificate
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/certificates#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/certificates', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
req.setTimeout(900000); // 15 minutes timeout
return internalCertificate.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -75,17 +77,22 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
- * GET /api/nginx/certificates/test-http
- *
- * Test HTTP challenge for domains
- */
+ /**
+ * GET /api/nginx/certificates/test-http
+ *
+ * Test HTTP challenge for domains
+ */
.get((req, res, next) => {
+ if (req.query.domains === undefined) {
+ next(new error.ValidationError('Domains are required as query parameters'));
+ return;
+ }
internalCertificate.testHttpsChallenge(res.locals.access, JSON.parse(req.query.domains))
.then((result) => {
@@ -101,7 +108,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -117,10 +124,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
certificate_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -140,24 +147,6 @@ router
- /**
- * PUT /api/nginx/certificates/123
- *
- * Update and existing certificate
- */
- .put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/certificates#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
- .then((payload) => {
- payload.id = parseInt(req.params.certificate_id, 10);
- return internalCertificate.update(res.locals.access, payload);
- })
- .then((result) => {
- res.status(200)
- .send(result);
- })
- .catch(next);
- })
* DELETE /api/nginx/certificates/123
@@ -179,7 +168,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -213,7 +202,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -270,7 +259,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/dead_hosts.js b/backend/routes/nginx/dead_hosts.js
similarity index 83%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/dead_hosts.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/dead_hosts.js
index 08b58f2..83b3776 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/dead_hosts.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/dead_hosts.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalDeadHost = require('../../../internal/dead-host');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalDeadHost = require('../../internal/dead-host');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ router
* Create a new dead-host
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/dead-hosts#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/dead-hosts', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalDeadHost.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
host_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ router
* Update and existing dead-host
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/dead-hosts#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/dead-hosts/{hostID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = parseInt(req.params.host_id, 10);
return internalDeadHost.update(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/proxy_hosts.js b/backend/routes/nginx/proxy_hosts.js
similarity index 83%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/proxy_hosts.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/proxy_hosts.js
index 6f933c3..3be4582 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/proxy_hosts.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/proxy_hosts.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalProxyHost = require('../../../internal/proxy-host');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalProxyHost = require('../../internal/proxy-host');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ router
* Create a new proxy-host
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/proxy-hosts#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/proxy-hosts', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalProxyHost.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
host_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ router
* Update and existing proxy-host
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/proxy-hosts#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/proxy-hosts/{hostID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = parseInt(req.params.host_id, 10);
return internalProxyHost.update(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/redirection_hosts.js b/backend/routes/nginx/redirection_hosts.js
similarity index 84%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/redirection_hosts.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/redirection_hosts.js
index 4d44c11..a46feb8 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/redirection_hosts.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/redirection_hosts.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalRedirectionHost = require('../../../internal/redirection-host');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalRedirectionHost = require('../../internal/redirection-host');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ router
* Create a new redirection-host
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/redirection-hosts#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/redirection-hosts', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalRedirectionHost.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
host_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ router
* Update and existing redirection-host
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/redirection-hosts#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/redirection-hosts/{hostID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = parseInt(req.params.host_id, 10);
return internalRedirectionHost.update(res.locals.access, payload);
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/nginx/streams.js b/backend/routes/nginx/streams.js
similarity index 84%
rename from backend/routes/api/nginx/streams.js
rename to backend/routes/nginx/streams.js
index 5e3fc28..c033f2e 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/nginx/streams.js
+++ b/backend/routes/nginx/streams.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalStream = require('../../../internal/stream');
-const apiValidator = require('../../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const internalStream = require('../../internal/stream');
+const schema = require('../../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ router
* Create a new stream
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/streams#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/streams', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalStream.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
stream_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ router
* Update and existing stream
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/streams#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/nginx/streams/{streamID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = parseInt(req.params.stream_id, 10);
return internalStream.update(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/reports.js b/backend/routes/reports.js
similarity index 67%
rename from backend/routes/api/reports.js
rename to backend/routes/reports.js
index 9e2c98c..98c6cf8 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/reports.js
+++ b/backend/routes/reports.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const express = require('express');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalReport = require('../../internal/report');
+const jwtdecode = require('../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const internalReport = require('../internal/report');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
* GET /reports/hosts
- .get(jwtdecode(), (req, res, next) => {
+ .get(jwtdecode(), (_, res, next) => {
.then((data) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/schema.js b/backend/routes/schema.js
similarity index 71%
rename from backend/routes/api/schema.js
rename to backend/routes/schema.js
index fc6bd5b..fc3e48b 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/schema.js
+++ b/backend/routes/schema.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-const express = require('express');
-const swaggerJSON = require('../../doc/api.swagger.json');
-const PACKAGE = require('../../package.json');
+const express = require('express');
+const schema = require('../schema');
+const PACKAGE = require('../package.json');
-let router = express.Router({
+const router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
strict: true,
mergeParams: true
@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
* GET /schema
- .get((req, res/*, next*/) => {
+ .get(async (req, res) => {
+ let swaggerJSON = await schema.getCompiledSchema();
let proto = req.protocol;
if (typeof req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] !== 'undefined' && req.headers['x-forwarded-proto']) {
proto = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/settings.js b/backend/routes/settings.js
similarity index 74%
rename from backend/routes/api/settings.js
rename to backend/routes/settings.js
index d08b2bf..dac4c3d 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/settings.js
+++ b/backend/routes/settings.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalSetting = require('../../internal/setting');
-const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../lib/validator/api');
+const internalSetting = require('../internal/setting');
+const schema = require('../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ router
* Retrieve all settings
- .get((req, res, next) => {
+ .get((_, res, next) => {
.then((rows) => {
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
setting_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/setting_id'
+ type: 'string',
+ minLength: 1
}, {
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ router
* Update and existing setting
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/settings#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/settings/{settingID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = req.params.setting_id;
return internalSetting.update(res.locals.access, payload);
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/tokens.js b/backend/routes/tokens.js
similarity index 70%
rename from backend/routes/api/tokens.js
rename to backend/routes/tokens.js
index a21f998..72d01d4 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/tokens.js
+++ b/backend/routes/tokens.js
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
const express = require('express');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const internalToken = require('../../internal/token');
-const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const jwtdecode = require('../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const apiValidator = require('../lib/validator/api');
+const internalToken = require('../internal/token');
+const schema = require('../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -39,11 +40,9 @@ router
* Create a new Token
- .post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/tokens#/links/0/schema'}, req.body)
- .then((payload) => {
- return internalToken.getTokenFromEmail(payload);
- })
+ .post(async (req, res, next) => {
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/tokens', 'post'), req.body)
+ .then(internalToken.getTokenFromEmail)
.then((data) => {
diff --git a/backend/routes/api/users.js b/backend/routes/users.js
similarity index 79%
rename from backend/routes/api/users.js
rename to backend/routes/users.js
index 1c6bd0a..f8ce366 100644
--- a/backend/routes/api/users.js
+++ b/backend/routes/users.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
const express = require('express');
-const validator = require('../../lib/validator');
-const jwtdecode = require('../../lib/express/jwt-decode');
-const userIdFromMe = require('../../lib/express/user-id-from-me');
-const internalUser = require('../../internal/user');
-const apiValidator = require('../../lib/validator/api');
+const validator = require('../lib/validator');
+const jwtdecode = require('../lib/express/jwt-decode');
+const userIdFromMe = require('../lib/express/user-id-from-me');
+const internalUser = require('../internal/user');
+const apiValidator = require('../lib/validator/api');
+const schema = require('../schema');
let router = express.Router({
caseSensitive: true,
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ let router = express.Router({
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
query: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/query'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/query'
}, {
@@ -48,7 +49,11 @@ router
- .catch(next);
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ next(err);
+ });
+ //.catch(next);
@@ -57,7 +62,7 @@ router
* Create a new User
.post((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/users#/links/1/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/users', 'post'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
return internalUser.create(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
@@ -92,10 +97,10 @@ router
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
user_id: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/id'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/id'
expand: {
- $ref: 'definitions#/definitions/expand'
+ $ref: 'common#/properties/expand'
}, {
@@ -113,7 +118,10 @@ router
- .catch(next);
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ next(err);
+ });
@@ -122,7 +130,7 @@ router
* Update and existing user
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/users#/links/2/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/users/{userID}', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = req.params.user_id;
return internalUser.update(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ router
* Update password for a user
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/users#/links/4/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/users/{userID}/auth', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = req.params.user_id;
return internalUser.setPassword(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -198,7 +206,7 @@ router
* Set some or all permissions for a user
.put((req, res, next) => {
- apiValidator({$ref: 'endpoints/users#/links/5/schema'}, req.body)
+ apiValidator(schema.getValidationSchema('/users/{userID}/permissions', 'put'), req.body)
.then((payload) => {
payload.id = req.params.user_id;
return internalUser.setPermissions(res.locals.access, payload);
@@ -217,7 +225,7 @@ router
- .options((req, res) => {
+ .options((_, res) => {
diff --git a/backend/schema/common.json b/backend/schema/common.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83de014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/common.json
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
+ "$id": "common",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "description": "Unique identifier",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "expand": {
+ "anyOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 1,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "query": {
+ "anyOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 255
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "description": "Date and time of creation",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "description": "Date and time of last update",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "user_id": {
+ "description": "User ID",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "description": "Certificate ID",
+ "anyOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^new$"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "access_list_id": {
+ "description": "Access List ID",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "description": "Domain Names separated by a comma",
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 1,
+ "maxItems": 100,
+ "uniqueItems": true,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[^&| @!#%^();:/\\\\}{=+?<>,~`'\"]+$"
+ }
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "description": "Is Enabled",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "description": "Is SSL Forced",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "description": "Is HSTS Enabled",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "description": "Is HSTS applicable to all subdomains",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "ssl_provider": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^(letsencrypt|other)$"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "description": "HTTP2 Protocol Support",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "description": "Should we block common exploits",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "caching_enabled": {
+ "description": "Should we cache assets",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/access-list-object.json b/backend/schema/components/access-list-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd0218d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/access-list-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Access List object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "owner_user_id", "name", "directive", "address", "satisfy_any", "pass_auth", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "directive": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["allow", "deny"]
+ },
+ "address": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?s*(/([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^all$"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "satisfy_any": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "pass_auth": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/audit-log-object.json b/backend/schema/components/audit-log-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e5e859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/audit-log-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Audit Log object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "user_id", "object_type", "object_id", "action", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "object_type": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "object_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "action": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/certificate-list.json b/backend/schema/components/certificate-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec4db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/certificate-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "Certificates list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./certificate-object.json"
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/certificate-object.json b/backend/schema/components/certificate-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b75dcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/certificate-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Certificate object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "owner_user_id", "provider", "nice_name", "domain_names", "expires_on", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "provider": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/ssl_provider"
+ },
+ "nice_name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Nice Name for the custom certificate"
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "description": "Domain Names separated by a comma",
+ "type": "array",
+ "maxItems": 100,
+ "uniqueItems": true,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[^&| @!#%^();:/\\\\}{=+?<>,~`'\"]+$"
+ }
+ },
+ "expires_on": {
+ "description": "Date and time of expiration",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "owner": {
+ "$ref": "./user-object.json"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "certificate_key": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "dns_challenge": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "dns_provider": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "dns_provider_credentials": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "letsencrypt_agree": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "letsencrypt_certificate": {
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "letsencrypt_email": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "propagation_seconds": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/dead-host-list.json b/backend/schema/components/dead-host-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ff303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/dead-host-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "404 Hosts list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./dead-host-object.json"
