'use strict'; const Mn = require('backbone.marionette'); const ProxyHostModel = require('../../../models/proxy-host'); const Api = require('../../api'); const Cache = require('../../cache'); const Controller = require('../../controller'); const ListView = require('./list/main'); const ErrorView = require('../../error/main'); const template = require('./main.ejs'); const EmptyView = require('../../empty/main'); module.exports = Mn.View.extend({ id: 'nginx-proxy', template: template, ui: { list_region: '.list-region', add: '.add-item', dimmer: '.dimmer' }, regions: { list_region: '@ui.list_region' }, events: { 'click @ui.add': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Controller.showNginxProxyForm(); } }, templateContext: { showAddButton: Cache.User.canManage('proxy_hosts') }, onRender: function () { let view = this; Api.Nginx.ProxyHosts.getAll() .then(response => { if (!view.isDestroyed()) { if (response && response.length) { view.showChildView('list_region', new ListView({ collection: new ProxyHostModel.Collection(response) })); } else { let manage = Cache.User.canManage('proxy_hosts'); view.showChildView('list_region', new EmptyView({ title: 'There are no Proxy Hosts', subtitle: manage ? 'Why don\'t you create one?' : 'And you don\'t have permission to create one.', link: manage ? 'Add Proxy Host' : null, btn_color: 'success', permission: 'proxy_hosts', action: function () { Controller.showNginxProxyForm(); } })); } } }) .catch(err => { view.showChildView('list_region', new ErrorView({ code: err.code, message: err.message, retry: function () { Controller.showNginxProxy(); } })); console.error(err); }) .then(() => { view.ui.dimmer.removeClass('active'); }); } });