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/dead-host-object.json b/backend/schema/components/dead-host-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792c2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/dead-host-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "404 Host object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "owner_user_id", "domain_names", "certificate_id", "ssl_forced", "hsts_enabled", "hsts_subdomains", "http2_support", "advanced_config", "enabled", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/error-object.json b/backend/schema/components/error-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2540cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/error-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Error object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["code", "message"],
+ "properties": {
+ "code": {
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "message": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/error.json b/backend/schema/components/error.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb3e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/error.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Error",
+ "properties": {
+ "error": {
+ "$ref": "./error-object.json"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/health-object.json b/backend/schema/components/health-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d22341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/health-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Health object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["status", "version"],
+ "properties": {
+ "status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Healthy",
+ "example": "OK"
+ },
+ "version": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "The version object",
+ "example": {
+ "major": 2,
+ "minor": 0,
+ "revision": 0
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["major", "minor", "revision"],
+ "properties": {
+ "major": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ },
+ "minor": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ },
+ "revision": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/permission-object.json b/backend/schema/components/permission-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b852a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/permission-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "visibility": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Visibility Type",
+ "enum": ["all", "user"]
+ },
+ "access_lists": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Access Lists Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ },
+ "dead_hosts": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "404 Hosts Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ },
+ "proxy_hosts": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Proxy Hosts Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ },
+ "redirection_hosts": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Redirection Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ },
+ "streams": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Streams Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ },
+ "certificates": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Certificates Permissions",
+ "enum": ["hidden", "view", "manage"]
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39789b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/proxy-host-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "Proxy Hosts list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./proxy-host-object.json"
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/proxy-host-object.json b/backend/schema/components/proxy-host-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a64a58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/proxy-host-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Proxy Host object",
+ "required": [
+ "id",
+ "created_on",
+ "modified_on",
+ "owner_user_id",
+ "domain_names",
+ "forward_host",
+ "forward_port",
+ "access_list_id",
+ "certificate_id",
+ "ssl_forced",
+ "caching_enabled",
+ "block_exploits",
+ "advanced_config",
+ "meta",
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade",
+ "http2_support",
+ "forward_scheme",
+ "enabled",
+ "locations",
+ "hsts_enabled",
+ "hsts_subdomains",
+ "certificate",
+ "use_default_location",
+ "ipv6"
+ ],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_host": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 255
+ },
+ "forward_port": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 65535
+ },
+ "access_list_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/access_list_id"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "caching_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/caching_enabled"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
+ "description": "Allow Websocket Upgrade for all paths",
+ "example": true,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["http", "https"]
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "locations": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 0,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "required": ["forward_scheme", "forward_host", "forward_port", "path"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": ["integer", "null"]
+ },
+ "path": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_host": {
+ "$ref": "#/properties/forward_host"
+ },
+ "forward_port": {
+ "$ref": "#/properties/forward_port"
+ },
+ "forward_path": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "certificate": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ },
+ {
+ "$ref": "./certificate-object.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "owner": {
+ "$ref": "./user-object.json"
+ },
+ "access_list": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ },
+ {
+ "$ref": "./access-list-object.json"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "use_default_location": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "ipv6": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716dcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/redirection-host-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "Redirection Hosts list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./redirection-host-object.json"
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4dbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/redirection-host-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Redirection Host object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "owner_user_id", "domain_names", "forward_http_code", "forward_scheme", "forward_domain_name", "preserve_path", "certificate_id", "ssl_forced", "hsts_enabled", "hsts_subdomains", "http2_support", "block_exploits", "advanced_config", "enabled", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_http_code": {
+ "description": "Redirect HTTP Status Code",
+ "example": 302,
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 300,
+ "maximum": 308
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["http", "https"]
+ },
+ "forward_domain_name": {
+ "description": "Domain Name",
+ "example": "jc21.com",
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^(?:[^.*]+\\.?)+[^.]$"
+ },
+ "preserve_path": {
+ "description": "Should the path be preserved",
+ "example": true,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82407be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/security-schemes.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "BearerAuth": {
+ "type": "http",
+ "scheme": "bearer"
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/setting-list.json b/backend/schema/components/setting-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66f099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/setting-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "Setting list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./setting-object.json"
+ }
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index 0000000..e087772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/setting-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Setting object",
+ "required": ["id", "name", "description", "value", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Setting ID",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "example": "default-site"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Setting Display Name",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "example": "Default Site"
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Meaningful description",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "example": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host"
+ },
+ "value": {
+ "description": "Value in almost any form",
+ "example": "congratulations",
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "array"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "description": "Extra metadata",
+ "example": {},
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39789b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/stream-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "Proxy Hosts list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./proxy-host-object.json"
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516c7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/stream-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Stream object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "owner_user_id", "incoming_port", "forwarding_host", "forwarding_port", "tcp_forwarding", "udp_forwarding", "enabled", "meta"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/id"
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/created_on"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/modified_on"
+ },
+ "owner_user_id": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/user_id"
+ },
+ "incoming_port": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 65535
+ },
+ "forwarding_host": {
+ "anyOf": [
+ {
+ "description": "Domain Name",
+ "example": "jc21.com",
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^(?:[^.*]+\\.?)+[^.]$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "ipv4"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "ipv6"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "forwarding_port": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 65535
+ },
+ "tcp_forwarding": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "udp_forwarding": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../common.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7044bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/token-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Token object",
+ "required": ["expires", "token"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "expires": {
+ "description": "Token Expiry Unix Time",
+ "example": 1566540249,
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "description": "JWT Token",
+ "example": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/user-list.json b/backend/schema/components/user-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c0f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/user-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "type": "array",
+ "description": "User list",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "./user-object.json"
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/components/user-object.json b/backend/schema/components/user-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..180e8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/components/user-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "User object",
+ "required": ["id", "created_on", "modified_on", "is_disabled", "email", "name", "nickname", "avatar", "roles"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "id": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "description": "User ID",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "example": 1
+ },
+ "created_on": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Created Date",
+ "example": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z"
+ },
+ "modified_on": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Modified Date",
+ "example": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z"
+ },
+ "is_disabled": {
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "description": "Is user Disabled",
+ "example": true
+ },
+ "email": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Email",
+ "minLength": 3,
+ "example": "jc@jc21.com"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Name",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "example": "Jamie Curnow"
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Nickname",
+ "example": "James"
+ },
+ "avatar": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Gravatar URL based on email, without scheme",
+ "example": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm"
+ },
+ "roles": {
+ "description": "Roles applied",
+ "example": ["admin"],
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/definitions.json b/backend/schema/definitions.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 640093a..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/definitions.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "definitions",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "description": "Unique identifier",
- "example": 123456,
- "readOnly": true,
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "setting_id": {
- "description": "Unique identifier for a Setting",
- "example": "default-site",
- "readOnly": true,
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2
- },
- "token": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 10
- },
- "expand": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "null"
- },
- {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 1,
- "items": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "sort": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 1,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "field",
- "dir"
- ],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "field": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "dir": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(asc|desc)$"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "query": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "null"
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 255
- }
- ]
- },
- "criteria": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "null"
- },
- {
- "type": "object"
- }
- ]
- },
- "fields": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "null"
- },
- {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 1,
- "items": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "omit": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "null"
- },
- {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 1,
- "items": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "created_on": {
- "description": "Date and time of creation",
- "format": "date-time",
- "readOnly": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "description": "Date and time of last update",
- "format": "date-time",
- "readOnly": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- "user_id": {
- "description": "User ID",
- "example": 1234,
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "description": "Certificate ID",
- "example": 1234,
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^new$"
- }
- ]
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "description": "Access List ID",
- "example": 1234,
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- },
- "name": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "email": {
- "description": "Email Address",
- "example": "john@example.com",
- "format": "email",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 6,
- "maxLength": 100
- },
- "password": {
- "description": "Password",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 8,
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "domain_name": {
- "description": "Domain Name",
- "example": "jc21.com",
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(?:[^.*]+\\.?)+[^.]$"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "description": "Domain Names separated by a comma",
- "example": "*.jc21.com,blog.jc21.com",
- "type": "array",
- "maxItems": 100,
- "uniqueItems": true,
- "items": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(?:\\*\\.)?(?:[^.*]+\\.?)+[^.]$"
- }
- },
- "http_code": {
- "description": "Redirect HTTP Status Code",
- "example": 302,
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 300,
- "maximum": 308
- },
- "scheme": {
- "description": "RFC Protocol",
- "example": "HTTPS or $scheme",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 4
- },
- "enabled": {
- "description": "Is Enabled",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "ssl_enabled": {
- "description": "Is SSL Enabled",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "description": "Is SSL Forced",
- "example": false,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "description": "Is HSTS Enabled",
- "example": false,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "description": "Is HSTS applicable to all subdomains",
- "example": false,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "ssl_provider": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(letsencrypt|other)$"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "description": "HTTP2 Protocol Support",
- "example": false,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "description": "Should we block common exploits",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "description": "Should we cache assets",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/access-lists.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/access-lists.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 404e323..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/access-lists.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/access-lists",
- "title": "Access Lists",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Access Lists",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "name": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Name of the Access List"
- },
- "directive": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["allow", "deny"]
- },
- "address": {
- "oneOf": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$"
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?s*(/([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8]))?$"
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^all$"
- }
- ]
- },
- "satisfy_any": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "pass_auth": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Access Lists",
- "href": "/nginx/access-lists",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new Access List",
- "href": "/nginx/access-list",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": ["name"],
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "satisfy_any": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/satisfy_any"
- },
- "pass_auth": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/pass_auth"
- },
- "items": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 0,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "username": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "password": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "clients": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 0,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "address": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/address"
- },
- "directive": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/directive"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing Access List",
- "href": "/nginx/access-list/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "satisfy_any": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/satisfy_any"
- },
- "pass_auth": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/pass_auth"
- },
- "items": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 0,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "username": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "password": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 0
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "clients": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 0,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "address": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/address"
- },
- "directive": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/directive"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing Access List",
- "href": "/nginx/access-list/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/certificates.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/certificates.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 955ca75..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/certificates.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/certificates",
- "title": "Certificates",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Certificates",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "provider": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/ssl_provider"
- },
- "nice_name": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Nice Name for the custom certificate"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "expires_on": {
- "description": "Date and time of expiration",
- "format": "date-time",
- "readOnly": true,
- "type": "string"
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "letsencrypt_email": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "email"
- },
- "letsencrypt_agree": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "dns_challenge": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "dns_provider": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "dns_provider_credentials": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "propagation_seconds": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 0
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "provider": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/provider"
- },
- "nice_name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/nice_name"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "expires_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/expires_on"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Certificates",
- "href": "/nginx/certificates",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new Certificate",
- "href": "/nginx/certificates",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": [
- "provider"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "provider": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/provider"
- },
- "nice_name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/nice_name"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing Certificate",
- "href": "/nginx/certificates/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Test HTTP Challenge",
- "description": "Tests whether the HTTP challenge should work",
- "href": "/nginx/certificates/{definitions.identity.example}/test-http",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "info",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/dead-hosts.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/dead-hosts.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c73c3b..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/dead-hosts.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/dead-hosts",
- "title": "404 Hosts",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to 404 Hosts",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/enabled"
- },
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- "type": "object"
- }
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of 404 Hosts",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new 404 Host",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": [
- "domain_names"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing 404 Host",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing 404 Host",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Enable",
- "description": "Enables a existing 404 Host",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/enable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Disable",
- "description": "Disables a existing 404 Host",
- "href": "/nginx/dead-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/disable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/proxy-hosts.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/proxy-hosts.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3fff2..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/proxy-hosts.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/proxy-hosts",
- "title": "Proxy Hosts",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Proxy Hosts",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "type": "string",
- "enum": ["http", "https"]
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1,
- "maximum": 65535
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/caching_enabled"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
- "description": "Allow Websocket Upgrade for all paths",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/access_list_id"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object"
- },
- "locations": {
- "type": "array",
- "minItems": 0,
- "items": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "forward_scheme",
- "forward_host",
- "forward_port",
- "path"
- ],
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "type": ["integer", "null"]
- },
- "path": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_host"
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_port"
- },
- "forward_path": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "type": "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_host"
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_port"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/caching_enabled"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/allow_websocket_upgrade"
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/access_list_id"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- },
- "locations": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/locations"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Proxy Hosts",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new Proxy Host",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": [
- "domain_names",
- "forward_scheme",
- "forward_host",
- "forward_port"
- ],
- "properties": {
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_host"
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_port"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/caching_enabled"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/allow_websocket_upgrade"
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/access_list_id"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- },
- "locations": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/locations"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing Proxy Host",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
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- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_host"
- },
- "forward_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_port"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "caching_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/caching_enabled"
- },
- "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/allow_websocket_upgrade"
- },
- "access_list_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/access_list_id"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- },
- "locations": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/locations"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing Proxy Host",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Enable",
- "description": "Enables a existing Proxy Host",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/enable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Disable",
- "description": "Disables a existing Proxy Host",
- "href": "/nginx/proxy-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/disable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/redirection-hosts.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/redirection-hosts.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a4699..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/redirection-hosts.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/redirection-hosts",
- "title": "Redirection Hosts",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Redirection Hosts",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_http_code": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/http_code"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/scheme"
- },
- "forward_domain_name": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_name"
- },
- "preserve_path": {
- "description": "Should the path be preserved",
- "example": true,
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_http_code": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_http_code"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_domain_name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_domain_name"
- },
- "preserve_path": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/preserve_path"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_subdomains"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
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- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Redirection Hosts",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new Redirection Host",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": [
- "domain_names",
- "forward_scheme",
- "forward_http_code",
- "forward_domain_name"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_http_code": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_http_code"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_domain_name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_domain_name"
- },
- "preserve_path": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/preserve_path"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing Redirection Host",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "domain_names": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/domain_names"
- },
- "forward_http_code": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_http_code"
- },
- "forward_scheme": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_scheme"
- },
- "forward_domain_name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forward_domain_name"
- },
- "preserve_path": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/preserve_path"
- },
- "certificate_id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/certificate_id"
- },
- "ssl_forced": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/ssl_forced"
- },
- "hsts_enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "hsts_subdomains": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/hsts_enabled"
- },
- "http2_support": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/http2_support"
- },
- "block_exploits": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/block_exploits"
- },
- "advanced_config": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/advanced_config"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing Redirection Host",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Enable",
- "description": "Enables a existing Redirection Host",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/enable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Disable",
- "description": "Disables a existing Redirection Host",
- "href": "/nginx/redirection-hosts/{definitions.identity.example}/disable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/settings.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e2865..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/settings",
- "title": "Settings",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Settings",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/setting_id"
- },
- "name": {
- "description": "Name",
- "example": "Default Site",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2,
- "maxLength": 100
- },
- "description": {
- "description": "Description",
- "example": "Default Site",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2,
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "value": {
- "description": "Value",
- "example": "404",
- "type": "string",
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "meta": {
- "type": "object"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Settings",
- "href": "/settings",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing Setting",
- "href": "/settings/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "value": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/value"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/description"
- },
- "description": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/description"
- },
- "value": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/value"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/streams.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/streams.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 159c803..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/streams.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/streams",
- "title": "Streams",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Streams",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "incoming_port": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1,
- "maximum": 65535
- },
- "forwarding_host": {
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/domain_name"
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "ipv4"
- },
- {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "ipv6"
- }
- ]
- },
- "forwarding_port": {
- "type": "integer",
- "minimum": 1,
- "maximum": 65535
- },
- "tcp_forwarding": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "udp_forwarding": {
- "type": "boolean"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/enabled"
- },
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- "type": "object"
- }
- },
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "incoming_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/incoming_port"
- },
- "forwarding_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_host"
- },
- "forwarding_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_port"
- },
- "tcp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/tcp_forwarding"
- },
- "udp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/udp_forwarding"
- },
- "enabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/enabled"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Steams",
- "href": "/nginx/streams",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new Stream",
- "href": "/nginx/streams",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "required": [
- "incoming_port",
- "forwarding_host",
- "forwarding_port"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "incoming_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/incoming_port"
- },
- "forwarding_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_host"
- },
- "forwarding_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_port"
- },
- "tcp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/tcp_forwarding"
- },
- "udp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/udp_forwarding"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing Stream",
- "href": "/nginx/streams/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "additionalProperties": false,
- "properties": {
- "incoming_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/incoming_port"
- },
- "forwarding_host": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_host"
- },
- "forwarding_port": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/forwarding_port"
- },
- "tcp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/tcp_forwarding"
- },
- "udp_forwarding": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/udp_forwarding"
- },
- "meta": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing Stream",
- "href": "/nginx/streams/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Enable",
- "description": "Enables a existing Stream",
- "href": "/nginx/streams/{definitions.identity.example}/enable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Disable",
- "description": "Disables a existing Stream",
- "href": "/nginx/streams/{definitions.identity.example}/disable",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/tokens.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/tokens.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 920af63..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/tokens.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/tokens",
- "title": "Token",
- "description": "Tokens are required to authenticate against the API",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "identity": {
- "description": "Email Address or other 3rd party providers identifier",
- "example": "john@example.com",
- "type": "string"
- },
- "secret": {
- "description": "A password or key",
- "example": "correct horse battery staple",
- "type": "string"
- },
- "token": {
- "description": "JWT",
- "example": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.O_frfYM8RzmRsUNigHtu0_jZ_utSejyr1axMGa8rlsk",
- "type": "string"
- },
- "expires": {
- "description": "Token expiry time",
- "format": "date-time",
- "type": "string"
- },
- "scope": {
- "description": "Scope of the Token, defaults to 'user'",
- "example": "user",
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new token.",
- "href": "/tokens",
- "access": "public",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "identity",
- "secret"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "identity": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/identity"
- },
- "secret": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/secret"
- },
- "scope": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/scope"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "token": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/token"
- },
- "expires": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/expires"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Refresh",
- "description": "Returns a new token.",
- "href": "/tokens",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {},
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "token": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/token"
- },
- "expires": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/expires"
- },
- "scope": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/scope"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/backend/schema/endpoints/users.json b/backend/schema/endpoints/users.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f44ea..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/endpoints/users.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "endpoints/users",
- "title": "Users",
- "description": "Endpoints relating to Users",
- "stability": "stable",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "name": {
- "description": "Name",
- "example": "Jamie Curnow",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2,
- "maxLength": 100
- },
- "nickname": {
- "description": "Nickname",
- "example": "Jamie",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2,
- "maxLength": 50
- },
- "email": {
- "$ref": "../definitions.json#/definitions/email"
- },
- "avatar": {
- "description": "Avatar",
- "example": "http://somewhere.jpg",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 2,
- "maxLength": 150,
- "readOnly": true
- },
- "roles": {
- "description": "Roles",
- "example": [
- "admin"
- ],
- "type": "array"
- },
- "is_disabled": {
- "description": "Is Disabled",
- "example": false,
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- "links": [
- {
- "title": "List",
- "description": "Returns a list of Users",
- "href": "/users",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "GET",
- "rel": "self",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Create",
- "description": "Creates a new User",
- "href": "/users",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "POST",
- "rel": "create",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "name",
- "nickname",
- "email"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "nickname": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/nickname"
- },
- "email": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/email"
- },
- "roles": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/roles"
- },
- "is_disabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/is_disabled"
- },
- "auth": {
- "type": "object",
- "description": "Auth Credentials",
- "example": {
- "type": "password",
- "secret": "bigredhorsebanana"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Update",
- "description": "Updates a existing User",
- "href": "/users/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "nickname": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/nickname"
- },
- "email": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/email"
- },
- "roles": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/roles"
- },
- "is_disabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/is_disabled"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "properties": {
- "$ref": "#/properties"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Delete",
- "description": "Deletes a existing User",
- "href": "/users/{definitions.identity.example}",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "rel": "delete",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Set Password",
- "description": "Sets a password for an existing User",
- "href": "/users/{definitions.identity.example}/auth",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "required": [
- "type",
- "secret"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "type": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^password$"
- },
- "current": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 64
- },
- "secret": {
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 8,
- "maxLength": 64
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- },
- {
- "title": "Set Permissions",
- "description": "Sets Permissions for a User",
- "href": "/users/{definitions.identity.example}/permissions",
- "access": "private",
- "method": "PUT",
- "rel": "update",
- "http_header": {
- "$ref": "../examples.json#/definitions/auth_header"
- },
- "schema": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "visibility": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(all|user)$"
- },
- "access_lists": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- },
- "dead_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- },
- "proxy_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- },
- "redirection_hosts": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- },
- "streams": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- },
- "certificates": {
- "type": "string",
- "pattern": "^(hidden|view|manage)$"
- }
- }
- },
- "targetSchema": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- }
- ],
- "properties": {
- "id": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/id"
- },
- "created_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/created_on"
- },
- "modified_on": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/modified_on"
- },
- "name": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/name"
- },
- "nickname": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/nickname"
- },
- "email": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/email"
- },
- "avatar": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/avatar"
- },
- "roles": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/roles"
- },
- "is_disabled": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/is_disabled"
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/schema/examples.json b/backend/schema/examples.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 37bc6c4..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/examples.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "examples",
- "type": "object",
- "definitions": {
- "name": {
- "description": "Name",
- "example": "John Smith",
- "type": "string",
- "minLength": 1,
- "maxLength": 255
- },
- "auth_header": {
- "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.O_frfYM8RzmRsUNigHtu0_jZ_utSejyr1axMGa8rlsk",
- "X-API-Version": "next"
- },
- "token": {
- "type": "string",
- "description": "JWT",
- "example": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.O_frfYM8RzmRsUNigHtu0_jZ_utSejyr1axMGa8rlsk"
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/schema/index.js b/backend/schema/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b75f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+const refParser = require('@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser');
+let compiledSchema = null;
+module.exports = {
+ /**
+ * Compiles the schema, by dereferencing it, only once
+ * and returns the memory cached value
+ */
+ getCompiledSchema: async () => {
+ if (compiledSchema === null) {
+ compiledSchema = await refParser.dereference(__dirname + '/swagger.json', {
+ mutateInputSchema: false,
+ });
+ }
+ return compiledSchema;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Scans the schema for the validation schema for the given path and method
+ * and returns it.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path
+ * @param {string} method
+ * @returns string|null
+ */
+ getValidationSchema: (path, method) => {
+ if (compiledSchema !== null &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path] !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path][method] !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path][method].requestBody !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path][method].requestBody.content !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path][method].requestBody.content['application/json'] !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof compiledSchema.paths[path][method].requestBody.content['application/json'].schema !== 'undefined'
+ ) {
+ return compiledSchema.paths[path][method].requestBody.content['application/json'].schema;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/index.json b/backend/schema/index.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7d1c8..0000000
--- a/backend/schema/index.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
- "$id": "root",
- "title": "Nginx Proxy Manager REST API",
- "description": "This is the Nginx Proxy Manager REST API",
- "version": "2.0.0",
- "links": [
- {
- "href": "http://npm.example.com/api",
- "rel": "self"
- }
- ],
- "properties": {
- "tokens": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/tokens.json"
- },
- "users": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/users.json"
- },
- "proxy-hosts": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/proxy-hosts.json"
- },
- "redirection-hosts": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/redirection-hosts.json"
- },
- "dead-hosts": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/dead-hosts.json"
- },
- "streams": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/streams.json"
- },
- "certificates": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/certificates.json"
- },
- "access-lists": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/access-lists.json"
- },
- "settings": {
- "$ref": "endpoints/settings.json"
- }
- }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/audit-log/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/audit-log/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc43e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/audit-log/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "operationId": "getAuditLog",
+ "summary": "Get Audit Log",
+ "tags": ["Audit Log"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["audit-log"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T13:09:54.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T13:09:54.000Z",
+ "user_id": 1,
+ "object_type": "user",
+ "object_id": 3,
+ "action": "updated",
+ "meta": {
+ "name": "John Doe",
+ "permissions": {
+ "user_id": 3,
+ "visibility": "all",
+ "access_lists": "manage",
+ "dead_hosts": "hidden",
+ "proxy_hosts": "manage",
+ "redirection_hosts": "view",
+ "streams": "hidden",
+ "certificates": "manage",
+ "id": 3,
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T13:09:54.000Z",
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T13:09:51.000Z"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/audit-log-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3a4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "operationId": "health",
+ "summary": "Returns the API health status",
+ "tags": ["Public"],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "status": "OK",
+ "version": {
+ "major": 2,
+ "minor": 1,
+ "revision": 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../components/health-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b9adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ "operationId": "getAccessLists",
+ "summary": "Get all access lists",
+ "tags": ["Access Lists"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["access_lists"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["owner", "items", "clients", "proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "name": "test1234",
+ "meta": {},
+ "satisfy_any": true,
+ "pass_auth": false,
+ "proxy_host_count": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073585c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteAccessList",
+ "summary": "Delete a Access List",
+ "tags": ["Access Lists"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["access_lists"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "listID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e67023f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "operationId": "getAccessList",
+ "summary": "Get a access List",
+ "tags": ["Access Lists"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["access_lists"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "listID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a69f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ "operationId": "updateAccessList",
+ "summary": "Update a Access List",
+ "tags": ["Access Lists"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["access_lists"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "listID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Access List Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/name"
+ },
+ "satisfy_any": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/satisfy_any"
+ },
+ "pass_auth": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/pass_auth"
+ },
+ "items": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "username": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "clients": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "address": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?s*(/([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^all$"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "directive": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/directive"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:34:34.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "name": "test123!!",
+ "meta": {},
+ "satisfy_any": true,
+ "pass_auth": false,
+ "proxy_host_count": 0,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-07T22:43:55.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T12:52:54.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "some guy",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "username": "admin",
+ "password": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "hint": "a****"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "username": "asdad",
+ "password": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "hint": "a*****"
+ }
+ ],
+ "clients": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "address": "",
+ "directive": "allow",
+ "meta": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "proxy_hosts": []
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/access-list-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5a4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/access-lists/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ "operationId": "createAccessList",
+ "summary": "Create a Access List",
+ "tags": ["Access Lists"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["access_lists"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Access List Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["name"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/name"
+ },
+ "satisfy_any": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/satisfy_any"
+ },
+ "pass_auth": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/pass_auth"
+ },
+ "items": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "username": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "clients": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "address": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?s*(/([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8]))?$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^all$"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "directive": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/directive"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "name": "test1234",
+ "meta": {},
+ "satisfy_any": true,
+ "pass_auth": false,
+ "proxy_host_count": 0,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-07T22:43:55.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T12:52:54.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "some guy",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "username": "admin",
+ "password": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "hint": "a****"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "username": "asdad",
+ "password": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "hint": "a*****"
+ }
+ ],
+ "proxy_hosts": [],
+ "clients": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T22:15:40.000Z",
+ "access_list_id": 1,
+ "address": "",
+ "directive": "allow",
+ "meta": {}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/access-list-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d40bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteCertificate",
+ "summary": "Delete a Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "certID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/download/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/download/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b858ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/download/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ "operationId": "downloadCertificate",
+ "summary": "Downloads a Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "certID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/zip": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "binary"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22317b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "operationId": "getCertificate",
+ "summary": "Get a Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "certID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 4,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T05:31:58.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T05:32:11.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "provider": "letsencrypt",
+ "nice_name": "test.example.com",
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "expires_on": "2025-01-07T04:34:18.000Z",
+ "meta": {
+ "letsencrypt_email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "letsencrypt_agree": true,
+ "dns_challenge": false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/certificate-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/renew/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/renew/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4d20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/renew/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ "operationId": "renewCertificate",
+ "summary": "Renews a Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "certID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "expires_on": "2025-01-07T06:41:58.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T07:39:51.000Z",
+ "id": 4,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T05:31:58.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "provider": "letsencrypt",
+ "nice_name": "My Test Cert",
+ "domain_names": ["test.jc21.supernerd.pro"],
+ "meta": {
+ "letsencrypt_email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "letsencrypt_agree": true,
+ "dns_challenge": false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/certificate-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/upload/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/upload/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38b810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/certID/upload/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ "operationId": "uploadCertificate",
+ "summary": "Uploads a custom Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "certID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Certificate Files",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "multipart/form-data": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["certificate", "certificate_key"],
+ "properties": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "certificate_key": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "intermediate_certificate": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nhp8bJUp/QN7pnOVCDbjTQ+HVMXw=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
+ "certificate_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nRrKmPK/msHKK/sVHiL+NFqo=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["certificate", "certificate_key"],
+ "properties": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "certificate_key": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "intermediate_certificate": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4b556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ "operationId": "getCertificates",
+ "summary": "Get all certificates",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["owner"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T05:31:58.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T05:32:11.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "provider": "letsencrypt",
+ "nice_name": "test.example.com",
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "expires_on": "2025-01-07T04:34:18.000Z",
+ "meta": {
+ "letsencrypt_email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "letsencrypt_agree": true,
+ "dns_challenge": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a3306c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "operationId": "createCertificate",
+ "summary": "Create a Certificate",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Certificate Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["provider"],
+ "properties": {
+ "provider": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-object.json#/properties/provider"
+ },
+ "nice_name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-object.json#/properties/nice_name"
+ },
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "expires_on": "2025-01-07 04:30:17",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09 05:28:51",
+ "id": 5,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09 05:28:35",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "provider": "letsencrypt",
+ "nice_name": "test.example.com",
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "meta": {
+ "letsencrypt_email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "letsencrypt_agree": true,
+ "dns_challenge": false,
+ "letsencrypt_certificate": {
+ "cn": "test.example.com",
+ "issuer": "C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = E5",
+ "dates": {
+ "from": 1728448218,
+ "to": 1736224217
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/certificate-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Domains are invalid"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/test-http/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/test-http/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b9a8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/test-http/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "operationId": "testHttpReach",
+ "summary": "Test HTTP Reachability",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "domains",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "required": true,
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "example": "[\"test.example.ord\",\"test.example.com\",\"nonexistent.example.com\"]"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "test.example.org": "ok",
+ "test.example.com": "other:Invalid domain or IP",
+ "nonexistent.example.com": "404"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/validate/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/validate/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21eb325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/certificates/validate/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ "operationId": "validateCertificates",
+ "summary": "Validates given Custom Certificates",
+ "tags": ["Certificates"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["certificates"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Certificate Files",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "multipart/form-data": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["certificate", "certificate_key"],
+ "properties": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "certificate_key": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "intermediate_certificate": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "cn": "mkcert",
+ "issuer": "O = mkcert development CA, OU = jc@jc-Laptop.local (John Doe), CN = mkcert jc@jc-Laptop.local (John Doe)",
+ "dates": {
+ "from": 1728458537,
+ "to": 1799479337
+ }
+ },
+ "certificate_key": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["certificate", "certificate_key"],
+ "properties": {
+ "certificate": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["cn", "issuer", "dates"],
+ "properties": {
+ "cn": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "issuer": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "dates": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["from", "to"],
+ "properties": {
+ "from": {
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "to": {
+ "type": "integer"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "certificate_key": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Certificate is not valid"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a11a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ "operationId": "getDeadHosts",
+ "summary": "Get all 404 hosts",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["owner", "certificate"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3aa81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteDeadHost",
+ "summary": "Delete a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cdcecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "disableDeadHost",
+ "summary": "Disable a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already disabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca3ce9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "enableDeadHost",
+ "summary": "Enable a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already enabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e2f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "operationId": "getDeadHost",
+ "summary": "Get a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a0a57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/hostID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ "operationId": "updateDeadHost",
+ "summary": "Update a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "404 Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:46:06.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "Admin",
+ "avatar": "",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "certificate": null,
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/dead-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5931350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/dead-hosts/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ "operationId": "create404Host",
+ "summary": "Create a 404 Host",
+ "tags": ["404 Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["dead_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "404 Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["domain_names"],
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:38:52.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "certificate": null,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "Admin",
+ "avatar": "",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/dead-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9f633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ "operationId": "getProxyHosts",
+ "summary": "Get all proxy hosts",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["access_list", "owner", "certificate"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:04.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_host": "",
+ "forward_port": 8989,
+ "access_list_id": 0,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "caching_enabled": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": false,
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "locations": null,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..991ef0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Delete a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ff8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "disableProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Disable a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already disabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f052de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "enableProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Enable a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already enabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e10a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ "operationId": "getProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Get a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T23:26:38.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_host": "",
+ "forward_port": 8989,
+ "access_list_id": 0,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "caching_enabled": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": false,
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "locations": null,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af73905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/hostID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ "operationId": "updateProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Update a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Proxy Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_host": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_host"
+ },
+ "forward_port": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_port"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "caching_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/caching_enabled"
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/allow_websocket_upgrade"
+ },
+ "access_list_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/access_list_id"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ },
+ "locations": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/locations"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T23:26:37.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_host": "",
+ "forward_port": 8989,
+ "access_list_id": 0,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "caching_enabled": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": false,
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-07T22:43:55.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T12:52:54.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "some guy",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "certificate": null,
+ "access_list": null,
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f6416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/proxy-hosts/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ "operationId": "createProxyHost",
+ "summary": "Create a Proxy Host",
+ "tags": ["Proxy Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["proxy_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Proxy Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["domain_names", "forward_scheme", "forward_host", "forward_port"],
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_host": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_host"
+ },
+ "forward_port": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_port"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "caching_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/caching_enabled"
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/allow_websocket_upgrade"
+ },
+ "access_list_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/access_list_id"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ },
+ "locations": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/locations"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_host": "",
+ "forward_port": 8989,
+ "access_list_id": 0,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "caching_enabled": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": false,
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "certificate": null,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-07T22:43:55.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T12:52:54.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "some guy",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "access_list": null,
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/proxy-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b35e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ "operationId": "getRedirectionHosts",
+ "summary": "Get all Redirection hosts",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["owner", "certificate"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:12.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:13.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_domain_name": "something-else.com",
+ "preserve_path": false,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "forward_http_code": 301
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7330f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Delete a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8433220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/disable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "disableRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Disable a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already disabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bef5343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/enable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "enableRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Enable a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already enabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d780f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ "operationId": "getRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Get a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:12.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:13.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_domain_name": "something-else.com",
+ "preserve_path": false,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "forward_http_code": 301
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..870f16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/hostID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ "operationId": "updateRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Update a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "hostID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Redirection Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_http_code": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_http_code"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_domain_name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_domain_name"
+ },
+ "preserve_path": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/preserve_path"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:12.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:18:11.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_domain_name": "something-else.com",
+ "preserve_path": false,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "forward_http_code": 301,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "Admin",
+ "avatar": "",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "certificate": null,
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/redirection-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9a05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/redirection-hosts/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ "operationId": "createRedirectionHost",
+ "summary": "Create a Redirection Host",
+ "tags": ["Redirection Hosts"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["redirection_hosts"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Redirection Host Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["domain_names", "forward_scheme", "forward_http_code", "forward_domain_name"],
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_http_code": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_http_code"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_domain_name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/forward_domain_name"
+ },
+ "preserve_path": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/preserve_path"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:12.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T01:13:12.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_domain_name": "something-else.com",
+ "preserve_path": false,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {},
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "forward_http_code": 301,
+ "certificate": null,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T00:59:56.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "Admin",
+ "avatar": "",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/redirection-host-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..596afc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ "operationId": "getStreams",
+ "summary": "Get all streams",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["access_list", "owner", "certificate"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "incoming_port": 9090,
+ "forwarding_host": "router.internal",
+ "forwarding_port": 80,
+ "tcp_forwarding": true,
+ "udp_forwarding": false,
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3514e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ "operationId": "createStream",
+ "summary": "Create a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Stream Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["incoming_port", "forwarding_host", "forwarding_port"],
+ "properties": {
+ "incoming_port": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/incoming_port"
+ },
+ "forwarding_host": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/forwarding_host"
+ },
+ "forwarding_port": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/forwarding_port"
+ },
+ "tcp_forwarding": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/tcp_forwarding"
+ },
+ "udp_forwarding": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/udp_forwarding"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "incoming_port": 9090,
+ "forwarding_host": "router.internal",
+ "forwarding_port": 80,
+ "tcp_forwarding": true,
+ "udp_forwarding": false,
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "enabled": true,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:16.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:16.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "Admin",
+ "avatar": "",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/stream-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a96852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteStream",
+ "summary": "Delete a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "streamID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/disable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/disable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c1b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/disable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "disableStream",
+ "summary": "Disable a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "streamID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already disabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/enable/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/enable/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc914f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/enable/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ "operationId": "enableStream",
+ "summary": "Enable a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "streamID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "400": {
+ "description": "400 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "error": {
+ "code": 400,
+ "message": "Host is already enabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../../components/error.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6547656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ "operationId": "getStream",
+ "summary": "Get a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "streamID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-09T02:33:45.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "incoming_port": 9090,
+ "forwarding_host": "router.internal",
+ "forwarding_port": 80,
+ "tcp_forwarding": true,
+ "udp_forwarding": false,
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/stream-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ef54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/nginx/streams/streamID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ "operationId": "updateStream",
+ "summary": "Update a Stream",
+ "tags": ["Streams"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["streams"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "streamID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Stream Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "domain_names": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/domain_names"
+ },
+ "forward_scheme": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_scheme"
+ },
+ "forward_host": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_host"
+ },
+ "forward_port": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/forward_port"
+ },
+ "certificate_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/certificate_id"
+ },
+ "ssl_forced": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/ssl_forced"
+ },
+ "hsts_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_enabled"
+ },
+ "hsts_subdomains": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/hsts_subdomains"
+ },
+ "http2_support": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/http2_support"
+ },
+ "block_exploits": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/block_exploits"
+ },
+ "caching_enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/caching_enabled"
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/allow_websocket_upgrade"
+ },
+ "access_list_id": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/access_list_id"
+ },
+ "advanced_config": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/advanced_config"
+ },
+ "enabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/enabled"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ },
+ "locations": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/proxy-host-object.json#/properties/locations"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-08T23:23:03.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T23:26:37.000Z",
+ "owner_user_id": 1,
+ "domain_names": ["test.example.com"],
+ "forward_host": "",
+ "forward_port": 8989,
+ "access_list_id": 0,
+ "certificate_id": 0,
+ "ssl_forced": false,
+ "caching_enabled": false,
+ "block_exploits": false,
+ "advanced_config": "",
+ "meta": {
+ "nginx_online": true,
+ "nginx_err": null
+ },
+ "allow_websocket_upgrade": false,
+ "http2_support": false,
+ "forward_scheme": "http",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "hsts_enabled": false,
+ "hsts_subdomains": false,
+ "owner": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2024-10-07T22:43:55.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2024-10-08T12:52:54.000Z",
+ "is_deleted": false,
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "admin@example.com",
+ "name": "Administrator",
+ "nickname": "some guy",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ },
+ "certificate": null,
+ "access_list": null,
+ "use_default_location": true,
+ "ipv6": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/stream-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/reports/hosts/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/reports/hosts/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40ddc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/reports/hosts/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ "operationId": "reportsHosts",
+ "summary": "Report on Host Statistics",
+ "tags": ["Reports"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["reports"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "proxy": 20,
+ "redirection": 1,
+ "stream": 0,
+ "dead": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "proxy": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "description": "Proxy Hosts Count"
+ },
+ "redirection": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "description": "Redirection Hosts Count"
+ },
+ "stream": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "description": "Streams Count"
+ },
+ "dead": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "description": "404 Hosts Count"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/schema/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/schema/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d435b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/schema/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "operationId": "schema",
+ "summary": "Returns this swagger API schema",
+ "tags": ["Public"],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/settings/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/settings/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d148d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/settings/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ "operationId": "getSettings",
+ "summary": "Get all settings",
+ "tags": ["Settings"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": "default-site",
+ "name": "Default Site",
+ "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
+ "value": "congratulations",
+ "meta": {}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/setting-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405b976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "operationId": "getSetting",
+ "summary": "Get a setting",
+ "tags": ["Settings"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "settingID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "Setting ID",
+ "example": "default-site"
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": "default-site",
+ "name": "Default Site",
+ "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
+ "value": "congratulations",
+ "meta": {}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/setting-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5888ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/settings/settingID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ "operationId": "updateSetting",
+ "summary": "Update a setting",
+ "tags": ["Settings"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["settings"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "settingID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "Setting ID",
+ "example": "default-site"
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Setting Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "value": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/setting-object.json#/properties/value"
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/setting-object.json#/properties/meta"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": "default-site",
+ "name": "Default Site",
+ "description": "What to show when Nginx is hit with an unknown Host",
+ "value": "congratulations",
+ "meta": {}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/setting-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/tokens/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/tokens/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..859bc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/tokens/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "operationId": "refreshToken",
+ "summary": "Refresh your access token",
+ "tags": ["Tokens"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["tokens"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "expires": 1566540510,
+ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/token-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/tokens/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/tokens/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dece6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/tokens/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ "operationId": "requestToken",
+ "summary": "Request a new access token from credentials",
+ "tags": ["Tokens"],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Credentials Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "identity": {
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "scope": {
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["user"]
+ },
+ "secret": {
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["identity", "secret"],
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "result": {
+ "expires": 1566540510,
+ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/token-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "description": "200 response"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3741530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ "operationId": "getUsers",
+ "summary": "Get all users",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "query",
+ "name": "expand",
+ "description": "Expansions",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": ["permissions"]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "withPermissions": {
+ "value": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"],
+ "permissions": {
+ "visibility": "all",
+ "proxy_hosts": "manage",
+ "redirection_hosts": "manage",
+ "dead_hosts": "manage",
+ "streams": "manage",
+ "access_lists": "manage",
+ "certificates": "manage"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-list.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0213fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ "operationId": "createUser",
+ "summary": "Create a User",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "User Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "required": ["name", "nickname", "email"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json#/properties/name"
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json#/properties/nickname"
+ },
+ "email": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json#/properties/email"
+ },
+ "roles": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json#/properties/roles"
+ },
+ "is_disabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json#/properties/is_disabled"
+ },
+ "auth": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Auth Credentials",
+ "example": {
+ "type": "password",
+ "secret": "bigredhorsebanana"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "201": {
+ "description": "201 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"],
+ "permissions": {
+ "id": 3,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "user_id": 2,
+ "visibility": "user",
+ "proxy_hosts": "manage",
+ "redirection_hosts": "manage",
+ "dead_hosts": "manage",
+ "streams": "manage",
+ "access_lists": "manage",
+ "certificates": "manage"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../components/user-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/auth/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/auth/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72f561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/auth/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ "operationId": "updateUserAuth",
+ "summary": "Update a User's Authentication",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^me$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Auth Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "required": ["type", "secret"],
+ "properties": {
+ "type": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^password$",
+ "example": "password"
+ },
+ "current": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 64,
+ "example": "changeme"
+ },
+ "secret": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 8,
+ "maxLength": 64,
+ "example": "mySuperN3wP@ssword!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/delete.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/delete.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d4f361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/delete.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "operationId": "deleteUser",
+ "summary": "Delete a User",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID",
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/get.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/get.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb8ac61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/get.json
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ "operationId": "getUser",
+ "summary": "Get a user",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^me$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
+ "example": 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/login/post.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/login/post.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6148d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/login/post.json
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ "operationId": "loginAsUser",
+ "summary": "Login as this user",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID",
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR...16OjT8B3NLyXg",
+ "expires": "2020-01-31T10:56:23.239Z",
+ "user": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T10:43:44.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T10:43:44.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/3c8d73f45fd8763f827b964c76e6032a?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "Login object",
+ "required": ["expires", "token", "user"],
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "properties": {
+ "expires": {
+ "description": "Token Expiry Unix Time",
+ "example": 1566540249,
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "type": "number"
+ },
+ "token": {
+ "description": "JWT Token",
+ "example": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey...xaHKYr3Kk6MvkUjcC4",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/user-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/permissions/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/permissions/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dcd2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/permissions/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ "operationId": "updateUserPermissions",
+ "summary": "Update a User's Permissions",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID",
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "Permissions Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../../components/permission-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": true
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/put.json b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/put.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a6cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/paths/users/userID/put.json
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ "operationId": "updateUser",
+ "summary": "Update a User",
+ "tags": ["Users"],
+ "security": [
+ {
+ "BearerAuth": ["users"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "in": "path",
+ "name": "userID",
+ "schema": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^me$"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "required": true,
+ "description": "User ID or 'me' for yourself",
+ "example": 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestBody": {
+ "description": "User Payload",
+ "required": true,
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "schema": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json#/properties/name"
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json#/properties/nickname"
+ },
+ "email": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json#/properties/email"
+ },
+ "roles": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json#/properties/roles"
+ },
+ "is_disabled": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json#/properties/is_disabled"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "responses": {
+ "200": {
+ "description": "200 response",
+ "content": {
+ "application/json": {
+ "examples": {
+ "default": {
+ "value": {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created_on": "2020-01-30T09:36:08.000Z",
+ "modified_on": "2020-01-30T09:41:04.000Z",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "email": "jc@jc21.com",
+ "name": "Jamie Curnow",
+ "nickname": "James",
+ "avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/6193176330f8d38747f038c170ddb193?default=mm",
+ "roles": ["admin"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "schema": {
+ "$ref": "../../../components/user-object.json"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend/schema/swagger.json b/backend/schema/swagger.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0142b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/schema/swagger.json
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ "openapi": "3.1.0",
+ "info": {
+ "title": "Nginx Proxy Manager API",
+ "version": "2.x.x"
+ },
+ "servers": [
+ {
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "paths": {
+ "/": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/get.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/audit-log": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/audit-log/get.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/access-lists": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/access-lists/get.json"
+ },
+ "post": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/access-lists/post.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/access-lists/{listID}": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/get.json"
+ },
+ "put": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/put.json"
+ },
+ "delete": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/access-lists/listID/delete.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/certificates": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/certificates/get.json"
+ },
+ "post": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/certificates/post.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/certificates/validate": {
+ "post": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/certificates/validate/post.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/certificates/test-http": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/certificates/test-http/get.json"
+ }
+ },
+ "/nginx/certificates/{certID}": {
+ "get": {
+ "$ref": "./paths/nginx/certificates/certID/get.json"
+ },
+ "delete": {
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--- a/backend/templates/_location.conf
+++ b/backend/templates/_location.conf
@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_pass {{ forward_scheme }}://{{ forward_host }}:{{ forward_port }}{{ forward_path }};
+ set $proxy_forward_scheme {{ forward_scheme }};
+ set $proxy_server "{{ forward_host }}";
+ set $proxy_port {{ forward_port }};
+ proxy_pass $proxy_forward_scheme://$proxy_server:$proxy_port{{ forward_path }};
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/validate-schema.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+const chalk = require('chalk');
+const schema = require('./schema');
+const log = console.log;
+schema.getCompiledSchema().then(async (swaggerJSON) => {
+ try {
+ const api = await SwaggerParser.validate(swaggerJSON);
+ console.log('API name: %s, Version: %s', api.info.title, api.info.version);
+ log(chalk.green('❯ Schema is valid'));
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ log(chalk.red('❯', e.message), '\n');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
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diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
index 799ee2a..0603e2d 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
# This file assumes that the frontend has been built using ./scripts/frontend-build
+FROM nginxproxymanager/testca AS testca
+FROM letsencrypt/pebble AS pebbleca
FROM nginxproxymanager/nginx-full:certbot-node
@@ -45,6 +47,8 @@ RUN yarn install \
# add late to limit cache-busting by modifications
COPY docker/rootfs /
+COPY --from=pebbleca /test/certs/pebble.minica.pem /etc/ssl/certs/pebble.minica.pem
+COPY --from=testca /home/step/certs/root_ca.crt /etc/ssl/certs/NginxProxyManager.crt
# Remove frontend service not required for prod, dev nginx config as well
RUN rm -rf /etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/user/contents.d/frontend /etc/nginx/conf.d/dev.conf \
diff --git a/docker/dev/Dockerfile b/docker/dev/Dockerfile
index 3c21849..bb4ac6d 100644
--- a/docker/dev/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/dev/Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+FROM nginxproxymanager/testca AS testca
+FROM letsencrypt/pebble AS pebbleca
FROM nginxproxymanager/nginx-full:certbot-node
LABEL maintainer="Jamie Curnow "
-# See: https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/blob/master/README.md
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
@@ -17,17 +20,20 @@ RUN echo "fs.file-max = 65535" > /etc/sysctl.conf \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Task
-RUN cd /usr \
- && curl -sL https://taskfile.dev/install.sh | sh \
- && cd /root
+RUN curl -sL https://taskfile.dev/install.sh | sh
+WORKDIR /root
COPY rootfs /
-RUN rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/production.conf
-RUN chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager
-# s6 overlay
COPY scripts/install-s6 /tmp/install-s6
-RUN /tmp/install-s6 "${TARGETPLATFORM}" && rm -f /tmp/install-s6
+RUN rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/production.conf \
+ && chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager \
+ && /tmp/install-s6 "${TARGETPLATFORM}" \
+ && rm -f /tmp/install-s6
+# Certs for testing purposes
+COPY --from=pebbleca /test/certs/pebble.minica.pem /etc/ssl/certs/pebble.minica.pem
+COPY --from=testca /home/step/certs/root_ca.crt /etc/ssl/certs/NginxProxyManager.crt
EXPOSE 80 81 443
ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ]
diff --git a/docker/dev/squid.conf b/docker/dev/squid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd749f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/dev/squid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# ----------------------------
+# This is the documentation for the Squid configuration file.
+# This documentation can also be found online at:
+# http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/
+# You may wish to look at the Squid home page and wiki for the
+# FAQ and other documentation:
+# http://www.squid-cache.org/
+# https://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq
+# https://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples
+# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
+# Adapt to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing
+# should be allowed
+acl localnet src # RFC 1122 "this" network (LAN)
+acl localnet src # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN)
+acl localnet src # RFC 6598 shared address space (CGN)
+acl localnet src # RFC 3927 link-local (directly plugged) machines
+acl localnet src
+acl localnet src # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN)
+acl localnet src fc00::/7 # RFC 4193 local private network range
+acl localnet src fe80::/10 # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) machines
+acl SSL_ports port 443
+acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
+acl Safe_ports port 81
+acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
+# Recommended minimum Access Permission configuration:
+# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports
+http_access deny !Safe_ports
+# Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports
+http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
+# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
+http_access allow localhost manager
+http_access deny manager
+# This default configuration only allows localhost requests because a more
+# permissive Squid installation could introduce new attack vectors into the
+# network by proxying external TCP connections to unprotected services.
+http_access allow localhost
+# The two deny rules below are unnecessary in this default configuration
+# because they are followed by a "deny all" rule. However, they may become
+# critically important when you start allowing external requests below them.
+# Protect web applications running on the same server as Squid. They often
+# assume that only local users can access them at "localhost" ports.
+http_access deny to_localhost
+# Protect cloud servers that provide local users with sensitive info about
+# their server via certain well-known link-local (a.k.a. APIPA) addresses.
+http_access deny to_linklocal
+include /etc/squid/conf.d/*.conf
+# For example, to allow access from your local networks, you may uncomment the
+# following rule (and/or add rules that match your definition of "local"):
+# http_access allow localnet
+# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
+http_access deny all
+# Squid normally listens to port 3128
+http_port 3128
+# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
+coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
+# Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
+refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
+refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
+refresh_pattern \/(Packages|Sources)(|\.bz2|\.gz|\.xz)$ 0 0% 0 refresh-ims
+refresh_pattern \/Release(|\.gpg)$ 0 0% 0 refresh-ims
+refresh_pattern \/InRelease$ 0 0% 0 refresh-ims
+refresh_pattern \/(Translation-.*)(|\.bz2|\.gz|\.xz)$ 0 0% 0 refresh-ims
+# example pattern for deb packages
+#refresh_pattern (\.deb|\.udeb)$ 129600 100% 129600
+refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
diff --git a/docker/docker-compose.ci.yml b/docker/docker-compose.ci.yml
index b4a4480..bb68858 100644
--- a/docker/docker-compose.ci.yml
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.ci.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ services:
DEBUG: 'true'
+ # Required for DNS Certificate provisioning in CI
+ LE_SERVER: 'https://ca.internal/acme/acme/directory'
+ REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: '/etc/ssl/certs/NginxProxyManager.crt'
- 'npm_data_ci:/data'
- 'npm_le_ci:/etc/letsencrypt'
@@ -91,14 +94,25 @@ services:
context: ../
dockerfile: test/cypress/Dockerfile
- CYPRESS_baseUrl: 'http://fullstack:81'
+ HTTP_PROXY: 'squid:3128'
+ HTTPS_PROXY: 'squid:3128'
- 'cypress_logs:/results'
- './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
command: cypress run --browser chrome --config-file=cypress/config/ci.js
- fulltest
+ squid:
+ image: ubuntu/squid
+ volumes:
+ - './dev/squid.conf:/etc/squid/squid.conf:ro'
+ - './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ networks:
+ - fulltest
diff --git a/docker/docker-compose.dev.yml b/docker/docker-compose.dev.yml
index 14ca2f7..2bfa2b7 100644
--- a/docker/docker-compose.dev.yml
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.dev.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# WARNING: This is a DEVELOPMENT docker-compose file, it should not be used for production.
- npm:
+ fullstack:
image: nginxproxymanager:dev
container_name: npm_core
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ services:
- 3081:81
- 3443:443
- - nginx_proxy_manager
+ nginx_proxy_manager:
+ aliases:
+ - website1.example.com
+ - website2.example.com
+ - website3.example.com
PUID: 1000
PGID: 1000
@@ -29,12 +33,20 @@ services:
# DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite"
# DISABLE_IPV6: "true"
+ # Required for DNS Certificate provisioning testing:
+ LE_SERVER: 'https://ca.internal/acme/acme/directory'
+ REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: '/etc/ssl/certs/NginxProxyManager.crt'
- npm_data:/data
- le_data:/etc/letsencrypt
+ - './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
- ../backend:/app
- ../frontend:/app/frontend
- ../global:/app/global
+ healthcheck:
+ test: ["CMD", "/usr/bin/check-health"]
+ interval: 10s
+ timeout: 3s
- db
working_dir: /app
@@ -54,6 +66,104 @@ services:
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
+ stepca:
+ image: jc21/testca
+ volumes:
+ - './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ networks:
+ nginx_proxy_manager:
+ aliases:
+ - ca.internal
+ dnsrouter:
+ image: jc21/dnsrouter
+ volumes:
+ - ./dev/dnsrouter-config.json.tmp:/dnsrouter-config.json:ro
+ networks:
+ - nginx_proxy_manager
+ swagger:
+ image: swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest
+ container_name: npm_swagger
+ ports:
+ - 3082:80
+ environment:
+ URL: "http://npm:81/api/schema"
+ PORT: '80'
+ depends_on:
+ - fullstack
+ squid:
+ image: ubuntu/squid
+ container_name: npm_squid
+ volumes:
+ - './dev/squid.conf:/etc/squid/squid.conf:ro'
+ - './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ networks:
+ - nginx_proxy_manager
+ ports:
+ - 8128:3128
+ pdns:
+ image: pschiffe/pdns-mysql
+ volumes:
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ environment:
+ PDNS_master: 'yes'
+ PDNS_api: 'yes'
+ PDNS_api_key: 'npm'
+ PDNS_webserver: 'yes'
+ PDNS_webserver_address: ''
+ PDNS_webserver_password: 'npm'
+ PDNS_webserver-allow-from: ',,,'
+ PDNS_version_string: 'anonymous'
+ PDNS_default_ttl: 1500
+ PDNS_allow_axfr_ips: ',,,'
+ PDNS_gmysql_host: pdns-db
+ PDNS_gmysql_port: 3306
+ PDNS_gmysql_user: pdns
+ PDNS_gmysql_password: pdns
+ PDNS_gmysql_dbname: pdns
+ depends_on:
+ - pdns-db
+ networks:
+ nginx_proxy_manager:
+ aliases:
+ - ns1.pdns
+ - ns2.pdns
+ pdns-db:
+ image: mariadb
+ environment:
+ MYSQL_USER: 'pdns'
+ volumes:
+ - 'pdns_mysql:/var/lib/mysql'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ - './dev/pdns-db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/01_init.sql:ro'
+ networks:
+ - nginx_proxy_manager
+ cypress:
+ image: "npm_dev_cypress"
+ build:
+ context: ../
+ dockerfile: test/cypress/Dockerfile
+ environment:
+ HTTP_PROXY: 'squid:3128'
+ HTTPS_PROXY: 'squid:3128'
+ volumes:
+ - '../test/results:/results'
+ - './dev/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro'
+ - '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
+ command: cypress run --browser chrome --config-file=cypress/config/ci.js
+ networks:
+ - nginx_proxy_manager
name: npm_core_data
@@ -61,6 +171,8 @@ volumes:
name: npm_le_data
name: npm_db_data
+ pdns_mysql:
+ name: npm_pdns_mysql
diff --git a/docker/rootfs/etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager b/docker/rootfs/etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager
index 275b0aa..de97729 100644
--- a/docker/rootfs/etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager
+++ b/docker/rootfs/etc/logrotate.d/nginx-proxy-manager
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- /bin/kill -USR1 `cat /run/nginx.pid 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true
+ kill -USR1 `cat /run/nginx/nginx.pid 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true
@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
- /bin/kill -USR1 `cat /run/nginx.pid 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true
+ kill -USR1 `cat /run/nginx/nginx.pid 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/package.json b/docs/package.json
index cc3d08c..3e3dcba 100644
--- a/docs/package.json
+++ b/docs/package.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"preview": "vitepress preview"
"devDependencies": {
- "vitepress": "^1.1.4"
+ "vitepress": "^1.4.0"
"dependencies": {}
diff --git a/docs/src/guide/index.md b/docs/src/guide/index.md
index ad350b3..fcf176f 100644
--- a/docs/src/guide/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/guide/index.md
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to
2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this:
-version: '3.8'
image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
diff --git a/docs/yarn.lock b/docs/yarn.lock
index 9249476..01fe299 100644
--- a/docs/yarn.lock
+++ b/docs/yarn.lock
@@ -150,413 +150,498 @@
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+ "version": "~=0.0.4",
+ "dependencies": "",
+ "credentials": "dns-mijn-host-credentials = /etc/letsencrypt/mijnhost-credentials.ini",
+ "full_plugin_name": "dns-mijn-host"
+ },
"namecheap": {
"name": "Namecheap",
"package_name": "certbot-dns-namecheap",
@@ -407,6 +423,14 @@
"credentials": "# Target DNS server\ndns_rfc2136_server =\n# Target DNS port\ndns_rfc2136_port = 53\n# TSIG key name\ndns_rfc2136_name = keyname.\n# TSIG key secret\ndns_rfc2136_secret = 4q4wM/2I180UXoMyN4INVhJNi8V9BCV+jMw2mXgZw/CSuxUT8C7NKKFs AmKd7ak51vWKgSl12ib86oQRPkpDjg==\n# TSIG key algorithm\ndns_rfc2136_algorithm = HMAC-SHA512",
"full_plugin_name": "dns-rfc2136"
+ "rockenstein": {
+ "name": "rockenstein AG",
+ "package_name": "certbot-dns-rockenstein",
+ "version": "~=1.0.0",
+ "dependencies": "",
+ "credentials": "dns_rockenstein_token=",
+ "full_plugin_name": "dns-rockenstein"
+ },
"route53": {
"name": "Route 53 (Amazon)",
"package_name": "certbot-dns-route53",
@@ -468,7 +492,15 @@
"package_name": "certbot-dns-wedos",
"version": "~=2.2",
"dependencies": "",
- "credentials": "dns_wedos_user = \ndns_wedos_auth = ",
+ "credentials": "dns_wedos_user = \ndns_wedos_auth = ",
"full_plugin_name": "dns-wedos"
+ },
+ "edgedns": {
+ "name": "Akamai Edge DNS",
+ "package_name": "certbot-plugin-edgedns",
+ "version": "~=0.1.0",
+ "dependencies": "",
+ "credentials": "edgedns_client_secret = as3d1asd5d1a32sdfsdfs2d1asd5=\nedgedns_host = sdflskjdf-dfsdfsdf-sdfsdfsdf.luna.akamaiapis.net\nedgedns_access_token = kjdsi3-34rfsdfsdf-234234fsdfsdf\nedgedns_client_token = dkfjdf-342fsdfsd-23fsdfsdfsdf",
+ "full_plugin_name": "edgedns"
diff --git a/scripts/.common.sh b/scripts/.common.sh
index 3cea091..4111db3 100644
--- a/scripts/.common.sh
+++ b/scripts/.common.sh
@@ -15,3 +15,13 @@ COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="npmdev"
+# $1: container_name
+get_container_ip () {
+ local container_name=$1
+ local container
+ local ip
+ container=$(docker-compose ps --all -q "${container_name}" | tail -n1)
+ ip=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' "$container")
+ echo "$ip"
diff --git a/scripts/ci/fulltest-cypress b/scripts/ci/fulltest-cypress
index 7e4469f..9101189 100755
--- a/scripts/ci/fulltest-cypress
+++ b/scripts/ci/fulltest-cypress
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ rm -rf "${LOCAL_RESOLVE}"
printf "nameserver %s\noptions ndots:0" "${DNSROUTER_IP}" > "${LOCAL_RESOLVE}"
# bring up all remaining containers, except cypress!
-docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans stepca
+docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans stepca squid
docker-compose pull db-mysql || true # ok to fail
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --pull=never fullstack
diff --git a/scripts/test-dev b/scripts/cypress-dev
similarity index 68%
rename from scripts/test-dev
rename to scripts/cypress-dev
index f75527b..a0c64ad 100755
--- a/scripts/test-dev
+++ b/scripts/cypress-dev
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# Ensure docker-compose exists
if hash docker-compose 2>/dev/null; then
cd "${DIR}/.."
- echo -e "${BLUE}❯ ${CYAN}Testing Dev Stack ...${RESET}"
- docker-compose exec -T npm bash -c "cd /app && task test"
+ rm -rf "$DIR/../test/results"
+ docker-compose up --build cypress
echo -e "${RED}❯ docker-compose command is not available${RESET}"
diff --git a/scripts/start-dev b/scripts/start-dev
index f064a4b..9da6ed4 100755
--- a/scripts/start-dev
+++ b/scripts/start-dev
@@ -7,8 +7,43 @@ DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
if hash docker-compose 2>/dev/null; then
cd "${DIR}/.."
echo -e "${BLUE}❯ ${CYAN}Starting Dev Stack ...${RESET}"
+ echo -e "${BLUE}❯ $(docker-compose config)${RESET}"
- docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --force-recreate --build
+ # Bring up a stack, in steps so we can inject IPs everywhere
+ docker-compose up -d pdns pdns-db
+ PDNS_IP=$(get_container_ip "pdns")
+ echo -e "${BLUE}❯ ${YELLOW}PDNS IP is ${PDNS_IP}${RESET}"
+ # adjust the dnsrouter config
+ LOCAL_DNSROUTER_CONFIG="$DIR/../docker/dev/dnsrouter-config.json"
+ # IMPORTANT: changes to dnsrouter-config.json will affect this line:
+ jq --arg a "$PDNS_IP" '.servers[0].upstreams[1].upstream = $a' "$LOCAL_DNSROUTER_CONFIG" > "$LOCAL_DNSROUTER_CONFIG.tmp"
+ docker-compose up -d dnsrouter
+ DNSROUTER_IP=$(get_container_ip "dnsrouter")
+ echo -e "${BLUE}❯ ${YELLOW}DNS Router IP is ${DNSROUTER_IP}"
+ if [ "${DNSROUTER_IP:-}" = "" ]; then
+ echo -e "${RED}❯ ERROR: DNS Router IP is not set${RESET}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # mount the resolver
+ LOCAL_RESOLVE="$DIR/../docker/dev/resolv.conf"
+ rm -rf "${LOCAL_RESOLVE}"
+ printf "nameserver %s\noptions ndots:0" "${DNSROUTER_IP}" > "${LOCAL_RESOLVE}"
+ # bring up all remaining containers, except cypress!
+ docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans stepca squid
+ docker-compose pull db
+ docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --pull=never fullstack
+ docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans swagger
+ # docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --force-recreate --build
+ # wait for main container to be healthy
+ bash "$DIR/wait-healthy" "$(docker-compose ps --all -q fullstack)" 120
echo ""
echo -e "${CYAN}Admin UI:${RESET}"
diff --git a/test/cypress/config/ci.js b/test/cypress/config/ci.js
index 2b50db1..dc968db 100644
--- a/test/cypress/config/ci.js
+++ b/test/cypress/config/ci.js
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ module.exports = defineConfig({
return require("../plugins/index.js")(on, config);
env: {
- swaggerBase: '{{baseUrl}}/api/schema',
+ swaggerBase: '{{baseUrl}}/api/schema?ts=' + Date.now(),
- baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1234',
+ baseUrl: 'http://fullstack:81',
diff --git a/test/cypress/config/dev.js b/test/cypress/config/dev.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 90ae943..0000000
--- a/test/cypress/config/dev.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
-module.exports = defineConfig({
- requestTimeout: 30000,
- defaultCommandTimeout: 20000,
- reporter: 'cypress-multi-reporters',
- reporterOptions: {
- configFile: 'multi-reporter.json'
- },
- video: false,
- videosFolder: 'results/videos',
- screenshotsFolder: 'results/screenshots',
- e2e: {
- setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
- return require("../plugins/index.js")(on, config);
- },
- env: {
- swaggerBase: '{{baseUrl}}/api/schema',
- },
- baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1234',
- }
diff --git a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Certificates.cy.js b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Certificates.cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8a6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Certificates.cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+describe('Certificates endpoints', () => {
+ let token;
+ let certID;
+ before(() => {
+ cy.getToken().then((tok) => {
+ token = tok;
+ });
+ });
+ it('Validate custom certificate', function() {
+ cy.task('backendApiPostFiles', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/nginx/certificates/validate',
+ files: {
+ certificate: 'test.example.com.pem',
+ certificate_key: 'test.example.com-key.pem',
+ },
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 200, '/nginx/certificates/validate', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('certificate');
+ expect(data).to.have.property('certificate_key');
+ });
+ });
+ it('Custom certificate lifecycle', function() {
+ // Create custom cert
+ cy.task('backendApiPost', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/nginx/certificates',
+ data: {
+ provider: "other",
+ nice_name: "Test Certificate",
+ },
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 201, '/nginx/certificates', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('id');
+ certID = data.id;
+ // Upload files
+ cy.task('backendApiPostFiles', {
+ token: token,
+ path: `/api/nginx/certificates/${certID}/upload`,
+ files: {
+ certificate: 'test.example.com.pem',
+ certificate_key: 'test.example.com-key.pem',
+ },
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 200, '/nginx/certificates/{certID}/upload', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('certificate');
+ expect(data).to.have.property('certificate_key');
+ // Get all certs
+ cy.task('backendApiGet', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/nginx/certificates?expand=owner'
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('get', 200, '/nginx/certificates', data);
+ expect(data.length).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+ // Delete cert
+ cy.task('backendApiDelete', {
+ token: token,
+ path: `/api/nginx/certificates/${certID}`
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('delete', 200, '/nginx/certificates/{certID}', data);
+ expect(data).to.be.equal(true);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('Request Certificate - CVE-2024-46256/CVE-2024-46257', function() {
+ cy.task('backendApiPost', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/nginx/certificates',
+ data: {
+ domain_names: ['test.com"||echo hello-world||\\\\n test.com"'],
+ meta: {
+ dns_challenge: false,
+ letsencrypt_agree: true,
+ letsencrypt_email: 'admin@example.com',
+ },
+ provider: 'letsencrypt',
+ },
+ returnOnError: true,
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 400, '/nginx/certificates', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('error');
+ expect(data.error).to.have.property('message');
+ expect(data.error).to.have.property('code');
+ expect(data.error.code).to.equal(400);
+ expect(data.error.message).to.contain('data/domain_names/0 must match pattern');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/cypress/e2e/api/FullCertProvision.cy.js b/test/cypress/e2e/api/FullCertProvision.cy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93cacce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/e2e/api/FullCertProvision.cy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+describe('Full Certificate Provisions', () => {
+ let token;
+ before(() => {
+ cy.getToken().then((tok) => {
+ token = tok;
+ });
+ });
+ it.only('Should be able to create new http certificate', function() {
+ cy.task('backendApiPost', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/nginx/certificates',
+ data: {
+ domain_names: [
+ 'website1.example.com'
+ ],
+ meta: {
+ letsencrypt_email: 'admin@example.com',
+ letsencrypt_agree: true,
+ dns_challenge: false
+ },
+ provider: 'letsencrypt'
+ }
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 201, '/nginx/certificates', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('id');
+ expect(data.id).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+ expect(data.provider).to.be.equal('letsencrypt');
+ });
+ });
+ it('Should be able to create new DNS certificate with Powerdns', function() {
+ cy.task('backendApiPost', {
+ token: token,
+ path: '/api/certificates',
+ data: {
+ domain_names: [
+ 'website2.example.com'
+ ],
+ meta: {
+ letsencrypt_email: "admin@example.com",
+ dns_challenge: true,
+ dns_provider: 'powerdns',
+ dns_provider_credentials: 'dns_powerdns_api_url = http://ns1.pdns:8081\r\ndns_powerdns_api_key = npm',
+ letsencrypt_agree: true
+ },
+ provider: 'letsencrypt'
+ }
+ }).then((data) => {
+ cy.validateSwaggerSchema('post', 201, '/nginx/certificates', data);
+ expect(data).to.have.property('id');
+ expect(data.id).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+ expect(data.provider).to.be.equal('letsencrypt');
+ expect(data.meta.dns_provider).to.be.equal('powerdns');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Health.cy.js b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Health.cy.js
index 5538916..49881e9 100644
--- a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Health.cy.js
+++ b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Health.cy.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe('Basic API checks', () => {
it('Should return a valid health payload', function () {
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ describe('Basic API checks', () => {
it('Should return a valid schema payload', function () {
cy.task('backendApiGet', {
- path: '/api/schema',
+ path: '/api/schema?ts=' + Date.now(),
}).then((data) => {
- expect(data.openapi).to.be.equal('3.0.0');
+ expect(data.openapi).to.be.equal('3.1.0');
diff --git a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Hosts.cy.js b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Hosts.cy.js
index 4652c8e..75d732c 100644
--- a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Hosts.cy.js
+++ b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Hosts.cy.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe('Hosts endpoints', () => {
let token;
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ describe('Hosts endpoints', () => {
- expect(data.enabled).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+ expect(data).to.have.property("enabled", true);
expect(typeof data.meta.nginx_online).to.be.equal('undefined');
diff --git a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Users.cy.js b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Users.cy.js
index 43303d4..06b1831 100644
--- a/test/cypress/e2e/api/Users.cy.js
+++ b/test/cypress/e2e/api/Users.cy.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
describe('Users endpoints', () => {
let token;
diff --git a/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com-key.pem b/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com-key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307cdc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com-key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com.pem b/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16340cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cypress/fixtures/test.example.com.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
diff --git a/test/cypress/plugins/backendApi/client.js b/test/cypress/plugins/backendApi/client.js
index 29684cf..c10653e 100644
--- a/test/cypress/plugins/backendApi/client.js
+++ b/test/cypress/plugins/backendApi/client.js
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
const logger = require('./logger');
-const restler = require('@jc21/restler');
+const axios = require('axios').default;
const BackendApi = function(config, token) {
this.config = config;
this.token = token;
+ this.axios = axios.create({
+ baseURL: config.baseUrl,
+ timeout: 60000,
+ });
@@ -14,129 +19,114 @@ BackendApi.prototype.setToken = function(token) {
+ * @param {bool} returnOnError
+ */
+BackendApi.prototype._prepareOptions = function(returnOnError) {
+ let options = {
+ headers: {
+ Accept: 'application/json'
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.token) {
+ options.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + this.token;
+ }
+ if (returnOnError) {
+ options.validateStatus = function () {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return options;
+ * @param {*} response
+ * @param {function} resolve
+ * @param {function} reject
+ * @param {bool} returnOnError
+ */
+BackendApi.prototype._handleResponse = function(response, resolve, reject, returnOnError) {
+ logger('Response data:', response.data);
+ if (!returnOnError && typeof response.data === 'object' && typeof response.data.error === 'object') {
+ if (typeof response.data === 'object' && typeof response.data.error === 'object' && typeof response.data.error.message !== 'undefined') {
+ reject(new Error(response.data.error.code + ': ' + response.data.error.message));
+ } else {
+ reject(new Error('Error ' + response.status));
+ }
+ } else {
+ resolve(response.data);
+ }
+ * @param {*} err
+ * @param {function} resolve
+ * @param {function} reject
+ * @param {bool} returnOnError
+ */
+BackendApi.prototype._handleError = function(err, resolve, reject, returnOnError) {
+ logger('Axios Error:', err);
+ if (returnOnError) {
+ resolve(typeof err.response.data !== 'undefined' ? err.response.data : err);
+ } else {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ * @param {string} method
* @param {string} path
* @param {bool} [returnOnError]
+ * @param {*} [data]
* @returns {Promise